Friday, March 27, 2015


because I'm super excited to share my new product...

here's what the package looks like...
it has 50 sheets & it's a bargain...

and I'm happy...
 it's READY to ship NOW!

so...what's the big deal?

in the past I've used vintage dictionary pages to cover my "clearly for art"...

one day as I was making some flower samples,
that text really annoyed me...

 I wanted to stamp a pattern over the flower...
the dictionary text really competed 
with the stamp & it became lost...
& looked really chaotic...

that got me thinking...
I wish I had a thin 
white paper with NO TEXT...

is the perfect answer...

the next photo shows the HUGE difference...

on the left is the marigold SiSi
stamped on vintage dictionary paper...

on the right...
 the same marigold,
stamped on NEWSPRINT PAPER...

with the flower on the right, I can easily stamp polka dots, text, plaid...

really, any pattern over the flower
 to change it up big time...

the actual detail of the stamped image also shows up much better...

here's how it works...

you can use any of 
the 3 "clearly for art"(CFA) colors...
or black...
all 3 CFA flavors 
work exactly the same...

the next photo shows 30 sheets of CFA that are covered with NEWSPRINT PAPER, in preparation for my upcoming classes...

I covered 30 sheets in 20 minutes...
it's simple!

and this photo shows that there is 
on any of them...

I brush a thin layer of GLUE N SEAL onto the CFA, lay the NEWSPRINT PAPER on the CFA sheet, burnish it down by rubbing my hand over it, then I give it a very quick dry with the Ranger heat tool...
like 5 seconds...

glue n seal is the KEY 
for adhering paper to ANY surface...

always add glue n seal to the solid surface...
NOT the paper...

I am L O V I N G the CFA covered with NEWSPRINT for these reasons...

1. it totally changes the CFA & allows us to easily create very strong & sturdy, 
very dimensional custom embellishments
 for our art...
we get the beauty & ease of working on paper,
 but the CFA adds extreme durability...

2. we can use both archival inks and distress inks to color the surface...
both work very well...
distress inks do not work directly on CFA...
they wipe right off...
they are PERFECT!

3. archival inks and distress inks are translucent inks...
now we can use them on a sturdy white surface and see the beautiful true colors of the inks...

4. the CFA can still be warmed to soften it, which allows us to shape the pieces...

adding the NEWSPRINT 
does not affect that property...

5. we can get more versatility from stamps when using them with NEWSPRINT covered CFA...

6. we can also cover art parts with NEWSPRINT to change those pieces from kraft colored to white!

because the paper is thin & the art parts are sturdy, just sand away the excess paper from the edges, for a perfect edge...

7. NEWSPRINT is inexpensive & 
won't break the bank!

so...what's THE BEST adhesive 

the only product I'm using is 
it adds the perfect dimension between the layers & the adhesive is VERY strong...
I like the black best, because it isn't visible between the layers...

this is a good photo of that marigold again...
you can see much more detail on the NEWSPRINT...
and again...these layers can easily be stamped...

because the CFA is so strong...
these thin tiny ends of this thistle are rock solid...

cut from plain cardstock, they would be much more fragile...

if I'm taking the time to make something, I want a good presentation & I want it to last!

here's probably my most favorite flower...
this little hosta...
I L O V E this little guy...

see the thin stem?
it's amazingly strong & won't bend or break off...

this little egg gives you some perspective of the size of the hosta stem...
it super T I N Y!
the paper mache egg is the size of a real egg...

so that's my newest baby...
I think you'll love it as much as I do...


your local stores can order it for you right from Stampers Anonymous...
just ask them!

or the colored links will take you to
my fav on-line shopping spots...


try it when you...

make art!
one more thing about glue n seal...
(I LOVE the convenience of the built in brush)
and the large jar to refill the small jar...
the large jar can also be used with foam brushes for larger surfaces...
like a full sheet of clearly for art 



  1. Whaaaat? Such a cool idea Wendy! Amazing how one little thing can change things up. Thanks.

  2. Sometimes you really don't want the text from vintage paper so this is a fab idea! You're a clever bunny!

  3. Hooray! CFA for those fussy cuts - great idea!

  4. How fun is that?!? I love the comparison picture with the dictionary paper

  5. How cool! Love seeing your projects!

  6. Fabulous! Next, you'll have to release CFA with the newsprint ready on it for us lazier crafters! Haha

  7. Very COOL Wendy!!! It's about time! Lol! I'm always looking for newsprint and sometimes I can't find it. Love that it's white and not the Biege color!!! Kudos!!!!

  8. WOW... that's gonna be great...thanks for the tips too!

  9. hey, that looks like really cool paper!! =)

  10. Newsprint that is not tan? Who-Da thunk it??? Great addition to our art/craft hoard!

  11. Brilliant, Wendy! Can't wait to try this out!

  12. his looks like some fun stuff & not breaking the bank is always a good thing ;)

  13. How exciting!! I can't wait to try it!! Thanks for the awesome tips, too!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  14. O yesssss, I sure need the newsprint! Wow...looks great. I've got already the little jar glue and seal :-)
    Have a happy creative weekend!

  15. great idea, Wendy and your samples look fabulous.

  16. I need some of this stuff! Thanks Wendy!

  17. Such a great idea!! I am looking forward to this fun paper.

  18. I LOVE your new baby, looking forward to getting my hands on some now!

  19. The Violet is so me... Gorgeous colour!
