Friday, July 27, 2012

it's a 2 GIVEAWAY day...

before we get to the 2 giveaways for today...

 I wanted to share what you can create 
with tim's new metallic stains...

I'm still catching up from CHA & packing & kitting for next weekends event in Twin Falls, Idaho...
so these aren't big tutorials...

I'll get to those in the next few weeks...
it's a promise!

to create a really
  fun faux metal background...
start with Ranger's kraft tag

this is a variation of tim's wrinkle free technique...
swipe both stains on your craft sheet & lay your tag over the stains...
I like to run my hand over the back of the tag to pick up the stains...
then lay your tag over the remaining inky dots & add those to your tag, by gently pressing the tag over the ink dots...
and dry...

here's the background you get...
notice that I didn't ink the entire tag...
the kraft color showing thru adds to the 
faux metal effect...
I am in LOVE with these metallic stains...

think about stamping a solid image in black & then clear embossing for a dramatic effect...

this would also be a great technique to die cut...
the ideas are brewing...


I'm on a "sugar high" because of this fun discovery...

I like that we can use my Blossom Bucket pieces right from the package and that they can be altered too...

to alter these eyeglasses, 
paint them with a light coat of Glue N Seal...
this will work with any clear drying adhesive...
so, you can use Glossy Accents or Multi Medium as well...

here comes the sugar...

over the eyeglasses...
then return the excess back to the jar...
and dry...
you can let them air dry or you can speed it up with the heat tool...

after it's nice & dry...
(anything that has a pigment will have a metal mixing ball & needs to be shaken)
then I just touched my finger to the wet dabber top to pick up a small amount of stain & then tapped my inky pewter finger over the rock candy glitter...

here's a comparison...
 from the package & then the altered glasses...
by adding the metallic stain over the rock candy glitter, 
it creates a
  faux mercury glass effect...

it's not overpowering bling...
it looks like sugary vintage crushed mercury glass...
with no sharp edges!

think of all the fun this technique will be for the holidays...

back IN STOCK!

 these guys are FUN...
they come in 2 lengths 
each package has 4 corners...

they are strong metal, but can be easily cut with tim's tonic scissors...

these corners are perfect for adding a shelf to your art...
they also allow the art to stand alone...

you can use 2 of the same size art parts 
to create boxes...

here's a mini box...
just an inch wide...

and I flipped when this idea happened & WORKED...

a crayon/pencil box...
because the box has the 
metal corner on the bottom,
 it will stand alone on a shelf...

it can also have a magnet added to the back & 
it can be displayed on a magnetic surface...

I added mine to my art journal, 
that I made from 
there are 6 pages in the package...
enough to create 3 journals...

the box sits right on the little shelf...
and adds so much dimension to the front of my journal...

now the giveaways...

first up is...
a brand new stamp set...

and the coordinating art parts package...
it's called BUGS & BUTTERFLIES...

the second prize package is all flowers...

the stamp set is titled...
it comes with a coordinating art parts package called...

and this prize also includes my new stencils for art called...

here's some art made with these new stamps, art parts & stencils...

this is the inside back cover of another art journal...

and a fun journal page, using the flower stencil...
I like to trace around the stencil, then remove the stencil & randomly doodle around the petals several times, to create a hand drawn look...

after the doodling was done, I added distress stains to the flower, using the detail water brush...

another option is to replace the stencil & then stamp over it with any background stamp...
this will add the image to the petals only, without stamping into the background...


the winner of prize package #2 is...

Blogger Caz said...
Congrats Elena!
And another chance to win some gorgeousness....... PICK ME!! PICK ME!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!
July 25, 2012 9:56 AM

please send me your shipping info @

if YOU would like either of these prizes...
just leave a comment here ...
 I'll be back on MONDAY with 2 winners...

until then...
enjoy your weekend &

make art!
wendy! more thing...
check it out & SAVE!


  1. Love the bugs & butterflies!!!

  2. Love all the new products....

  3. SERIOUSLY LOVE that crayon box!!!! Do you want to sell it??? Haha!

  4. Love the faux metal technique! And such a fun crayon box...

  5. Thanks for sharing these fabulous techniques. Definitely need those new stains! Love your new stamp sets.

  6. Yippeeeeeeee! Two winners? I love the bugs with your "don't bug me" sentiment...very fun! Both Giveaways are fantastic, and I need a Wendy stamp (set!) to enter the challenges at EWV! This has worked for the last winners~I'm begging.... PLEEEEEZ Pick ME! (Waving hand wildly in the air) Please oh please pick MEEEEEEEE!(On knees with hands folded)
    Thank you for the chance Ted, Michelle and Wendy!

