Monday, April 14, 2014

perfect partners...distress & archival inks...

today's post is to celebrate the release of 

and the good news...

there's no long wait...
they start shipping to stores TODAY...

what's a celebration without a giveaway?
pssst...keep reading...

from the moment I opened my first distress pad (vintage photo) I was HOOKED...

TOTALLY hooked because of the beautiful colors & the special properties of the distress inks...

so today, I wanted to share how well distress & archival inks work together...
like the title says...
they're perfect partners...

in a previous post, I showed how to create a stamped spotlight frame...

below is the finished large art journal page, made to fit my art parts journal covers...
I used my fav specialty stamping paper as the page base...

the subtle brown in the background is created with brushed corduroy distress ink...

because archival inks are permanent & waterproof when dry, I knew I could stamp the weeds with archival inks, then add the detail shading/shadows with distress inks, working right over the archivals...

I knew my archival stamping would remain crisp & clear with no bleeding...

it's a cool effect...

the weeds were stamped with dandelion & fern green archival...
then dried...

I scribbled some distress ink onto my craft sheet, then picked up the color with the detail waterbrush & painted away...
make sure it's not perfect...
it should be more of an uneven watercolor effect...

distress ink in any form will work...I especially like the cute new mini pads, the regular size distress pads or the distress markers...

I painted tumbled glass & iced spruce distress inks unevenly around the weeds & added some peeled paint to accent the centers, all using the detail water brush...

iced spruce is the perfect color for adding coordinates with everything!

even though the weeds are completely flat, they look very dimensional because of the distress ink shading...
and that's another reason why I think distress inks are MAGIC!

I cut her out &  accented her with several of the distress markers...
and gave her a heart charm to hold...

I thought the page needed a few remnant rubs...

I added some stamping...
the lacy background inside the circle is the lace background stamp...
it was inked with tree branch archival...
then stamped inside the circle frame...

***TIP***...use the left over typing paper that was used to cut the circle as a stencil/mask...
position it in place over the circle...

it will allow you to easily stamp inside the circle & keep the background masked off...

a sentiment (be true) & the lace borders were stamped in jet black archival...

I added some stenciling with the checkmate stencil, using watering can archival...

oh...those extra leaves were cut from the thistle stamp...

I traced around the circle & the background stamp with the Stabilo pencil & rubbed it with my finger to soften the pencil line...

below is the result...
I LOVE that the weeds look raised!

now it's...

I have 3 new mini distress sets to GIVE AWAY to a lucky blog friend...

just leave a comment & I will be back on Wednesday to announce the winner...

congrats tim!
I adore your new distress minis!
well actually...I  LOVE ALL your distress products!


distress & archival...
are perfect partners when you...

make art!
ps...pop over to tim's blog & you'll see a list of our friends who are participating in the mini distress giveaway!
visit all the blogs, leave a comment & you'll have LOTS of chances to win new inks to...make art!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this page! And that post of masking the circle is SO smart. Archival and Distress are my two favorite inks and I love to see them playing so well together :)

  2. I love this page! Thank you for a great tips :)

  3. Lovely project! Awesome tips. Fabulous mini pads. :) Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  4. Do not have any of the mini's yet, so winning some would be great! Vintage Photo was my first too, and it was love at first sight, lol! Great tut, as always!

  5. Your projects are so gorgeous and creative. Thanks for providing inspiration to create!!

  6. You're right - the perfect combination! Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Love your creativeness Thanks for the chance to win these Hugs Sandra

  8. Awesome project with awesome tips! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  9. I love anything that Tim makes. I could easily go broke buying all his things but have to limit myself. lol Love the art journal. Thanks for sharing with us and the chance to win some of Tim's great inks.

  10. Great project and I love all the detail you gave about how to make it. Thanks.

  11. Love the project! Thank you for the tips and thank you for the chance to win an awesome giveaway!

  12. LOVE the new art work and the new minis! thanks for posting the tutorial and for the chance to win some mini's! I love all Tim's distress products too!!!

