Friday, November 22, 2013

random facts and an art journal spread...

as promised…the numbers game...

I was given 3 numbers…9, 14 & 18…
and I'm supposed to list that many random facts about me...

YIKES...I can't go to'd fall asleep…

so...I'll do the best I can…

#1…I have NO sense of direction…NONE! if I stay in a hotel for a week, 99% of the time I'll leave the room & go the wrong way…
sad, but true…I make Rick go out the door first, so I can follow him & he can't tease me…

now that I travel alone a lot, I remind force myself to pay special attention… ps…I LOVE the GPS...

#2…NO sushi, tuna, mushrooms or cooked veggies for me…
YUCK! I only like fresh cold veggies...

#3…I have weird allergies to cooked green peppers & fresh pears…I love pears, but can not even eat a single bite...

#4…I LOVE to play blackjack & actually won a tournament in Aruba…that's where the nickname "blondie"came from…
I beat the locals who play every week!  we were shopping in town one day & a local guy spotted us & yelled…
"hey blondie…nice going"…Rick picked up on that immediately...

#5…I played blackjack in Vegas with Joe Thiesmann & Telly Savalas…but didn't realize who they were. Rick was flipping out…"didn't you see the bald head?"…nope…I was watching my cards…I have priorities...

#6…I NEED sun to survive... when it gets dark, I'm ready for bed…never ever was a night owl, even as a child or teen…
if it's a cloudy day, I have every light on in every room…
yes…Com Ed loves us...

#7…favorite movie? the wizard of Oz…it always aired in December when I was little & I believed that my parents had it televised to celebrate my birthday…lol…and then I got older & realized...maybe NOT!

#8…given the choice of a new car or 12 pairs of shoes…
I'll have shoes to coordinate with every outfit…

#9…discovering a new inky technique makes me absolutely giddy…I feel like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve...

#10…I hate paper napkins…LOVE cloth…

#11…I LOVE day old warm diet coke with lime…
warm & no fizz = perfect…

#12…I'm totally flipping addicted to Downton Abby (thanks to tim!)…I almost had to take a sick day when Matthew died…hmmm…wonder who I'd call?

#13…I hate going to movies…it's that darkness thing again…lights out = sleep…
the last one we went to see…silence of the lambs…poor Rick…
thank goodness for dvds...

#14…the necklace I wear was made from my mother's wedding ring. I put it on in 1989 when she died & never take it off...

so there you have it…that's!

we can't have a blog post without photos, so I thought I'd share these…

I was thinking that I want a larger journal to work in, so I made these pages using specialty stamping paperTHE BEST PAPER in the universe for mixed media inky techniques! 
I'm 100% serious! it takes TONS of abuse...

I used the 8 ½ x 11 paper & cut them to 8 ½ x 6…this allows the left over to be made into pages for my other small art journal
or tags for my art parts tag journal...

#15…I HATE waste!

I was just playing & I had not planned to share these pages, so I don't have step out photos...

but I am planning a tutorial in the near future to explain the background technique I used…see #9 above...

this is the result of yesterday afternoon in the studio

I *think* it's actually the first 2 page spread I've done
now I'm wondering why I didn't do this before? duh...

talk about mixed media

you'll see archival inks...all 6 of my yummy colors…plus the best jet black archival ink, used for the main images…

my archival reinkers…( I have a really fun discovery with them)

my black embossing paste…the embossing paste lid makes a great circle stamp when inked with archival or distress...

laboratorie tissue tape & some special washi tapes that were a gift from a friend who visited China…

a little different for me & I had soooo much fun…
I'm planning a new class for next year that will include pages like this...

here's a better look at Edgar...

and below is the right hand page…

notice the white space? I KNOW…shocking!


it seems I have 1 UNCLAIMED stamp set from my last giveaway…

so…if you're still awake…CONGRATS!

if you want a chance to WIN a set of new rubber stamps…
you can leave a comment & I'll be happy to send it off to a random commenter…

enjoy your weekend…

stay warm and…
I hope you'll have time to play and…

make art!


