Friday, June 6, 2014

catching up...

yikes...long time no blog...

I spent last weekend at Craft Fancy in Arlington Heights, Illinois...

THANKS to Carol & Brian...your store is just AWESOME...
so organized...

there was wonderful food...wonderful shopping...
and even a surprise birthday cake...

THANKS to everyone who spent the weekend...making art!
you ALL did a great job!

we spent 2 FULL days making a fun mixed media art journal...

my crackled texture paste was a HUGE hit!

here's the art parts back cover...

and a closer peek at how cool the cracks look...

this photo doesn't show it...
but we added the translucent embossing paste thru the tree stencil to accent just the leaves...

love love love that raised effect...

the NEW "mix & store jars" are now back in stock...
yippee! liked them as much as I do...

I LOVE the convenience & I love that there's no clean up or wasted paste & that the jars keep custom colored paste fresh...

hmmm...what else?

in my spare time, we've been making kits for classes...LOTS of kits...and shipping them & reordering supplies & reorganizing our basement class supply area...

and working on NEW things & testing out ideas...
more to come on that later...

I shared this art journal page earlier this week on

please stop by & hit the LIKE button & then share with your friends...

here it is again for friends who don't happen to visit Facebook...

and now it's time to pack some clothes & SANDALS...hmmm...which ones...decisions...decisions...
9 many pairs can I squeeze in?

I'm off to The Crafty Scrapper in Waxahachie, Texas to teach the same 2 day mixed media art journal...

after that Ill be demoing for 3 FULL days at GASC (Great American Scrapbook Convention) in Arlington, Texas...

I LOVE this convention...the southern hospitality is awesome...
and it's nice & warm there!

come visit us! our booth will be LOADED with everything you need to...make art!

have a wonderful weekend...

I hope YOU have time to make art!


  1. I love the projects .. I need to find me some of those jars !! Have fun and safe travels :) Remember if you don't take enough shoes you can always SHOP for more .. LOL

  2. Beautiful Art!!
    Have fun on your adventures!!

  3. You could accidentally not pack any shoes and then you'd have to buy some there. Your journal cover and page are both beautiful!

  4. Your art parts back cover is awesome and I love the crackle paste. I came over from facebook to check this out and ended up booking a place on your UK workshop. Yay. :)

  5. OOOOOOOOOOOO ... love this Journal cover... all that crackly goodness and the yummy colors !
    Have a great time this weekend :)

  6. Have a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your journal page!!!

  7. Oh wow, the journal cover looks amazing!! Your crackled texture paste is #1 on my must-have list!! I love the beautiful design!! As always, thanks for the amazing inspiration!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Fantastic art as always, hope the trip is great fun and your shoes don't rub!

  9. Wow....fantastic art as always.
    Have a great trip!!!

  10. The crackle paste is amazing! Love the gorgeous scene you created here. Have a great trip!

  11. Was it your birthday? Hope it was a happy one if it was! I have that flower stamp you used on your journal page and I love it. Love the journal page and the back cover, too.

  12. Fantastic artwork, have a wonderful time x

  13. Love everything of course, looks fantastic!

  14. Th class was wonderful. I had so much fun and created an awesome journal. Now I need to make more pages for it.

  15. Love your crackle paste. Your pages are beautiful! I hope I get to see you demo this here in my Arlington, TX hometown next week! Y'all will be so welcomed by us! :) Can't wait!

  16. Love your crackle paste. Your pages are beautiful! I hope I get to see you demo this here in my Arlington, TX hometown next week! Y'all will be so welcomed by us! :) Can't wait!

  17. As ever I adore your ideas and inspiration and these two are stunners. Nothing ever fails with your stamps, stencils and inks! LOVE them. Jenny x

  18. Both pieces are stunning, I love the crackle on the first, it just begs to be touched and your journal page is so, so beautiful.... Anne x

  19. Woohoo!!! I'm happy to be making this soon! It's wonderful! It's going to be awesome spending time with you again! Safe travels!

  20. Busy, busy lady! That's a good thing! I just received every re inker and so excited about that! Well except for Dandelion, because my fried Kris decided blue was not the new yellow! lOL!
    Of course I also received more embossing paste!
    I am telling you I have a major addition problem!
    Have safe travels Wendy!

  21. LOL! Addiction not addition. Well addition problem maybe? As I keep adding more and more Wendy supplies to my studio! LOL!

  22. Wow! Two stunning projects. Hope you're having a great time so far.

  23. Stunning back cover - oh, that crackle!! - and a beautiful page too... just lovely!
    Alison x

  24. What a great class!!!! Making the covers was so much fun but then the pages gave us even more chances to experiment and be creative. Thanks for another wonderful class and making my birthday even happier. Being in class with you an ideal way to spend my birthday but the surprise cake made it even better.

  25. Love it, have a great time in Texas.

  26. I just got a call that there was one more space left at the Crafty Scrapper! Woohoo, I get to play with Wendy and crackle paste for 2 days!! Someone pinch me. When Paula Cheney visited last year, she observed that Texas women love their Gilded shoes. Hope you brought yours so you don't feel left out :)

  27. Both projects look great! Wish I could see that back cover in person so I could see what's you're talking about. Maybe you could try to post a close up pic?

  28. Love your journal covers! You are just a traveling machine lately!

  29. Wow, sounds like an awesome trip, have a blast! I love all your embossing pastes, I don't how I managed without them.
