Friday, September 12, 2014 brand new...

Ranger embossing powders!

they come in 6 
of my signature archival colors...

here's the official press release...

they are READY & they are shipping 
on MONDAY September 15th!

believe me...
E X C I T E D 
about these powders...

buckle up!
I don't want you to fall off your chair...

I'm so excited, 
that I actually filmed a video 
to show them to you!

you'll even hear Rick!

please ignore the glare, 
my studio has skylights, 
which I LOVE, 
but they make photos & videos a challenge...

if you click this link, 
you'll be magically transported to 

here are some photos of the projects I showed in the video...

you'll see how to create custom embellishments,
 like this cute cardinal...

and how to use embossing powders
 to alter many surfaces...

the embossing powders 

here's an example...
it starts as this...

 with some embossing powders, CFA & die cuts, 
it gets transformed to this...

look closely & you'll see that remnant rubs work well on embossing powders...

archival inks are GREAT for stamping over embossing powders...

that's the watering can embossing powder on the spoon...
cornflower blue on the flower & metal base...
leaf green on the leaves & red geranium on the mug...

 the next photo shows the embossing powders used on clearly for art blackout, with the new faux graniteware technique...

the video shows the ingredients you'll need to try this technique...

and I will always love the tattered florals die...
be warned...

this is ADDICTING...

this next piece was super fun...
you'll see fern green embossing powder
I used tree branch powder to create the flower, to alter the custom fastener 
for the flower center & a leaf...
orange blossom embossing powder 
customizes the ornate frame
I used it on the leaf on the right...

and the last...

THANKS to everyone at RANGER!
you have made me 
so HAPPY...

embossing powders are awesome 
for cards, 
art journals, 
altering multiple surfaces & 
for home decor projects!

in the next few weeks
I'll be sharing LOTS more info...
projects, tips, hints & techniques 
using these powders...


COMPLIMENTS of Ranger...
I have a set of all 6 embossing powders 
to share with a lucky winner...

if you'd like to play "make art" with them...
just leave a comment below...

 the lucky winner will be chosen on 
Tuesday September 16th...
and will receive the full set 
of all 6 embossing powders...

here's the You Tube link again...

may you always be inspired to...

make art!
ps...when you're out & about, be on the lookout for inexpensive things YOU can alter... do you like the faux graniteware technique? planning to try it?


  1. Would love to win these goodies, love those colors and what great samples!

  2. This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! On my way to watch the video!!!!!!!!!!! Love the colors and will have to get these ASAP!!

  3. Be still my beating heart! How the Jimeny Cricket have you kept those quiet?!!! Adore your samples but the letterpress looks AMAZING! Awesome secret!

  4. OMG how flippin' cool, these would be a welcome addition to my art goodies, thanks for the chance.

    Peace, Tamie

  5. Beautiful colors and beautiful projects! I would LOVE to win and play! Going to watch your video now!

  6. These are such beautiful vivid colors!! Would love to have a set of them! Hopping over to YouTube to check out the vid!

  7. WOW ! I love it all ! Those tags are wonderful ! And the altered items are so cool ! The embossing powders look like a dream !

  8. So many lovely possibilties!!! Lovely colours. Thanks for the chance to win some : D

  9. Oh my....this is so cool! I haven't watched the vid yet, but I know I already love the graniteware tech..I love that stuff!!

  10. I love that your ink colors are now embossing powders! How exciting for you to see your babies continue to grow.

  11. Love, love, love the colors you picked to be in your first release, can't wait to get them and start making ART

  12. Awww Wow they are here. stunning Colours. Thank you for the opportunity to win a set to go with my new inks xXx

  13. Oh, darlin', I TOTALLY love the faux graniteware technique and I'm anxious to get your colors of embossing powder to try it! Cornflower blue -- can I say enough times how I love it? Thanks for sharing the video and your talents!

  14. These colors are yummy! I can't wait to get my hands on the corresponding Archival Inks too!

  15. My mind is bouncing like it has a sugar rush...they remind me of M & Ms...maybe that is the connection! Either way, these sure are eye-candy! I so need them in my stash of stuff.

