Thursday, September 10, 2015

celebrating STAMPtember...

THANKS Heidi, from Simon Says Stamp,
 for the invite to participate in your STAMPtember event...
I'm happy to share 
some stamping ideas here today...

I have to say it...
I absolutely...
LOVE stamping! 

One of the things that I especially LOVE about rubber stamps is their versatility. When designing, I always like to have more than one use in mind for stamped images. So for Stamptember, I thought it would be fun to show 2 ways to use one stamp. Here’s the first, using a BRAND NEW...floral collage Stamp-it Stencil-it...

 The Stamp-it Stencil-its all have the stamp and the coordinating stencil in the same package. They make life simple. 
Let’s start with a basic card.


Cut a piece of watercolor cardstock to 3 ¾ x 4 ½ inches.

Working on the smooth side of the cardstock use Jet Black to stamp the floral collage centered, toward the top of the card & dry.

Position the coordinating stencil over the flowers portion of the stamped image, Ink over the flowers with Tiger Lily Archival ink, using the blending tool.

With the stencil still in place, add bit of Buttercup Archival to highlight the tops of the petals.

Reposition the stencil over the leaves & use Leaf Green to add color.

Stamp the largest leaf onto a Post-It & cut it out, right on the line...

Place the Post-it over the large leaf to mask it off, then ink the polka dot stamp with Fern Green Archival and stamp the lower section of the card. Remove the mask and the stamping appears to be under the leaf. I saw this when I first  discovered stamping & thought it was MAGIC! 

Use Jet Black to stamp the sentiment on a watercolor scrap. Lightly ink the edges with Leaf Green & add toward the bottom of the card.

Add watercolor panel to the black card base. Add black glaze pen dots to accent the flower center and the base of the small flower.

This quickly creates a completely flat, easy to mail card. 
The stencil acts as a stencil, so you can add color and it masks off the background at the same time. This allows ink to be added using the blending tool, for quick easy coverage.

Now, let’s use that same stamp again and take it up a notch.

Cover a sheet of clear, Clearly for Art (CFA) with a thin layer of Glue N Seal. Add Newsprint over the adhesive, burnish & give it a quick 10 second dry.
Cut several small pieces, or use scraps.Ink the floral collage stamp with Jet Black & press the Newsprint side over the inked flower portion of the floral collage stamp and the leaves. Repeat & stamp/cut out 2 flowers and 3 leaves, one of each.

Ink the leaves with Fern Green archival.
Ink the 2 flowers with Sky Blue Archival and add Cornflower Blue to the petal edges.

Ink the vintage text stamp with Watering Can Archival & stamp over the 2 flowers.

Heat the leaves to soften the CFA and shape the leaves, while the CFA is warm.

Heat the CFA to shape the petals. Layer the 2 flowers together, using black foam adhesive. It's a great adhesive for CFA. 

Using the large white Mat Mini Flower Pot, ink over the base & trim piece with Orange Blossom Archival, then sprinkle with Frosted Orange Blossom Embossing powder & heat to melt the powder.

To create frosted powder, mix equal parts of Orange Blossom embossing powder with Frosted Crystal embossing powder. This mix creates an authentic textured clay pot embossing powder. Any colored embossing powder can be mixed with Frosted Crystal to create this "frosted" powder. Frosted Crystal "doubles" your embossing powder options.

Glue the trim piece to the base.

and it looks like this...

your finished pieces will look like this...

cut a piece of manila cardstock to 4 ¼ x 5 inches.

To create the card base, add one drop of Cornflower Blue reinker to the craft sheet and sprinkle with rubbing alcohol. Any percentage of rubbing alcohol is fine. Get the cheapest you can find...
Rubbing alcohol will also remove the archival ink from stencils & your craft sheet.

Use the palette knife to mix the reinker into the alcohol. Place the manila cardstock into the inky solution & it will immediately absorb the fluid. Dry.

As the alcohol is burned off, the ink layers will magically  form!

Use Fern Green to stencil the diagonal stripes border at the bottom of the card.

Mask off half of the "diamond" stencil with painters tape to change the diamonds into a banner stencil.

Position the banner over the stripes and stencil with Jet Black.

Use Jet Black to stamp the sentiment above the border, toward the right. 

Add Hickory Smoke to shade the edge of the card.

LIGHTLY ink the unmounted vintage text background stamp with Tree Branch Archival and randomly stamp over the base.