  7. Wendy, you make me having a healthy crafty appetite. Lovely new stains (need those!) glue and glitter and stamps. Your artwork is super.

  8. Wow! My two favourite things Insects & Flowers. Please, Please, Please pick me.

  9. WENDY!!! These are fantastic!!! You have me more excited about the new products...if that's even possible! And congrats to Caz...lucky!!!!

  10. Love the two give aways weekends rock!

    o in love with the journal box love it!

  11. these are so cute love them....they don't bug me at all!

  12. Hi Wendy, I love your use of the new metallic distress stains & glitter on your spectacles art piece. I could imagine Elton John in these. Also loving your giveaways. Two in one day. You are spoiling us. Hope I win.

  13. Very cool background with the metallic stain! And, the glasses are adorable! Love 'em! And, that crayon box is awesome!

  14. Love what you've done with the lasses, how fabulous, hope you ock me

  15. Your projects are amazing! Thanks for the chance to win. Love the honeycomb on the Bugs & butterflies set.

  16. My grandson would flip if I had bug stamps! LOL Congrats, Caz!

  17. Everything looks like so much fun. The glittered glasses are awesome and the crayon box grabbed me.

  18. There's my set . . . on the blog today! WOO HOO! Love the wildflowers, the art parts AND the stencils! So many possibilities!!

  19. Drool, dribble, drool!! love the bugs and butterflies soooo bloomin gorjuss!


  20. Oh those techniques are brilliant! Can't wait to give them a try when the stock is over the pond! I seriously want to make that crayon box!

    Two giveaways?! You've just doubled the excitement! Thanks Wendy!!!

  21. Can I play also? Would love to try out your new stamps and art parts!

  22. O wow, the bugs and butterfly stamps and parts are my favourite! They are on top of my wishlist.

  23. Wow, I'm overwhelmed with all of the wonderful things I just saw! I love the look of the metalic stains on the craft tag. All of your projects were beyond amazing.
    Congrats to Caz!

  24. Well done Caz! Wendy, today's giveaways are just fab - I love them equally and would be proud to look after one for you... Have a great weekend - I will be glued to the Olympics for most of it but hope to find time to make art somewhere along the way!

  25. Faux metal background is just gorgeous, can`t wait to try it. I also love your Bugs and butterflies stamps set!
    Thanks for chance to win!

  26. Both of those prize packages are just divine! And that tut is stunning! Can't wait to get new toys in my hands so I can play in my art space. Gotta keep occupied with this drought and heat.

  27. Fabulous prize packages, I love the bugs and wildflowers. Love your art too. Enjoy your weekend making art. Fingers crossed you pick me. Tracy x

  28. Love those metallic stains and the way you've used them to change up the eyeglasses. My must-have list is ginormous!

  29. I love love love all of it. Your art parts are the greatest! These stamps are terrific and I could use them in my stash.

  30. Congrats Caz!! Have fun with your prize!

    Wow Wendy, great art your sharing again!
    I think, nooo I'm sure, I'm in love with everything you are creating;-)

  31. Great work with the metatallic stains!

  32. Wow what a great ideas.
    I love the crayonbox
    Thanks for the double chance
    And have a nice weekend

  33. Girlfriend, you are one busy girl! I'm exhausted just 'scrolling' to see it all, never mind making all that. Whew!

  34. Oh wow 2 give-aways, so generous. I'd love to win either but those bugs are fab. Can see me needed them when they reach us over here. Take care Zo xx

  35. Bugs??!! Metallic stains???!!!???? Love it all!

  36. Love how you put this tag together. The combination of products turns out so awesome. And your new stamps are great. Thanks as always for sharing.

  37. love these projects - each one of them and would love to win - thanks for the chance... Congrats to Caz on scoring the last give away.

  38. Congratulations Caz!!!
    I'm so excited about those Metallic Stains, thank you for the tip on using them! Love love love the eyeglasses with the R.C. Glitter on them! Love both of today's give-aways, I'd be thrilled to have either one of at journal NEEDS them!

