Tuesday, February 22, 2011

wondering & winners...

I WONDER what triggers art ideas...
where do they originate from?

take for instance...
the other morning when I woke,
I was WONDERING if the roof
from the largest art parts residence
could be transformed into a party hat...

WONDER why that idea was brewing?
was I dreaming of something?
I seriously have no clue...

I LOVE when things can be used in several ways...
so maybe that was in the back of my mind...

the idea worked...
and the hat now sits on this cute art parts head...
which is a perfect fit for

which is sporting new eyeglasses...
compliments of tim's sprocket gears...

the party hat is embellished with an art parts scallop trim...
which holds the new hanger clip...
reminds me of Minnie Pearl...ha!

the head is attached to my new art parts dress form...

which is embellished with grunge wings...

& then stamped with jet black archival ink...

the butterfly is the new clearly for art "blackout"...

the party hat idea turned into this...

look inside & exhibit A are from this stamp set...

the flower & the flower center are from this set...

a trinket pin adds some interest behind the flower...

Cut N Dry nibs make it simple to color small areas...
like her lips...

she's tall @ a whopping 9 1/2 inches...

here's a closeup...
it was fun discovering unexpected "art parts" combos...

A MILLION thanks for all the AWESOME comments from the last post...
You have made me happy!

I've heard that the "butt roll" story
was told in tim's UK classes...
too funny!

I think the Ranger designer challenge
shows PERFECTLY (get it? perfectly?)
that Perfect Pearls work with any & EVERY style...
you have a MILLION choices how to use them...

the challenge was really fun...

and speaking of fun...
do you WONDER who the WINNERS are??

Rick has been busy...

here we go...
shoot me an email if you are a winner (wbv1213@me.com)

donated by Ranger are going to live with...

lesleyworth said...
fabulous piece of art! love all the antique elements! and the espresso with heirloom gold...definitely going to have to try that out!
February 18, 2011 9:31 PM

and then he popped over to the Ranger blog & chose this comment to win book #4...

Wow, these are all so cool. I love all the designers........they each have their own special talent.

again we thank you for all the comments...
Rick & I both enjoyed reading them...

coming later this week (I hope) is a little something more with the Adirondack Color Washes...
and a few art parts...
and some of the new distress stains mixed in too...

or maybe a new twist on "clearly for art"?
that is cool too...

I've been in the studio...LOTS!

stay tuned...
until then...

stay warm...

make art!
ps...one more thing...
about those hitch fasteners...
if you don't have them...
you just might WANT/NEED some...
I have a very fun project in book #4, which uses 5 of them in a unique...
fun way...
just saying...
best to be prepared...


  1. CONGRATS to the winners... Wendy, I am LOVING your party hat!!! Oh... I got some Clearly For Art... blackout the other day... seriosuly, addicted... have used... nearly a whole sheet already!!! need more!! Hope you having a good day x

  2. Hi Wendy -

    I love how your project turned out! There are so many details it would take quite a while to ferret everything out! I am so in love with the Art Parts. This is such a fun piece, so cute.

    Elaine Allen

    P.S. Congratulations Winners!

  3. WTG Winners!!!
    I love your project Wendy!!!
    Too clever!

  4. OH WOW! OH WOW! Rick just made my day! (you too Wendy!) Thank you so much!!!!

  5. so stinkin cute she is!!!! luv luv...I have begun ordering..wondering if I shoudl pack my suitcases LOL... congrads winners! xo cher

  6. How fun. You are such an enabler! lol. Congrats to the winners.

  7. Besides being incredibly talented I really enjoy reading your segways into how your projects transpired....thank you for the inspiration and the subtle humor. ~Patti~

  8. Congrats to the winners. I have to count my hitch fastners to see if I have enough.

  9. I have my hitch fastners ready .. can't wait to see the project ! Congrats to the winners :) Have a great day Wendy!

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winners. I love your "Art" Wendy and the party hat is so perfect. I must agree with you about the ideas that pop into our head from somewhere. Have a great week and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

  11. Love the gears for glasses.. and the dress form supporting the head! I really enjoy the way you put art parts together.