  1. Wow great journaling page. Very inspiring

  2. I would love to watch you play with mixed media.... it won't happen, but I can enjoy your posts!

  3. What a great journaling, love to read all the 15 random you :-)
    Your pages are very very beautiful! And then at the end a giveaway. WOW. Keep my fingers crossed......

  4. Wizard of Oz has always been one of my all time favorites too ! So has Gone With The Wind.. classics.

    I loved reading your facts - 1989 , that's the year I got married ! we will celebrate 24 years on the 8th. Time flies!

  5. Thanks for sharing random things about you. It was a fun read :-) As always I love whatever you gorgeous!!!

  6. Fantastic pages!! Can't wait to see what your reinker technique is! The background looks similar to the page you posted recently that had the mystery face appear in it... so interesting. Well... lucky for us someone didnt claim the stamp set (sad for them they missed out), so I'm crossing my fingers it'll be me this time!! :D

  7. Hi Wendy~

    I only fairly recently discovered you and your art, and I have fallen in love! I went crazy at SSS buying your stamps and parts....they must be loving me right now! I couldnt even bear to wait for a :)

  8. Loved learning more about you!!! I would love to win an unclaimed stamp set...I would for sure claim it!

  9. Thanks for the chance to win one of your lovelies <3

  10. enjoyed your random bits. I agree with #3, #10 & #12. The journal pages are super.

  11. Hi Wendy, great journal pages - and a little different from you - if you don't mind me saying - not used to seeing white on your projects! I love your art and would love to win some stamps! Claire x

  12. Love Edgar & all the juicy colourful goodness !

  13. I am still awake! Pick me, pick me! Nice white space too...

  14. Wendy, These are my all time favorite! Wow! They are simply gorgeous. Love the white space. Thanks for the "facts" about you-very interesting and fun.
    Gail in Oklahoma

  15. While I hate waste to, I would be so happy to get bto work with the stamps.. Inky greetings, Gerrina

  16. Unclaimed stamp set ... oh no was that me hehehe !! Sometime I can't even remember where I've been or what giveaway I need to check on!
    Interesting person you are... I love it! Love, love, love the journaling pages, makes me want to go do one right now ( oh darn gotta finish my work first ) !

  17. Spectacular your pages! full of details to learn how to inspire!

  18. I love your layout! Stamps & inks love love love!!!

  19. I love your layout! Stamps & inks love love love!!!

  20. Your work is so amazing you make it look so easy, easy enough for me to do. I just bought some of your stamps and ink to make what you make. Thanks for giving me a chance to be apart of what you do. Thanks Gloria

  21. So glad you are enjoying Downton, I never want it to end! Love your gorgeous pages - even with the white spaces, it sets the rest off so well. Looking forward to seeing more now...... Hugs, Anne x

  22. White space????Really???Love it!
    I have the same "Directional Impairment" as you-my Tom Tom is such an important part of my life, my husband calls it "the other man in my life"!

  23. LOVE these pages! thanks for another chance to win!!

  24. LOVED reading the facts!!! That was fun!!! Your pages are wonderful!! Looking forward to hearing about the technique!!

  25. absolutely love the techniques here.....awesome...especially Edgar !!! and the random numbers and drips and, and , AND !!! So cool.... Can't wait to play.....My hubby has that darkness thing too !!! If we go to dinner then a movie, I usually loose him during the previews !!!!!

  26. Wendy, do you do YouTubes? Do you do classes - in the UK???! These are really lovely pages. want to learn about re-inkers. SOON!! Thanks for sharing your facts! Ruth

  27. Loved reading the facts. I am glad I don't have a blog so I don't have to come up with anything.
    Love the journal pages too.

  28. Fabby 2page spread! Love the colors and white space combo. Fun facts I didn't know - and OF COURSE I'd love to win a new set of stamps!!!!!!

  29. Thanks for sharing i totally agree about the sun Sun = energy, Dark = sleep! Would never serve in the part of the world 6 months dark the pages looks like allot of fun cant wait to play.