Test drive the flower pot to determine where to stamp the flourish.

Glue the flower pot to the card as shown. Create a pleasing arrangement with the flower & leaves, then glue in place.

Ink a scrap of manila cardstock with Red Geranium and sprinkle with a custom BRICK embossing powder. Heat to melt, then die cut the tiny hearts with the shapes strips heart die.

this is a great way to use up scraps and create perfectly coordinated embellishments!

to create the custom BRICK embossing powder, mix one part of Orange Blossom Embossing powder, one part of Red Geranium embossing powder, 2 parts of Frosted Crystal embossing powder and ½ part of Watering Can embossing powder.
this creates a textured authentic brick surface...

Glue 3 hearts to the right side of the card.

Add the finishing details...
a little pen stitching to the edges, and some black glaze pen dots to the flower center & to accent the banner points.

Mount to a black card base.

Here's the finished card...

here's a closer look at the dimension...

    So, that’s the same stamp, taken up a notch. One stamp...
    multiple uses...
    use it in full, or just a portion...
    it can be flat or dimensional...

    and that's why I LOVE stamps!

    And here’s idea #3...since this is an open image, wouldn’t it be fun to watercolor it with your favorite markers?

    idea #4...

    it would be fun to add doodling or 
    zentangles to the petals!

    I hope this inspires you to look at all the possibilities and ways to change up your stamps.


here's a CODE to enter at checkout 
to get 20% off my brand of products...

just enter 

it's valid from today to 9/12/15...

A N D...

since we're celebrating...
 I'll end with a GIVEAWAY of one of our 
compliments of RANGER!

just leave a comment on this post & the winner will be announced 
on Monday September 14th...

it would be wrong to send an empty bag, 
so I'll add a NEW COOL

a simple comment is your entry ticket...

I hope you'll grab your stamps,
use them to enjoy STAMPtember

make art!


  1. So fantastic and so much fun!! Thank you Wendy!!!

  2. Beautiful work of art, as always, AND you are a wonderful teacher! You take us by the hand and guide us with each loving step.m thank you, Wendy

  3. I NEED that cute bag, can I order it from Simon Says Stamp? thanks for all the deets on the process of these two FAB cards..,I am inspired!

    sparkle & shine *~*

  4. Always love your stuff Wendy.. can't wait to try these techniques.

  5. Thank you for the detailed instructions! I am inspired by your work! Ia ppreciate the opportunity to win!

  6. How fun it would be to win. Thankss bunch

  7. What sweet flower cards! Love the stencil/stamp combo. So versatile. That flower pot is so stinking cute! Thanks Wendy and Ranger for the opportunity to win one of the cool new bags!

  8. Your instructions are great! Thank you!

  9. Beautiful card. I am loving the new bag and can't wait to get one.

  10. I love stamping also! I love your flower stamps so creative!

  11. Love your stamping and that bag is so cute!

  12. Wendy I love all your creations and the new bag is to die for. Love the technique used on the flower pot. You never cease to amaze!

  13. What a lot of techniques! Great tutorial, and cute cards. The bag is really pretty, thank you for the chance to win it. And the sale code!

  14. Great tutorial, love the terra cotta pot embossing instructions. Sweet little bag too.

  15. Great tutorial, love the terra cotta pot embossing instructions. Sweet little bag too.

  16. Very cool! I loved this post... Lots of great techniques on using what you have. Thanks!

  17. Wendy, you know I love your art and all your products! I feel so blessed to have been able to meet up with you at conventions! Missed you this year at Stampaway! Please pick me!

  18. Adorable sets and I love the new bag. I have been eyeballing that since I first saw it!

  19. Wow! LoVe all the techniques and ideas! Sometimes I get stuck in a rut if doing things the same way over and over. Thank you! Love the new bags too - such beautiful on the go art!

  20. Lovely Demi one samples Wendy, I love the terracotta pot and your gorgeous flowers. The backgrounds are lovely. The pot is very authentic. Tracy x

  21. I love your creativity. I love your inspiration. I love everything Wendy. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  22. I love your creativity. I love your inspiration. I love everything Wendy. Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway.

