Thursday, June 7, 2012

perfectly stamped Clicker Cutts...

you just *might* want to read the whole post...
just sayin'...
I don't want you to miss out on anything important...

today, I'd like to share a fun little project...
it's a very quick way to make custom embellishments...

normally, when I stamp on Clearly for Art (CFA) blackout,
 I use the metallic paint dabbers on my stamp, instead of ink...

but here's a little twist with a unique look...

and your favorite flavor of Perfect Pearls Mist...

I chose turquoise this time...
but I've also done this with my go to favorites...
sunflower sparkle, it has the MOST bling...
 heirloom gold , a beautiful vintage looking gold 
each color looks really cool on the black...

Perfect Pearls mist is aka...
"bling in a bottle"...
incase you've not used it before...

it's a unique product, because the binder is built right into the solution, so no stinky sprays or fixatives are needed...
once dry, it won't rub off...

you'll also need a few CFA blackout flowers...
3 sizes work well for layering...
sm, medium & a large...

you'll also need

shake the Perfect Pearls mist to completely mix the pigment into the fluid...
check the bottom of the bottle to be sure it's all mixed...

mist some Perfect Pearls mist onto your craft sheet, 
then press the stamp into the mist...
and stamp the medium sized flower...

by adding a tiny bit of the mist to the stamp, 
you get this effect...
tiny dots of bling...
use the heat it tool to dry the Perfect Pearls mist, 
then repeat on the back side of the flower...

now stamp into the mist again...
picking up more of the mist & you'll get much larger dots...

stamp the small & the large flowers...
dry the mist...
then follow the same steps on the back of the 2 flowers...
and your flowers will look like this...

then use the heat it tool to warm the CFA blackout flowers & while the material is warm, shape them to create dimensional petals...

when cool, the material retains it's shape & will not smash, bend or break!

CFA can be reheated & reshaped until you are happy with how it looks...

I used hot glue to glue the layers together & added grungeboard scraps between the layers...
to make the flower more dimensional...
make sure to darken the grunge edges, so they don't show when the flower is viewed from the side...
I used the black soot marker...

to finish it off...
to create the flower center...
and in 5 minutes, you'll have a cool custom flower...
that looks like this...

this flower is great to add to a card, a scrapbook page, 
mixed media art, a tote bag,
 your sandals or flip flops,
a headband or a gift bag...

add a pin back & you can wear it too...
it looks really cool if you add a lace layer to the bottom...

there are LOTS of possibilities!

this is a fun QUICK project if you want to play,
 but have a limited amount of time...

you can actually MAKE ART in 5 minutes!

moving on...

I have ALL 10 new stamp sets here & all 10 new art parts packages too, 
some new Clicker Cutts plus a new little fun SOMETHING...

I'm having so much fun that I can't believe it's legal!

if you like CFA...
just you wait to see what's coming...
when I showed Rick he said & I quote...

"HOLY %@#*...
now that's fun..."

I'm patiently waiting...
that's a big flat lie...
for my new embellishments from Blossom Bucket to arrive...
I've only seen photos so far & I can't wait to have them here & see them in person...

patience is not MY virtue...

I'm thinking sneak peeks will start in about 2 weeks...
and full reveals will start around the first week of July...
which is NOT very far away...
I can't wait to show you...


I'm still hooked on the "back to basics technique"
 I talked about in the last post...

this seems to work especially well with the new stamps & art parts...
once embossed, the distress markers are the perfect way to add color...
and the best part?
it's so SIMPLE & QUICK!

how did we live without them?
hmmm...I think I said that about the  distress stains too 
& I still LOVE them, especially on art parts...

the Blossom Bucket desktop organizer is sold out everywhere...
but I expect it to be back in stock in the next few days...
I'll let you know when I hear that it is shipping from Ohio...


every time I mention new stamps I get emails asking...

are you making more backgrounds?
YES...I see a few

we need more flowers...
YES...I think you'll be happy...

will you consider nautical stamps? sorry...

will you design some funky cats & dogs?
NOPE...sorry again...

any chance for a log cabin stamp?

how abut some sassy/funny sayings?
hmmm...YES...I *think* so...