  12. Your party hat is just too awesome! I love how you share how you come up with your ideas! congrats to the winners!

  13. Congrats to the winners! Stunning project! I love how you did the glasses.

  14. OMG, Eileen is going to flip over this when she gets home briefly before her sunny trip. Fabulous!So much creativity and imagination used here!

  15. Love your blog, "your comments" and of course all your projects! I check by often to see what you've created for the day!

  16. Congrats to the winners!
    Love the way your mind works- it never seems to shut off, true sign of an artist

  17. Oh my gosh, how Alice and Wonderlandish!!! I love, love, love her.

  18. Congratulations!!! to the winners. it's amazing what a little thinking will do think outside the box. Your project today is totally awesome. Something I never would have thought of but would love to try. TFS!!! :-D

  19. This is hard for me to say (gulp) because you know I love everything you do . . . but this may be my all-time-favorite-ever. You outdid yourself on this one. I love her!

  20. Your new lady...SHE'S TO DIE FOR!!!

  21. Congratulations to the winners! with I was one...can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the new book.

  22. Hey, I really like this one even though I wasn't particularly interested in that head stamp but you made it all work!!

  23. That roof makes an awesome hat - when done Wendy-style, lol! I was never sure about that head stamp either, but now..... it's another must have!!
    Congrats to your winners, I am sure they will enjoy their prizes. Can't wait to see the hitch fasterner project, sounds intriguing (and I have a pack...)

  24. I so wish my mind worked like yours...never in a million years would I put that together - WONDERFUL!
    I am working on thinking outside the box and less linear...I blame years of computer programming killing off a portion of my creative brain..lol. Congrats to the winners and thanks for the inspiration.

  25. Your lady is stunning and congrats to the lucky winners!

  26. wow!! doesn't even express what I was thinking when I saw your little project for today!! =)
    You are so clever and what a cutie to use for a project!! =) THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING!!
    Congrats to the winners I'm sure they were jumping and screaming just alittle!! =)

  27. Congrats to the winners. I love your project, it's very weird & extremely wonderful!!

  28. Lovin your party girl!!! I thought of Minnie Pearl right away too...she would have a price tag hanging from her hat....I guess that ages me significantly!! Great project Wendy...can't wait to see more!!!

  29. Fantastic! Your dream was very creative!

    Congrats to the winners!

  30. Congrats to the winners! Love your new creation! She is lovely and it was great that so many pieces played together so nicely.

  31. Congrats to the winners!!!! Wendy, your art doll is amazing!!! You are really helping me to let go.... too many times I over-think (I would have told myself the large head just didn't fit with the dress form and I would have been sooooooooo wrong). I have plenty of hitch fasteners so am totally ready :-))

  32. What a totally cool piece of art with "art chick"! lol! Really fab ideas, and how great that everything works together! And congrats to the winners!

  33. what a wonderful piece of art! I have to admit, that stamp freaks me out - but all dolled up, I love her!
    Sandra ltb

  34. I love middle of the night visions!

  35. Congrats to all the winners! Love your new creation! Always nice to think of multiple uses for things. Not so patiently waiting for art parts to become available.
    Aloha, Kate

  36. I really love this guy (gal?)! What do you do with all the art you whip up? This would look great hanging in my new classroom!

  37. congrats to the winners....cute chick....looking forward to what you do with washes and stains....

  38. Congrats to winners. What a stunning piece of art and I love hearing how inspiration comes from so many out there places, dreams and images.

  39. I am in love with this piece!! And very happy to hear that I'm not the only one that wakes up with ideas brewing-- is this normal?? Sometimes I can't keep up with all the ideas I have swirling in my head bc I have to deal with the real world -- poor me right -- lol. Well thanks for the blog inspiration and keep on making art for us to admire!!

  40. Thanks for sharing your latest inspiration with us. Who would of thought a party hat too cute. Can't wait to buy your new book just wish more stores around here carried your stuff. Loved your kitchen roll story.

  41. Love your creation! It's amazing what ideas come up through dreams! Art Parts are on my list to order after tax season! I can't buy them around my area. Your amazing products are that popular in CT!

  42. Wonderful piece of art!! As Usual!!
    Congrats to the lucky winners. :-)
    When is the #4 book out would like to order some of your books.
    Will order 3 together to fill envelope. :-)
    Inky hugs,
    Michelle xx