  16. These are AMAZING Thank you for sharing with us.

    Kimberly Colson

  17. OMG, Wendy, they're just so pretty! I love to find stuff to alter. In fact I've got a room jammed full of to-be-altered stuff which causes my beloved some irritation. ;)

  18. Wow, that's great Surprise, Wendy. Congratulations !!!
    I've not finished yet playing with your signature line embossing pastes, Archival inks and reinkers and you brought new ones.... :) Surely wait to add them in my treasure of craft supplies.
    The projects you made here look so yummy!!Off to watch your tube video!!

  19. OMgoodness, I love these colors and love the vintage enamelware look. I would LOVE to try these.

  20. Happy days!!!! These are awesome Wendy! To be able to emboss with my all time favourite Archival colours is just the best news ever! LOVE the graniteware look. Jenny x

  21. Your projects are fabulous..Love the colors and appreciate the chance to win them and try them :)

  22. Just watched the video!!! Love the look of the faux graniteware technique!!!! So after melting the embossing powder, you just stamped the splatter image on it? Did you reheat the powder or it was just done?

  23. Wow, what's not love about today???? Hubby is officially in remission 1 year, Wendy has new embossing powders in the most awesome color palette, and Tim has new distress stain sprays. I'm on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I can't decide which of these colours I like the best - they are just awesome!

  25. Love these colours! Fab projects :)

  26. Wow! Your projects are amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on these and play!!

  27. I love the new colours, would love to win

  28. Love these Wendy...your colors are as usual perfect!!!

  29. I am new to the art of embossing and would love to win these beautiful colors.

  30. A great giveaway, and totally awesome projects x

  31. Fabulous! Embossing powder is awesome! Thanks for a chance to win!

  32. Wow.. beautiful projects... and so inspiring too. those colors are amazing. i really would love to try these. thanks for the chance to do so.

  33. I always loved your inks but now to have matching embossing powders is over the moon!

  34. cool. I can't wait to try them out.

  35. Can't wait to try the Faux Enamel/granitewear technique-genious!
    BTW, you can never say "totally" too much! LOL

  36. Love the vibrant colours and the projects you´ve chosen for displaing them, especialy the little bottles and the letterpress letters look just stunning! Can´t wait to put my hands on them, I´m in love!

  37. My my my...would I love to win these. Your work with them is stunning. Posted over on facebook as well. Thanks for a chance at winning some of these stunning powders!

  38. These are awesome I NEED them!!! Crossing my fingers for the giveaway. Beautiful samples as always Wendy x

  39. Stunning! I would looooove these!💐

  40. Love your projects, gorgeous. Thanks for a chance to win!!

  41. Congratulations! ALL of these colors are GORGEOUS, and yes, I would like to play, ahem, make art with them!

    PS--Well yes I AM going to try that super cool granite ware effect!

  42. Congrats! Super colours and love what you've created with them! Looking forward to getting some x

  43. Ohhh huge congrats Wendy on your super duper NEW embossingpowders and all in your signature wowzerss, love them and your samples look amazing, the leaves and the bottles at the end just fabulous Wendy. And very generous of you and Ranger, good luck to everyone, can't wait untill you post another range of projects with the embossingpowders. Thanksss Wendy for sharing your new embossingpowders. Love them allready xxxx Hugs Terry xxx

  44. Oh my, these powders are absolutely gorgeous!! Love the Graniteware technique will definitely be trying that out soon! Sue C x

  45. I am in heaven! Can't wait to get my hands on all of them, but especially the fern green!

  46. These are such scrummy colours - these are already on my wishlist. Someone is going to be so lucky to win these x

  47. WOW!! LOVE 'em!! & w/ all the inspirations u showcase them.....have to have 'em all!! Beautiful projects!! Thank you for the chance!!

