Thursday, April 24, 2014

altering tim's Sizzix alterations die...

is it a trophy or is it a goblet?

I was just playing the other day...

so this little art was not planned as a blog project...
you'll see some photos are missing...
but I think you can still follow along...

the photo below is another cool tim die...the big ticket...

I cut 2 of the tickets from manila card stock...

one will be my base...

the background was created using the wrinkle free distress technique...

instead of ink pads, I used scattered straw, faded jeans  & weathered wood distress stains...

when the base was dry, I added some gathered twigs around the edges...
and then tarnished brass distress paint as the final touch around the edges...

I masked off part of my plant stampused jet black to stamp the leaves...
the pot the plant sits in is masked off...

remnant rubs are my statement for this piece... 

I darkened the recessed area with a pencil...
a nice pointy pencil fits well in the little groove...
not too stark..but it does define it...

in the photo above, you'll see stamping on the border only...

I cut the second ticket apart to make 2 masks...

with the center covered, I used potting soil archival with the large stamp from's called remnants of art...

then I used the frame portion of the ticket to mask off the outside...

since the art I make gets shipped & handed lots, I wanted the ticket to sit on a solid base...
the base is the bottom of the art parts rectangle frame...
it's a perfect fit for the big ticket...

I used the reverse dots background stamp with potting soil archival ink to stamp the top & bottom of the base...
and I added a bit of potting soil to the edges, just incase a bit showed...

in the last post I explained how I created the vintage looking trophies with silver embossing paste...
it's heated to bubble the paste, then colored with archival inks...

see that left over paper/embossing paste scrap on the right?
I cut just a portion of a die from the scrap...

and here's the mini goblet...
is 1 ½ inches tall & stinkin cute!

and here's where it came from...

it's a small portion of this large trophy...
altered alterations!

it's called bow tied...

they should be tiny...
and adhered to the fattest part of the bow...

now when you heat the CFA to shape the bow, it will be very strong & sturdy...

the photo below is watercolor card stock with the 2 pieces of CFA...
I wanted you to see where the CFA scraps fit the best...
tiny pieces work best & are invisible when the bow is assembled...

I used the smallest of the 3 bows on the die for this piece...

I think this is adorable...
I wish I had stamped on it...but I was too excited to get the cutie put together...

note to self...
don't be in such a hurry...
next time stamp before assembling...

and here's my finished piece...
you can see why I only stamped borders on the art parts base...
only the corners & a bit at the top & bottom show...

here's a closer look at the goblet & the mini bow...

I LOVE it when products can be used more than one way...

think about this...because the goblet is so small,
it's a great way to use up embossing pasted paper scraps...

that goblet would be great on a CHEERS card...

or a wedding card...

or you could use 2 for a wedding card & put their initials on the goblets or add the date with remnant rubs...

or how about an anniversary card with the # of years on the goblet...
it would be really cool to make a silver embossing paste goblet for a 25th!
or use the gold embossing paste for #50!

or it can be a chalice for a first communion card...
again, it could be personalized with an initial... it a trophy or is it something else?
what do YOU see?

it's fun to think outside the box when you...

make art!
ps...I'm off to Adventures in Stamping in Akron, Ohio to demo for the weekend. come visit us...
we'll have tons of supplies in the booth to...make art!


  1. Very clever!! Love this!!
    Have fun this weekend!

  2. That is so cute ! The background is awesome, it's so subtle and grungy at the same time. I love when something has more than one use. Have fun in Ohio !! Safe travels

  3. What a fun piece of art, Wendy! My favorite part is the blue and green urn with the remnant rubs! I always look forward to your posts because every one has new ideas. Thank you!

  4. Great ideas! Love it when we can use our scraps on other projects. Have a fun trip.

  5. so very cool; you are one talented, creative lady; love the different techniques.

  6. Love what you do! Have a great time this weekend.

  7. Very versatile! Mind, you have to be able to see the possibilities in the first place :-D....gotta love that bow!


  8. Outside the, love this! And so many occasions it can honor!

  9. Really cool idea! Have fun in Ohio this weekend!

  10. This is so clever and fabulous!! I love, love it!! As always, thanks for the amazing inspiration!! Have a great day and a safe trip :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  11. WOW... how cool is that ! I'm feeling a little "dingy" so I'll have to re-read the tutorial a few times ( if I'm gonna attempt this) ... BUT I DO SEE ... the AWESOMENESS !!!

  12. oh what a great idea, so many possibilities... and love the background.

  13. Awesome tag. Love all the layers that you used and the dies, stencils and inks. Love how you made it a flower pot.

  14. Wow, this is fabulous. I love the idea of it being used on a wedding card too!

  15. Very creative Wendy, love how you used the die. Gorgeous stamp too and background. Tracy x

  16. I LIKE this!!! I always love using my dies in a different way than they are intended! Awesome!!!

  17. Love it!
    I wish that there would be an event like that in my area. I would be the 1st person in line.

  18. You are so stinking clever!!! I love how you did the 'challis'!!! Gorgeous!!!

  19. Very Cool!!!!!!! You are sooooooooo creative!!!!!

  20. Once again, I am amazed! I love your blue bow just as it is. No stamping required!!

  21. I'm always so impressed with the way you think out of the box and show us so many new ways to use products, Wendy. That mini trophy you cut from the larger on is just plain brilliant! Love the way you used the reverse dots on the matting piece behind the ticket too! So many little twists here - love it all!

  22. Fabulous, as usual Wendy ! Love the mini trophy, who'd have thought ! Sue C x

  23. i love thinking out-of-the box, and you do it so well! Love the tag, the bow is awesome, I keep seeing things I want!

  24. Great project. Thank you for the inspiration.

  25. Love all your ideas for the goblet er I mean trophy :) So many uses for that darling thing! Your bow turned out great, too. Another great project!

  26. I just love it when you create something different than the intended use!

  27. I really enjoyed your demo at Adventures In Stamping. I love Stampers Anonymous booth and shop heavily... ;) there. lol

  28. Good new: I LOVE the way you used snippets of CFA to make that bow! Brilliant!! I love the way your brain works. Bad news: Now I can never throw away ANY CFA scraps. sigh........

  29. It's fun to just change something a little and it looks like something different.
    stamping sue

  30. Love This, Wendy! The creations you're making with the trophy die--Fabulous! Total WINNERS!! ;)

  31. Wow,really wish I had your creative powers Wendy!


  32. Totally brilliant, love this to bits and such an inventive way to use those dies!!!

  33. How did I miss this post? lol. What an awesome idea, so many possibilities! Love the finished piece!

  34. Beautiful project Wendy and very clever use of those dies!!

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  36. How clever! And it looks wonderful.

  37. As ever, creative genius! I love how you've cut this down to size and altered the metallic colour to be the best ever planter. Superb ideas, again! Jenny x
