Friday, May 20, 2011

cake stand art...***EDIT***

I just finished another page in my art journal...
I thought you might like to see it...

this started with the flat cake stand & now it has LOTS of fun stuff sitting on it...

like the art parts ink bottles, flower, leaves &

stamped with the ticking stamp, using olive archival...

a portion of the doily was stamped at the top, using the gold paint dabber...& I also used the gold dabber around the edge...

the shading/distressing was done with walnut & the blending tool...

the trim strip @ the bottom, is a piece of the art parts straight flower stem...
stamped with a portion of this stamp...

I added tim's long fasteners to accent the holes in the scallop trim...

the large ink bottle art part was stamped with the coordinating stamp (jet black) then inked with broken china distress stain...

the smaller art parts bottle was also stamped with the coordinating stamp, then inked with wild honey distress stain...

I stamped an extra label on a manila cardstock scrap, using black soot distress ink & embossed it with clear embossing powder & then very lightly inked it with brushed corduroy...
distress inks are GREAT for embossing...

did you spot the "look" embellishment?

I painted tim's sprocket gear with the gold dabber & punched LOOK, to make a custom epoxy embellishment...

it's simple...

fill it with Glossy Accents...
and allow to dry for several hours (4-5?)...

and I LOVE the larger space when using the sprocket gear...
more options to add LOTS of words...
or numbers...

the flower & leaves are stamped on vintage dictionary paper which was added over Clearly for Art...

I cover a whole sheet of the Clearly for Art with Glue N Seal, add the dictionary page, brayer it to make it nice flat...

then I stamped the leaves with the NEW Sap Green archival ink...
and the flower with jet black...

***EDIT*** THE NEW Archival ink colors have arrived...
WOW...THANK YOU RANGER for NOT making us wait!

Sap Green is linked above...

other MUST have favs...(so far)

Vermillion...great for holiday's

I think these are a good starter group when used with my other fav, jet black & olive...

don't forget the re-inkers too...

now back to regularly scheduled programming...

by adding paper to the Clearly for Art, you create the look of a fragile paper flower, but because it's over CFA, it very strong & durable!

I like to have a sheet ready to go...
it saves time...
just stamp, cut, ink & make art...

I'm LOVING the Glue N Seal...(the matte finish)
NO BUBBLES...even when using thin papers...
plus...the built in brush saves clean up time...

the cute flower center is a Maya Road gingham blossom...

I'm not sure if it's finished...
I may add a butterfly or something the the pedestal bottom???
or not...

speaking of the flat cake stand...
my original thought was to use it for a birthday/graduation/baby/anniversary card...
just set a little package on it...

I have a new art parts piece coming that is a perfect fit...
just sayin... I can't wait!!!

I got the proofs for the new stamp sets yesterday...
12 large sets this time...
I'm flippin excited...& can not wait to get the REAL stamps here...
ideas are brewing...

and speaking of ideas...
Ranger just released their Foil Tape Sheets...
these are FUN...
I've been playing...
and I'll be posting some projects soon using them...

I was headed to the studio,
but I just got an offer that I CAN'T refuse...
Rick asked if we should do a road trip...
COOL...we love antique stores...

I find them very inspiring...
because I seem to get ideas to...

make art!
ps...I hope your weekend is FULL of fun & art...


  1. Hi Wendy! This is completely adorable! I will soon have my own art parts to make art with....and I cannot wait to have fun with them. The ink bottle is fab..and yes I spotted the "look". Thanks Wendy!

  2. Love the details in this page! From the 'look' to the brads on the cake stand! Fabulous! TFS

  3. Love this especially the gear embellishment!
    Thanks Wendy!!
    Have fun on your road trip!

  4. Have a great road trip!
    LOVE you art X

  5. I love this piece-especially the sprocket using words- how fun!
    Always an inspiration

  6. Love takin' antique road trips! And I love this new art piece of yours. 12 more sets...can't wait!

  7. Love all the detail especiall the LOOK :) Have fun this weekend, sounds like a nice relaxing time !! Happy Friday Wendy !

  8. Great piece! Thanks for the tip on covering the whole sheet... till now I've only worked with the CFA on top but I think I'll really like doing it this (reversed) way. And love the sprocket/glossy accents idea!

  9. Beautiful page!
    Enjoy your road trip and the rest of your weekend!

  10. Love this, and thanks for a great tip about the clearly for art. Hope to play (make art) this weekend.

  11. Way cool art project! Have a great road trip. Sounds like fun. Today it was so pretty out don't want to stay inside! Maybe later will be some art time.

  12. Love this! You are so clever and creative! Love learning from you!
    Have a safe and fun road trip!
    Bunny and Jillian

  13. I love my Glue N' Seal, too! Gotta get another bottle, soon. Your piece is adorable. TFS

    Have a great road trip. :)

  14. If I'm not mistaking I just picked up some of the foul sheets yesterday!! I had never seen them -- my first thought was oh my beloved alcohol inks how I love them and those how exciting!!! Love the cake stand where oh where will you and ranger take u next??? Stamps oh yes 12 sets let the games begin!!!

  15. Love this--went Scrapbooking Studio tonight and bought some more art parts...couldn't resist. Now I want some more stamps too--love the Collectible Art with the alphabet--looks like what I have had hanging in my classroom at school. Gotta get it!

  16. Gorgeous project. I just love everything about it. Beautiful colors those stains make. Your work is simply put amazing. TFS!!! :-D

  17. Love it, Wendy, cool idea to use the cake stand on a flat piece! Love the sprocket gear idea, too!

  18. Wendy this is so amazing, love the colors and the art parts. Thanks for sharing. I love your ideas and as soon as I get my art parts and clearly for art I'll make art too.

  19. Love your page, Wendy!!! Hope you had fun tiquing!!