I have also designed a few stamps/art parts specifically to be used with stamps we already have...

believe me...
I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. TO. SHARE! speaking of new products, I had an email from my sweet friend Heidi, from Simon Says Stamp...

she let me know that all the Blossom Bucket pieces are back in stock & that she will be ordering every new stamp, art part, new ITEMS, and all the Blossom Bucket too...

for a one stop shopping experience!

then she said you should be rewarded for letting me tease you with sneak peeks...


Heidi is giving me a 
$50.00 gift certificate 
to give to a random commenter...

just leave a comment & on Monday @ 7am, my time, 
I'll draw a winner who gets $50.00 to spend 
on ANYTHING from Simon Says!
now that's fun...FREE SHOPPING!

sweet Heidi!!!

I LOVE to give stuff away!!!
I *think* Heidi does too!

have a wonderful inky weekend and as always...

I'll be in the studio...

making (CHA) art!
ps...did you know???
you can add a bit of Perfect Pearls to your body lotion & wear a bit of bling?

or that you can mist your Christmas tree with bling?
it's flipping awesome!

same for fresh flowers...or silk ones too...

I've even seen SUZE mist her hair!

just thought you should know these random tidbits that just popped into my head...


  1. Wow Wendy I just love your crafty's right up my street as they say, and as you know I have made several pieces using your wonderful designs. How fabulous of Heidi to offer such a brilliant gift to one of your followers. I do hope it's me but, hey ho....good luck to everyone. Must get some black CFA as I only have the clear. TFS Wendy. Xx

  2. your hair?! Wow and what color to pick! LOL
    TFS That made me smile.

  3. Heidi is so sweet! I'm not very patient either, look forward to enjoying the HOLY %@#* moment myself! :)


  4. Sweet! Thanks for another give away!

  5. Glimer and Glam is wonderful on art journals, on card, on scrapbooking, just anything and giving it away is even better.

    BTW love how you did the flower. I am going to try that.

  6. *waves hands wildly* Pick me! Pick me! I'm random, I promise!

    Love the perfect pearls suggestions. If you add a little to a spritz bottle of hair spray, you can make your hair shimmer too!

  7. Hey there Wendy, yep loving it, making ART in just 5 minutes my goodness it is Wendylicious and I have to try it out eh? wowwhoooooo fabulous misty christmas cards mmmmm loving the idea. And nooooo way can even use the Blingy mist to bodylotion...wowwzerss that would be just great for Christmas too? Me thinks I gotta get me some more misty stuff to make more art in just 5 minutes, thank you so much for the handy tips and tutorial Wendy, I am loving it.
    And am very curious about the sneek peeks, can tell you I am not a patience girl either LOL, can't wait untill these two weeks are over and done with wohooooo Thank you for a chance and good luck to everyone out there in the crafty world. Hugs Terry xxxx

  8. Love the tips!!! Gotta try a couple of those. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. You are the reason I had to get Sunflower Pearl Pearls Mist. I saw you demo with it in Akron at Adventures in Stamping Show a few years ago. Love the color.

  10. Thanks for the flower tutorial. I just happened to have some of those black flowers so that may be fun to try! I can't wait to see the new products you are coming up with! Thanks for the chance to win a shopping spree. Could always use that!

  11. I can hardly stand it. I love your tips and tricks! The flower is wonderful! I may just be putting a bottle in my purse...who knows when you will need to mist something! "ooooh you look like your having a down day, let me perk you up...pssshttt...that better!" Hee hee. Thanks to you and Simon Says.

