Friday, December 26, 2014

got Christmas cash?

happy day after!

I flipped out this morning when the first VALENTINE email came...
I did expect it...


today is all about putting the decor away...
Christmas is over...
I'm done with winter...

I'm counting the days 'til SPRING!

I wanted to pass along some REALLY good sale info...
just incase you got Christmas cash!

the code is RSALE...
need to stock up on archival inks or reinkers?

a 40% off special sale
this category even has some really new things from the summer release...
and more...

click below & 

it's time for stores to make room for all the new goodies being released at CHA...

and speaking of CHA...

here's some loaded sneak peeks...

6 new on this one...
combined with some current...
I LOVE that!

4 NEWS on this one...
3 are easy...

#4 is hard to spot...

I think she is adorable...
I've had a blast making samples with her...

hopefully I sat here long enough that Rick has most of the stuff packed away...

now it's time to 

make (CHA) art!
ps...I hope your Christmas was magical...
and that you can rest & enjoy this weekend!


  1. Fun Stuff! Christmas comes and goes so fast. Winter just began 5 days ago, so it's here for a while. :) We have to have a really good snow first before I say I'm over it... LOL.

  2. Thanks for the info on the sales!! I just adore your sneaks!! I'm ready for winter to be over, too!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2015 be filled with so many blessings!! Have a fabulous weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. She is adorable! Thank you for the sneak peeks. Enjoy the holidays!

  4. My new year prediction: this is going to be a GREAT release!

  5. So looking forward to seeing your new release! I love how you coloured the face on the lady, above.

    Wishing you all the very best for 2015 - and looking forward to your visit too!

  6. Can't wait for it all to be available!!
    Happy New year!

  7. you have me totally stumped...again! Can't wait to see the new releases!

  8. Merry Christmas & Happy New Years you guys!

  9. Love the sneak peeks, can't believe another CHA is almost upon us. Hope you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!
