Thursday, July 11, 2013

new studio 490... for CHA S 13...

for sharing your comments & enthusiasm...
I am so happy to finally share & not have to keep these secrets...

I sincerely appreciate the time you take to leave comments & send "special" emails...

OH and many THANKS 
for the FACEBOOK comments too...

you make me HAPPY...

you guys are THE BEST!

and if you would

 that would be super nice...
thanks again!

today I have 5 new stencils to show...
and an extra at the bottom of the post...

stencil #1...
create a flower...

this cutie has interchangeable stems/leaves & flowers...

use them together...
or alone...

or pair them with an art part...
they are mixable/matchable with other stencils too...

they are so easy to use with multiple colors, 
because they are separate...

 the openings allow stamps to be used thru the stencils for endless combinations of stamps & flowers...
or embossing pastes...

these are perfectly sized for cards or an art journal page...

like this...

#2 is a basic I keep reaching for...

it's the honeycomb...

it a great background & an excellent "filler" anytime you need a little something extra in the background...

I'm thrilled with this guy...

below it's paired with the new wreathe stencil I showed yesterday...
the art parts word is a perfect fit...

stencil #3...

3 flourishes...

another that I love because it has 3 size choices...
it's perfect for so many projects...
ink or add embossing paste thru the stencil...
or just trace the outline & then doodle inside the lines...

I'll use this one a lot...

stencil #4...

artful words...

I have used these on art journal pages and mixed media pieces...

LOVE the irregular font...
with 15 words to choose from...


for some reason...

is my new favorite word...
I just find it...


you got it...


and the final stencil...


I knew this would be a favorite,
 but I had no clue that I would love it so much...

the 2 fancy flowers stencil
is over the moon FUN...

below, I used it with some distress inks...
and some masking...

it's a completely flat art journal page...
but the layering/masking really makes it look dimensional...

can you see how much fun we'll have with this one?

keep it simple & use just one beautiful flower to make a statement...
or add some leaves...
or a stem from the 3 fresh flowers stencil...
or some leaves with the lovely leaves stencil...
or have a blast & fill a whole page...
like I did...

and speaking of fun...

I LOVE distress & archival inks with stencils...

but to create added texture,
my new embossing paste totally ROCKS...

it's translucent paste...
be still my heart...

if you have the black & white embossing pastes
you know that they are a matte finish & they are kind of spongy when dry...

the gold & silver pastes are much firmer...

this translucent paste dries with a very hard solid surface...

and it does have some shine...
you can "gently" heat it with the heat tool to speed up the drying time, if you are like me...

with ZERO patience...

you can tint it with lots of Ranger products...

you can easily stamp over it with archivals...

Ted has this is IN STOCK and ready to ship!

look how cute...

 I used it with the stencil after I had added my color & stamped thru the stencil...

I used the translucent paste only over the flower to really make it stand out...

this new paste LOVES tim's distress products A LOT...

I have 3 of my very first experiments in the photo below...

the sample on the left is the translucent paste, applied thru the "yikes stripes" stencil
then I sprayed the distress stains while the paste was wet...
(I put the stains into misters)
I blasted it with the heat tool to cook the colors into the paste & create this cool textured/mottled background...

the middle example is the translucent paste 
thru the "yikes stripes" stencil (on a black tag),
 dried,  then lightly & randomly painted with distress paints...

the sample on the right is the translucent paste 
dried & then completely painted over with distress paints...

you might not want to try this...

what I *thought* would be a 20 minute EXPERIMENT, turned into a whole AFTERNOON of play...
and new technique discoveries...

I was so busy experimenting that I couldn't possibly cook dinner...
oh darn...
you have been warned! lol...

it is totally addicting & so many products you already have will work with this new paste...

it's completely flexible, when dry & it does not flake off or crack...

it's pure MAGIC!

here's my samples...

that's it for "CHA summer 13"...
 volume 2...

thanks for visiting...
volume 3!

you've seen all 10 of my new stencils...

I'm wondering...

which is your MOST favorite?



talk to me while I...

make (more CHA) art!
what to show tomorrow?
maybe stamps?


  1. You are trying to outdo yourself! Clear embossing paste, awesome! My favorite stencil so far is the tree from yesterday, and the fancy flowers from today. Can't wait to buy them. Thanks for the peeks

  2. Ok ... going to try again ... lol
    I LOVE all of your new products-can't wait to play! - but the flourish stencil? LOOOOVVVEEEE it!!!

  3. There is something sweet about the honey bee and love the honeycomb stencil!

  4. Love the fancy flowers, that has to be my fave .. and the translucent embossing paste is beyond cool, I can't wait to go .. SHOP :) Thanks Wendy, love it all so far !!