  12. Really like the flower tutorial. Looking forward to the new products. I would love to shop with the prize

  13. Thanks for another tip using CFA. I have the assorted pack so will be trying this.
    Nice to see you at the GASC!

  14. OMG, I just love this technique and especially the black CFA with the pearls mists. THanks for the great tips.

  15. Corrr, LOVE that technique, CAN'T WAIT TO GET THEM!!!!!! Hope that ship hurries up over the Pond lol THanks for the chance of winning... I reckon I am random enough to deserve to be picked rofl Thanks for sharing x

  16. Awesome! I would so love to win your giveaway!!!

  17. Awesome! I would so love to win your giveaway!!!

  18. I can't believe that it's almost sneak peek time already! Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway. I think I could spend that in about 2 seconds :)

  19. Holy assorted punctuation? I can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  20. Oh my gosh!! Absolutely love the CFA flower, what a great idea to use perfect pearl mists!!! So freakin' cool! :-) as always, I want everything that has come out, and I do mean everything! The new stamps and art parts are so versatile, they go so well with Tim's stuff and graphic 45, the possibilities are endless! Hm, I'm gonna have to try spraying my hair with the PP, now that's an addiction! lol

  21. Oh Wendy can you get any more fun? I am going to surprise my friends at lunch on Friday and spray my hair...can not wait. I am so looking forward to seeing all the new stuff!

  22. Ack! These are fabbyness in black! Black CFA goes straight to the top of my list for sure. I love the look of the Perfect Pearls spray with it. Beautiful ... just beautiful. Way to go Heidi for offering up yummyness for your fans too!

    ~Bev / Tex

  23. oooh...blingy hair, blingy body...gotta try that! Okay now as excited as I am that you are coming out with MORE new stamps and parts and buckets (heh. blossom buckets!) I haven't even gotten all the OLD new sets! AHHH! cant' wait to see what you've come up with for us this time!

  24. Thanks Heidi and Wendy for the chance! I can't wait to see the sneak peeks of all the new stuff! Your stuff is always so fresh and fun anyway.

  25. Love the black and turquoise!Haven't got any of the black CFA yet-think I need to rectify the situation soon.Yeah Heidi0my first Blossom Bucket is on the way-I'd love to get more.

  26. So glad you're back on line - have missed your posts. Thanks for the chance to win the gift certificate. Love the technique with Perfect Pearls and misting the craft sheet.

  27. Wendy you always have soooo many ideas and tips and tricks and techniques that I have to just save the whole's easier than writing it all down that's for sure. lol

    I'll be back of course. And I'll be trying that pp in my lotion for sure.


  28. Looking forward to seeing some new backgrounds! Thanks for the opportunity to win shopping spree.

  29. Love this technique! So glad you shared!! Can't wait to see your new stamps!!

  30. thank you!!! Such a wonderful give away! I have so many Wendy things that I want!!! The winner will have great fun!

  31. Hi Wendy ... thanks for sharing this great technique ... I love perfect pearl mist but never thought of stamping with it. Great tip. Thanks to both you and Heidi for an opportunity to win a $50 shopping spree ... a chance to buy more Studio 490 goodies .... fingers are crossed ... going to go to Simon Says Stamp and make my "wish list" ..even if I don't win, there's still things I need & want or is it want and need or is it just want ...

  32. Love the bling in the mist…never would have thought to use it to accessorize myself!!!

    Would love to have $50.00 to spend in Simon Says Stamp…my piggy bank has been collecting spider webs:)

  33. aww Wendy..u are such a great teacher...ty for sharing this post. I have one very ill sister so no crafting for me..nothing allowed in ICU and I just cant think straight right now. I was so ready to start playing then life changed here. But really hoping there is a positive change soon cuz I hate ...and I mean HATE missing your posts and others and of course my art room...but so patiently waiting for your new goodies cuz u know I always buy them! keep sharing...and gl to all!

  34. who would have thought of perfect pearls in lotion. Great idea! I would love 50$ to spend! I would buy as many studio 490 stamps I could.

  35. I am such a fan of Perfect Pearls Mist!!!! However, I had no idea that you could use it in lotion or on your hair, etc.!!! What great beauty tips! LOL!!! I am dying to see your new creations! I know they are going to be fantastic!

