Friday, February 10, 2012

fab Friday...4 GIVEAWAYS...

let's make this a FAB FRIDAY,
by giving away
4 brand new
hot off the press
studio 490 stamp sets...

but first...
a little project to get you in the mood for Valentine's day...
this has LOTS of my favorite things...

idea-ology lightbulb...I told you I LOVE these things...
sitting in a NEW art parts gear...
LOVE the Blossom Bucket heart & telephone...
and the BB BLACK METAL SHELF...another addiction...

the "register of shipments" is from tim's new destinations paper stash...
the background is graphic 45...

clicking on the GREEN link,
will magically transport you right to the IN STOCK products...

here's today's first giveaway...
this is called...

the second is...

here's #3...

and #4 is...

and here's some examples of them inked & stamped...

the collage background on the art parts heart...

is the base for this next one...

I LOVE how much difference one extra layer makes...
check out the TAPEPAX image...
the little diamond center is raised...
small detail with a big impact...

the gal's dress was stamped with the
it's a good way to use up paper scraps...
just stamp & layer...

this time she has a dress that was stamped on CFA which I covered with sticky back canvas...

this is done on the

the curio knob is perfect for holding the art parts keys...

the tree stamp is an oldie from my first release...
& I still love it...

and there's the Eiffel Tower...

stamped over kraft with vermillion archival...

and the lace border...
stamped in olive archival...

it's so fun to add stamping on the lips...
makes it look like words are coming out of her!

if you stamp on Blossom Bucket embellishments...
use archival & dry it...
then it's permanent!

the flower, is from accents for art...
I used the telephone dial as the flower center...
and loaded up the art parts fence with

this is the back of the new gatefold journal...

this is like paper dolls for adults...

instead of using the coordinating art part for the flower...
this time I covered my clearly for art with tim's tissue wrap...
using Glue N Seal to attach it...
then inked it with alcohol ink...
heated it...
shaped it...

this creates a fragile looking paper flower...
but it's sturdy, because of the CFA, used for the base...

I used a favorite Blossom Bucket embellishment for the flower center...
I'll be buying LOTS of these...

so...the giveaway scoop...
you have until 7am my time on Monday to leave a comment...

it's simple...
comments win stamps...

just ask...

Candy C said...

Congrats to the winners!!! Fabulous stamp sets! I also love the new set you are offering...Call It Art!! IT is a wonderful set! I love the old telephone and the vintage image of the gentleman. Very cool. Thanks for the opportunity to win this set! <3 Candy

February 8, 2012 4:37 PM

who won ...

please email me at with your shipping info...

***don't forget***
to pop over to the

to see more results from the designer challenge...

that's it for FAB FRIDAY...

have a great weekend & remember to...

make art!
ps...see you on Monday with the names of 4 fab WINNERS!


  1. Loving the stamps! Each time I see them or I see examples made with them I am inspired and have ideas racing around in my head! TFS!!

  2. Fabulous pieces of art, I love the telephone and the Eiffel Tower and embellishments, fabulous. Love the background stamps, so useful. Enjoy your weekend, Tracy x

  3. great designs on the stamps, loving the backgrounds and great creations!

  4. You are so generous !! I am so in love with the couple, they are just so cute. All the projects are above the top awesome. Happy Friday Wendy .. have a great weekend !

  5. Youttr examples you having using these 4 fabulous set are pretty fabulous in their own way. Awesomeness!!!! I love "flair for art and worried about art~brillant~well really i love them all!!! I have 5 of your sets!!

  6. Awesome combo of stamp sets. My fave of faves is the giant lace and lace edge, I can see so many possibilities with them!

  7. Wendy...I am in shock! Thank you sooo much for the Call It Art stamp set! I adore it! THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH for your generosity! Good luck to everyone on the next giveaway!!! <3 Candy

  8. You have out done yourself this release is amazing and so much more!

  9. WOW! All of your samples are fricken fabulous! I love them! You really have done so much in the last year with all of your stamps.