  13. Awesome project with awesome tips =)

  14. Awesome project and thanks so much for the tips on the use of these 2 products together. There could not be more of a perfect match!!

  15. My favourite part about the minis is that now I can take MORE colours with me to events!! Great blog - I love all the ideas and creative inspiration!

  16. love, love the project!!!! thanks for sharing, for the tips and for the chance to win some awesome products.

  17. Totally love your art journalling pages, your an inspiration. Great give away too

  18. Forget the mini distress pads, look at your beautiful page! Wendy~I think this is my favorite piece you have ever made! OMG it is gorgeous! I love the way the weeds pop off the page! You did good my friend!

  19. Great poject! thank for a chance to win!

  20. Love the new minis. Wendy - thank you for another great tutorial with fantastic tips.

  21. Love the new minis. Wendy - thank you for another great tutorial with fantastic tips.

  22. I just love this sample! Beautiful inspiration! I have been trying to "design" my spring/Easter cards...and think I finally found it!!Thank you......and the mini inks....brilliant...

  23. Lovely project! The colors are so warm and rich. And I'm with you. I love all the distress products and can't wait to get my hands on these new minis.

  24. Great project. Would love a chance to win!

  25. Great project! Love the new mini's will be easier to store and travel with. Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. Fabulous page! I love archival and distress ink!

  27. Really great page :o) love the way the weeds look 3d! Thanks for sharing

  28. I need some mini distress pads! Who doesn't???? Road trip in a few weeks-these would make nice traveling companions. Just sayin'. lol Love this new art piece; would look good on my enclosed porch. Hint hint! lol

  29. Love your project! Love those minis and can't wait until I can get my hands on some. Thank you for all the inspiration and great tutorials.

  30. This is fantastic, Wendy. I will see you in Westbrook in August!

  31. Absolutely stunning, this is one of my favourites. I adore those weeds, in fact I now need that stamp. Just love this design and your spotlight. Great giveaway too. Tracy x

  32. As always a fab tutorial, you always make it look so easy. Thank you for the giveaway x

  33. Love distressinkt. I have a lot of big One but this small One are great to take a way
    Fingers cross. I like your card. I try this on atc

  34. I too fell in love with the first one I bought which was vintage photo! I just love how they blend and work with his markers too! Your projects are always so amazing and inspiring! Love it all!

  35. I have been waiting for these little jewels to hit the stores and now they're coming out!!!
    LOVE the piece you did--must find stencils today!!
    Thank you for the chance to win!!!

  36. A beautiful journal cover, and lots of good tips.

  37. wonderful project, thanks for letting us know how to make it. I would love to try this minis, thanks for the chance for the giveaway

  38. beautiful these minis!

  39. Love all of your new projects! Thanks for the chance to win the minis!

  40. I love the page you created!! I also love using the distress inks & will definitely like the minis!! Thanks!!

  41. Beautiful page, so delicate, but so much going on. Thanks so much for the chance to win some great goodies!

  42. Hiya Wendy,

    Fantastic card, well a full on project- it is awesome!

    Distress inks are one of the most great products I have ever worked with!

    The mini versions are so cool as would take up less space and would be great for travel too as are so cute and small.

    You could squeeze more colors in your Craft bag and less weight in them too!

    Bonus all round product!

    Thanks for chance to win these cutie pies!

    Big hugs

  43. Awesome! Love the tips and thank you for the chance to win!

    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  44. Fabulous project. I always learn so much from you and hope to be you when I grow up :) Thanks for the opportunity to win some minis.

  45. I love distress inks - I use them ALL the time (together with Archival inks of course). Thank you for the chance to win these! Hugs! xx

  46. A wonderful page. Thank you for such detailed instructions, too. I learn something new each time you post something!

  47. These little ink pads looks so darn cute! It looks like a wonderful way to try out some colors that I don't have yet in the full size as well. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  48. First of all, AWESOME project!!! Thank you for the directions, what a help! And aren't those just the sweetest, little inks pads!? I just love them!!!