  39. Funn, fun, fun!!!! love what you did with the little glasses!

  40. cool tutorial, like the new stuff

  41. I so hope to see my name up there in the post after the drumroll...... Please pick me, oh yeah me , me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me. Do I have enough me's or should I continue? LOL
    Hugz Wendi

  42. All I can say is WOW!!!! Every piece and technique is fascinating but I think I like the art parts best!

  43. Wendy I just LOVE your style! Your creativity is amazing! I'm still kicking myself in the behind for not being able to make it to the class you did at Cafe Crop in Crown Point, IN a while back. (I heard you're a real hoot!) Thank you for sharing all your fabulous ideas & art!!

  44. Love those flying things. I should be so lucky.. :)

  45. Bugs. I. Want. The. Bugs. PLEASE, for the love of God, gimme the BUGS.
    p.s. your art is wonderful as always! Yeah, and now I need the metallic stains, da**it.

  46. Love the specs that's definitely a technique I'll have to try.

    Gorgeous new stamps too xx

  47. Fabulous!
    Can I join in from the UK please??

  48. Congrats to Caz!!
    Lucky Lady! :-)
    Thanks for the chance to win more goodies.
    Inky Hugs
    Michelle xx

  49. Love the cute little crayon box! And the pen holder box next to it! Fun ideas!


  50. Love love love the glasses and glitter .. that metallics is so cool ! I love all the projects .. thanks for the ideas on journaling too, I'm just starting to get into that. You are the BEST enabler I know .. thanks for the box of goodies tip :) Happy Friday Wendy

  51. Thanks for the tips! I love your new products.

  52. Wow the stamps and inks are so gorgeous that I want them all!!!
    Oh how I wish I could win the prize for this giveaway I will then make an item for someone to sell behalf of Cancer Research UK.
    Love Marg x ;-0

  53. What a post... "chocked" full of cool ideas! I'm in love with the bee with the Clearly-for-Art (?) wings. These post CHA days are the BEST as you share all your new products and how-to's!

  54. Caz you're a lucky person. Congrats.
    I'd really love to win one of the prizes in today's giveaway. thanks for the chance.

  55. OH NO, Wendy, you're killing me!!! Seriously FAB!!!

  56. Love them all! I only want one of each thing - does that make me greedy? Yes, I suppose it does but I still want them all........A x

  57. I'm at work eating lunch in the break room by myself and couldn't surpress a loud gasp when I saw the tag with the black soot stain combined with the pewter stain. I was so excited and absorbed I realized that I was actually making these noises out loud! Oooo, I don't think anyone heard me, hee, hee! Love, love, love this technique!!!!! And what a generous giveaway and perfect for me as these two are my favs of your new stuff. Would be honored to get my first Wendy stuff. Thank You!

  58. I really do love the way your mind works Wendy. You have created so many new art parts and stencils and stamps that I just cannot keep up with all of it...they are a joy to look at and I love how you show us your techniques in an easy-to-follow way. You always rock Wendy! Karen :)

  59. I ordered the box of goodies from ep; I cannot wait to see what I will receive. However I do know that box will not have either of your give-a-way stamps I would LOVE to win one of the new ones; either one will do,they are both great! Thanks for the opportunity.

  60. Wow, how I love the technique on the glasses .... I've talked to my bank manager and I think I can get a loan for all the new products I want (notice I didn't say need). Love your blog and the great things you share. Looking forward to all the new things coming to my lss.

  61. I just love it all, thanks for s chance to win some of your fabulous products!

  62. Great prizes - would love to make a home for one of them in my studio. Here's hoping!

  63. Just LOVE the new flower stamp set and still my heart...oh, and the new metallic distress stains are amazing!!

  64. OHHHH, I want these!! Awesome!

  65. WOW! I'd take anything of your Wendy, I'll send my address when my name is picked.

  66. I am in love with all your amazing samples! Gorgeous pages with gorgeous new products. I want some!!!

  67. Love the trick for the glasses - that is so cool! Thanks for the giveaway, and thanks for sharing your ideas.

  68. oh My!!!! it would be hard to choose between the two sets, I do lOvE flowers, but the honeycomb background stamp is so cool. I guess flowers would have to win, so many possibilities.