    I would be so excited to win a set of your stamps!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. Wow, talk about inspiring, I'll be chatting to my fave Paper Craft store to make sure they get these in. Can't wait to have a play with them, the ideas are stacking up already!!!

  11. How do you keep doing it?--all so wonderful

  12. Way to go Candy! These are all four fabulous sets! I love the multi background one on your project! Very cool.

  13. Yeah for FAB FRIDAY!!! These are all awesome, and I especially love "worried about art! Thanks for the chance to win and for the new technique to try with CFA!

  14. Oh my, what stunning inspiration! I love them all. As for the stamps, they're all brilliant too but my favourite has to be Material Art.
    Thanks for the chance to win a set.

    Lesley Xx

  15. gorgeous stamps I just love the worried for art!! that describes me down to a tee xx thanks for the chance wendy and good luck all x

    kaz x

  16. Fantastic, just fantastic! I love that heart with the collage background best though! Have a great weekend Wendy!

  17. Love all the projects! And big congrats to Candy on winning a FAB new stamp set!!! xxx

  18. Wow! even more awsomeness. Would love to have some of that rubber goodness.

  19. OOOhhh 4 giveaways! Thank you so much Wendy and Ted. Would love the chance to play with new stamps. Love what you have done with all of your new releases. Is that an old washboard? I think I have one of those laying around. Great idea. Hope to create some art this weekend!!

  20. Wendy I adore Mr & Mrs Worry these are a must, hmmm ok all your new releases are a MUST lol ... a girl's gotta start somewhere. Thanks Wendy & Ted for the chance to win. Have a great weekend.

  21. Congrats to the winners and These stamps are just great Wendy, and amazing job again as allways with your FANTABULOUS project wowzerssss loving it. Hugs Terry xxxx

  22. My house needs painting, got a little one on the way and yet I lie awake at night contemplating which sets I should buy!!! Can a gal have too much loveliness - I thinketh not!

  23. Well, I just adore those samples! Just couldn't pick a favourite but I truly adore how you've used them! Thank you for giving us hope we might own a stamp set from your own fair hands! Have a wonderful weekend x

  24. I am always overwhelmed by your talent and your imagination! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  25. Oh my Wendy - what amazing products and art work. Everything is a must-have, but then that's how it should be shouldn't it?
    Thank you for giving us the chance to win your amazing stamps.
    Have a great weekend.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  26. oh my! What fun!
    I think serious play time is way overdue!
    Sandra ltb
    who can not wait for next weekend so she can make art ...

  27. Thanks for the chance, love the new art parts, cant wait to get my hands on them

  28. Wow! I'm lovin all the beautiful art examples you've made to share with us! Thanks loads! All the new stamps and art parts are great!

  29. Whooohooooo congrats to Candy, she is a doll and am sooo chuffed that she won! Thanks again for the chance to win one of these divine sets... I, as ever, need them all... and the Art Parts too... oh and the BB bellies... have a fab weekend Wendy xx
    Oh look at my word verification, it says


    How strange is that.... *snort* xx

  30. I looooove your Valentine made me laugh...reminded me of me and the for the chance on these wonderful new sets...woowho!! And congrats to Candy, too!

  31. I love them all as usual! What a cute way to incorporate that washboard - great for my laundry room! Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. Great give aways and excellent art!

  33. Can't wait to try covering my clearly for art with tissue paper, great idea! Also love the lace background, very versatile.

  34. Wow..your samples are fabalicious!! Loving the washboard Gal...Thanks for the chance to win one of these wonderful stamps :)

  35. LOVE the idea of the tissue tape and the clearly for art working together, glad I have both here right now...

  36. Congrats Candy! All the new stamp sets are soooo cool! Love that new large lacy background - wowza!

  37. Wow loving all those stamp sets and the pieces of ART that you have created with them. My favorite I think is the telephone and the wash board--takes me down memory lane LOL
    Thanks for a chance to win

  38. I love Material Art and Accents for Art. And I love all of the Art you made using all of your new collections. They are just beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win.

