Friday, January 25, 2013

more CHA chat...

***breaking news***

all the products I linked to in this post are
no teasing you with products that aren't available...

here are a few of the little arts that I made for tim...
using his AWESOME new blueprint stamps...

first up...
I covered my Clearly For Art with paper...
then used jet black archival to stamp the images...

I chose super fine detail embossing powder for the embossing...
this is a much finer powder & it's perfect for thin lines...
like what you see in the blueprint stamps...
and I use it for lots of my sayings...

next I cut them out...
the distress markers make it easy to color in the small areas...
when I liked them, I heated the pieces to make them dimensional...

was a perfect fit...

this shows the dimension a bit better...
the cupcake is layered several times...
and the cupcake tin is actually my gold embossing paste over CFA...
when it was dry, I rubbed the coffee archival pad 
over the dry gold paste to tone it down...

the gold stamping & edging was done with 
and the little dots are also the metallic stain...

I flicked it on with the detail water brush...
the detail brush makes THE best dots...

I added a bit of rock candy distress glitter to the frosting...
perfect for a sugary effect...

Oh wait...
...maybe this butterfly set is my favorite...

the background is created with distress stains 
on Specialty Stamping Paper...
the butterfly is dimensional...
I used Glue N Seal to add SS paper to the CFA...
stamped the butterfly a second time with jet black archival, then colored it with distress markers & stains, 
using the detail water brush...

here's a closer look...
the beautiful blue you see in the background is 
archivals are AWESOME!

here's an art journal page...
LOVE my new polka dotty stencil LOTS...
LOVE the sentiment stamp & for sure the flower...

the mini heart is the new never enough hearts stencil...

another new art journal...
this time I wanted it to be side opening...
I like that it's square...

same flower as above...
but this time I used the coordinating flower art part...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Blossom Bucket star knob

this little Bon Appetit makes a fun hostess gift...
it's so simple to customize for any decor...

it's stamped with this new background 
I'm so happy to have the mini flourishes...

it will stand because I added a Blossom Bucket metal corner...

how cute are the fork & knife?

here's the result of a scientific experiment...

I was *wondering* if I could use my embossing paste on glass...

I'm happy!

this is a $1.00 glass bottle from Michael's... 
but repurpose whatever you have...

paint it with Glue N Seal & let it dry...

then spread the paste over the glass...

I applied it very unevenly, 
with the hope that I could make it look like a vintage pottery piece...

when the paste is dry...
you have tons of options...

you can color it with distress paints...
paint dabbers...
distress stains...
alcohol inks...

I used watered down distress paint...
several colors...

and stamped it randomly with a text stamp, using jet black archival...

next I put a small dab of white embossing paste on the craft sheet & added 1 DROP of peeled paint reinker...
to make a green paste...

with 48 distress colors...
you have 48 options for paste colors...
just by adding a drop or 2 of reinker...
to the white paste...

that allowed me to add the leaves with green paste thru the new lovely leaves stencil...

for the final step...
I misted it with turquoise Perfect Pearls mist...

here's the result...

forgot to photo the cork topper...
I spread a bit of paste on the flat top & stamped into it...
then colored it with distress stains...

speaking of embossing paste...

congrats to...

Blogger Redanne said...
Oh yes please! Watched the video and was amazed to see you can stamp into the paste too and remove inks from them too - great techniques to remember.... A x
January 22, 2013 at 11:54 AM

please email me with your shipping info...

ok...gotta run...
today is a road trip with  hubby to find some things we need for our home re-do...

see you next week with some FUN giveaways...
can you say

have a great weekend...

as always...
take time...

make art!


  1. Fun projects, always love your flower.

  2. Fantastic projects! I love that you have as many favourite new products as I do...!! Hope you have a great weekend, making art of course!

  3. Beautiful artwork!! All of your products are so yummy, I can't wait to play this weekend! I've got a bottle calling my name. Congrats to Redanne!

  4. Yikes, these are yummy! Its official: because of CFA, there is now no limit to the embellishments you can customize for your projects. But I do love the new Blossom Bucket pieces. Way to go, Lady Wendy!

  5. Love the projects you did. The birthday card is really unique. Might have to see if I can track down some of those sets. I am going broke quickly!!!

  6. I love your samples and they are so gorgeous that I want to make ALL of them. Love your colors, too! I will be placing an order!

  7. Wow! Love them all, especially the knife and fork. Need them for my receipe book! Thanks for all the inspiration, there are not enough hours in my day to do everything though. Hugs,
    Gail in Oklahoma

  8. Someone get my jaw off the floor! These are fantastic. I think the butterfly is my favorite but they are all truly amazing. Wow.

  9. you are truly amazing!
    thanks for the inspiration and enabling!
    Sandra ltb

  10. Wonderful ideas! Did you just ask me to say "hot off the press rubber"?!!! Look how obedient I am!!! Have a fab weekend!

  11. Wow Wendy! It is all so fabulous!!

  12. Wonderful samples! I especially love the birthday one. I've been hoping Tim would do a birthday set; so many BD stamps are too cutesy. This one has an edge, and with your techniques is also feminine at the same time. Outstanding!

  13. Thank you so much for choosing my name Wendy - I love happy mail!
    Your first piece is gorgeous but for me it has to be the butterfly, it is sooo beautiful, love what you did with it. Thank you again! Hugs, Anne x

  14. If these really, really cool samples aren't there when you get home I bet I know where they could be! wink wink LOL! Oh my, what a super cool science project! And that 'bon appetit' will be perfect for my neighbor's new house..he's such a kitchen freak! Definitely have to go shopping now!

  15. Wonderful! Eeeeeeeekkkk, love, love, love the butterfly! I have that stamp set on order from my LSS. Can't wait to get inky. Oh, and That French ultramarine archival is soooooo pretty. Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. So lovely. Love the bottle, thank you for so many fab ideas.

  17. Oh Wow! Love all of your projects!!! That bottle turned out fabulously.

  18. Wendy...everything you have done here is amazing! I totally love it all! Your colors are so beautiful. Love the Happy birthday project. So cute! love the integration of the blueprint stamps! Love the embossing paste over CFA! Gonna have to give that a whirl! Thanks for sharing your art and your ideas with us! <3 Candy

  19. I always love seeing your art and it makes me smile from one picture to the next but my mouth literally dropped open when I saw the bottle - wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I love it all! I must try a bottle!

  21. Fabulous samples, with so much dimension they really pop xx

  22. I am chomping at the bit to get some of that paste....ANY color will do!!!! LOVE your samples....

  23. Yay Redanne!!! Love love love that she won! And LOVE all these samples pieces and all the bits and tips you give us! You are a wealth of info!!!

  24. Such cool projects, love them all. The bottle looks amazing & I love the art journal.

  25. All of your projects are AWESOME! Love your art with Tim's stamps!! Super cool colors!

  26. Congrats Redanne. Soooooo many "cool" new goodies coming our way, CHA looked amazing. A little birdie tells me I NEED all these lol! As always you're samples are an inspiration, thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend.x

  27. Oh my goodness, I just LOVE what you have done. The new products are amazing!!! Can't wait to get hold of them and give them a try!!

  28. Thanks for sharing your fun creative projects, love your use of color
