Saturday, July 23, 2011

now that was FUN...

happy Saturday!

I'm back from an absolutely flippin' fantastic CHA...

it was over the moon fun, hard work & lots more FUN...
working with the team @ Ranger and of course the Stampers Anonymous family make all the difference...

then add to the mix my Brit friend, Lady Dy...all the way from the UK
& of course Tim & Mario...

these people are all AMAZING & so fun...

I love to spend time with people who GET this art...

as I was telling Rick about all the CHA ***happenings***...
more on that soon...yippee!

I realized that this craft, combined with the internet,
allow us to have friends from all over the world...
I HAVE to say it FUN...

and speaking of FUN...
THANK YOU Ted & Michelle for giving me...

ALL 12 of my new stamp sets... be given away!

here's what I've decided to do...
I don't have all the details worked out just yet...
so we'll start next week...

my thought is that I will randomly give away a set a day
here on the blog, for 6 days...

then the other 6 will be randomly given away

like I said...this will start next week...
so you have time to join, if you'd like...
your chances are much better than winning the LOTTO & they are a GREAT group of gals...

now before I left, I told you that you just might want to start collecting vintage door knobs...

here's the first of the "door knob people" I had displayed @ CHA...

this uses lots of new art parts, which are shipping SOON!
very soon...
I'll keep you posted...

some clearly for art...I used just 2 petals from this stamp...
some of tim's current idea-ology goodness...
and some new idea-ology...
that birdcage about made me faint...
it's flippin' cool...

it was SIMPLE to drill a hole in the idea-ology leaf with tim's drill punch...
to accept the jump ring...

here's a better look @ the base...
the sprocket gear was altered with Ranger's metallic mixative in gold...

and speaking of mixatives...

wait 'til you see the new snow cap mixative & how it works with alcohol inks...WOW!

I just *might* have scored one to give away here...
yes...I *think* I did!
stay tuned...

and the new bird cage...

it's much larger than I expected...
it's about 1 1/4th inches tall...
I like that the back is removable, allowing you to stamp on it...
or cover it with paper...and to add dimensional objects...
I used my new stamp...ALWAYS. PLAY. HARD.

it's really close here...
not sure that you can tell that the words are raised???

next is ***important*** shopping info...
I wanted to *alert* you to some things I used in book #5
& that I'll be using in upcoming posts here soon...

first of all ...yes all caps...

FINALY...the wait is over...I'm in heaven!

next is a handy dandy gadget that I use LOTS...
it's the hemostat you see in the photo below...
I found a way to create dimensional durable flower centers, using clearly for art (CFA) BLACKOUT...
but you can use all 3 colors...

since CFA needs to be heated to be shaped,
you CAN NOT use just your fingers,
so this tool is the way to go...

I'll show you how to use it in a fun book project...

for those who have taken my classes, you already know that we use a hemostat for jump rings & believe me...
if you are jump ring challenged, the hemostat is all you need...

the other thing I noticed when editing the book, is that some of the new art parts are pretty small & too detailed for inking with the blending tool...
so for inking pieces like the mini queen & the lamp post, Ranger's Cut N Dry nibs are perfection...

and a very cool discovery...
using clearly for art with Ranger's new foil tape sheets...

it's is the coolest combo...
I demoed this @ CHA...
more soon...

ok...gotta finish unpacking...
then I'll...

make art!
see you next week! let the giveaways begin!


  1. WOW!!!! Loving the door knob man.....can't wait to the rest! Glad you fun at CHA....but so nice to have you back. You've been missed!

  2. Wow to the giveaways! Wow to using your door knobs! And wow to the heads up on stuff we will need for book #5! Loving everything so far!!!

  3. I love the doorknob art! You are amazing! TFS Oh, will you sign those stamp sets? I would be over the moon to win

  4. So cool i like vintage door knobs too but they are on my doors!

    Kris aka

  5. Wendy, your art is AMAZING! Always inspired by your works!

  6. What fab samples - love the door knobs - and thanks - to you and Ted & Michelle - for the giveaways!

  7. Oh how fun is he! the flower on his hat...only you Wendy! LOL
    Love the birdcage too!
    My hemostats are one of my very favorite tools! I've had them a good twenty years!
    TFS! Glad you had over the moon fun...we could all use some over the moon fun!