  36. Great blog post full of teasers, tutorials, tips and an awesome giveaway. I love the technique with the Perfect Pearls dot stamp. It looks great and delicate with the blackout flower. Thanks Wendy.

  37. We all need a little bling in our lives, laughed at the comment about adding perfect pearls to body lotion! Who knew you could wear Perfect Pearls ON PURPOSE??
    Thanks for a chance to win, that wouls be just awesome.

  38. I get the sense you are just a bit excited about these new pieces (giggle). Never thought about the perfect pearls as an ink for stamping before this. Thanks for the ideas. I'll be watching for those peeks!
    Dawn K_S

  39. Love your posts and can't wait for the next one! Thanks to Heidi and you for the give-away. Here's hoping!

  40. Love the stamping with PP!!! Will have to give that a try!!! Super sweet of Heidi to let you give such a fabulous prize away!!!! Looking forward to the fun teasing with peaks and then to the actual reveals!!!! Wasn't it just January??

  41. ACK! I can't believe it's almost CHA time again! I can't wait to see the new stuff! But I'm "patiently" waiting as well.... =P

  42. Can't wait to see what's new! Thanks for the tutorial today - looks like fun!

  43. Holy smokes! This is way too awesome! Do you mean I can finally have shiny gold streaks in my hair?!?!!? Will they cover up the gray or give me a two-toned look? Watch out fashion world, here I come! lol Bring on the sneak peaks!!!!!!!! Thank you Heidi and Wendy for such a super giveaway!

  44. Seems that Perfect Pearls are just plain perfect! I do love using them.

  45. I already love the Perfect Pearls Mists and now I have more reasons! Stamping on my Clearly/Black/White for Art and spraying my skin and hair! Who "wouldda" thought? Thanks for the enlightenment!

  46. I love to use black when I am making art and polka dots are my favorite! I cannot wait to make this flower. I love all the great ideas you share with us. I am going out to get some CFA blackout flowers and turquoise Perfect Petals Mists (I'm also gonna nab me some heirloom gold bling in a bottle!!!). :)

  47. LOVE that flower! I've missed your posts. Thanks for the chance to win some craft goodness!


  48. Whoo hoo! That flower is just gorgeous. I know it is because David just said "that black thing is pretty" which is the highest praise of all!!! Thank you for the heads up on the sneaky peeks and that we have hardly anytime to wait for the big reveal!!! Oh, and a huge thank you to Heidi - she does know how to make us happy!

  49. WAUW (it's Dutch for wow, lol) really love your technique and not only this one, I'm just a biggggg fan of all your work.

    And, of course, I'm also fond of give aways ;).

  50. Some great tips, fab fingers are crossed!! Oh and cannot wait for the sneak peaks!! Hugs trace x

  51. Wow there are LOADS of fab tips here - even fashion ones, lol! love the stamping with the perfect pearls though. Thanks to you and Heidi for the giveaway chance! Have a great weekend. Can't wait for the sneaky peaks to start.

  52. This project looks interesting. Can´t wait results!

  53. CHA sneak peeks are just so much fun! Can't wait to see what you've designed as "go withs" to things we have. Very exciting!

  54. Hi Wendy, great tips, as ever, not tried the 'in the hair' one but PPs are one of my fav products, so versatile. Just had a small packet of BB delivered, they are so lovely I don't want to use them! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize, good luck everyone!

  55. Oh Girlfriend, you jack cracked me up with all your beauty tips,......... Cannot wait to try it on my CFA,,,,,,,,,,, DId you say 50 dollar gift card to Simon Says."......... Oooooooh, more Art Parts........ BLosom Bucket pieces.......... Cannot wait to see what you have cooked up for your CHA feast..........
    Well kiddo, have a good one.......... Love and hugs

  56. Oh please Wendi pich me! I order your products from the other part of the world (Greece) and the shipping costs are killing me! I could use a coupon right now as I love- love your art parts!

