Friday, February 17, 2017

enamel accents technique...

sometimes an idea works &
 you can share a fun NEW technique...

this one DID work...

here's another way to use enamel accents...

I posted a 1 minute video yesterday,
 explaining this technique 

you can see it here on Instagram...

and here on Facebook...
for some reason Blogger won't publish it here...
probably tech error on my part...


here's the tag I made using the technique...

it's the same tag you see in the video...
I started with  a #8 heavystock tag...
it's a very nice surface to work on...

it's swiped with potting soil and
they're thin & when applied this way, 
they dry in about 2 minutes & add
 both texture & shine...
they also act as a resist for inks...

I used my "never enough hearts" stencil & traced the heart on the back of the tag, then cut it out...
tracing on the back is best, 
that way no tracing lines show, if your cutting isn't perfect...

here's the heart...
I inked the white edges with potting soil...

to create the background for the heart,  
I used a #8 heavy stock tag...
it's cut down to 5 ½ inches tall...

I inked the tag with orange blossom
then added potting soil to the edges...

I stenciled the square grate on the left side of the tag with cornflower blue...
then stenciled some polka dots with potting soil over the square grate stencil...

moving on to the right side, 
I knew the ink was not completely dry & that embossing powder would stick where there was wetness...
I wanted melted embossing powder
in the background as extra texture, 
but with no foiling...
I was careful to only added bits of foil on the stamped lines,
so I wouldn't end up with a big blob of foil...

I inked the old wood floor background with cornflower & sprinkled on the  
I reheated it & pressed the 
over the warm embossing powder...
it will release easily when it has transferred...
it takes just a few seconds...

here's a video that explains 
how EASY this is......

***I am addicted to foiling 
the embossing powder***

be warned!
if you try it...
I'm NOT responsible
for YOUR addiction...

I added 3 pieces of tim's new design tape

I used watering can to stamp the flourishes that you see below...

look closely & you'll see the screen background stamped in several places, 
using the 3rd generation tiger lily...
(I stamped off 2 times)
I wanted it barely visible...

here's the tag base...

next are the components...

the little "make art" is from 
stamped with jet black onto a scrap, then inked with potting soil & orange blossom...

the new mat mini flower was stamped with cornflower blue, using the plaid background, embossed with cornflower blue embossing powder, then foiled with the same turquoise foil sheet...

the center is a hex head fastener, inserted thru a fluted fastener collar, then thru a mini gear...

I held the pieces together with a hemostat, 
heated them as one, 
then dipped them into the cornflower blue embossing powder...

the hot metal holds the embossing powder in place...
once cooled, I used the sanding grip to sand part of the hex head back to the original color...

those leaves are tim's gold 
they're die cut
then inked with fern green...
I sprinkled on the 
to give it a bumpy look...
crummy photo...
but trust's pretty cool!

***since archival inks are translucent, you can easily change the color of these metallic card stocks & tint them to any color of metallic***

then I stamped over them with 
the "les roses" background with watering can...

I cut off the last 2 leaves, because
I thought it was a bit too long...

but then...
I dug them out of the trash...
this is normal for me...

and turned them the opposite way when I added them to the heart...


but I liked it!

here's the tag all assembled...

under the heart to add dimension...
it's great stuff for it's adhesive properties & the perfect dimension!

I added an extra strip of the same 
to the bottom, edged the tag with the tarnished brass paint dabber & used 
to add some dots...

it's got a vintage feel & when the light hits it, 
the bling is really cool!

I hope you'll
give this enamel accents technique a try & 
you'll see how fun it is...

have a GREAT weekend...
I hope YOU can
take some time to...

make art!


  1. Just Love the effect Wendy! My shopping list is getting bigger... must stop looking! Lol

  2. WOWZERS!!!!! I want to make this, right NOW!!!! I hope Carolyn gets your Enamel Accents SOON!!! This is just gorgeous and, as with all your creations, SO smart!!!!

  3. This is drop dead gorgeous tag art! I have the Enamels on order, going to have to be patient while waiting for their arrival. Got some Wendy stamps and things arriving today...where is that dang mail lady!

  4. Wow! A fabulous technique and your tag is simply gorgeous! Love the heart! Anne x

  5. Oh fabulous Wendy! Oh that heart...I know it was hard to die cut that!

  6. Beautiful tag! My stuff should come next week so I can have a play with that new technique!

  7. Pretty! Am a new reader of your blog -- I hope to learn lots from your techniques. By the way, my blog was all wonky this weekend, but it back to normal today.

  8. Beautiful! I just found your blog. Lovely work.

    Lisa @

  9. love to have you share your tag on
