Tuesday, January 12, 2010

so...you liked the (edited @ 8:30 am)


Here's a photo from the new book...

which shows the FULL bottle stamp ...

I made the label a seperate stamp...
so that the bottle can be used for other things...
I have IDEAS...

and you can use the label other places too...

It's stamped on a Hambly transparency...

and colored with Ranger's alcohol ink fillable pen...
so simple & FUN!

and here's my THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU...

for leaving such nice comments.

You make me sooooooooooooo very happy!

"The visionary" is @ the top of my "love it" list...

the Maya Road peeks start...
which are LARGE peeks...
not skimpy little peeks...

I'll post just as soon as Caroline does...
she's the boss...she goes first!

You just might spot some new studio 490 too...
who knows...
we'll see which products she decides to REVEAL...

EDIT!...she snuck one in yesterday & I just found it...HERE!

BROWN flowers! I'm in LOVE!

That's it...gotta hit it HARD...

Keep those cards and letters (COMMENTS) coming!

Be inspired...
make art!


  1. That bottle stamp is absolutely fabulous, so realistic ;) Gorgeoous tag/thingy Wendy :)
    Anne xx

  2. That bottle is wonderful and the dimensional bling is just beautiful and the hounds tooth is yummy ... and those new leaves and the text ... oooooooo I just love everything Wendy X Keep it coming ... I am having a ball X

  3. I guess it was really early when I looked yesterday because I thought it was an actual bottle that you put the stamped label on! LOL! WTG Wendy!
    I love the addition of pearls to this new piece! is the screen looking effect over the print because of the face image or is it a third stamp?? VERY COOL piece! Love it and I love the hounds tooth on the brown...frames it up lovely. TFS

  4. LOVE that bottle,its the only bottle i'll ever hit lol, luv this stuff but just a beginner, luv georginaxx

  5. I didn't even see the face until I read the comments...how did I miss that? But I love it...and the colors, I just love the new colors, too! The bottle has lots of possiblities! Until tomorrow ... can't wait

  6. The bottle is way cool, and on that transparency it just opens up the art! A gotta have it fer sure..now that full size sample is just to die for, I want it now! How perfect is that, just my kinda' artsy fartsy stuff! Keep 'em coming...I am so excited to see them all! xxoo

  7. Love..Love..Love that bottle stamp, how cool!!! Must have for sure!!! Loving the peeks, keep them coming!!! You are fantastic!! Have a good one!

  8. I am SO in love with what I'm seeing! Empty jars are great cuz they can be filled with anything and everything. Woohoo!

  9. I missed the post yesterday. The bottel and bird are so cute. I am really into the birds lately. Can't wait.

  10. Thank you for the wonderful peeks...that bottle is a must-have. As are all the other peeks.
    What did I say yesterday about not robbing banks?
    Eileen in NYC

  11. Your visionary set is wonderful - I really like the bottle too - I am ready to BUY BUY BUY!

  12. oh .... beautiful! THANK YOU!
    any more sayings for that bottle?

  13. AWESOME...simply put! Thanks for the BIG peeks. Looking forward to tomorrow...and have already enjoyed today!

  14. hello Wendy!! LOVE the bottle stamp and the fact that the labels are seperate! i do hope we get them here in South Africa - how about you pay us a visit???? Tim has been here and he LOVED it! What do you think.............oh PLEASE!!!!!

  15. too cool. so great they are separate

  16. How beautiful is your visionary! It reminds me of my daughter's sketches when she was working on perfecting an eye or a mouth. I even scrapbooked some of her art. BTW Are those tim's flourishes at the top with pearls?
    AND I love your little peeks - they are not skimpy! I would describe them as teasers, meant to heighten the suspense and keep your bloggers coming back for more-in that you have succeeded!

  17. The bottle is AWESOME! Especially since the labels(?) are separate!!! So many possibilities! Thanks for all the peeks!

  18. Omgosh! I love the face & the bottle. WTG Wendy!!!

  19. That is great that the bottle and lable are seperate YEA, I like the brown flower also!
    Can't wait to see more goodies!

  20. WOW, love the visionary, very, very cool. The bottle has tons of possibilities, thanks Wendy!

  21. I just wonder if you ever sleep? The bottle is so adorable and I so love the brown flowers.

  22. Yep, love the bottle. The Visionary is really COOL. Can't wait to see more!

  23. Wendy -

    Yep - see lots of possibilities for that bottle stamp. Thank you for deciding to include it in your collection. Love the Visionary, just beautiful. More sneak peeks, I need them to satisfy my Vecchi addiction!

    Elaine Allen

  24. Love that face with the text background and love those new leaves - sneak peak time is soooo much fun!!!

  25. either I'd better start selling my art or get another job...I'm going to "need" one after CHA! OMG...how can I love your stamps and projects any more than I do? Thank you so much for sharing such fantastical (yes, that is a made up word!) art with us! Hugs!

  26. Love The Visionary - the face with the words - awesome! I'm on the fence about the fillable pens but I love what you did with the bottle. I wondered if that was vellum or a transparency. Really like it that you made the labels separate. Now we need lots of labels so keep the ideas coming. Thanks for the sneak peaks.

  27. Stamped on a Hambly, who would have thought? Love it!

  28. Wow, love that bottle and what you did with it and that face piece! Fabulous in a word! Kathy

  29. I LOVE the bottle stamp, Wendy!! LOVE IT!!! I almost brought another brand of stamp's bottle stamp a couple of weeks ago - I am VERY glad I didn't 'cause yours is so much better! YEA!!!