  5. I love them all but the fancy flowers is definitely a favorite! Thanks for everything!! Can't wait til tomorrow ;-)

  6. Love the fancy flowers! Can't wait to see the stamps :-)

  7. I am still very partial to your tree...but those flourishes are FANTASTIC, too!!! LOVE the reveals!!! (Can't wait to get some of the embossing paste! It sounds fabulous!!)

  8. Ok, so far the fancy flowers and the flourishes are my favs!!
    And that paste is to die for!!!
    Thanks Wendy!!!

  9. I am loving all the stencils...but fancy flowers and flourishes just might be my favorites...yummy!

  10. Love the tree, build a flower and fancy flower. Hmmmm, do you see a theme here? Lol. The new embossing paste looks fantastic. Waiting patiently, not, for round 3. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. I just can't decide which stencil is my fave because I simply in love with ALL of them!!! And the translucent paste looks like it could take the place of Glossy Accents when you have the need to make something with a bit of a shine to it. I'm doing a super stencil dance and can NOT wait for these to be shipping! You've rocked my world, Wendy!

  12. Love all of the stencils! That big flower looks like it will be fun to play with. Can't wait to get the new paste!

  13. Pretty, pretty stencil designs! Yeah for all those flower options. The flourish design is my fave. Love seeing your creations with your products. So many new things to play with.

  14. All of the stencils are gorgeous!! The honeycomb might be my favorite!! But OMG, I must have that translucent embossing paste!! Can not wait!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  15. Can't wait to get my hands on the translucent paste!! I love all the stencils!!! Not enough exclamation points to describe how I feel about them!

  16. I love your art! The flourish and fancy flowers stencils are my favorites. I hope to see more tutorials and videos in the future. Sometimes, I would like to make something like you do but I would need more information to learn your techniques :-)

  17. Love the stencils and especially the transparent embossing paste. Can't wait to get my hands on some.

  18. Favorites?? you expect us to pick? okay since you wanna play dirty I'll pick the flower one Bwahhhaaahhaaa!
    Ooo awesome Wendy!! the examples SO COOL!!! TFS!

  19. Love the Bar Code!!! But all the flowers are wonderful!!!!

  20. The flourish...yes! And that big ass flower...whoa!!! Love those two the best out of this lot, but they're all cool!

  21. Giddy, Wendy, the new stencils are AMAZING! I adore ALL of the flower stencils...right up my alley and I can hardly wait to get my hands on the new paste...SWOON!

  22. A favourite! OMG, I love the flower and stem because it would be so versatile but then I love the honeycomb too - but I think it still has to be the barcode words, if I was pushed to choose.... can't wait to get my hands on the new paste though too. You never fail to impress....

  23. I love the swirls and the honeycomb the best. Both have lots of applications.


  24. Fancy Flowers, oh and the Tree, oh and the words, oh the paste, oh damn cannot pick just one favourite lol. Love them all. Tracy x

  25. So hard to chose a favorite! I'll go with the honeycomb, today! I must have the translucent pasted.

  26. Okay, the honeycomb & flourish stencils join the tree from yesterday at the top of my wish list. And I love the idea of clear embossing paste.

  27. Love all the stencils, it will be hard to choose. Roll on tomorrow for my favorite crafting items...

  28. Fun! I really like the flourishes and am completely intrigued by the new, and no doubt charming (insert big grin), embossing paste!

  29. Really................Come on I am going to be flat out flippin broke. Only found your stencils and pastes in the last couple of months thanks to Hels Sheridan and I love them all. What's my favourite no way can decided, like trying to pick you favourite child.

    Back of the net for sure.

  30. awesome new stencils coming up, i love the 3 flourishes one...and OMG the paste...loving it already!!! =)
    hugs, SannaS

  31. Oh, love them all, want them all! Seriously hard to pick just one!! But, if I must, from the garden and layered wreath come in clise for first, then artful words. Can't wait to own them all and that yummy embossing paste!

  32. I love them all,but if you're making me choose, I'll choose the honeycomb!

  33. Hi I love the tree, and the flourishes, but most of all the embossing paste.
    thank you so much Rachel

  34. oh my giddy aunt, what delights you are showing us today! I think I love all of the stencils (of course) and the clear paste looks just FAB! Can't believe you're going to start on the stamps tomorrow...oh my wallet!

  35. Fancy Flowers, hands down! Love, love lots of them, but that one really jumps out at me.

  36. The fancy flowers stencil is to die for! Love it!

  37. Oh my Mrs V! I know you asked us to say our favourite stencils but really how can I until I've said how much I NEED, yes NEED, that new Embossing Paste! How incredibly awesome! Oh the possibilities!!!

    Right. Back on track. I loved the flourishes and the tree and the incredibly amazing flowers. There is some amazing art to be made here with all of th stencils, and let's face it, I'll have to have them all!!! Let's hope they're fast swimmers and get to Blighty soon!

  38. Hi Wendy, Well all your new stencils are awesome! However, my mostest favorite is the 2 fancy flowers stencil. I can't wait to get my hands on it & have a play.