  8. The doorknob person is amazing! That would make a cool "Halloween " type of display! Whoo new stamp sets can't wait to hear the deets! Glad you had a great show. Quick question- How did you attach the art work to the doorknob???

  9. A doorknob as a stand??? my mind never would have gone there!! It's a great project. Thanks for sharing from CHA. Almost as good as being there?!? NOT!!

  10. Can't wait until next week!! What fun!

  11. Wow . . .he is an amazing piece of art. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  12. Welcome home. I guess I will be collecting door knobs. Will deffently be checking in next week.

  13. Oh boy! I am ready and willing to SHOP!!!! Of course, winning something would mean I could buy more stuff since I'd be buying one (or more!) items less! lol Hey, if you're gonna dream, dream BIG! Am playing with art parts today; can't wait to get my hands on more of them!

  14. Fabulous piece of art Wendy, love the bird cage and the little scissor gadget things sound a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Tracy x

  15. This is a "Show Stopper" never mind a "Door Stopper" ... too flippin cool for words, great to have you back with us in blogland, look forward to more updates on the CHA adventures. CAN'T wait to get my hands on all these new goodies (I'm liking the "very soon" part lol). Will be on full alert for the giveaways next week that's for sure. x

  16. Terrific sample! and you have saved my fingers and my sanity - I need the hemostats and I am jump-ring challenged to the point that my mild, unassuming manner soon turns into someone only recognizable as a swearing sailor - OK, bit of exaggeration but much appreciate your tips!

  17. You have to have the BEST job on the face of the earth!! Such cool people and amazing products Wendy...

  18. What a very generous giveaway, and thanks for the EWV plug....yes, we are a great bunch of gals, LOL.
    I already have all the new distress stains! The very second I heard they were available I placed an order. Thank you Ranger for listening to all our whining and pleading.
    LOVE your doorknob man!

  19. Apparently my husband is less than impressed when I suggested removing our door knobs! Personally I think he's not dedicated to my art!!! Fab and exciting news in your post and incredibly generous giveaways!

  20. Wow, these are so cute. I wish I would have kept all the old door knobs from my old farmhouse before I remodelled it and then sold it and moved to town! What wonderful pieces! Thanks ao much for the chance to win your stamps!

  21. I love all the new lines!!! Can't wait to get my hands on everything!! I think I'm the most excited about snow cap distress stain!!! No it's the new alcohol ink-- no it's your book.. What is that something shiny??? I can't seem to make up my mind. I may need to work some overtime -- this seasons release is incredible!!!

  22. Sounds like a fab time and all the!!!
    Love the art!!

  23. WOW! I love the door knob. That is so creative. Will start my search tomorrow for some of my very own. Thanks for the idea.

  24. I want the new stains! Love the way you used the doorknob and how you used the hemostat! On the lookout for all things ART with you. thank you for the share and glad you had a great time! ksh

  25. Wow a chance to win anything would be great. i like how well your designs play with T!M's and yet stand on their own.

  26. what a fun piece of art. I love the door knob base.

  27. Love the doorknob art & everything else!!!

  28. A fantastic door knob guy! I love him!

  29. I'm SO glad you can't see me wiping away the drool while I read your post ;-)

  30. Ooh, all of your new sets are wonderful.

  31. Those hemostats are quite the "nursey" trick!!! An extra pair of hands for the overworked multi-tasker.
    Love it.

  32. Love your Doorknob base and the bird-told-him Art...way cool! Glad you had a busy but fun time!

  33. LOVE the doorknob idea....genius!!!!! :)

  34. LOVE what your giving away, can't wait!

  35. Wendy,

    Love the art you created with the doorknob - how wonderful. Would love to win something of yours.

  36. Wendy, it was great getting to see your demos and watch you in action.
    I love how you use so many differnt things and I can't wait to get my order to start playing. I have a workshop in August and I plan to use the Clearly for Art on one of my projects. CHA was just as awesome as you say it was. It was a great 4 days and meeting you helped make it so!

  37. CHA was great but I didn't get a chance to meet "Wendy The Enabler". I spent hrs. watching Lady Di create and loved see you new stamps & art parts in person!