  39. Love all these cool new stamp sets, and especilly love the lace background. Wowza!! Awesome projects too!!

  40. I love the Eiffel Tower! Well, I love everything, but that got a wow from me. Congrats to the winners so far & thank you again for the chances to win, Wendy. Have a great weekend.

  41. Congrats to the winners!! :-) I so love the Flair for Art set, but heck, I love it all!!

  42. Wow, I love it and want to try it all!, love you style and your projects! Congrats to the winners this week!

  43. Wendy I just love all your stamp sets and art parts but in particular mr and mrs worry are my favourites....and that saying don't make me uses my upper case is just fab it makes me smile and laugh thanks for the chance to win your too kind x

  44. Congrats, Candy! Wendy, all your samples are so great! I love all the details.

  45. The 'Fab Four' are just that - fabulous! Mr. and Mrs. Worry are just too much. Seeing them together just makes my heart melt.I'm going to try the CFA with tissue tape tonight. I really like how that looks. Now to patiently wait for the products to start being available.
    Thanks Wendy.
    Congrats Candy.

  46. Love all these stamp sets, but I think accents for art is my fav. Would love to win this to accent my art parts projects.

    Hope you will be doing a class or something on these projects. Love them all.

  47. Oh my word, I'd love to know how you mind works - to come up with such awesome creations! Love love love the creativity and beauty of them all!

  48. Congratulations, Candy!!!! Great projects and stamps, Wendy!! I especially love Accents For Art.

  49. Lot's of very fun art and creative ideas. Love all the stamps set you are giving away. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.

  50. Love your projects! And a giveaway for use to try our own spin on them!!!

  51. Aww it's going to be hard choosing which sets to buy first - although the telephone is by far my favourite thank you for the chance to win x

  52. Wow...these are amazing stamps and your cards display them brilliantly.. I especially love the flair for art girl- its like I can play paper doll dress ups just like when I was a kid....:)

  53. I always know I can pop in and see so many great ideas!
    Thanks for a chance to win the newest,love your stamps and new products. My credit card is still in the freezer cooling before I can shop...

  54. I love everything you design and create. Sadly it is very hard to find your stamps etc locally. Buying locally is important right now because our stores are really struggling with the economy as it is. Maybe I will get lucky and win.

  55. Fabulous inspiration when visiting your blog, These new stamps and Art Parts are amazing.

  56. OMG and what a fab 4 they are!!!
    My fave is the stunning lace!!!
    Julie xx

  57. I love when CHA rolls around and all of the new "GOTTA HAVE IT" products come out....Thanks for the chance to cross a few off of my gotta have it list!

  58. Love all the stamps but think I like the lady best as I love what you did with her dress. Love the samples too, particularly Paris - ooh la la and all that. The eye and lips are superb too. Congrats to the last lucky winners.

  59. WoW, lovin' all the new stamp sets ... I'll take one of everything!! But don't tell the DH ...

    Your projects totally rock ... LOVE 'em!

  60. just love the projects! so clever to use the phone in that way...well..u always find a unique way to use the parts! luv that...I want all these sets so no fav...but I so agree..that background just rocks...will make delish cards too! luv all the sayings duds! ty for a chance xo

  61. Woohoo! Congrats to Candy! These are fabulous sets, as are the samples! Awesome art!

  62. Congratulations Candy! And Wendy, you just keep hitting them out of the park! I love everything, but my favorite is Accents for Art. Love that set!

    Elaine Allen

  63. Congrats to Candy - lucky lady!!!
    I NEED all the new stamps and art parts and bellies!!!!!!!
    Just got to have them!!! They are all fabulous.
    TY for the chance to win some

  64. Oh my, I surely do love your Material Art stamp set! The lace is scrumptious!

  65. Wendy you have outdone yourself! I really love these projects and can't wait to get my hands on these new stamp sets! In the meantime, you have inspired me to get out the ART PARTS I do have, and do something creative! As always thank you for your inspirational ideas!