  57. Oh, how I wish I'd read this before I went out last night. I would have loved to meet my friends with some heirloom gold streaks in my hair!
    Thanks for the cool stamping with PP spray technique, and you know what? We're not patient either!!!

  58. great technique and would never have thought about spraying it in my hair, something I will have to try out. Looking forward to seeing your new products, best wishes.

  59. Your posts are so much fun - and there is no shortage of excitement, right? You and Heidi are so sweet to give away this big fat $50 to spend.....pick me pick me ;-)

  60. Nice technique Wendy!! Thanks for the tutorial! And I have the dots background stamp, yippee! Excited to learn you will have more sentiment stamps with humor!! July will be here before we know it, hang on! (Besides I will have to save some extra money!!)

  61. Awesome Art Wendy!!!!
    Thanks and I can't wait to see what you have for us!
    Thanks to Heidi also!!!

  62. Whoohoo! What a hoot it would be to win! Wouldn't it be appropriate to spend all $50 on Blossom Bucket? I want it all!

  63. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for the project idea! Love the CFA and flowers are awesome! I'm so excited for the new stuff, can't wait to see your sneak peeks. Thanks to you and Heidi for the chance to win the gift certificate.

  64. Wow! We do not hear from you everyday, but when we do it is always good.

  65. Perfect Pearls in my hair??!! Now that I have to try! Thanks to both you and Heidi from Simon Says Stamp!!

  66. Cannot wait to see those new stamps -- I am totally addicted to Studio 490 stamps. Thanks for all the ideas and chance to win!

  67. Thanks for all the inspiration...can't wait for the new stamps and embellies. You know how to keep it FUN!!!!!

  68. Oh these are awesome flowers! I can't imagine perfect pearls in my hair but will have to remember for those special occasions, lol.
    I would absolutely love to have 50$ to spend with Heidi! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  69. Thanks for the give-away and the inspirational posts that I love to read so much. I love perfect pearls, they can be used is no many projects!

  70. That flower is gorgeous! Love the way the PP stands out on the black, will be stealing this idea for sure. lol. Hair? Really? Leave it to Suze. lol.

  71. Awesome stuff you share with us! Cannot wait for the sneak peeks. Thank you for the chance to win the generous giveaway.

  72. I can hardly stand the wait for the sneaks! Love the bling of PP sprays, too.

  73. Fabby post as always!! Sooooo excites for the sneakbits......defo one of most favest parts. I think i'm away to spray my kiddies hair with perfect pearls....they'll love it!! Thanks Wendy for the cool tips!!

  74. Love CFA and cannot wait to see your new stamps and all other goodies. Hmm, Perfect Pearls in my hair. I'm sure my daughter will LOVE that idea, I'll have to experiment some. LOL

  75. Lovein' the tips! See a few I gotta try. Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. I LOVE the flower, what a great tutorial. Thanks Wendy, your blog posts are always so interesting.

  77. FABULOUS flower! Gotta try this! Thanks so much for the PP idea tips and the fantastic giveaway! SOOOO excited to see the sneak peeks!!

  78. So much fun! So many ideas! Can't wait til July (and a few sneak peaks too).

  79. That flower rocks...just like you!
    Thank you for all the tips. I am really looking forward to the sneak peeks. Rock on Wendy!
    Karen :)

  80. Ahhhhh. Got my Wendy fix. I'm much better now. I miss it when you are not telling us funny stories and updating with the latest stuff. Loving the flower. Who knew - perfect pearls in your hair! Hmmmm, might have to try that one. Have a great day.

  81. Random is my middle name and I just love that idea, it is so pretty!

  82. i have got to try your tips- thanks so much for the great tutorial and for a chance to win.

  83. I love the idea of stamping with the glimmer mists onto the black cfa definately off to try that..... Body lotion trick sounds different especially with turquoise lol. Xxx

  84. I paid a fortune for a body lotion with a glimmer effect - no more! Fan-blinkin-tastic tip Wendy! As for Suze putting it in her hair, why am I not surprised? It is my birthday very soon and I am going to the theatre so might just take some with me to spray before I go out. At least my crafting can come to London! Hee Hee!