  48. Wow! These are fantastic! can't wait to try them! ;-)

  49. Oh my, I LOVE ALL the projects, I would love to win to make some awesome ART too!!! love, love, love the colors!

  50. Love embossing powders and these are so rich and bright! Finger crossed BArbarayaya

  51. Love the colors! The projects using the powders are fantastic. Off to go watch the video now. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  52. The colors are gorgeous! Love the projects.

  53. I'm so excited to see Wendy embossing powders!!! LOVED your video too. It was full of wonderful ideas & great tips. I can't wait to see more.

  54. Great colors and projects. The possibilities are endless...

  55. How awesome, Wendy. I can't wait to try these. Love the pop of color this gives the artwork too.

    Jen Johnson.

  56. WOW! your samples are AMAZING! I love the bold colors. So, of course, I would LOVE to win them :)

  57. OMG! Love them! Have all your inks, now I need your embossing powders!

  58. These look absolutely delicious! Gorgeous colors!! Off to watch the video.

  59. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better .... These are awesome and I can't wait to get some !! SO beautiful and LOVE LOVE LOVE your colors !!! ....and just in time for fall fun !!! Thanks !!!!

  60. Wow! Archival is always my ink of choice n now emboss powders to match- just fab!! Loving the graniteware technique! :)

  61. oooh I could make some art with those!

  62. I loved the video! Bookmarked for later. I would be head over heels of I won these powders. Embossing is one of my favorite techniques.

  63. Watched the video and I can tell you love these products. Now I do too! I sure hope I can add these to my collection. Thanks a million!

  64. love this wendy yahoo are soooooooo talented

  65. Wendy "I" said you're soooo talented. Yahoo sitting next to me posted the previous!!!

  66. OH my goodness Wendy, you made my heart go pitter-patter. The colors are just so vivid. Of course I have all the matching archivals so definitely need to get the embossing powders also.


  67. Love all of your fabulous projects!!! And the new embossing powders look like so much fun!! :)

  68. This would really start my creative juices going full force!

  69. All are such great colours, I love them all. Lucky winner doesn't have to choose just one! Red Geranium is gorgeous, and oh, that Watering Can will become my new go-to, I'm sure!

  70. Me oh me, please ! Such vibrant and gorgeous colors !

  71. What a sensational line up of eye candy you have created for this release, Wendy!These new EPs are fantastic. Gorgeous colors that match the inks - how cool is that? Just ordered a huge supply for the boutique - Woohoo, can't wait.

  72. I was so hoping watering can was going to be in your first six and...IT WAS! Yippee! I want to win!

  73. Wooohoooo!!! EP's are *gorgeous*! Can't wait to get my hands on them! Pick me, pick me (praying to the god of random number generators... LOL)! Heading over to watch the video! (Wait... you did a video!! YIPPEE!) Hugs to you, Wendy - congrats on another product in your signature line! So excited for you xxx

  74. Amazing altered art projects. I adore the colours. I just purchased the ink pads and re-inkers, so I would love the embossing powders to compliment my other products. Thank you for all the ideas and the chance to win these products.

  75. I just love these. Colors after my own heart. The metal trays and granit style bottles just sparked my love. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  76. Wow what amazing colours. Just getting into altered art, so winning these would be a great start. Love your projects, really inspiring

  77. Oh my these look fabulous. ..I would so love to have a play with these awesome colours. Your play time looked such fun xx

  78. Love these, the graniteware technique is fab. Can't wait to get my hands on them.

  79. Oh my this is exciting news! Can't wait to get them in my hands. This has made my day. Yay!!

  80. pick me, pick me! love the samples. Off to watch the video now!

  81. Oh my! Oh my! How beautiful and your examples are "FANTABULOUS" Wendy! I thank you for the chance to be a winner...ESP so I can replicate your awesome art! Quietly typed "please pick me!" Thank you!!!!!

  82. The colors of your embossing powders are so rich and beautiful. Who wouldn't want to play with them. Fingers crossed.

  83. Really love the colors! I love the inks so know I will like the powders as well. Thanks to Ranger and you who really do help us make art!

