Thursday, May 30, 2013

selective embossing with distress...

I'm packing today & getting ready for some southern hospitality!

I'll be in Texas for 10 days...
I wonder if I'll come home with an accent...

I'm teaching 2 full day (8 hour) Ranger technique classes
I was there a few years ago...
it's an AWESOME store!

the first one sold out, 
so we added a second Ranger class 
to accommodate the people on the wait list...

after that I'm teaching an all day ( 8 1/2 hours) art journaling class...
we'll make the entire journal from scratch & create lots of fun pages too...
with each page focusing on a specific technique...

after that I head over to GASC...
that's The Great American Scrapbook Convention, in Arlington Texas...

tim & I will man the Stampers Anonymous booth 
and we'll be demoing there all 3 days...

come see us...

our booth will be LOADED with all the supplies you NEED to...

make art!

as an added bonus,
you can even meet Mario at the register...


in my spare time, I've been putting the finishing touches on NEW products for CHA...

new stencils, new stamps (with a twist), new art parts & a few super duper surprises...
will be coming in July!

I received some of the new stencils & some of the new stamps on Friday, 
so I started my CHA booth/catalog samples over the weekend...

 I am totally FLIPPING in LOVE...

 it's too soon to start the peeks/teasing...
but get ready...

***************************'s a quickie art share...

another "selective embossing" tag, with a twist...
no embossing pen is needed...

here's what to do...

use the blending tool to ink thru the wildflower stencil
with barn door for the flower & peeled paint for the stem & leaves...

keep the stencil in place & use jet black archival to stamp over the flower with the polka dot border and this mini collage stamp for the leaves...

*oops* can't find the mini collage stamp...
the set is called ART GONE POSTAL & it's #LCS051...

remove the stencil & sprinkle with clear embossing powder, then heat to emboss...

add the background inks right over the embossing...
the embossing will resist the inks...

use rusty hinge thru the brick stencil to add some random bricks to the background...

LIGHTLY ink the tiny text stamp with
 stamp several random areas...
look close & you'll see it...

stamp the sentiment in jet black...
and to stencil the stripes border at the top...

use the barn door marker to add the tiny hearts...

this photo shows that only the flower & leaves are embossed...

SUPER easy & SUPER fun!

a few little tips...
***because the distress inks & the archival stay wet, you can emboss with them***

***clean the archival ink from the stencil with cheapo Dollar Store rubbing alcohol***

***choose stamps with a tiny pattern when stamping thru a stencil over small areas***

***Ranger's Heat It tool is AWESOME...
it has a built in it won't blow your embossing powder all over the place & it's really super quiet***

***stencils are plastic...they DO NOT LIKE the Heat Tool***

***if you decide to emboss after the inks are dry, just ink over the areas you want to emboss with the Perfect Medium pen..., then sprinkle with embossing powder***

*** the Inkssentials Emboss-it Pen pack has one clear pen & one BLACK pen...think about this...doodle in black...or write something, then emboss it!***

selective embossing...

try it...
it's a fun technique!

time to finish up packing...

10 days? how many sandals is that?
oh boy...

see y'all soon...

I'm headed to Texas to...

make art!

ps...earlier this week we finalized the classes for
click the link for all the info...

I'm teaching the full day Ranger techniques class & also the all day art journal class there...

I hope you can join us... 


  1. very fun!
    thanks for sharing the tips - enjoy your trip!
    I know your students will!
    Sandra ltb

  2. Oh...I have to try this. Any plans to head up to the Seattle area for some classes?

  3. Always love going to Texas. Have a great time! Words I picked up in Texas and one of my faves . . . Kiss my butter beans!

  4. What a great tag!! Love the brighter pop of color from the embossed flower! It does look fun to do... I'll try one today I think! :) Can't wait to see your new stencils n' things for CHA!! It's never too early to sneak peek... hinthint...LOL. Have fun in your workshop classes... they sound totally awesome!! You need to come to North Carolina soon!!

  5. What a lovely tag! Have a grand time in grand ole Texas.

  6. wonderful tag and have fun in Texas!!

  7. Love the tag and have a great time in Texas!

  8. have a great time. I am going to a crop on Saturday so will be making art too.

  9. Those lucky ducks in Texas .. I wish you were coming to St. Louis or somewhere close to teach those classes. How lucky are you to hang out with Tim & Mario .. You have a dream job :) Safe travels Wendy .. have fun

  10. thanks for the great tips and ideas, Wendy! have fun in Texas!

  11. Beautiful tag Wendy! Have a wonderful time in Texas - making art.

  12. Gorgeous, gorgeous tag!! I love the colors and design!! The flower just pops!! I wish I lived close to Texas!! Have a great time!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  13. Coolio! Love selective embossing! More great ideas from the master! Safe travels and have fun!
    P.S. I'm commenting from my IPad...whoopee!

  14. Have a lot of fun in Texas!!!

  15. Sounds like a blast Wendy! Have a great time and give Mario a hug from me! He's so sweet!

  16. Absolutely LOVE this tag with the selective embossing!!! And, I was so psyched for the Mass. classes, but I saw the date, and can't do ... more foot surgery the end of July. Oh poo!

  17. Love the colors on this tag and the cool tips and techniques you share in your tutorials. Have fun in Texas! Bette

  18. Wendy, I was in your class on Monday and loved it! I enjoy the way that you teach and demonstrate the products! My journal turned out great! Thanks for coming to Texas and hope to see you again soon!

  19. LOVE you're FUN Tag!! I would LOVE to come and SEE YOU for a class, but I just had a baby so it probably won't be this year!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS TIME with your classes!! ;)