  85. Love the flower and now I can not stop thinking about what I can spray with Perfect Pearls. . . Thanks to the both of you for chance to win a great prize!

  86. Great flower & so simple & quick! Can't wait to see all your new stuff!!!

  87. I love that flower and have to try it. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win such a nice prize.

  88. Wow, yummy flower, love the turqoise against the black! Thanks for the chance to win a shopping spree ! Sue C x

  89. Perfect timing to "friend" you! I was blown away by your stuff in The Crafty Scrapper of Waxchahatchi TX. I hoard my art parts! Thanks for making the perfect sayings!

  90. hahaah you are so cool. I dont have much patience for waiting either. Its too hard waiting on new craft goodies I know.
    Also I did not even think about being able to add perfect pearls to body lotion or in your hair. what awesome idea's. I will have to try this. If it kills my fresh cut flowers who do I blame?
    That flower you made is so cool and a perfect 5 minute project just like you said. Thanks again for sharing all the techniques and stuff and yes I do believe you and hiedi love to give stuff away. I do too I just wish I could do it at the extent that you guys do.
    Thanks for the chance for us to win som dough to spend on crafting I know I could use it and Good luck to everyone entering for it as well. Much loved and appreciated

  91. I'll have to try the mists on a stamp.
    thanks for sharing

  92. OH.MY.GOD! That is so generous of Heidi! Hope I win! Hope I win! Hope I win!!! Can't wait for the sneak peeks! I have a love/hate relationship with your peeks!

  93. Thanks so much for a chance to win!!!!!!

  94. These flowers are fab. Must try this technique

  95. Beautiful flower!! I love to use glimmermist, didn't know that you can even use it on your hair;-)
    Aweseome giveaway!!!

  96. What a great idea to stamp with Perfect Pearls, thanks for sharing it with us. I'd love to win a free shopping spree, thanks for the chance.

  97. Love the flower!!! Who doesn't like polka fav..amongst others:) Hmmmm...perfect pearls in body lotion, sounds like fun to me!
    Thanks Wendy and Heidi for the chance!

  98. Wendy, one of the things I love most about you is your randomness! JK, it's nice to know someone else is as random as I am. Thanks for helping me Make Art!

  99. I just got my order can't wait to try it

  100. Exciting new products soon...wowza! I can never have enough Studio490, Wendy. Thanks for the great tips and tricks...and for Heidi's generosity as well!

  101. always love your style, Wendy! I'll keep my fingers crossed for this prize! Thanks!

  102. OH I was super gigging w/this post as well as OHHH & Ahhing and can not wait to be able to place an order! plus see what else you share w/us.

    Thanks so much for the chance.

  103. Love the flower, Wendy! Can't wait to see who wins the gift certificate!

  104. Such a generous giveaway! TFS =)

  105. I cannot wait to see the new stamps! Thanks,

  106. Gorgeous technique - looking forward to trying this xx

  107. Wonderful technique, I must try it soon!

  108. Pfect pearls and stamping... I would neverh ave made the connection. Thanks for sharing and the chance eo win!

  109. OhMGee! I never thought of spray ink on a stamp before! Thank u!

  110. I would love to try this quickie Art flower...and soon as I update my supplies with Clearly for Art and your Clicker Cuts...and the the Blossom Bucket Sewing Machine etc. etc. etc.!
    Can't wait for the sneak peaks to begin!

  111. What fun crafty and non-crafty ways to use Perfect Pearls!

  112. I always enjoy reading your blog - you always have interesting things to say. And your tips are always really great!

  113. Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.....stop whipping us into a big frenzy!!!!! It's exciting enough and we are IMpatiently waiting as well. Love the little flowers and the idea of the mists for the polka dot background. Such fun!


  114. Love that flower and would LOVE to win that gift cert.!! Thanks for a chance!
