Monday, November 26, 2012

my embossing paste LOVES tim's distress...

because I totally LOVE all tim's distress inks in any form,  
the embossing paste I chose 
HAD to play well with distress...
and it does...

below is one of my very first embossing paste projects...

I did one project & I was HOOKED BIG TIME...
I love the texture the paste creates 
& it's a whole different way 
to use stamps, Clearly for Art, art parts & dies...

I'll tell you how I created this...

first off...

I had this idea that I would LOVE to be able to 
distress stains...

I REALLY wanted to use them on art journal pages ...
like I did on this one...

and then I wondered about spraying wet embossing paste 
with distress stains...

so...I popped the top on several distress stains & 
put them into misters...
***make sure to label them***

if I was IN LOVE with the distress stains before...
let me just say
these sprays are the BOMB!

on to the art...

I used the palette knife to apply an uneven layer of white embossing paste over the art parts oval insert...
making sure to leave some areas uncovered...

then I misted the wet paste with these distress stains...
I used some peeled paint, faded jeans,

next I used this background to stamp into the wet paste...
it's a good stamp for the paste, since the text is larger & farther apart...
(clean your stamp immediately with water)

normally I mist my stamp with water before stamping into the wet paste, but there was enough stain on the paste that it wasn't necessary this time...

after the paste was dry, I inked the insert edges with walnut stain, using the blending tool...

and the insert looked like this...

then, I used my 3 fresh flowers stencil to add the flower, again with white embossing paste & set that aside to dry...

the flower was colored with mustard seed stain
using the detail water brush...
if you don't already have it...
add it to your Christmas wish list...
I LOVE it...

to get the pattern on the dry flower, I put the stencil back in place, then I inked this background with jet black archival & stamped over the flower...
to create this *double embossed* flower on the background...

look how cool...

while the paste was drying I used the black paint dabber to paint the art parts fancy oval frame solid base...
and inked the frame with brushed corduroy distress stain & added some walnut stain along the edges...
I added a bit of random stamping & stenciling...
and here's the result so far...

this next tidbit blew me away...

I didn't think the embossing paste would work 
with my Clearly for Art...
but it does & 
it makes AWESOME 
and the paste does not pop off or crack!

to create the flowers below, 
I used Glue N Seal to apply
 a vintage dictionary page to the CFA...
then I covered it with a layer of white embossing paste & set that aside to dry...

when the paste was dry, 
I die cut 2 flowers, using tim's tattered florals die, 
then inked the flowers with weathered wood & scattered straw, using the blending tool...
 stamped them with jet black archival...
then I heated the CFA to soften the material & shaped the flowers...
make great flower centers...

here's a better look...

to finish it off, I inked the art parts flourish with peeled paint stain & stamped it with jet black archival & my screen stamp...
I glued it all together with Claudine's multi-medium...
LOVE the matte the best...
and added my little Blossom Bucket crow

here's the finished piece again...

now are you wondering why I put the stains into misters?
 this is what happens when you 
spray the wet paste with barn door  stain...
you get
beautiful intense color...

same white embossing paste...
same barn door distress ink...
but this time the barn door is added 
over the DRY paste with a blending tool...

you get a much lighter color...
I love this too!

this is what I am LOVING about the embossing paste combined with the distress...
you have so many options...
and we can still use the archivals too...

I have so many ideas...
and so much brewing in my head that...
I can hardly sleep...

I hear the wheels turning...

if you are wondering about misting 
it's AMAZING & soooo shimmery pretty!
mist it over wet or dry paste...
both work well...

I've had quite a few questions about using the pastes...
so I'll do the Q & A in the next post...

until then...
I must find some chalk...

can you believe that we have NO chalk in this house?

I have a project to share that makes a GREAT holiday gift...
but I NEED chalk...

so I can...

make art!
ps...what ideas do YOU have brewing?


  1. Two questions: are you spraying 100% Distress Stain, or are you diluting with water? Why are you gluing vintage dictionary pages to the CFA if you are covering them up with paste? Can you still see the words, or is it just to give the CFA some 'tooth'?

  2. I love embossing paste, the texture and interest it adds to a project is fantastic. Love your creative smokes Wendy, fabulous detail and I love the flowers. Tracy x

  3. Creative pieces grrrr spell checker doing its own thing lol x x

  4. this paste looks fab and the fact that it loves distress sounds fab too!! defo on my wish list!!
    which is rather long...
    trace x

  5. This sounds like all round good fun and I so need the embossing paste NOW!! Hope you find your chalk because I am sure your next reveal will be amazing too...

  6. Way cool stuff! I'm going to try colorwashes on it...see how that goes. lol. Love it!

  7. Oh my goodness Wendy, your making me fall in love with that paste and now I must get myself some misters for the stain.

  8. I live in the middle of nowhere and must mail order everything - so here is my question: If the embossing paste is frozen is it ruined or will it be ok once it has come to room temp? thanks!

  9. I love the look of the stamped image in the paste!

  10. You have answered my question about the black embossing paste and Perfect Pearls, so thank you. Your plaque is stunning! A x

  11. O-h m-y g-o-s-h! Even though I've seen some of these pieces in person they still blow me away! Hopefully I'll have time to play later this week!

  12. I need to try to see if Dyan's sprays work with the paste. I'll bet they do. I got as far as gluing the dictionary pages to the CFA. Now to add paste tonight when I get home from work.

  13. Ah... I too wondered if you could spray Distress Stains but didn't have the courage to pop one open! Maybe I should have!!! Love, love, love the tutorial and ideas... I really, really need to get 'pastey' - hurry up mr postman!!!

  14. Can't wait to get my inky fingers on these, that double embossed flower is simply amazing xx

  15. I have said this before, I love the way you think! Beautiful projects.

  16. What an amazing idea...Spray tops on Distress Stains! Fabulous!! Stunning projects, as always! I combined the paste with Distress Inks and it was the perfect combo...Now for the time to finish that project! :-)

  17. Beautiful, Wendy! Can't wait to see what's next!

  18. Awesome!!! I guess I need to put mister bottles on my Christmas list :-))


  19. waouhhhhhhhhhhhhh splendide

  20. Really keen to try turning my distress stains into sprays. Since distress stains came out, I've managed to collect the whole set (quite a big investment) and now I see they've brought them out in spray form, there's no way I can repeat the process, so a DIY mister for them is the answer for me. Thanks for an excellent tutorial. I love the effect of the sprays on the embossing paste. I don't have any of that, but I use polyfilla and I'm sure that would work just as well!