  49. Love your art journal page - what amazing stamping! Wonderful effects!

  50. What an awesome technique - love the raised images! Thanks so much for the chance at the inks!!

  51. Wendy you're one of my inspiring muses! I love very much your style! THanks for this chance!! BArbarayaya

  52. Great technique and use of the different inks. I am learning so much! Thanks for the opportunity to win, too!

  53. I love what you made. Especially the dimension of the flowers! Thanks for having a giveaway. Hope I win.

  54. Love your project Wendi! I have to get busy and start inking!!!

  55. Loving your art work Wendy. Your archival and Tim's distress look great together. Thanks for the great tips and thanks for a chance to win.

  56. Your work is stunning! So glad I discovered your blog. Will return often. The giveaway is amazing. Thanks!

  57. Thanks for sharing your creative ideas. I use most of these products on all of my projects.

  58. Gorgeous work as usual. Would love to win some inks!

  59. First time on your blog and I'm loving everything you make! Thanks for the chance to win these awesome kits!

  60. Distress inks are always the best to use.

  61. What a terrific piece of art! I love how the flower heads look 3-D. As for those mini Distress inks, don't they look like fun??? Thanks for the chance to win some.

  62. You do beautiful work! I can't wait to see the minis IRL!

  63. This is so great. I, too, love the 3D effect of the weeds. Thanks for the chance to win.

  64. Loved taking the minis to the crop last Saturday!

  65. I agree, DI and Archival is perfekt partners. I love your art.

  66. Very inspirational project Wendy, and thanks for the chance to win the fantastic new minis ;-)

  67. Well done Wendy! Thanks for sharing. I too love the distress inks and was thrilled to find them in great shape after 10 years of non use (got into quilting)!

  68. Beat inks and beautiful colors.I love this ciweaWAY.

  69. Very nice! I am with you on loving ALL the Distress product line.

  70. You are so awesome! love this page!! And yay for a giveaway :)

  71. You are so awesome! love this page!! And yay for a giveaway :)

  72. Tim Holtz plus anything is a perfect partnership! Love the page.

  73. Love, love, love these distress mini's. Thanks to Tim for creating these beauties.....totally amazing!

  74. Oh wow, this is just fabulous!! I am always so inspired when I make me want to create!! Love this!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  75. What a pretty page! I love that the minis are a great size for taking to crops and conventions. More color on the go!!

  76. I make my cards solely to sell to raise funds for charity and therefore funds are very limited. These little pads mean that I can get lots of different colours rather than buying a few big pads. Wonderful idea. Would love to be in with a chance of winning. Best wishes, Kym

  77. love the mini's...leaves more room for more stuff

  78. Love your work
    here. Thanks for
    the tips.
    Carla from Utah

  79. Love your projects...s o awesome...the minis will be easy to take to crops and store...thank you for chance to win!!

  80. gorgeous and inspiring project, thanks for sharing, and thanks for the chance to win! I would love to win a set of the some of the newer colors that I haven't bought in full sized yet so I can play with them.

  81. inspiring project and details. thanks. who doesn't love minis. they're very compact to bring on a scrap outing and trips. also i can use them directly to distress edges. love mr t!m's innovations.

  82. Such a beautiful project, I love the effect you get using distress & archival inks together! So excited about the new minis, sure would love to win some!

  83. Super cool those new mini's and your artworis outstansing.
    Love to take the mini's with me for art on the road.

  84. Super cool those new mini's and your artworis outstansing.
    Love to take the mini's with me for art on the road.

  85. love me some minis....

  86. Your art is taking me to higher places! I just hope he let's me in, lol!! Love this page and the colors/design you did. Thanks Wendy.

  87. I'd have to say I love your work of art and I will have to play more with the two mediums together as you did!! TFS

  88. Gorgeous!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  89. I am a newbie to your site,And so looking forward to all your wonderful,Beautiful projects,And thank you for a chance to own Tim Holtz mini inks..Im a big fan of his...

  90. I would love to win one of these packs! I love the mini's they are so portable! I would also love to take a class with you!

  91. I love your art and appreciate all the techniques you share with us! Thanks for the giveaway these will make perfect friends with your archival in my stash!

