Thursday, February 12, 2009

a good mail day and the bracelet...

Actually, it was more like a GREAT mail day.

Look what I got from

All these awesome papers...YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

Here's a closeup of my favorites...

THANK YOU so much...Graphic 45... these will be perfect for my new Maya Road projects...
Oh wait...I already used them on a CHA project here...
Check around the net for photos of the Graphic 45 CHA booth. It was absolutely breathtaking.
They had an old phone booth...yep...full sized.
You'll be amazed...
My most favorite piece was an OLD telephone covered with G45 paper...I about fainted!!
Talk about cool...lucky for them I'm honest...
I wanted it REALLY bad.........
***'s the scoop on the bracelet that lots of you noticed on the Ranger video...from yesterday.
But first the bracelet was FATE!
A friend overheard me talking @ CHA and whispered this in my ear...
A few hours later we walked into a Disneyland shop and sitting right inside the door was a bracelet.
I immediately picked it up, because I LOVED the font.
Then I read the message...
I just knew it was meant for me...

FATE...for sure.........
Now it's time to decide which of those cool papers fit which Maya Road book...
and then it's time to...
Make ART!


  1. Graphic 45 papers are my current favs, too!
    Love them!

  2. I LOVE Graphic 45 & yes...there booth was AWESOME. We went back there 4 or 5 times at CHA! (passing you & Tim on the way each time of course!) :o)
    I can't wait to see what you do with all the new papers.
    That bracelet is so cute & I must have one myself. What makes your story more interesting for me is...what an odd item to find at Disneyland of all places. It truly was meant to be for you to have it...and believe it!

  3. I have all but the Winter release. They are awesom beyond belief. I play there all the time in hopes of winning more. AND for those who did not know it's time to try for their DT again.

  4. I too had to gobble up a lot of the Graphic 45 paper. Love the bracelet and the story!

  5. Hey girlfriend.......was just on the Maya Road Design Team blog and I knew it was you in the first frame....awesome job!!!

  6. Graphic 45 is one of my most favorite paper companies too!! They featured my Maya Road album with their awesome paper not too long ago! I can't wait to get my hands on their new stuff! I can't wait to see what beautiful things you create with it!! Keep us posted! I about dies when I saw their booth from photos people had taken....incredible! Shelley