  84. They will just enhance your art even more!!!

  85. I've just watched the video & wish I could like it a 100 times. These colours are so gorgeous & I love all of your projects.

  86. Oooh, wow, congrats Wendy. The embossing powders are so beautiful. The pieces of art you made with them are fantastic. I'm otally in love with the graniteware technique, can't wait to see more and then try it myself!!!

  87. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!! I love the colors!! I can't wait to add them to my craft room!! The samples you posted are amazing and gorgeous and so inspiring!! Congratulations!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  88. When Ranger started to retire some of their EP range I was soooo disappointed as Ranger powders are the very best out there. Now I see a plan to update the range and replace the older colours with something EVEN BETTER!!!!!!!!! Result xx

  89. Those are stunning colours and your uses are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  90. Wow! Gorgeous colors and I love the ways that you are using embossing powders...opens up all sorts of possibilities!

  91. Wendy - your Archival Ink colours are my favourites, and I dont even know how to stop myself from feeling like I am going to explode with excitement over these embossing powders - I am addicted to embossing powder, if I could I would probably snort it - to make glossy colourful sneezes ofcourse. I am so crossing my fingers right now that I'll get close to a shot of winning these. Oh what magnificent joy!

  92. Wow-wheeeeee!!! Congratulations on the new EP's! I cannot wait to get these to go with the matching inks for some awesome texture!

  93. I would love to win these. I love the shades of these colors. It's hard to find a good orange embossing powder. I love this one.

  94. I love these colours. I can't wait to get these :)

  95. Such lovely colours!!! I can think of a hundred things I'd love to do with them!!!

  96. How these make your already beautiful colours pop!! I'm off to watch your video to get some great ideas for sure. Thanks x

  97. What wonderful colors these are! I want to play and make art!

  98. Love the colors. Can't wait to "play" with them. Thanks for a chance to win!!!

  99. Love seeing all of the techniques using your new embossing powders. Thanks for the chance.....

  100. Oh my world, these colors make me happy. Now, to get even happier, let me go and dream of winning :). Thank you Wendi for such yummyness!!!

  101. Oh my gosh I love the colors!!! Have to watch the video and I know I need them all!!!

  102. These are such beautiful vivid colors!! Would love to have a set of them!
    upnurse at aol dot com

  103. Love these colors, especially Cornflower Blue and Orange Blossom.

  104. Wendy,
    LOVE the colors!!!! Can't wait to play with these!!!! Thanks for sharing the video.......sets my head a spinning.......

  105. They look amazing. Would so love to try them out.

  106. I love you inks, can't wait for the embossing powders!

  107. I always love everything you make! The new colors are wonderful and would love to play with them!

  108. I have watched your video twice and I love the excitement you have for these wonderful new products. The enamelware technique is beautiful. I will try these out on your Art Parts and Clearly For Art, which as you know are addictive and your colors are fabulous.
    Phyllis R

  109. I have all your archival inks. What a great complement these embossing powders will be. Yay for you!

  110. Awesome colors and beautiful projects!! TFS!!

  111. OMG! These are to die for - fingers crossed I can get lucky ( I've just discovered that I'm unable to travel to the USA this Fall )


  112. Wow - these are beautiful colors - gorgeous projects too

  113. These colours are so beautiful and vibrant - love the projects, too!

  114. Those colors are truly yummy! I love the inks and now I love the embossing powders.

  115. Congratulations for this release ! And for the beautiful projects.

  116. They are beautiful. Now that I have all your ink pads, I will now need all your embossing powders. Thanks Wendy.

  117. Oh Wendy!!!!! This is the best thing ever!!!!!

  118. CONGRATS, WENDY!! Yeah--All caps :) Those Awesome EB's are such a fabulous addition to your line! OK--Love the faux graniteware bottles! That's a great technique and just think of all of the things that can be made over with it!! :) OMG--I have some of your Blackout and OMG I could do this! Wendy, Thank You so much for sharing your talent with us and your video is awesome!! XOXO-Shari T.