  23. Gorgeous, fabulous art as always! Wished I had the coupon the day of your release...oh well...wanted your new toys too much to wait for a coupon! Would love to be the new owner of this really cool traveling bag! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. How beautiful a day can be , when kindness touches your heart. Exactly what I was looking for:)

  25. Oh man, I was anxious to win when it was just the bag! It comes with a DIY pad too! OK ... My turn to win Rick!

  26. I LOVE all of the dimension on the second card. Thanks for the chance to win YOUR bag!

  27. great tutorial today! I love these new bags and would be so happy to have one! thanks!

  28. I love that stamp...great techniques Wendy...and the bag well that is just beautiful.. Would love to win it and if not will wait til it hits the stores.. :)

  29. I loved your beautiful cards over at SSS this morning! Gorgeous flowers and so many pretty details on the cards! Great colors too!
    Thanks for the chance to win that amazing little bag! Love it!

  30. All kinds of wonderful! Can't wait to try them!

  31. Hi Wendy, Luv your tutorials, Keep them coming. Would luv to win your accessories bag so I can keep all my Wendy Vecchi supplies in.

  32. Love the cards! And I love that floral collage sisi...will have to get that one for sure!!

  33. Love your tutorials - Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  34. LOVE this tutorial! To live without art is to simply exist!x

  35. Thank you for all of the cool techniques and recipes! Thanks for the chance to win too! Love those bags.

  36. This is my first time discovering your stamp and stencil combo. It is pure genius!! The acessory bags is also super cute!!

  37. Wonderful ways to use
    the stamp. All your
    examples are so pretty!
    And a great giveaway.
    Carla from Utah

  38. I love being able to use the stamps in more than one way! Kudos to those who can "think outside the box" and come up with these different approaches. You never fail to amaze..

  39. Love your cards! I need that stencil/stamp combo.

  40. This was my 1st time on your blog - love how you showed each step by pics! Your work is amazing! Thank you for the chance to win one of the gorgeous new bags!

  41. Your cards like your art are amazing and I the bag well we all need one or maybe two or three. Thanks for the great flower stamps I love this new release of yours!

  42. Love the embossed flower pot, can't wait to try it!

  43. I'm a new follower. I really like your idea of multiple ways to use rubber stamps. Since I have a whole collection of stamps, I'm going to look at them again with a new perspective. So thanks. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't need to buy new ones!

  44. Thanks for the cool chance to win. I enjoyed the tutorial. I prefer stamps that are versatile and usually only buy the ones I can imagine using with different design ideas.

  45. Thank you for great card ideas! Happy Stamptember.

  46. Love your flower stamped cards. So lovely ☺

  47. Congrats to you Wendy!! Also your creations are just Beautiful!!
    Thank you for sharing your tutorial.
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  48. As always, you inspiration is off the charts, Wendy!! Wow!! Amazing tutorial!! And I have to get one of those fabulous bags!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  49. You have reminded me why I love stamping, thank you! Your cards are awesome so are your products! Thank you for the chance to win the cool, cool bag! xxx

  50. O.K! I'm going to start out by following these directions to a tee. I want to make this exact card. Afterward, I want to see what else I might apply some of the techniques to. Love it!

  51. Always love your beautiful cards and the way you use your stamps! I seriously need this stamp ... it's on my list ( you and Tim keeping me in trouble these days ) ! I so love the tutorials ( always answers my question ... how'd she do that ? )
    I feel a scraplift coming on ... oh wait I gotta get that stamp first
    oops ... hubby just saw my two packages that came this morning... just got my new Tim Stamps ( I'm supposed to be on punishment...hahaha ) Sssh ... I'm gettin' that set !!!

  52. Great ideas as always Wendy. Living all your new products. I really need this bag to hold all of the studio 490 stamps that I have. Xx
    Amanda. Xx

  53. Fantastic new products Wendy, as always ! Love, love, love the new bag ! Sue C x

  54. This post was just jam-packed with techniques. I will definitely be trying these out soon.

  55. I agree, masking makes it look like magic! It is almost as fun as removing the stencil... :) And by the way, I love your bag!

  56. Thanks for enabling and inspiring!!

  57. Wonderful card Wendy and I love your embossing powder! Thank you so much for the chance to win and mostly for inspiring me to be creative!