  92. Beautiful Art you made with those perfect partners of ink!
    Thank you for the chance to win the new Mini Distress ink pads...they are SO cute~ THE MORE, THE MERRIER! Love 'em!

  93. Awesome inspiration!!! New to art journaling and would love to win to try the product!

  94. I can't wait to try these and also get my hands on the mini inking tools ! I've heard good things about them and they seem to be just the perfect size and "corner" marks left with them !

  95. ps...and of course I love your beautiful artwork as always !

  96. Love distress inks. Would very much like to win some of the mini's

  97. Love your journal page! Thank you for the inspiration!

  98. I love the techniques you used on your journal page. Thank you for the chance to win!

  99. Just adore your journal page, Wendy - all those smallish patterns going on at once make me smile! And that heart charm is perfect!

  100. You are such an empowering teacher of techniques and products, wanting them all. Like yourself, loving the way the flowers just lift off the project. Found family gal so lovely. Yep, I want it all ((Clap))!

  101. I first want to say thank you for the chance to win such an awesome prize. Your project is stunning, love how the weeds look like there gonna jump off the paper, and Tim's new found relative, gave me a chuckle, thanks for sharing your tips, Happy Monday

  102. the colors are beautiful and I can do so much with them!

  103. Love the page...and distress inks.

  104. Your journal page is beautiful!

  105. Wow! I love tbe tip about saving the circle from the typing paper! Thanks! Btw those mini distress inks are so darn cute!

  106. Loved what you made and your explantions. I would love to win the mini's. They are so convenient.

  107. Ooooh, please pick meeeeee! lOL! Love the new cute and less storage space means more goodies to store! Thanks for participating!

  108. Wonderful page. That was my first distress ink too, lol. And I am so excited about the minis.

  109. gorgeous project, Wendy! It's great learning different ways to use our go to inks.
    Those minis are super cute and so much more convenient when going to weekly craft classes, and the min blending tool works great when stenciling.
    Have a lovely day,
    Deb :)

  110. They are definitely perfect partners!!!!!!! I adore how you did the flowers and totally love the whole page!!!!

  111. Such a gorgeous page!!! Love it!!!

  112. Such a gorgeous page!!! Love it!!!

  113. Love Tims inks and love your site,would love to win.

  114. So pretty... thanks for the giveaway!

  115. A wonderful project and I love the minis, best thing since sliced bread. lol

  116. Love your art journal Wendy, it's gorgeous! I agree...distress and archival are really great together, my favorite! Soooo beautiful these new colours, someone is very very lucky! ;-)
    Hugs, Wendy

  117. Wow, Wendy - this is incredible! Thanks for the breakdown on how you created this work of art. I am still learning all the benefits of Distress inks so I'm bookmarking this post and will be subscribing to your blog as well for future tips. Loving the release of the minis - so fun!! Love the fact that they are so small - makes for easy storage!

  118. Wendy you KNOW I absolutely LOVE your work ... between you and Tim I stay in trouble ( love looking at the product the techniques) I just played around last week with your inks and my distress inks... so fun! I love the depth that the distress ink gives... just amazing !!! Yeah ... I got #3 set and got hooked I WANT MORE :) !!

  119. That is an amazing technique to make the weeds appear that they are 3D visually. I will have to try that.
    I just purchased the 1st 3 sets of TH mini ink pads, would like to add these 3. My goal is to have all the minis as they are released.
    On another note, I just purchased your Clear Film. Will have to do some experimenting.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  120. Love your beautiful piece of art. The little TH heart just on the right place....
    Great give away:Oooh's. They look sooooo cute and i think they are easy to pack when you want to take them with you :-) And well distress ink you can't have enough what kind size they are!

  121. If its Wendy Vecchi art, I love it. And this page is no exception! What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win those minis.

  122. I love all of your great tips! I Love Distress ink and Tim Holtz and Ranger products! This is a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! :)

  123. They are just so so cute and a great way for new stampers to get addicted to all things Tim Holtz and Ranger Inks

  124. They are just so so cute and a great way for new stampers to get addicted to all things Tim Holtz and Ranger Inks

  125. love the colors in the newest release - but really love your art today!