  69. Oh my, love the bugs!!!!! Pick me please!

  70. Love checking out your blog and seeing all the neat art that you create. To win a prize would be the icing on the cake. Thanks for a chance to win!!!!

  71. Love the crayons! Thanks for another chance to win some of your awesome new goodies!!! Can't wait to try the glitter technique!

  72. What fab creations! Love! And such great giveaways! Thanks for the chance to win!

  73. Congrats Caz! I would love to win please! Love all your new stuff!

  74. Looove these goodies! Pick me, please!!!

  75. WOW !!! Fabulous new products Wendy
    hope they reach the UK soon,thanks for the chance to win them, fingers crossed.

    Janet x

  76. Congrats to Caz! Thank you, Wendy, for the techniques. They are awesome and I'll have to try them once I get the new products. As for your new stamps and art parts...LOVE!! They are so cool! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! Fingers and toes crossed...

  77. More super projects, I am loving that distressed tag technique.. Would love a chance to win xx

  78. What great tips!!! These new products look like lots and lots of projects just waiting to happen! How cool it will be to win such great giveways!!! fingers crossed!!!!!!!

  79. I love these new sets, especially the bees with the honeycomb background stamps. I can see lots of possibilities for some nature inspired art. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Bette

  80. Would love to win either of those prizes, thanks!!!

    Like the effect on the tag with the metallic stains, going to have to get those.

    ** Kate **

  81. Thanks for the great technique Wendy!!!

  82. I love the textures from these techniques, and those new stamps are gorgeous, love the flowers and insets too, the wings are so detailed on clear. Thanks for the chance of winning Wendy. I'd love to add some of your new creativity enablers to my collection.

  83. Congrats winners! Love to win some of the new stuff!!!!!! :-)

  84. Oh my! So want to win some of this gorgeous new stuff! The wildflowers are to die or, and I so freakin'want every stamp set! This new line is sooooo beyond fabulous!

  85. Wow! Love all your art! Love these new products too...can't wait for them to hit the stamp stores. If I could be lucky and win some of these items, my wait could be over temporarily...until all the new things hit the stamp stores! Hee Hee

  86. Congrats to Caz. Cannot wait to get some of these new products!!!!!

  87. More give a ways!!! Yea!!!! I would love either package. What fun!

  88. LOVE your new stuff, Wendy! You always amaze us! Oh, don't forget to get your Bears SUPERBOWL tix!!! It's our year!!! lol

  89. Wonderful bugs, beautiful flowers!! Aweso e new stuff, can't wait til you come to CO again! Best thing I did for myself all year!

  90. I love what you did with the new Distress stains.It is just the look I can see myself using all the time.
    Your work and your products are just amazing.Everything is a pure delight.

  91. from one Wendy to another - you inspire me - I am in awe of all your wonderful creations and would LOVE to win one of your giveaways.

  92. Fantastic just love them, thank you soooo much!

  93. What a great ideas with the metallic stains. Love your creations. Thanks

  94. lovely tutorials, and giveaway! I would be so delighted! Please enter me!

  95. OMgosh... love the glittered glasses!! I have the glasses, now I just need the glitter, lol! Thanks for a chance to win xoxo

  96. I'm totally head over heels for the new BUGS and BUTTERFLIES stamps and Art Parts. I don't know why but I have a thing for bug stamps, for some reason they make great embellishments on just about anything.

    I can't tell if I've missed the giveaway drawing or not but my fingers are crossed big time on this one.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win something (I think) Wendy.

  97. The bugs and wildflowers are totally yummy! Love the samples you made, would die to have these to try to mak something fabulous like you have- just gorgeous! I-need-these!!!!!

  98. Love 'em all.....but especially the crayon box!! And two giveaways?? You're spoiling us all again!!

  99. I really enjoy simply reading all the blogs.
    Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work.

  100. Great stamps and great examples to show us just some of the can we pick just one though? You know I had just sold 17 inches of 12x12 papers plus lots of various other scrapbooking supplies I hadn't wanted to use in years when I found a great Pinterest post with some of photos of what could be done with Tim Holtz alcohol inks on glass...Weeks later now and I am back in....checking out all the sales, and finding the kind of products I need to revamp my craft stash into what I will really use today! I love how much things have changed in a relatively short time.

  101. I love what you have done with these cool new products.

  102. Thanks for sharing your ideas and I love the bugs and that bee.
