Thursday, November 19, 2015

still looking...

beyond the obvious... 

one of my favorite new products for the holidays is tim's alpha parts frozen...

these FROZEN have been so much fun...

I used them a more "traditional" way for a Ranger project, that you'll find over on the Ranger blog on Monday, November 23...
it's combined with one of the home improvement store finds you see below,
 to create a little holiday decor...
checkout it out on Monday!

back to the FROZEN...

these are cute acrylic pieces right from the package...

you'll find snowflakes & icicles...
but...I looked beyond the obvious...

I snipped a piece of the icicle to fit my #8 tag...
inked the piece with fern green archival...
sprinkled on the fern green embossing powder & heated it to melt the powder...

turn it upside down
and now the icicle has been transformed into...

look how cute!

but it was a little too straight & perfect, 
so I rewarmed the "grass" with the heat tool until I could bend the pieces to create a more authentic looking GRASS...
here's the result...

I wanted to create a tag, with the "grass"
as my inspiration...

here are some quick details...

I started with my usual #8 manila tag 
cut to 5 ½ inches tall...

I made a quick alcohol/archival background using cornflower blue and leaf green...

the tag is edged with 

there is some stamping in the background using sky blue with

the sun was stenciled with

the top & bottom borders were stenciled
 with this stencil, using fern green...

that's the add a stencil on the left,
 stenciled with sky blue archival...

the flower was stamped twice onto the newsprint side of the clearly for art, with jet black...
I use Glue N Seal to cover the CFA...

the flowers are inked with tiger lily archival...
and layered, using black foam adhesive...
it's THE best adhesive to use with CFA...

you'll see I cut the leaves off of the flower...
I didn't need them with the grass...

the hearts were inked with red geranium, then covered with the custom brick embossing powder  & heated to melt the powder...
incase you missed the brick powder recipe...
 here it is...

2 parts of frosted crystal embossing powder and then stir in ½ part of watering can embossing powder...

this recipe makes a textured/not too shiny authentic brick embossing powder...

I added an old button to the flower center & a few black glaze pen dots...

and here's the finished tag...

here's a closer shot...

and here you can see the bent blades of grass...
it tickles me that this worked and really doesn't look like an icicle now...

the embossing powder stays firmly attached, as long as you use archival ink under the embossing powder...

looking beyond the obvious gives us another totally unique option...

this was seriously fun...

changing icicles to grass...

I really love to...

make art!


  1. Holy cow...I NEVER would have thought to use this for grass!!! YOU ROCK!!! LOVE this Wendy! You always inspire!!!

  2. Wow!!!!!!!!! Totally awesome!! Grass!!! Your tag looks fabulous!!!!

  3. Some people will go to great lengths to not see snow or frozen precipitation of any kind! But I do totally love the idea of grass!

  4. That is so clever!! I love it. =)

  5. Way cool idea! I would rather see grass instead of the snow that we are supposed to get!

  6. Awesome idea as always!!! Love the tag!

  7. Oh wow - icicles to grass!! I love it!! It looks amazing!! What a gorgeous tag!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Who would have thought.... well you clearly did - the icicles looks amazing as grass. I would never have thought to heat emboss them either - clever you! Love your beautiful tag too! Anne x

  9. Wow, love the way you think out of the box! Your grass is seriously cool! Thanks for the inspiration.


  10. That is awesome grass. i am really going to have to try this one :)

  11. Such a lovely tag, the grass looks great.

  12. Lovely tag and wonderful color of grass. Janny