  30. Thanks for sharing all those things about you. :) And for giving me another chance to win a prize! I love the page you did today. I can't wait to get some of your archival inks. They are on my wish list.

  31. These pages are perfectly "Poe-etic" and, sorry, I just couldn't help it!

  32. Hi Wendy -

    So you're a card shark - LOL! I love your journal pages, they are really very cool. What did you do with your pixie face page? I know some folks kept saying it was spooky, but I just thought she wanted to come out and see what you were up to - LOL!

    Elaine Allen

  33. I loved reading your 15 facts!! And wow, your journal pages are amazing!! I love the designs!! So inspirational!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  34. I cant believe anyone would not claim. Thanks for another chance.

  35. you are too cute - I love the gps too,as long as I don't know where I am going - when I know where I am going I get worried when it does not send me how I think we should go!
    Thanks for the give away.
    Sandra ltb

  36. Beautiful journal pages! Even with all that white space! LOL :)

  37. I am not a night owl. I thought i was the only one who thought 10 pm was a late night out.Love the journal colors and hope it is an on line day class. your ink pads are a perfect size and colors are great. I even tried the paste and immediately understood why it should be used first before the background.

  38. Love your work. You inspire me to be a better artist and crafter! Thanks!!

  39. Your random facts are so interesting! Thanks for taking the time to share them with us... and the chance to win stamps again! Have a great, crafty weekend, making art.

  40. I'm a very random commenter!!! Your random facts were fun! The journal page is fantastic too. I am so wanting to get your new Archival inkpads - maybe Santa will oblige this year?!

  41. Your pages are beautiful. Love your style. Thanks for the chance, Johanne Lacombe

  42. It was so fun learning all those random facts a about you Wendy, my husband has no sense of direction either, we lived in Virginia for four years and he still didn't know how to get to the mall. Lol
    Thanks again for the chance to win some stamps, I absolutely love your journal page.

  43. I have to admit-I didn't read ALL the facts! LOL-skimmed them.

    But I studied the art journal page & I love it!

  44. Gorg creation Wendy! Gotta say not too keen on fact #11. Warm Pepsi..... No, no, no! Very interesting though. Lisa xxx

  45. Love your random facts - totally get that 'lack of a sense of direction' thing - and as for those journal pages, WOW!!! Beyond gorgeous. I can't wait to find out more about them. Jenny x

  46. I would love to win one of your stamps sets. I enjoyed reading all about you. I don't have much of a sense of direction either. I just follow my husband too :)

  47. I LOVE reading the little known facts about you! I also need lots of sunshine. Otherwise I just get sick. LOVE your layout too. The white space is awesome! Makes everything look so open and clean!! Can't believe you didn't notice Joe and Telly! I'd have freaked out!

  48. Love that you had your mom's wedding rings made in to a necklace - I may think about doing that!!!

    Love these pages too!

  49. Please Wendy explain how you did these pages. I really love the look of them, and the stamps you used on them. The pages are so eye catching!

  50. That is quite a list of facts....and now we know. I too like warm coke with lime. Family and friends think I'm crazy. Crossing my fingers for the give away, just like everyone else. Thanks for the chance.

  51. As I live and breath...white space?
    I'm already putting change in my desk jar to save for a class next year and love the sneak peek!

  52. That is quite a list of facts....and now we know. I too like warm coke with lime. Family and friends think I'm crazy. Crossing my fingers for the give away, just like everyone else. Thanks for the chance.

  53. Great pages Wendy and info about you! hope to take another class from you!!!!

  54. It was a lot of fun reading your list, Wendy! I LOVE the double page spread in your journal. You mentioned classes for this type of pages - will they be offered online?? If so, I'd be among the first to sign up!!

  55. I love your journal pages! The splotches of color & drips ate my favorite. Awesome bits of stamping. Love it all!
    Can't believe someone didn't claim those awesome stamps. I love second chances.