  58. Such fabulous ideas Wendy.I love these new SISIs...brilliant! Thanks for the great giveaway x

  59. Love this card and your continuing inspiration!!!! I would love to use your new bag!!!

  60. Thanks for the code, it's just too bad that they are already sold out of almost all of your products. :-(

  61. What a fabulous tutorial - so many stamping ideas, and I just love the scrumptious texture on the flower pot! Wonderful, and thanks for the chance to win one of your beautiful bags.
    Alison x

  62. Can't wait to sit down and follow along step by step. Looks like so much fun.

  63. Can't wait to sit down and follow along step by step. Looks like so much fun.

  64. Love your new bag and would use it proudly. Thanks for all the tips and great tutorials. Archival ink is:the best! and I love your colors.

  65. Just love your latest stamps, stencils,everything. Thank you for offering the bag as a giveaway.

  66. As always, I love the cards you've created and how you show us how to use the same stamp in different ways! I love this new floral collage SISI!! Thanks for the great tutorial. Your cards are beautiful!

  67. Wow, way to MAKE ART!! I'm off to see if anything is left to buy!

  68. Oh my heavens!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cards Wendy! Your tutorials always help to make us better artists. Thank you so very much for the generous way in which you share your knowledge and creativity. And yes, the accessory bag is ADORABLE!

  69. thanks for your great ideas today. I love the bag. Thanks for a chance to win.

  70. I am always excited to see your tutorials. They provide me with
    ideas that jumpstart me with my own projects.
    I am really liking how Hickory Smoke works so well with
    your style of stamping.

  71. Wendy this is a very pretty versatile stamp. Thank you for showing us the many ways to use it along with the stencil.

  72. Oh Wendy, you make it seem so easy, but I know I could mess this up with your best tutorial! I love both of the cards and believe you me, I'm going to give it a try as soon as I can find a place where the contractors aren't tearing the house a part, lol!

  73. Hi Wendy, I finally bought my first pack of NEWSPRINT to use with my Clearly For Art. SO happy that I saw this blog -- I would have tried to stamp on top of the CFA instead of the newsprint. (hope I read that correctly) Looking forward to your new products to arrive in my local store. Thanks for the chance to win the cute utility bag and blank archival pad. Keep making art!!

  74. Your card designs are great. I love all the techniques you teach us. The alcohol and reinker are amazing. Thanks for the embossing powder recipes, so we can match terracotta flower pots and faux enamel. Thanks, also, for the chance to win a really terrific prize.

  75. my goodness I cross my fingers, this bag is mine is so beautiful!!! Wendy I love your job and It would be honored to have!!!

  76. Wow, great techniques! Can't wait to try them. Thanks

  77. These are both great projects, Wendy! Tomorrow is card day and I think a little stamping and stenciling. Your bag is sooooo cute and what a great size for supplies.

  78. Really great! Love the flowers, as always! Thanks for a chance to win :-)

  79. Great masking technique. I love the orange blossom EP that really looks like terra cotta pot. I have the tiger lily and have been trying to get the terra cotta look. It is not bad, but much better with orange blossom and the frosted crystals. I see the need for a shopping trip. Thanks for the 20% off coupon.

  80. Love the bag, can't wait to see it in person!

  81. Wow!!! wonderful tutorial and the bag is stunning! I want it!!!!! Fingers crossed and thanks for the chance to win! BArbarayaya

  82. Wow! Such beautiful creations!! Just love your work!!

    Love, love, love that bag!! Thanks for the chance to win it!!


    LOVE the flowers and LOVE the inking!!!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your tutorial - I really enjoyed seeing you in the spotlight over at Simon Says Stamp and FASCINATING to LEARN about the techniques so that I can get inky too :)
    THANK YOU for the chance to win!!!

  84. I love it when I can learn techniques...thank you for that. Great cards.

  85. Always amazed at your creations. Your bag is so pretty. Thanks.

  86. That bag is very cool. Live the colors and pattern. Thank s for the chance

  87. Loving these new accessory bags- yours is my fav!! Solo excited for the discount over at Simon Says Stamp- I've been wanting some of your embossing powders!! Thanks form the giveaway!!

  88. Absolutely awesome ideas and creations! I love them!

  89. Such fantastic ideas, thank you! I've just discovered your art and blog and am so excited to learn more, can't wait to play!

  90. Two wonderful designs and fun techniques! Your Tim Holtz bag is just adorable! Julia xx

  91. I just love your stamps and stencils sets. So different and refreshing from all the other products out there.

  92. Love using reinkers to make an alcohol ink. The stencils matching the stamps is totally awesome! Love it. THANKS

  93. I just love those stamp n stencil things. How cool and great if you need a card in a hurry. Makes um look like you spent hours making it.