  119. Would love to get my hands on these! Thanks for the chance Wendy. The faux Graniteware is brilliant, can't wait to try this technique.

  120. Oh my goodness! I've been looking for some coloured embossing powders recently and these are perfect! I have your ink pads and LOVE the clearly for art film. I can't wait to try these out!

  121. Isn't that what it's all about - the chance to get your hands inky and play! Great projects and love the vibrancy of the embossing powders.

  122. Would love to win. Can't wait until these come to my local store so I can play and get inky.

  123. WOOOOOWWW!!! So awesome and exciting! I really love all your examples and can't wait to see more! All the coordination is sooo helpful. I am excited and so grateful for a chance to win some. Thanks!~kim

  124. WOW! These colors are so vivid and FUN!!!
    You nailed it with these :-)
    I would sooooo love to win these!
    The Faux Graniteware items that you showed in your video were too cool!!!

  125. Wow, those tags are awesome. I love the colors and can't wait to get my hands on some. Thanks for the opportunity.

  126. I never win these things but I am in love with all of your colors of powder. They are so pretty and I am saving to get the archival inks too. So much fun!!!!

  127. omgosh omgosh omgosh!! Your lovely juicy colors......AS EMBOSSING POWDERS!!!!! This is the best day ever!!!

  128. I know I don't have a snow balls chance in He%#, but I just LOVE what you have made with these. Your art work is just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

  129. Wow, Wendy! You outdid yourself with these beautiful projects! Your embossing powders are so WOW! Congratulations!

  130. OMG! I love your tags you made with your beautiful new embossing powders! The colors are awesome. The tag with the cardinal is my fave--beautiful!!

  131. Such gorgeous colours Wendy! I don't have your inks but would love a set of these! The tags look great :-)

  132. OMG!
    How Awesome Wendy!!!
    They look so yummy,
    and that Watering that will be one fabulous color! TFS

  133. I love the vibrancy of these powders! I think my two favorites are the blue and the orange. The orange will be perfect for Halloween projects.

  134. These colours are fabulous but I am totally in love with that sweet little cardinal!!

  135. ayayay! Wendy , you are right. it is 11 pm, I am baby's uplifting my granddaughters, and feel like leaving them and returning home to play... But, ojph oh I don't have your embossing powders yet, ok, I might stay until e parents come back.

  136. Trying again, I am babysitting my granddaughters no uplifting them

  137. Your project samples are delicious! I love heat embossing and would LOVE adding these new colors to some of my artwork; thank you for an opportunity to win!

  138. So beautiful. Would love to play with these!!!

  139. I love the ink colors...and now embossing powder! What could be better? Exciting news!!!

  140. Love the colours! Thanks for the awesome ideas!

  141. I love to see all the new things you ate doing! Cant wait to see you !

  142. Congrads on you're new embossing powders. I love embossing and it's really hard to find any decent colors where I live at the only store we can get them at. I just ADORE you're beautiful colors. I love them all! Awesome colors. They are certainly going on my wishlist.

  143. Love the colors and the projects. Here's hoping I win!

  144. I can feel your excitement through the computer...what great colors. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  145. It would be so great to win these! Love the colors and inspired ideas!

  146. Oh I LOVE these!! I am so excited! Love the colors <3

  147. Oh my gosh these colors are fantastic. I love your projects!!

  148. Wow, love the colour palette!!! What great color choices. Beautiful. I love powders for the holiday and special occasions....Heres hoping...beautiful projects by the way.

  149. Love love love your signature archival inks, but as embossing powders, wow. These have just jumped to the top of my wish(NEED) list. The colours are amazing.

  150. I love embossing powder, I love your colors - this is just perfect - thanks for the chance to win

  151. Would love to play with these yummy colors!!

  152. Oh wonders. We are happy to gather you into my craft closet.
    hugs Mila

  153. Congratulations Wendy. Brilliant vibrant colours! Love the FGT, that speckled background stamp is a must. Love Suz xxx

  154. OOO. OOo. Ooo! Please Pick me! I LOVE, Love, love these new embossing powders! So PRETTY! So Versatile! Can't wait to get them! Thanks for a to win them! These are AMAZING!