  38. Loved what you did with your knobs, have a few of those...... No wonder you and Rick love going on those road trips, let the 2 brains loose, coming up with ideas, the light bulbs and the chi-ching machines going off flipping crazy....... Welcome home, missed reading your blog.....hugs, Therese

  39. Who knew doorknobs would
    "knock" the socks off the art world?

  40. I have to laugh...hemostats...I just retired from the OR after 43 years and there's good ole hemostats...LOL!! Yep, got some in my stash.

    So glad you're home...have missed your posts. Glad you had a great show!!

  41. So glad your back home, missed the post. Love what you did with the doorknob! I did find two that would be perfect. Thank you sharing!

  42. The knob man is totally cool. You are totally amazing - soooo creative! Can't wait to see you in buffalo this fall.

  43. Your door knob art is so cute. I have not had any luck finding door knobs lately. Unfortunately, my biggest, local antique store had a fire recently and they lost all their beautiful inventory. I will keep looking though. I am glad that you are back home and posting. I love your art, tutorials, and great tips (and your wit!).

  44. Love your project & I have some old door knobs ;)

  45. Stunning piece of art Wendy! Hope we get to see what projects you made for CHA!

  46. Wow who would have known, Door knobs. What a great piece of art.

  47. OH no something else to collect, vintage door knobs! I would never of thought that the base of this piece of art would be a doorknob! Love it. I like the man stamp very much too!

  48. OMG Wendy, this is over the top amazing....I love it and only you could come up with this fabulous idea...Thank you so much I will so go hunting for door knobs.

  49. Oh! Poo! I'm on holiday in gay Paris next week and will miss this!!! Just love the birdcage you used...making art is cool and I really must do some in Paris or I shall be forever yearning ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  50. I'm excited to see more of your artwork from CHA and the chance to score a WENDY stamp set....just bought a few of your older sets and love the detail and quality!!!

  51. Why can't I look at a doorknob and see art, yet, you dis and I'm smackin' my forehead and saying "well, DUH!"

    And another smack! Hemostat! Of course!

  52. I just love the way you put your art parts together! You do things that would never cross my mind, and have me seeing crafting in a whole new way!

  53. well this is quite adorable! LOVE the doorknob idea...GREAT ONE! cannot wait to stock up on art parts and those darn STAINS! LOVE! hope my name gets tossed in that hat...cuz winning a set will sure be faster than ordering one...and the fact that I love them ALL! will make it easier for you to send me one! LOLOLOL...luv ya! cher

  54. How fun is this! Love what you have come up with. Great work!

  55. Wendy, your mind works sooo different from all the rest of us, and that's what makes it so FUN! And when we see what you come up with, we exclaim, "But of COURSE!!--It makes perfect SENSE!!!" thanks for all you do for us!

  56. you are one lucky gal - to be able to really love your job so much!
    Thanks for sharing your finds and art with us!
    Sandra ltb

  57. door knob people rule! waiting to see the rest.

  58. The door knob base is genius! And the art well, awesome as always. So looking forward to the new book.

  59. Wow, I love the doorknob man. I have a couple of these old brown knobs in the shop. I must go retreive them to morrow and try this asap (when life allows). Love the giveaways, always, it is fun even when you don't win. I won one TH giveaway on another blog a couple of weeks ago - it made my month!!! Honestly. Back a few months ago I won two sets of Bic Markers from Deena Zeigler's blog. I am having so much fun with the groups blogs I belong to and others. Thanks again.

  60. Love the new Art Parts and I looking forward to seeing more of the Door Knob cool

  61. Wow..., love what you did with the doorknob

  62. I am head over heels in love with that cool bird cage!!! Don't you just love cool art things!!

  63. Wow, love the doorknob guy!! Very cool idea! Glad you had a good time at CHA, of course I don't think anyone could have a bad time there!! lol Hope you've had a chance to rest a little!

  64. Love how the bird is giving him a wee bit of a peckish kiss. DIG the bird cage, too! W-W-WOW-WENDY!

  65. awww Wendy I really was sorry that I couldn't make it this year. (Told Daisy to tell you HI).... was uber excited about the stains and can't wait for your new stamps to come out. BTW, that project is awesome!!@!!!!!! :-)

  66. Holy cow...doorknob man is over the top awesome! I have a passion for old, well used, hardware pieces and trims so this one screams my name. Thanks for sharing.

  67. So cool!! Oh and a giveaway coming those too!

  68. I love Mr. Door Knob and the fish card. Great inspiration. The masculine stamp set is a great addition to rarely seen masculine stamps!