  56. LOVE YOUR POSTS and your journal pages and I agree GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. Firstly Wendy, thanksss for sharing all of your personal thingies....I loved reading it. And second your journal pages are absolutely fabulously made. Love the bright colours and the stamps you have used are just meant to be in THE journal. Love it Hugs Terry xxxx
    And thanks so much for the chance.....and last but not least lots of luck to everyone xxxx Terry

  58. Someone did not claim a prize! Such a shame, but lucky for the rest of us! I love your list. Thank you for sharing your pages! The Poe stamp is one my favorites. Thank you for a chance to win and have a great weekend!

  59. I absolutely adore your spread! And the fact that you used Poe as the focal image. That man intrigues dark, so macabre..big time mystique! I'm going to have to check out your archival inks. I don't have anybody those. I'm an India ink kind of girl. I sure would love to win a set of stamps! Hugs, Rockin Robin Caldwell

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Stupid auto correct! It should be "I don't have any of those"! Geez, I need to proofread before I send. =-O

  62. I love the drips, the splashes, the white space, the Edgar! What a great page!

  63. Love your ART!! Go Pats! (Hmmmm does that hurt my chances to win?)

  64. Wendy,
    Love everything you make!!! Thanks for a chance to win!!!Your embossing paste ROCKS!!!!

  65. wow! how in the world could somebody forget they won some stamps????? Holy cow!!

    PS LOVE LOVE LOVE your art journal! Edgar is very handsome looking there.....

  66. I really love those pages ... Will there be a tutorial? Can't wait until you show us what you did with the reinkers!

  67. LOL My Grandmother had the worst sense of direction! if you told her to go left she would go right just because she "thought it looked like the right way to go" LOL
    I love your double page spread and I hope you do LOTS more of them!! TFS!

  68. I love your journal pages! It was a lot of fun to read your random facts too - it felt like lots of them were written about me! I would love a chance to win the stamp set. I'm a fairly new paper crafter, so I could use some help building up my collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

  69. what a crazy read this was! Your journal pages are amazing - can't wait to hear more about a new class! I adore your Archival inks and would love to have some of your stamps to play with! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  70. I have a hard time too with directions. I try to use landmarks a long as they don't get torn down I'm ok. Would love a second chance to win some of your stamps!!

  71. These art journal pages are so inspiring...just gorgeous. How fun to read your random facts, too.

  72. Your inspirational as usual!! BTW...larger joirnal pages only encourage MORE fun-if that's possible :)...thanks for sharing and I can't wait for the tutorial!!

  73. Love your random facts and your art journal! So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win!

  74. your journal pages are stunning! love the white space, too!

  75. Love your pages!!! Thanks for sharing all of the random facts too :)

  76. Your pages are fabulous. I especially love the Poe one!

    I can't wait to read the tutorial about your ink discovery.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  77. I love your archival colors, they are so me! I've already got 2 of them now I just need to collect the rest...soon!

  78. I would love to win a set of your stamps. Thanks for the chance!!!

  79. Love the random facts about you. It's always nice to know I am not the only person in the world with a really bad sense of direction. And the journal pages are amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  80. I too have no sense of direction so of course, would take shoes over a car every time,

  81. Fabulous journaling page! I love to work on specialty stamping paper too. And like you, I have a very poor sense of direction :)

  82. What's not to love about The Wizard of Oz?! Surely it's the greatest fairy tale ever told?! We're huge fans in our house! Absolutely love your new journal pages - really different, fresh and utterly inspiring!

  83. That was an interesting read , love your journal pages x

  84. Awesome Wendy! Happy Thanksgiving!

  85. Awesome Wendy! Happy Thanksgiving!

  86. Love your art journal pages Wendy! Thanks for sharing the interesting tidbits about you. Bette

  87. Love the page, seriously love!! And I am totally with you about Downton Abby ... why Matthew?? Heartbreaking!

  88. Wendy, your pages are fabulous!! Can't wait to see what you have to share with us.

    I had forgotten that the Wizard of Oz always aired in December. That was a HUGE event in our house. My smile for today. Thank you. :)

  89. Love to hear those random facts - didn't know you loved shoes that much!!!!! Love the pages too! Can't wait to hear about the re-inker discovery....