  66. Wendy girl you are just the most fab giver awayer of stamps and fun stuff! Love the pieces in this post especially the one with the lace stamp. So chic!


  67. Oh I so love these, the stamps, the art parts, the embellishments. This is fantastic. Thank you so much for creating these items so that we can use them to create magical things.

  68. Beautiful projects! I'm lovin the stamps.Thanks so much for the chance to win. Shari (cricutrookie)

  69. Wendy,you do have a "Flair for Art"!! Love all the looks you made for that girl! She looks good in all the colors and patterns of the season!

  70. Oh my your stamps are just so gorgeous. I love all of them. Thank you for the chance to win some. Fingers crossed! x

  71. and mrs worry. That's halirous.
    Wow, I have an old washer board...I must get it out, deco it up and leave it out! Great Idea.

  72. Love the stamps, especially the Material Art. The metal flower is just darling...hoping my LLS ordered these! And btw, the back of your journal would be fantastic as the Front!!! PS...don't order so many of the flowers the rest of us can't get em !LOL. Thanks for the chance to win your designs. It's always appreciated.

  73. Ooooh, gorgeousness! I love all the stamps but especially that lace background. Just love seeing all your samples!

  74. So great! Love the Accents for Art :o)

  75. Such wonderful ideas. I LOVE the vintage feel to them and the different variations on the stamps. Very creative and beautiful work. Thanks for the chance to win@@@@@@@@@

  76. Fantastic stamp sets! Worried About Art just makes me smile.

  77. Fabulous stamps - can't wait to get my hands on them. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  78. Poor Mr. and Mrs. least they have each other! GREAT sets. Hope to get some soon. I so want to make art like Wendi Vecchi...awesome!

  79. Love all the artwork in this post, especially that piece done with the sign board. I think I need one of those... =) Great stamp sets too, I can't pick a favorite! May just have to get them all!

  80. You are amazing - don't you ever sleep? You are creating and making art 24/7! The ones you have included on this post are the best ones you ever made. Thanks for the details in the process of your making art! You inspire me!

  81. Wow.....tons of eye candy today, thank you for the instant inspiration. I love those lace stamps, those could be used in so many different circumstances. Your samples are all so very "Wendy" and so very beautiful. Thanks again for the immediate rush of inspiration that I get from looking at your samples.

  82. i was trying to behave and limit my stamp purchases in 2012, but you are making it awfully difficult!

  83. what amazing samples, I still love your flower design best (they get better & better)
    thanks for another chance to win one of your fab stamp sets, see you monday for the result,
    Kathleen F.

  84. Soooo much crafty goodness in one post! Love your ideas Wendy....your mind boogles with creativity!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  85. Amazing creations. Thanks for the inspiration you share and for the chance to win the gorgeous stamps!
    Hugs from Italy.

  86. Theses samples are just amazing! I can't wait for these plates to reach CE so I can get my inky fingers on them, especiallt the Accents for Art plate - that background is just stunning!

  87. OMG !! looks like I need to get a second job to get everything !! love them all.. thanks for the chance to win!!
    mary t

  88. Wow, all these projects are awesome! I don't know which one I like best. Santa better come early and bring me some Studio 490 presents! Bette

  89. I love the piece where you stamped on the ladies lips ;)
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    xoxo Sioux

  90. Gorgeous stamps and stunning projects! Just love the background stamps and well, just love everything really ! Keeping my fingers crossed ! Sue C x

  91. All the new stamps are amazing, but what you create with them is fascinating...I sit here and stare and your art and see something new each time! I'd have to say that I really like the first and last examples the most, but then I love them all!

  92. Amazing creations. Love the stamps. Thanks.

  93. Love your new stamp sets, Wendy. The lace stamp is terrific as are all the others. The heart art part is my most favorite of the bunch. Have a wonderful weekend and hope you make LOTS more art!
    - DebbieK
    d kaste at wi dot rr dot com

  94. Wendy, love your stuff and how you just make it happen. I really enjoyed watching you create at CHA and it is great to be able to follow you on your blog and through Ranger and Stamper's Anonymous. Thanks for sharing your talents with us and keep on creating, we all love it. Abby

  95. So much eye candy! Love all the new APs and that "Accents for Art" stamp set is awesome. Congrats on all these new releases!

