Friday, August 8, 2014

let's talk about leaves...


it's a giant background stamp...
right from the package it looks like this with 9 vertical rows of leaves...

when I designed this stamp, I had big plans to make it into 3 different stamps...

here's what I did...

I used tim's tonic scissors to chop off a horizontal row of 5 leaves, from the bottom of the stamp...
the scissors are awesome & made it easy to cut the rubber...

next I cut off one vertical row & then cut that strip into 2 pieces of different lengths...
it's on the small gridblock on the left...

on the right you'll see the remaining background stamp...

this leaf border is very handy & I know I'll be using it lots...
it's just the right size...

here's how I used it on a small #5 manila tag...

these 2 pieces are fun too...
use them individually or together, offset like this...

to create a hanging vine...

or as at the start of a flower garden...

I'm still left with a large background that is 3 ¾ inches square...
now it has 8 vertical rows instead of 9...

it's perfect for stamping, then punching out a large circle for a card...

the large background is still a great size for adding leaves

and add leaves to my art parts leaves on this art journal page...
love the's the zinnia SiSi, but I only used the flower...
it's inked with carnation red archival...

keep in mind that if you're squeamish about chopping apart the stamp, you can use it the same ways, by masking off areas & inking only small parts of this stamp...

post-its & painters tape are both great...

I will say that I'm very happy that I cut mine apart...
it's super convenient & a time saver for me...
and now I have a 3 for 1 "leaves trio"...
it worked as planned!

***breaking news***

stamps NEED ink & I wanted to make sure you know about the RANGER products sale at Simon Says...

ALL Ranger products are included...YIPPEE! my fav iced spruce marker...

craft know they can be stacked...right?

replacement pads for the blending tool...

it's a good time to stock up on essentials like #8 tags and manila cardstock to create your own art journal pages & cards...

the code to enter at checkout is...


the sale is good 'til Sunday at 11:59pm EST...

the sale is extend thru today MONDAY AUG 11th!

it's a great time to stock up on supplies to...

make art!
wendy tell me...are you brave? are you going to cut up the leaves background stamp? or another of your background stamps?


  1. Fabulous way to use the background stamp Wendy ! Sue C x

  2. I have done this in the past, and yes, it takes bravery. But what fun! Thanks for the reminder,Wendy! I just adore your sharing posts! Really keeps me motivated! You Ranger folks knock it out of the park!!!

  3. I'm not sure yet if I'm brave, but I am definitely tempted.

  4. Great idea!! and sure...i'll cut mine!!

  5. Gasp - I'm not sure I can cut mine!! But...I love what you've done with it so I may have to put my big girl pants on and just do it ;) Your projects are stunning as always!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. Thanks for the sale announcement. I need more stuff (lol).

  7. Glad it isn't just me that cuts into stamps... love those leaves... erm... NEED them! Have a fab weekend x

  8. All your projects with the leaf stamp are just gorgeous!! It's a great idea to cut apart the background and I'll definitely do it when mine arrives. Ive cut other backgrounds... it's only rubber and if you need it be back "big" again, you can just butt them up next to each other on a block and it works fine. :)

  9. Great idea! I would definitely do it.

  10. How versatile is that leaf background. I love how you cut yours up Wendy and still have a large background left. Adore your samples. Thanks for,the inspiration . Tracy x

  11. Not sure.. maybe if I had a second whole one... but it looks fab cut into different sizes... great projects.

  12. *Grabbing heart*, no, I'm not sure I could cut my stamps..although I suppose you could just buy two and cut one up. LOL
    Oh, love all your projects here.

  13. Love the hanging vines. What a great idea! I' ll have to find my big girl panties:)) to try this.

  14. Ii don't have that stamp but I have a lot of back ground stamps. Yes I am going to try it. Thanks for the new on the sale.

  15. Such super projects! Yes, I could and would cut apart a stamp to make it even more versatile. But I might be tempted to just buy another one so I'd still have one big one.

  16. I have already planned it out! Thanks for your valuable info!

  17. I cut my stamps all the time!

  18. I'm all for cutting up stamps to manupulate them!
    stamping sue

  19. Love how versatile the stamp is now. I will be sure to cut mine up after reading your post.

  20. As Caroline D. says, you can always butt them up to each other to get the full stamp if needed so yes, I'll be brave as these ideas are too good to let slip. LOVE that hanging vine one in particular. Oh to spend a day with that creative brain of yours... no, wait, that's coming! Can't wait!!! Have a great weekend. Jenny xxx

  21. Yes, I am definitely going to be brave, who would have thought... such a great idea. As ever, thanks so much for the inspiration!

  22. Great tip about cuttin' up that stamp! Thx!

  23. Now you are making me need the leaves background. Actually 2 of them so I can cut one of them up.

  24. Love how you cut the leaves stamp Wendy!! It is one of my favorite stamp images!!!

  25. What a great background stamp Wendy! love how you've cut it up to be more versatile! SO creative!!

  26. Love that stamp Wendy. Although my heart did do a pitter-patter about cutting the stamp apart, :-) but that is a great idea. I'm pretty brave in general, might just have to take the leap, lo.

  27. That is a must-have stamp, great idea to cut sections of it too. I love the projects you made with it, they're all so gorgeous.

  28. WOW - LOVE the leaves and LOVE how you were able to cut them and CREATE AWESOMENESS to the MAX!!!
    I think that I would be brave enough to cut them, especially now that I know how many creative options it allows :)

  29. You are creative and brave! I never even would have thought to cut my stamp, but I might just have to do this!

  30. Oh wow I love that new stamp and yes I would cut it apart just like you did....I love all the ways you stamp with each of them....stamping on the leaves oh my gave them great texture....thanks for sharing!

    Peggy Lee
    Lancaster, NH

  31. oh my clever!! love this stamp..thanks for sharing this fabulous idea..yeah, gonna go do some cutting...

  32. I love all your projects you created with the stamps!

  33. what a great stamp! Would love to win it!

  34. So many ways to use this stamps...would love to win it!

  35. I like your use of the same stamp in different ways, especially when it was upside down.. clever.. love your tags and artwork, I like your style
    Aletha Helm Riter

  36. I would never have thought to do this. It makes the stamp so versatile. I have to learn to think outside the box.

  37. LOVED this stamp from the moment I saw it! I wouldn't have thought of cutting it up! Might have to purchase two!!!!! Love how versatile it is!!! thanks for sharing! and for the chance to win one!!!! then I would only have to purchase one!!!

  38. I have seen this stamp before and loved it, but I hadnt considered cutting it up like your examples! Which is odd as Im always using my dremel tool to sand out parts of stamps i dont care for or need? lol. Beautiful work.

  39. That is a very fun stamp set. Love the tags, very neat looking.

  40. You know I have to get this one. I love leaves and what you did with this stamp...

  41. Wow Wendy I never thought about cutting stamps up, it's a great idea, thanks!
