Sunday, May 25, 2014

a fun discovery!

 happy Memorial Day my friends!

I wanted to take a break from making kits to share a fun discovery...

tim recently introduced me to the Wink Of Stella glitter marker...
it's a very cool marker full of subtle glitter...

I started with the clear...

OMG...I just found the brown! must order!

I see there are LOTS of really cool looking colors...
you'll find them here...

now here's what I discovered...

the wink of stella is a PERFECT fit for tim's distress marker spritzer...

it works like this...

remove the inside tube from the spritzer, by loosening the screw...

insert the wink of stella pen...

aim the nozzle of the spritzer straight down, just like the package shows & spritz away...

see those tiny glitter spots on the darling daisy SiSi?
not the easiest to photograph...

in person...ADORABLE!

and this is another way to use the marker spritzer & the wink of stella too!

I LOVE that with the spritzer, it's very easy to control exactly where you want to spritz & add the tiny glitter dots!

the daisy is sitting on some crackled texture paste...

I used the gold metallic embossing paste as my can see the gold thru the cracks...

before applying the crackle paste, I used my new MIX & STORE jar...added some crackle paste, which dries white when used right from the jar...
then colored it ahead of time right in the MIX & STORE jar...

no waste!

I added 2 drops of tree branch archival reinker & 3 drops of tim's metallic mixative...I chose gold, since that us my base color...

the left over custom colored crackled texture paste is stored safely in my jar, for future play...
I wrote the color right on the lid label...

in LOVE!

you can read all about this jar in my previous post...

and DON'T FORGET the SALE over at eclecticPaperie...

 if you use the code


you can save 10% on your order...even the spritzer!
and pastes and more!

the sale is good thru tomorrow...

back to making kits...

I'd really much rather...

make art!


  1. I love creating the project to teach...kitting is a bore! Hate that part of the job! I listen to audio books sometimes and it makes the job at hand more interesting. Love my spritzer!

  2. Oooooo I love gadgets and even better it's a crafty one :-)

  3. I love the Wink of Stella markers...never would have thought to try it with Tim's spritzer!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!! Happy Memorial Day weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Just picked up the spritzer on Thursday and finally started getting Tim's markers. I've avoided them but your class made me change my mind :) Looks like I get down time the rest of today and tomorrow.... woohoo!!!!!!!!!! I am so ready to play!!!

  5. That's a great idea! I have that pen, but I don't think I have used it that much yet. The spritzer really opens up the possibilities with a lot of different markers. Thank you for sharing!

  6. What a great way to add a touch of sparkle! TFS

  7. Great idea!! Thanks for sharing it! Now I gotta go through my pen stash...LOL!! Also works with the water brushes filled with your favorite inks.

  8. thanks for the idea, I just saw a demo for the wink of stella last week at the national stationery show, was not really familiar with it before now. I think it's ironic that you are talking about it today!
    What a clever application using the spritzer,less messy than adding a smear of rock candy stickles.

  9. Would never have thought to try this technique. I will now look at my Wink of Stella in a whole new light!! Thanks so much for always inspiring us....

  10. I have some of those pens that I never use. I'm going to get them out and try this. Thanks for the idea Wendy

  11. Fabulous Wendy! I haven't used these markers yet, but they look wonderful! I can't wait to get several jars too! I have a few empty ones with colored paste in them already, but these smalller ones are perfect. Love the color you came up with too!

  12. I have been raving about the Wink of Stella Pens. I love them and I don't do glitter. But they are the Sworovski of the glitter world. The black does great hair just on its own and I can't do hair normally either!! Xx

  13. Excellent!!!! Must have now!!!
    I am on vacation right now...road trip...drove to Niagara Falls in Canada. Now we are in Gore Bay way up there by Lake Huron...I need play time!!!! Shoulda brought my toys with me!!
    Thanks Wendy!!!

  14. awesome!
    Have spritzer, will wink!

  15. I recently got some Winks and love them but THIS is a fantastic idea! Can't wait to try. Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. How fun! I have seen of Wink of Stella but haven't purchased one (yet!) thanks for showing how it fits on the spritzer! Have a great Memorial Day Wendy!

  17. Have the pens and spritzer, but didn't think of using them together! Thanks for the idea.

  18. As a rule I don't like to be teased ... But I gotta tell you , you Tim and Mario are the BEST TEASERS !!! I love you guys !!!
    This is an awesome discovery ... you know I'm gonna have to try it!!
    And your project just looks so YUMMY with all that pasty, crackly, and glitter goodness going on ... I love it ! Took me to my Happy Place !! :) :)

  19. Love Wink of Stella. This is a great technique. I love the colours as well. Save colouring the same area twice and they are gorgeous
