Friday, December 18, 2015

3 peek Friday...

I couldn't stop at 2...
here's 3 tiny peeks at my
new stampers anonymous goodies...

the black is actually my 
it has the same properties (moldable, holds it's shape & strong) as the clear and white...
but now I can see my archival inks on the black...

I have a fun new way to use it...
it's cool...
it really is the focal point of the piece...
well...except for that little______...

this is a real favorite...
I've used it whole and partially...
it can be completely flat and 
it can be used with dimension for a totally different look...
very fun...

and there's a B U N C H in this next peek...

I'm in L O V E with the new_______...
and the __________...
and the __________...

thanks for the comments!
I hope you have a great weekend & can take a few minutes from "the hectic" to...

make art!
 what do you think?
see anything you like?


  1. I can't wait any longer! It's all so woderful!

  2. Excited-I bought black clearly for art last month. Now I can learn how to use it!

  3. I need to look up more words that mean omg I love it. Can -not- wait!

  4. What a tease! Can't wait to see the bigger picture...I see some really cool things!

  5. I see a lot of new stuff in my future.

  6. Thanks for the peeks. Will there be a tutorial in the future for the black clearly for art? Never thought of embossing on it with the colored embossing powders. Duh! I think this calls for some experimentation this afternoon. Sunny but windy and cold here!

  7. Can't wait to see the bird and birdhouse and that flowerand leaf looks really pretty!

  8. Can't wait to see the bird and birdhouse and that flowerand leaf looks really pretty!

  9. Awesome! I like the birdhouse!!

  10. Oh yes! I do see a lot of loveliness in those sneakies!

  11. It all looks such fun! LOVE CfA Blackout - have every flavour CfA at home - a MUST! Jenny x

  12. Love the birdhouse and that background on the third peek is amazing!

  13. hmmmmm ... in the last peek, I'm intrigued by the striped background and the leafy thingys.

  14. That Clearly For Art Blackout is freakin' COOL! I haven't got my hands on any, yet, but you can bet I WILL! Today's sneak peeks are even sneakier than the ones, before, there, Miss! Sure looking forward to the big reveal!

  15. hectic is right!!! Thanks for the break and the sneak peeks! I see some new goodies, and love the bright colors on the Black!!!

  16. WOW ( that's all I got )... WOW !!