    Ok, back to work for me so I can earn some more O/T pay so I can buy more of your creations! :o)

  30. The bottle is amazing. I love that one. The full peek was wonderful. I love the face looking out from the bookpage! I am going to beg for $$$ for my bday next month so I can buy up the goodies!

  31. What a gorgeous piece. I love the face stamp. So far the bottle is my favorite. Very clever!

    Your BFF Terry

  32. Love love LOVE that tag with the text and the face peeking through from behind! The flower and greenery and bling all just keep adding to it!

  33. You are always so inspiring. Just need to find some time to play. But love seeing your work and all that can be done.

  34. Thank YOu!!!! So many cool new things to love. Can't wait!

  35. Thanks you for sharing.
    Love that bottle stamp!

  36. First visit for me here, I can't believe I've been missing out for so long. Is that bottle a new stamp? I can see lots of uses for that.
    Looking forward to the Maya Road stuff x

  37. What can I say, I love it all!

  38. Great ideas in the project you just shared! Question: On the artful voyage cruise, I think you gave us a tip on how to refill our small squeeze bottles of Claudine Hellmuth's multi-medium. If you did, I've slept way too many times since then and would love to know what the trick is again. I got the lid off the bottle, but made an absolute mess trying to get additional multi-medium into the squeeze bottle! Is there an easy way? thanks.

  39. OMG....lovin' the bottle, and I couldn't agree with you more on "The visionary"!! It rocks..and I love the way the project was done. Wicked cool!! I seriously must have both of these!! Hugs chickie...Rockin Robin Caldwell

  40. Dang!! I guess its time to start collecting your stamps too!
    You just had to make that bottle....I love it!!!

    Can't wait to see more peaks!

  41. Your stamps and talent make me smile. Love your work..I have all your stamps and look forward to getting more...Thank you for sharing your talent..

  42. love the bottle - great idea to keep the label stamp separate - many, many uses

  43. Ohhhh Wendy! You colored that bottle so well. Just LOVE it! Can't wait to see what else you have created:)

  44. lovin' all the sneak peeks - especially the visionary - it is wonderful! Just how do you find time to create it all? I know you don't do groceries, but there are other things I'm sure that call for your attention.

  45. Very nice artwork Wendy. I love the Inspiration Board that we did on the cruise a lot and think of you when I when I come into my studio......just awesome. Can't wait to see more of the new stuff for CHA.

  46. oh my goodness this is beautiful!

  47. I love the bottle idea--valentine's day--Love Potion! Can't wait. kh

  48. Wendy, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that little bottle- it is so cute. I can see wine bottles for love notes, rum bottles for naughty pirates and poison bottles for dark and dreary swaps. It looks so fun! Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  49. love today's samples ... the bottle looks so real .... can't wait for more peaks and then to be able to purchase the items after CHA. Thanks for sharing!!!

  50. Love the bottle! Thank for the separate label. You are great about making stamps that work with each other to give us options. I also love the new background stamp. It the face a separate stamp?

  51. The bottle stamp and label are right up my alley! along with the alcohol ink pen, WOW, double WOW!
    Vicki B

  52. OMG! I have been looking for a bottle stamp for so long now. I have found 2 but just didn't order them for some strange, unknown reason. Do you believe in fate? Love, LOVE, Love the face stamp! I am just not believing how you are actually reading my mind on what I want! Houndstooth, bottle, etc., etc.
    My husband needs to get a second job!
    Thanks for all the teasers...can't wait to get my hands on everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. I just love the days leading up to CHA!! My head is in inspiration overload and it's all because of you and Tim!!!

  54. The bottle stamp goes to the top of my "must have" list.

  55. YES! FINALLY a Bottle stamp! Wendy you are the BEST! I don't know why other companies haven't jump on this concept...we could use a whole bottle collection! I want to put a grunge flower in one!
    How many sleeps before they are available???

  56. so..lovely..thinking I need to color myself broke for 2010...luv the bottle...yes..how many sleeps before I raid the bank account? hmmm? can u tell us where to find the bird someone got in their package? so cute...and mya road too...yes...just color me broke

  57. Oh be still my heart. . . the wait is just going to be to tough!

  58. brown flower very vintage love that too...
    visionary... very mystic...
    who knew houndstooth looked so wonderful

  59. I love the bottle stamp!! Awesome! My mind is spinning with possibilities! What an exciting time...for you AND us!

  60. every day there is a new temptation. the blue bottle is very nice. i suppose i will need that stamp too. i am such a stamp junkie.

  61. ooooooohhhhhhhhhh the goodness - spent about an hour reading post after post and checking all of your art ideas - LOVING THEM !!! Thank you so much for the inspiration ~~~

  62. Love the bottle stamp and how you stamped it on a transparency & colored with (bottle!) alcohol ink!

  63. ooooooo, that bottle stamp is simply fantastic! i can NOT wait for my LSS to start getting your wonderful line. where will i be able to purchase your new products online?

    keep those sneak peeks comin'!
    linda t:0)

  64. I love labels. That bottle is so cool. Keep the new peeks coming. Can't wait.

  65. Love the bottle and the labels! Love that you work so much with MR, my other obsession!

  66. Wendy,
    I think your bottle stamp would look great paired with Tim's poison stamp. I'm looking forward to the new products. Thanks for sharing.

  67. Thank you for the big peek!!!! I'll HAVE TO have that stamp!!!

  68. Love the transparency sheet idea!

  69. Peeks large or small are wonderful.I look everydat just to see if you are blogging again.Love the way you do it. Thanks Shirley

  70. I am so freakin' excited about all the new CHA stuff this time around. You, Tim, Maya Road and some others are totally ROCKIN' IT this time! LOVE your sneaks and LOVE all you are doing with everything!!!