  96. All your projects are great. I especially like Mr. & Mrs. Worry. Love the little phone.

  97. Beautiful inspiring art and I live Flair for Art.

  98. Finally made it here...thanks for your help....I"m so dense Anyway, love the stamp sets and would be happy to have any of them..Rita

  99. hi wendy
    how are you??? love all your new stamps and chipboards .... I can't wait to have all on my store.
    if you have 1 minute come to visit me, I wrote a cha post and you are in some photos
    see you hope next year
    xoxo BA

  100. Love all the new stamps and projects! Thank you for sharing.

  101. OMGoodness, Love love love everything and the new heart is to die for, I must have that. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  102. Great stamps and projects. love the way it all interacts with all things Tim holtz as well.

    xxx Anette

  103. AWESOME!! 4 out of 100 are WAY better odds!! THANKS SO MUCH for the chance to win!! I LOVE all of the creations you'd shared today!! Have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  104. These are amazing. My "need" list is growing by the minute!

  105. I absolutely love your work..all of the stamps are a treasure, but I am especially fond of the material art set.I am just entering into the shabby chic world and those would really help me get started.

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway,

  106. all the new stamps look great...the giant lace is fantastic! all your projects are terrific. that washboard is fabulous!
    stamping sue

  107. Would "Sew" love to win the materal art or the accent for art, both would work wonderfully with my love for working with fabric and laces.

  108. Wow I always love your stamps and the new line looks perfect for my art journaling. Thanks for the chance!

  109. Love the Flair for Art and the dress model. Reminds me how much I loved paper dolls as a child! Beautiful art works.

  110. Loving the Stamps and loving those LIPS! That Lace is to die for and would be perfect for the mini albums I'm making right now!! Mr.Worry reminds me of my hubby..except Mr.Worry has more hair LOL

  111. Love your samples, Wendy. It's hard to pick a favorite stamp set, but I think I love the Material Art the best. I really love that lace background.
    Cindy K.

  112. I have a "Flair for ART with Wendy"! I love this new release of stamps! I really need to take a class with you Wendy! Love your style but need to see live how you use the art parts!

  113. Love all these stamps and the samples you've made. I'll have to get some of those adorable lips! Thanks for sharing so much.

  114. this time you have just surpassed yourself! the stamp setsd are brilliant and the samples you've created are 'studiopendous'!
    just so inspiring!

  115. Fabulous stamps : fabulous artwork.
    I love the giant lace background!

  116. I am in love with your new stamps. I love the way the lady looks different ever time with changing the colors of her outfit.

    Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

    Debbie P.

  117. Since I love all of your stuff it would be fabulous to win anything of yours!

  118. Wow, can't believe I only just found your blog! Wonderful pieces and fab stamp sets. Maddy x

  119. I was just looking at your new stamp sets again and your lace stamps are just awesome - I'm going to have to buy some new archival ink pads to try that idea out on Kraft card stock. Thank you for sharing. Maddy x

  120. Whoa! Almost missed out on another giveaway! Been so busy with my hubby Rick ... went to see Jersey Boys yesterday, and we just came back from the movie & dinner today. Life is great with both kids in college ... we're just broke! haha Soooo, I need to win! Love all your samples!

  121. Oh my...I love all of it, but especially Material Art! I am such a fan and thanks for all the amazing are truly amazing!!!

  122. Absolutely in love with the new sets! I went to Stampfest this past weekend and drooled over all the sets. I was only able to purchase one but really looking forward to playing at a crop coming up nx weekend. Would love to win :) Thanks!!

  123. i just love your projects and your idea's are inspirational Thanks for showing us all the new stuff look forward to seeing it in the UK

  124. I love the Eiffel tower. Oh and I love the way you are playing paper dolls with the stamps. The new sets are fabulous!
    Karen :)
