Monday, March 28, 2016

a large art journal page...

it started like this...

I cut a large page 
and sized it to fit the 
about 8 ½ x 6 inches...

I misted on some leaf green archival spray & some sky blue archival spray & dried the page...
(archival reinkers mixed with 
rubbing alcohol into misters)

I stamped the violet bouquet with 

to "watercolor" with archival inks...
swipe the pad onto the craft sheet,
adding just a small amount of ink 
it takes very little ink...

add a few drops of rubbing alcohol off to the side...
this will dilute the color as needed & allow it to be painted in layers...

I use it empty & just moisten it in the alcohol...

now just paint away & dry between layers...

the embossing helps control the ink, making it easy to paint...

once I had the bouquet painted, I touched the water moistened detailer water brush into water & then touched it to the tip of
this made a good shadow color...
the embossing makes it super easy to go along the outline...

since the page base is archival ink (waterproof) & 
the crayons are water reactive distress, 
they work very well together...
the archival doesn't smear & the distress crayon color stays true...

 I got this far & ran out of time & ideas...

I had no clue where this was going...
sometimes you just have to START...

but sometimes an image guides the process...

 here's the finished page...

I started with the borders stencil...
did you see that I used all 3 stencil sections?
it's a good versatile stencil...

the diamonds are stenciled vertical...
the scallop was made thinner by masking part of it off with painters tape...
the sky blue diagonal border
is a little technique twist...
stencil it once, then flip it over & stencil again to create a lattice pattern...
I used sky blue for both, but you could use 2 coordinating colors...

the cut out sentiments are all from 
there are 21 sentiments on this guy!

I customized a mat mini button 
it's lightly inked, then over stamped with 
stamp once...
turn the stamp 90 degrees & 
stamp again to create the cute mini plaid...

I stamped random vintage text in the background, using watering can archival...
I like to use stamps unmounted,
 to add in text wherever it is needed...
this makes it easier to control & add just small sections...

a few stenciled dots, using sky blue...

I rounded the 2 right corners...
why 2? not all 4? 
 no clue...
I opened the drawer & saw the corner rounder...
I like it...
I think I'll do that more often!

LOVE the black mat mini heart to tie in with the jet black stenciled scallop border...

the violet, leaf green & sky blue inks look fresh & spring-ish...
like sandal weather...

and the sentiments are good reminders...


I hope you can

make art!
ps...just a reminder...
when using specialty stamping paper, make sure to dry it between each addition of ink...
the magic coating slows down the drying time & EVERYTHING need to be dried, 
specialty stamping paper is
 it helps to make awesome pages!
best of all...
nothing seeps thru to the back,
 so the back page can have a fresh start!


  1. This turned out beautifully Wendy...that's the best kind of plans just lots of creativity. That paper sounds really interesting...(adds it to her wish list along with everything else ;0)
    Hugs xx

  2. Beautiful as always! I hope that sandal weather sticks around for a while. Tired of rain and having to wear boots!

  3. OMG I Love this... just so beautiful. I wish I had all the stuff... such cool techniques.. thank you for sharing :D

  4. It's so funny that you didn't know where you were going with this, and look how awesome it came out...I LOVE that! Gorgeous page, and you are really going all out with those sprays...I need to make some!!!

  5. This is so beautiful! I love sweet little violets, I think I need this stamp. Thank you for all the techniques and explaining so well.
