Friday, March 6, 2015

fabric stenciling with archival inks...

last fall,
I stenciled some fabric bags...

do you remember this guy?

that was really fun, so
here's another, with a different theme...

stencils are actually very easy to use on fabric...
maybe even easier than stamps...

if you remove the stencil & discover that you either missed an area, or maybe you want to add more color or shading, 
because you can see thru the stencil,
it's simple to reposition the stencil over the stenciled area...
then continue adding ink...

remember that archival inks are permanent on fabric when dry...

so that means you can stencil on clothing...
it's on my TO*DO list...

for this bag, 
I used the add a stencil with 
I also used forget-me-not for the gift box...

you'll see the new borders stencil used at the top & bottom of the bag...
it's stenciled lightly with tree branch at the top to get a lighter tree branch color...
at the bottom you'll see light tree branch & darker tree branch...
to darken the color, just add more ink...

makes it simple to add a second color...
I used leaf green for the gift box bow and to stencil the stem for the little flower...
keep in mind, 
you can stencil the stem longer or shorter as needed for your art...

the sentiment is also a stencil...
very useful for events thru the year...

there's lots of mix & match words that will create other sentiments...

look at the word HOPE below...
turn it upside down & mask off the P & E...
you have the word "OH"...

I like OH HAPPY DAY...

now look at CONGRATS...

mask off CONG and you are left with RATS...

which can be combined with OH for...
OH RATS for a funny card...

I forgot your birthday...

I hope you feel better...

check it out...

another thing I like about stencils is their versatility...
because you can see thru them, it's easy to add stenciling to backgrounds 
(over other stenciling or stamping) 
to add more layers...
and it's easy to avoid your main image...

now back to the bag...

can you see that with the border stencil in place,
I stamped polka dots THRU the stencil?

same thing with the gift box stencil...

I like that any stamp can be used...
it can be a small pattern or tiny text looks great too & that changes up the look of both the stencil & the stamp you chose...

 then sprinkled with
after I embossed it, 
(which is embossing ink 
in a super convenient pen form)
to color the flower center...
then sprinkled it with 
then melted the powder to create 2 differently colored embossed areas...
a few black glaze pen dots finished off the flower...

these bags are inexpensive and really fun to create...
  they are a nice presentation for gift cards, notes or even small gifts...

this same design 
could easily be made into a card...

one thing to think about...
the thickness of the fabric...
if it's really thin fabric, 
slip a paper scrap into the bag 
before you stencil 
to prevent any color being added 
to the back of the bag...

I didn't need it with these 2 bags...
but it's something to consider 
before you start...

it's back to pacing for me...

that "little brown truck" has a package that I've been waiting for...

"on the truck for delivery"
makes me start pacing...

it's bloody FRIGID again today...
think I'll stay in the studio and...

make art!
ps...that's AFTER that 
brown truck delivers the goods...

one more thing...

how AWESOME is 
you will be seeing lots of that beauty here...


  1. How cute! Perfect little spring/Easter bags.

  2. Love this! I am waiting for several delivery trucks. The websites I ordered from suggested I pay attention to delivery dates and preorder status... I did not and now I'm waiting for the goodies that were IN STOCK!! WAH!

    I'm making notes of all the things I need to try when the new goodies come in (new ink colors, foil, new stencils, etc)

    Keep making my list longer, Wendy!! It will be ages befor spring gets here.

  3. What a gorgeous bag!! I love how you decorated it!! It's a gift doesn't need anything inside!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Such a great idea! Especially for gift cards!!
    Thanks Wendy!

  5. Fantastic projects Wendy! Lovin' the stenciled images! So fun and creative!

  6. Wendy,
    A most adorable gift bag - it could hold all sorts of wonderful little goodies! Thanks for sharing and for the pointers!

  7. Beautiful little bag Wendy! I agree Blue Lagoon is gorgeous! Sue C x

  8. what fun! I haven't stamped on fabric/clothes in I'll have to get out my stencils! thanks for sharing
    stamping sue

  9. Love the bag, Wendy !! This is such an awesome idea. I used them for Christmas and everyone loved them !!! Tim's new color is gorgeous !!! I am so ready for spring !!!

  10. What a sweet little bag. Wonderfully creative ideas for stencils.

  11. Stencil ink on fabric ... Great idea! And, yes! That Mermaid Lagoon is absolutely awesome!

  12. beautiful little bags x a great idea x

  13. LOVE Mermaid all the info in this your bag and the design!