  126. They´d be perfect to take with me when travelling...yay! ;)

  127. I love your page, I'm glad I found it. I would love to win some of these gems! The size of these make it a lot easier for on the road crafting. These are on my wish list for sure! Thank you for having this give away.

  128. Wow - beautiful page! Love the thistle. Really enjoyed seeing your creative process. Thanks for a chance to win some of those minis!

  129. Can't wait to see you.......these are so cute........ Want em!!

  130. Wonderful tips! Would love to win a set ... Distress Inks are marvelous!

  131. Wonderful tips! Would love to win a set ... Distress Inks are marvelous!

  132. Hi Wendy. I don't know why I hadn't thought of using distress inks to shadow, what a great idea. Love the frame technique, the page looks marvellous. I have to get hold of those mini ink pads....and winning them would give me more space on my birthday list! Thanks, Suz xxxx

  133. I would just love the chance to win these amazing minis <3 I have not been able to purchase any of them as of yet so this would be just an amazing win.....

  134. LOVE your work! Thanks for awesome giveaway!

  135. I love your work. It is so inspiring.

  136. Would love to make a chance to win!

  137. Pick me, pick me!! Love the minis and your Archival colours. Have a nice Easter :)

  138. I could really use some new things to play around with since I didn't make it to your class in Illinois with Robin and Fonda. Thanks. Nora.

  139. Little mini distress pads! How wonderful to win! These are so great for travel and small storage!

  140. Lovely color scheme, and coloring....and you're right, those weeds really to pop up like they're floating in the spring breeze.

  141. Distress inks are my most use inks. I love the idea that they are being package in a convenient easy to pack and take along sizes.

  142. Love the shadows you made with the distress inks. Can't wait for some time off to play -- thanks for the chance to win. I am crossing my fingers!!!


  143. they are a "Must" have for the portability alone, never mind the gorgeous colours !!

  144. Your journal page is beautiful Wendy!

    I would love these minis, perfect for stencilling and storage. Thanks for chance! I'll definitely check back promptly to see if I've been lucky enough to win again with you. I missed out on my win with your last giveaway because I was late.

    Thanks again, Nicola x

  145. I love your project! I combine my Tim & Wendy inks all the time :) I have the 1st 3 sets of minis & can't wait to add to them. Thanks for the chance.

  146. lovely creations! thank you for the inspiring post!

  147. Would just love to win your wonderful prize! I admire your work so much. Thank you for this fun chance to win!

  148. Great project and tips! I luv Tim's DI, have all the bog pads, but I sure would luv some minis too :)

  149. These mini inks are the cats meowe, don't have any yet, but...
    I do have a coupla of the mini ink the mini inks are just what I need to go with them! Thanks for a chance to win some! :))
    Your art journal page is so always!

  150. Thank you for sharing your wonderful project and thank you also for the chance to win those little distress ink pads .. what a great opportunity to add more colours to my distress ink pad collection - I love my distress inks .

  151. Thanks for sharing this technique. Your card is amazing! I love the size of the mini Distress inks, hope I win! Patricia B

  152. Beautiful page ~ and thanks for a chance to win!!

  153. Thanks for sharing your amazing page!!! I love it! And I could seriously use those Ink :)

  154. Awesome project and I love all of the tips you give since I am just learning :)

  155. Love the variaty of the colors and that they are stackable. Would love to try them myself.

  156. Loving how you are mixing Distress and Archival, great job, would love to win some of those inks!

  157. Amazing art and distress inks, would love to try out your techniques with these inks.
    Thanks for the giveaway :o)

  158. very cool--love how you did the "weed". I love the fun color combos they come in! Thanks kmassman gmail

  159. So you've done it again! Love the subtlety of the shading you've achieved with the Distress Inks here Wendy. Always something new to learn! Jenny x

  160. These mini distress inks are a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for offering the chance to win a set they just look so cute!