  39. Gorgeous stencils one and all! If I have to pick a favorite it would be Large Lovely Flower. That'll be my first purchase, followed by Two Fancy Flowers. I think I may be influenced by your "charming" samples! No one does flowers like you, Wendy.

  40. awesome stencils AGAIN!!! Love the stenciling paste. Can't wait till all the new stencils are in the stores. Must have this year!

  41. loving the words and flourish stencils, and can't wait to get the transparent embossing paste, much fun to be had.

  42. I think the tree & leaves is my favorite followed closely by the honeycomb. That translucent embossing paste is on the top of my wish list.

  43. Oh Wendy oh Wendy....I'm so in love with the clear paste! The stencils too are grand! BRILLIANT design work! Can't wait to see all your samples!

  44. Favorite? Are you kidding?! I really like the flower stencils and mixing and matching sounds like a lot of fun on those!!

  45. Corrrrr.... a favourite? I couldn't pick one.. I LOVE them all... and, like I said yesterday, NEEED them all... very soon! Please say they are shipping soon.... you know patience isn't a virtue I have lol LOVE your samples too.... super cool and very gorgeous... TFS Wendy... did I ever tell you.... YOU ROCK!!!

  46. Of course I want them ALL, but Fancy Flowers really rocks!!!! I do love working with embossing paste I got from you in April!!! AMAZING STUFF!!!!

  47. Wendy - I looks like you are going to have so many new and fabulous products to show us. Thanks for all of your hard work in putting such lovely additions to our stamping rooms.

  48. What a great job on the different stencils. I do have to say that I love the artful words...I would love to play with that one! Well, play with all of them!

  49. The stencils are all fabulous. If
    I had to pick one it would be the
    honeycomb. I can't wait to get my
    hands on it and start playing.

  50. The stencils are amazing and I love the 2Fancy flower and Honecomb, but the 3 Flourishes just rock my socks!

  51. My favorite is the tree - so many possibilities. Pair that with the translucent paste and it's a beautiful thing!

  52. I love all the new stencils!!!! The fancy flower is to die for!!!! And the translucent paste... can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. I love all your stencils! My favorite is the honeycomb, flourish and the flower. Can't wait to get some.

  54. ohhh, ahhhh ...
    so exciting!
    Sandra ltb

  55. Too bad those are sooo far away. You guys have the good stuff, in many parts of Europe it's a little bit to find it.

  56. Today my favorite one is the flourishes followed closely by the artful words.

  57. Impossible to pick a favorite; I love ALL of the flower stencils, and I am not even a flower person! But honestly, that clear embossing paste is making my heart beat faster. Looking forward to hours of experimenting with it.

  58. Gotta have them all, but my two favorites are Artful Words and The Layered Tree. And, I LOVE the sample of the blue flower with the clear paste. Can't wait to try it myself!

  59. Wendy - I love them all! My favorite, if I have to pick would be "From the Garden" so many possibilities. Enjoying the sneak peaks.

  60. Oh Wendy you are going to bankrupt me. I have to have them all. My fave is the to make art...xx

  61. SOOO hard to choose...perhaps ARTFUL WORDS? I love them all. Flourishes also really caught my eye.

  62. Impossible to pick just one fav! Today, I really like the 2 fancy flowers and the honeycomb stencils. Can't wait to try your new embossing paste.

  63. I can't wait to try your new background stamps on the Gelli Plates I received in the mail yesterday.

  64. The honeycomb stencil is lovely - as are the flourish and the 2 large flowers. I think that the tree from yesterday is my very favourite so far though.

  65. I love all your new stencils but my favorite is the barcode one. Johanne L.

  66. Love the new paste! So many wonderful possibilities. My favorite new stencil is the flourishes. I do not know what it is about flourishes, but I love them! The flower stencil is also gorgeous. I love how you used it with the beautiful colors. Thank you for sharing your lovely new creations with us! Have a great weekend!

  67. Love the new paste! And the new stencils---- wow

  68. I love the honeycomb stencil - but I love them all!

  69. Wendy....Your new stencils....LOVE! Instant LOVE!! The new translucent embossing paste...LOVE EVEN MORE!!! :) The ideas are already spinning of how to use that little gem! Can't wait to get my hands on some. <3 Candy

  70. Not only am I in love with your new stencil's Wendy, I am also in love with your counter-part Tim's stencils. I just love how all of your products work so well with one another. There is such a sweet, homey feeling to all of your products. That's a compliment by the way. Your continued ideas for new products just amazes me every CHA show. It's as if the more products you come up with, the more and more creative you get and flourish. I've said it before, but I am truly in awe of you and your artistic abilities. Congrats on all the new goodies!

  71. Can you tint the clear emb paste with distress reinkers? And do the paler colours work or do you need to use the more vibrant colours?
    Many thanks
    Kathlern Mc x