  90. This is fantastic endeavor. I can't wait to learn your new techniques

  91. Your facts were so much fun, giggled as I was reading them...maybe some sounded familiar. I am new to your blog and love it!!!
    Maria V.

  92. Thanks for all the tidbits about you. Who knew? Thanks for a chance to win a stamp set.
    Aloha, Kate

  93. Wow love the journal pages. Thanks for sharing the random facts. We all have quirks in our lives and that is what makes you , well you!

  94. Fun to read the random facts. Those pages are so flipping cool. Wow, an unclaimed stamp set? Really? Thanks for all the inspiration and the generous giveaways.

  95. I am new to art pages n am very excited to get started I have been rubber stamping for 18 years n am ready to spread my horizons your work is truly am inspiration

  96. Loved reading the facts about you Wendy. Absolutely love your pages and the images are fantastic. Would love the chance to win some Wendy stamps to make art. Take care. Tracy x

  97. And I thought I was the weird one with random allergies, coconut, mustard and oatmeal. I wait for your technique posts like a kid waiting for Santa, so please post it quickly so I can play!!

  98. Fun to read your Wendy facts! Really loving those pages, I'm a bit nervous about leaving white spaces but I can see that it gives a great freshness and lightness to the pages . I must try this ! X

  99. I really like that 2 page spread you did. Thanks for sharing... sorry for the person who didn't claim a prize but thanks for a second chance!

  100. Loved reading your random facts and super art pages x

  101. As always, I LOVE your work!! I so wish I had your vision!
    Thanks so much for sharing your talent!

    Sue Brailey

  102. Random Commenter here. I love the new look on the pages! There's something about white space....
    Fondly, Tami

  103. Wendy, kewl random facts! :) Funny how I surf around and always come back to YOU!!! I think your nursing comes through subliminally to nurture my art attacks!!! <3 <3 <3
    Going back to Eclectic Paperie to buy some stencils and art paste! xoxo

  104. Thanks for a chance to win stamps :)

  105. It is always fun to rediscover our supplies especially re-inkers!
    yes, would love to be included in drawing for new stamps. thanks!
    stamping sue

  106. Love your journal page! Also love your fact about you, #14. I lost my Mom in '86 to breasr cancer. Your world is never the same again. Even though I was 39... I still missed my "Mommy!" and do to this day!

  107. I would love to win your stamp set!

  108. Oh oh OH!! I love your stuff & I'd LOVE any of your stamp sets <3

  109. Great pages. I love EAP! Missed you in Madison over the week-end but had a great time with tim, Mario, and Ted! Took my granddaughter and she had a blast!

  110. Looking forward to an art journaling class. Yours is inspiring.

  111. absolutely LOVE the drippy look on your pages!!

  112. Love your page cant wait until I can do it as good as you do !Love Love Love all your projects !!

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. That is an awesome page! I love watercolours looking like that :D

  115. Finally getting around to reading this... funny, I used to think the same thing about The Sound of Music. When I was a kid, it seems like it always aired near my birthday, and I always thought it was for me. The other funny thing about it is, my mom always made us go to bed on time, so I used to think the movie ended when Maria married Captain Von Trapp!

    LOVE the pages, Wendy... the white space looks awesome! There's nothing you can't rock out!

  116. I hope I wasn't the one who won but I'm pretty sure I'm not! Thanks for another chance!!!

  117. I love the Edgar stamp and how you've used it.

  118. I don't like peppers even though I live in the south west. lol I love your Edgar journal art..I can see that framed on my walls :) hint hint I am buying some paste this check now I have to play with it..I love all you do..and love all the awesome products you have come out with.
    susan s


    Your Edgar reminds me of our old prime minister.... did the link work?'re a very interesting person Wendy...I could've made it to or NIGHT lol!!!

  120. I am allergic to PEAS!
    I hate diet coke unless it comes out of a fountain!
    I love these to pages, they are fabulous!
    I would love to learn how you did these, what time shall I come by? It might take a bit ad I will be driving from CO. LOL!