  161. Wow Wendy the results are just stunning! I love your creativity. I would love to win some of these great little ink pads, they are brilliant. Thanks for the chance x

  162. Oh my gosh those are the most beautiful weeds ever! You rock and thanks for a chance to win! I am loving the size saves lots of room in my little crafting area!

  163. what a cool project, it's great!

  164. Wendy,
    Love the addition of the vintage photo. Everything goes so well together. Love your Art and thanks for the chance to win some of these cute little ink pads!
    Gail in Oklahoma

  165. I have been waiting for these colors to come out and would love to win them. I think the mini size is great because they stack and take up less storage room, while you still have all of these wonderful colors.

  166. I love the way these dandelions look!!! can't wait to try it! Thanks for the giveaway too :)

  167. Yes please, love these, what a partnership!

  168. love the technique and love the ink pads..... would be awesome to play with them soon!

    thanks for the chance!

  169. Always love the techniques! TFS

  170. Just love love the effect of the watercolour effect over the stamped archival ink on the flower, so soft!

  171. My 'art' is pretty limited to just cards, but these new minis are just what I need to jump start getting back to card making after a break to take care of my DH!

  172. wow Wendy, what a gorgeous piece of art, and I think the mini distress are perfect for this style..

  173. Love how this turned out. I've used the Distress Inks for many years and have always loved how versatile they are. Can't wait for the mini's to get to the store so I can add more colors to my collection.

  174. I just bought the Cornflower blue out of your Designer Archival Ink series - It is my new favourite colour. The Journal page is totally awesome, I always love your style so much. The distress ink minis are too awesome - I got some of the first generation of colours and I am so hooked - I just stick them in my handbag and take them everywhere!!! I want more - I would love the new kits. I am too impatient for them - when the South African retailers order them it takes forever to get to the stores here - so I'm thinking I am going to to jump that gun and try to win them.

  175. Wendy, I love you classes and video's. Hope I win or I will have to pop over to Queen's Ink and visit Patty

  176. I love the flowers on this! Thanks for the chance to win.

  177. You've done an amazing job!
    I love the colors of the Distress Inks/ I'd love some to work with!

  178. Like you I love all things Ranger and your blog is the perfect stopping point for inspiration so a chance to win is just awesome x

  179. I'm just beginning to get into stamping and all because of Tim his products and these minis are so cute and love the new colors.

  180. I love your page and the tutorials you give about how you made the beautiful artwork. Thanks so much.

  181. They sure are perfect partners! I couldn't craft without my Archival or Distress Inks. Beautiful project Wendy! The shading is wonderful and love the layers you built up.

  182. I've always loved mini ink pads ever since Stampin' Up! used to sell them. They are so easy to take with you places and they don't take up much room. Love these and of course all things Tim Holtz!

  183. These will be so easy to stack on my desk and so portable for when I go crafting with friends!

  184. Beautiful project. Thanks for the tips.

  185. LOVE the distress ink shading! Looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing this awesome tip!

  186. Beautiful as always! Thanks for a chance to win :)

  187. It DOES look like those weeds are raised! That's soooo cool! Fabulous card--Love Everything about it! I was in love with my Distress Inks the moment I first laid a stamped image down with it! Vintage Photo and Black Soot were my very first pads :) XOXO-Shari

  188. The weeds really stand of the paper , the colours are so true love your tutorials you do are really. Great perhaps I should start of small .

  189. Love anything that works together- can we apply these inks to world peace?

  190. Awesome showcase! Great giveaway! I NEED!

  191. love these colors! thanks for the give away

  192. Gorgeous Journal page Wendy. Great tips and techniques too. Love those dinky inks. TFS. Hugs Rita xxx

  193. I love the mini Distress inks, because not only is their footprint on my crowded craft table awesomely tiny, but I can fit them in my bag when I'm stamping on the go! :-) Thanks for the chance to win!

  194. I love how I can use the mini's direct to whatever medium I am working on and not have to worry about getting it where I don't want it. The dimension you got is amazing!!
