Friday, June 10, 2011

yellow page ART...

if you're a frequent blog reader, then you know that I'm always digging something out of the trash...
it's kind of a joke in our home...

and today is no exception...


flowers from the yellow pages...

here's the tag how to info...

it couldn't be easier or quicker...

stamp the script background over the tag, using Ranger's new
French Ultramarine archival ink...

and stamp the scallop, with French Ultramarine @ the bottom of the tag...
trim the excess to make a scallop edged tag...

use walnut stain distress ink with the blending tool to add shading/distressing to the tag edges...

use sepia archival ink to stamp the postal border toward the top of the tag...

die cut one of tim's mini butterflies from grungeboard & ink with wild honey distress stain...

use the polka dot border to stamp over the butterfly with
seems appropriate for a butterfly...
get it?

machine stitch around the perimeter of the tag with black thread...

use jet black archival to stamp the spider and the saying...

then edge the tag with the gold paint dabber...

ink some of tim's trimmings with wild honey & peeled paint distress stains...

again...very quick & easy...
oops...changed my mind & only used the wild honey trim...

dry, then stamp randomly with monarch orange & the text stamp...

cover a sheet of clearly for art with a yellow page...
just paint the clearly for art with a thin layer of Ranger's Glue N Seal...
use a brayer to make sure the paper is well adhered, then dry...

look closely & you'll see that there are NO bubbles or warped spots...

this is why I'm LOVIN' Glue N Seal...
the brayering is key too...

I LOVE the matte finish the best!

use saffron archival to stamp 2 medium flowers & one small flower on the paper side...

cut out 3 flowers as shown below...
then use saffron archival to stamp the text over the flowers...

place the flowers on the craft sheet & heat to soften the clearly for art...
it's quickest to heat the clearly for art side, not the paper side...
while warm...form & shape the 3 flowers...

use the tiny attacher to hold the larger flower...
the mini one is too small to use the tiny attacher, but it will stay shaped without the staple...

assemble the flower & add a Girl's Paperie Jubilee brad...

stamp the stem & leaves on grungeboard using sap green archival, dry then cut out...

use peeled paint distress stain to ink the leaves & stem...

use sap green archival to stamp the leaves with the text...
add shading to the leaves with forest moss on the blending tool...

assemble the pieces...

and here's the recycled yellow pages flower...
it looks like a fragile paper flower...
but because the base is clearly for art...
the flower is very strong & durable!

the stains make this soooo quick & easy...
they make you LAZY...
seriously LAZY...
I use them on EVERY project...
sure wish we had the other 24 colors...

***in breaking news...***
all 12 of my new stamps sets arrived on Tuesday...
and I have all the NEW art parts too...

so as you can imagine it's full CHA mode here...

I have 6 projects done for book #5...
yippee...and more ideas brewing...

there are more art parts with coordinating stamps...

and there is a fun TWIST on art parts too...

this is my MOST FAVORITE release ever...
I think I said it before...but these are SO VERY FUN...
you'll see!

I know it's hard to wait...
but it's hard for me too...
it's REALLY killing me not to share...

but it won't be much longer...
reveals will start early July...

have a great weekend my friends...

I'm off to the studio to ...

make (LOTS MORE) art...


  1. Congrats on the stamps arriving! Happy Stamping!
    Good luck with the book too!
    and CURSES! Now I need glue and seal!
    Thanks... :)

  2. LOVE the recycled yellow pages, makin' it hard to throw anything out, it can all be re-designed! great combo of colors, great tutorial. will try out the glue-n-seal with a brayer, that's a new technique for me-thanks!

  3. Super clever!!!! I just received my very first clearly for art and arts parts and soooooo can't wait for the weekend to play. Thank you so much for your inspiration! I love your style and your work.

  4. Fab tag! Love the yellow pages on the CFA. Hard to wait for the reveals! LOL

  5. OMG !! That is soooooo cool, I can't wait to go home and try this technique. I have the perfect project that this would add so much too ! You rock Wendy .. Happy Friday :) Can't wait to see all the new goodies .. such an enabler you are .. LOVE THAT !!!

  6. What a fun and easy project! Love everything about it! Can't wait for the reveal...even though I hate to wish away my days! We have very little garbage or recycling as I save so much. Now I have my neighbor consulting me before throwing away ANYTHING! lol

  7. and the wish list grows ....
    thanks for the insights and tips.
    Sandra ltb

  8. Brilliant ~ yellow pages! Going to dig mine out of the recycling box right now!!! Wonder what else I can find . . . Love them all!!!