  94. I love the simplicity of the first card. Sometimes we get carried away with layers and embellishments and this shows how beautiful simple can be. Thanks for the chance to win!

  95. Your ideas are wonderful and I love your accessory bag. Make me a winner!

  96. Thank you for the chance to win :)

  97. I love your products! Thanks for the tutorial. Happy Stamptember!

  98. Adorable cards! Love your bag and would be thrilled to carry one. Thanks for sharing!

  99. Thanks for the discount 😄 will go and check it out! Love your work :)

  100. DISCOUNT! the bags are awesome, I so enjoy your creations!

  101. Your creative work is so beautiful, love it. Thanks so much for a chance to win too, you are so sweet!!!

  102. Just love your detailed instructions. Can't wait to try some of the techniques used. Love the card. Thank you for sharing.

  103. what a wonderful tutorial with so much awesome inspiration. Thanks for all and the chance to win.

  104. I love your ink pads!!! So fabulous !!! I would love a chance to win your fabulous bag!

  105. Fabulous make as usual and such a cool bag.

  106. Love how you did this! Thank you for sharing your techniques. And thank you for the opportunity to win your fabulous bag!

  107. Fantastic tutorials (as always), and the coolest bag EVER !! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win !!!

  108. Wendy,
    I'm so excited I met you in England, I'm now a diehard fan. I plan to purchase your new stamps, I can't wait until I take your class at Craft Fancy in Arlington Heights, Il.

  109. I love your products and your bag is so cute!

  110. I love your products and your bag is so cute!

  111. Wendy, I love both of your cards. Your techniques always look like so much fun and turn out amazing.

  112. Always learn something new each time I see one of your tutorials, thank you so much for your sharing and generosity

  113. Thank you for sharing how to make both of these cards using the same stamp and stencil. I really like the way the flower pot turned out and the curled leaves are so pretty colored with Fern Moss. I just bought that color yesterday and can't wait to open it and use it!

  114. So wonderful! Thanks for sharing! And for the great giveaway!

  115. What a wonderful gift! I love the bag with your fabulous designs! The custom ink pad is like a cherry on top! Thanks for the opportunity . . .

  116. Wow! Two great cards! The stamp/stencil is so cool. Thanks for the inspiration!

  117. Thanks for your step by step instructions. Great cards!

  118. Cute bag and love all the new products coming out! Loving all the tutorials and I sure hope to see you again for more classes! Love love all your work and tips!

  119. Two fabulous cards with great easy to follow step by steps. Now my dear Wendy, who wouldn't love that gorgeous bag ? Ha ha ! Thanks for showing us how you Make Art . Toni xx

  120. Great inspiration as always. I think the bags will be a big hit with customers. Can't wait to see them in person. - Tina

  121. OMG!! Awesome cards & technique!! I am just now visiting for the first time here because of Stamptember!! I love the idea of a stamp that comes with the stencil to help you mask!! How cool is that!! Thanks so much Wendy...going to take a look around at all your products!!

  122. Beautiful card!! Have to try it myself....

    Oooh wow love the accessory bags, you made it a very special one!
    Thanks for this great giveaway, keeping my fingers crossed ;-)

  123. Wow!!! Gorgeous card!! Love the stamp, stencil, and the flower pot!!! Love your products!!! Thank you for an awesome giveaway!!!

  124. Awwww...that bag is adorable!!!! Nice job Ranger.

  125. Beautiful Wendy.....I absolutely love the Stamp It Stencil It Collection. Makes my life so much easier. Your card is so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win your awesome accessory bag.((HuGGs)

  126. Great cards!! I love how the clay pot came out!! I love using your embossing powders to mix my own colors to get the look I want!! Lately I have been using a lot of what I call my "wrought iron" mix for use on a fence for a scenescape I am creating. Must get myself some of the Crystal embossing powder!
    I absolutely adore that bag and would love to have it to carry craft stuff with me when I go out for appointments! That way I won't get bored when I am waiting for the doctor to see me!

  127. Love your creations! And I just love that little bag! So cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

  128. This would be a great way to start the new year (in Israel it starts today) - I love your art!
    Dorly Weitzen

  129. Inspiring!
    stamping sue

  130. Wonderful projects, Wendy!!!!!!!!!!!!