  155. Wow, that faux graniteware effect is AMAZING!! Love the beautiful embossing powder colors and all the ways you can use them.

  156. Love the graniteware effect and those awesome colours of embossing powder!

  157. Beautiful colors. I'm slowly adding your inks to my craft stash; would be fun to have the coordinating EPs. Have a great day!

  158. love granite effects and love these stunning embossing powders colors!! Always looking for things to be altered when I'm out... I call it "see the world with another eyes, crafty eyes" hahaha.. Thanks for the chance!!

  159. Once again, loving what I see! Thank you for the continued inspiration! Now I need to get my hands on these...

  160. This is so exciting! Every time I paged down there was another fabulous sample. I love, love, love the graniteware bottles. Too cool.

  161. Congratulations - those are gorgeous colours and happy to see them in an embossing powder. I love the Ranger brand of powders because they are such great quality. I already have a problem with bringing home found items to (eventually) make art from, and this just encourages to keep at it! I love the new technique and I have a few pieces I would love to try it on, including a mini bucket I have sitting on my work table right now!

  162. Wow so pretty i would love to win them. Congrats!
    Deb C

  163. Fabulous colors, Wendy!!! Can't wait to try the graniteware technique and the leaves!!!!

  164. Congratulations Wendy , wonderful product release. Now who wouldn't want to make art with these beauties! I adore those bottles combined with Tim's letterpress they look fantastic and great to hear we will be able to get hold of that background stamp too as I love it. I am so impatient , hope they are released soon lol x x

  165. Loving the new colors..... Love it on the glass bottles and the metal... putting this on my to do list.

  166. These are sooooooooo cool! I would love to try them!

  167. Congratulations on another wonderful release with Ranger! The colours look totally beautiful! I love all the wonderful projects you created to share with us all! Claire x

  168. Oh, the wonderful things I can create with those amazing colors! Love it!

  169. That would be a perfect birthday gift the 17th!! They sure look like fun!!

  170. OH my Goodness, the colors are AMAZING!
    would love to win a set

  171. Wow, wow, wow... I love the colours, so vibrant! and the bottles are just amazing, would love to give this a try!

  172. Really great projects, thanks for sharing.

  173. Wow! These projects are amazing!!! I especially love the way they look on glass and on the letterpress!! Congratulations, Wendy!!

  174. Love all the ideas in your video. Thanks for sharing.

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. So happy for you. Those projects are amazing. I would love to win the set so I can create some beautiful art of my own. Thanks for a chance to win. You are the best!!

  178. I would love to play with these beautiful colors as our "colors fade" into months of white in Anchorage.

  179. Oooooo, Ooooooo, Oooooooo, I got to get me some of those powders, they look magically delicious to play with hahaha!!!!! ;)

  180. Love the granite effect - where can I get the stamp you mentioned in the UK, please? The embossing colours are simply gorgeous!

  181. Great colors and techniques!!! I really want to try some of the techniques with your embossing powders. I like the fern and cornflower embossing powders.

  182. Awesome! And how thrilling
    for you to get your own colors
    made up! Lovely work!
    Carla from Utah

  183. At first I said really? more embossing powder I have enough! Then I saw your colors-the best! Got to clear out some of the ones I don't use anymore.

  184. Beautiful colors! Congratulations!!!

  185. You always manage to make the world a brighter place! Love these!

  186. OMG those powder colours are just perfect. I gotta have the red, orange, green and blue!

  187. OMGosh the granitewear looks reminds me of my parents who collected it. What a sweet reminder. And I LOVE the excitement of it all!

  188. You are such an innovator! Would love to try these out! So luscious looking!

  189. Gorgeous embossing powders! If I can't win all six, I'll just take the orange blossom! Love it!! Love ya' Patricia B