  9. LOVE it! And, glad to hear I'm not the only "dumpster diver". lol! Lovin' those new inks!

  10. Corrrrr blinking blimey, this is lushly indeed!!! Loving the Yellow Pages idea, I have used normal newspaper but it was a bit smudgey... fab idea to use the old book! Now, I cannot wait to see the new stamps and Art Parts... so to help you out and stop you from bursting at the seams, you can show me... am good like that rofl xx

  11. I love the look with the print, the stamping the inking, wonderous...fabulous!

  12. LOVE the tag! You are just so clever!!

  13. You creative thoughts simply amaze me Wendy! I love this tag its utter beauty is stunning!

  14. But that's still another month to wait.... love this tag - that flower is so gorgeous! Have a great weekend making art.

  15. Just love the possibilities with clearly for art!!!! Thanks!

  16. Thanks for the tutorial on making the tag. Very pretty and who would have thought to use the yellow pages! Hope to get out of this sleepy mood and make some art later.

  17. i just love how you make art look ... easy! and how you give me arguments for my DH that i simply need all these new archival inks and upcoming art parts ;)

  18. Wow Wendy! What a great little tutorial with some awesome tips! I love your finished product. You go girl...using a Yellow Pages phone book! Way better than the intended use for it! Thanks for the great ideas! So looking forward to seeing your new art parts and products! <3 Candy

  19. Love it!! I am really loving that French Ultramarine ink. Can't wait to see the new stamps!

  20. What a great way to recycle something we all have too many of!!! I'm so excited for the new release what could you possibly have in store for us! Please oh please tell me ranger has those other distress stain colors!!!!

  21. This is so stinkin' cute Wendy! I have used phone book pages in lots of projects after doing it in a workshop a few years ago. Fun!

  22. This is lovely...and can't wait to see your new stamps!!!
    Have a great day Jolande

  23. Really great tag! I'm with you on wishing for 24 more colours of Distress Stains (though my wallet hopes they come out 12 at a time).

  24. Thanks for another lesson on the cfa! Your tag is so adorably adorable!
    Yeah for you on the art parts and stamps sets...can't wait to see them. Karen :)

  25. What a great idea!
    Can't wait til July so we can see what we'll be spending our money on! :)

  26. I just tried out the Clearly for Art that I got last weekend at the Texas show. LOVE IT!! Now I've got to get one of the old phone books and play some more.

    Can't wait to see the peeks!!

  27. Wow you give new meaning to recycle. Going to have to try the yellow pages flower. Congrats on the new book.

  28. "Thanks - I needed that!" A good dose of Wendy art and inspiration, that is! I just love the flowers you create with Clearly for Art covered with paper and the Clearly for Art Blackout stamped with gold paint. Those are my faves. Can't wait to start getting peeks of new stamps.

  29. Wendy - I love this - it is awesome. You blow me away with your creativity and sharing with us - doesn't get any better. Another book - more stamps and more art parts - to quote and VERY Special Lady - YIPPEEEEEEE! Can't wait.

  30. oohh 5 ...yippee!

    loved your tag by the way!

  31. New stamps .. very cool!

    I so am in love with that tag and what great use for those yellow pages very cleaver!

  32. Fabulous tag!!! Looking forward to seeing all the new fun stuff!!!

  33. WHAT A GENIUS!!!!!! can't wait to try this one. Great Wendy

  34. oh my. more new art parts. haven't even seen 'em yet and I know I want 'em. you would be proud of me, I actually made some art with the big square base and the open square as a frame on top and I just want to say that I love them! Thanks for creating such a great product for me to play with!

  35. AWESOME!! I LOVE the way that yellow page flower turned out!! P.S. your stamps make it breathtaking!! =) I LOVE how all of your stamps fit together, even when they were created a year apart or so!! LOVE IT!! =) THANKS for the inspiration and I am COUNTING DOWN the days til' the REVEAL!! Have a FABULOUS DAY CREATING ART!! =)

  36. Love this tag and especially the flower -- it's fabulous! Twelve new sets?????? Can't wait to see!

  37. This is such a fun idea! I love it. Great to have watched you demo at the Arlington GAS convention.

  38. This is such a brilliant idea. We always have yellow pages around. I , however, never would have thought of using them for cards or art projects. Thanks very much. Love the tag and the flower!

  39. The phone book has now been taken out of storage!!!! it is good for something afterall!!! thank you very much and i can't wait til book #5 and the fun art parts come out!!!!!

  40. Looking forward to seeing your new stuff! I am still waiting for all the sets of stamps that I ordered in Moline to arrive!

  41. Just found this site...not even sure how I got here but I know I am your newest follower. Love your site and all the directions and fantastic projects.

  42. Seems I am just getting into art parts at the right time... off to get out my clearly stuff and have a go... did not realise you could adhere stuff to it!! Thanks for the tutorial

  43. Oh my my I have to have list just grew by leaps and bounds.I love several new colors of ink and stamps.

  44. Wow, love new stamps. The Art Parts and Clearly for Art parts looks so cool. Have not been able to order any yet. :(

  45. Gosh, there is so much effective material here!

  46. you are just to much fun girlfriend!well off I go to steal one of my dad's old phone books(he's old and hoards) hehe wouldn't want to use one of mine lol.
    susan s.
