Friday, February 5, 2010

new Q & A's...

I present to you...
the first sighting of my new stamps...

What a thrill for me to see this cool art...

It was made by Kathy Tucker...
She lives in Ohio & I met her on the Mexico cruise last October.

I LOVE everything about this piece!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how she added the tiny leaves from the border & cut them out...

The perfect detail...

GREAT JOB, Kathy!!! You made my day!!!

Check it out...

Pretty cool...huh?? LOVE the colors too...

Ok...on to the questions...
1. When you get back from CHA can you show the difference in the green inks...I know you say we'll need them all, but if you show them, I'll know which is the first I must have...'s the swatch I made...
They really are all different and you will want them me!

#2...Can we preorder your book to get on the list?
I have a file started for book orders...
but I'm not sending the PayPal requests until I actually have the books here & ready to ship...
I'll post here when they arrive...

#3...Hey U R holding out on us...I see in this issue of Stampers Sampler that U R the neaxt featured artist.

YIPPEE! What an honor.

Amanda Crabtree asked @ CHA last summer...
so it's been in the works for a bit.

I'll be excited to see it, since I don't even remember what art I sent to Stampington...(but I made all new pieces)

4. I have seen that fish stamp at my favorite stamp store. For Keep Sakes, in St. Louis. I will have to see it they still have it. By the way when are you coming back?

It's in the works...stay tuned!

5. LOVE the spool!! How big is it? Congrats to Linda!!! The can is fabulous!! When you do samples for CHA, do you get them back?

The spool is about 4 3/4 inches tall and the overall height of the finished piece is about 13 inches.

If you make something similiar, make sure it has a large base so it won't topple over.
Another trust me for tall flowers with kind of heavy centers...

About the CHA samples...

sometimes yes...sometimes no.

It just depends who I make them for. But, mostly yes...

6. will you & tim be @ the Carson convention. if so, can we do make & takes again. that was fun.

Tim is @ Ranger U that weekend, but I'll be there to demo.

No make & takes this time, since we're not both there.

If you live in Ca...turn the heat up and turn the sun on...
I HATE cold weather...
see you soon!

7. I see some of your stamps come on a wood block. Are they a different size than the clings on the sheets?

No...the wood mounteds are the same size as the images in the sets.

We do some mounted on wood, because some people prefer wood.

8. any chance you will sell the background stamps on wood?

No & here's why. Since they are so large, the price would be about $17.00-$18.00.

Considering that the complete sets are $24.95, they are a much better value.

So you get LOTS more stamps for a few $$ more.

9. Thank you again. The stamp set arrived today. I am hoping far a snow day tomorrow so I can play with it.

Good luck on the snow...

I hope you live no where near me! ha!

Have fun...make art!

10. i'm confused. i see the 2 new binders, but they have vol4. where are 1-3?

Here are the 4th volumes again...

I've made storage binders for each set release to keep them separate for me...

I made 2 this time, because I didn't realize that all 12 new sets would fit in one binder...
but they do! COOL.

I'll look for photos of the other 3 and post them next week.

# 11... any plans to teach in Arizona?

NOPE...nothing planned there...

#12... will you ever come east for classes?

You bet...some locations are in the works...
Stay tuned!

#13...anything in NDakota ever????

Nope...but I think Iowa is close??
Stay tuned. ***UPDATE*** Just added...Memory Bound in Ankeny Iowa!

Shopping alert...

looks like my 12 new sets have arrived here!

tim's new stamp sets are in here and here...

Time to shop & then...

make art!


  1. Fabulous art today ... love it all ... Have a good weekend X

  2. Oh, that project is beautiful, love it!!! Can't wait to order your book.

  3. Thanks for the color chart! Can't wait to make my own when I get all the new colors...which I hope is very soon. Ditto for your new stamps. Would be super awesome if my fairy godmother could deliver them Monday - a special day for me.

  4. Hoping by IOWA you mean eastern Iowa, had to miss you when you came before and would like to be able to take a class from you.

  5. Anxiously waiting for the Eastern Locations! Hope you are in my neck of the woods -that would make my year! Have a great weekend Wendy. (I would have used another exclamation mark, but that seemed like too many for one post):)

  6. do you think you will ever be in southwest Florida!!please please

  7. Nice to see the greens lined up like that!! Thanks for all the answers!!! If you ever had samples you didn't want to keep, you could have give aways for them... oh - ya!!!!! Or even sell them. I'm sure there isn't a single one of us that wouldn't love to have a piece of real Wendy Art!!!!!

  8. Wendy - I am honored - thud... Can't believe what I seen today - My Art on your blog!!! Thanks! Must go and tell all my friends!!! Did I say THANKS!!!

  9. Kathy's art is fabulous! It's all in the details!

    Love all the Q & A's!

    My stamp set arrived yesterday! THANK YOU!! Today is a "furlough Friday, guess what I am doing today! Have a great weekend!


  10. I love Kat's creation! Not fair that she is near SA & has your stamps already in hand! *lol*

    Since it looks like we'll be snowed in this weekend, maybe I'll actually work on my binder covers ... Yeah, I think that's a fine idea! :o)

  11. Kat was on the cruise? I must have really had my head up my butt, there's quite a few people that I have met since then thru blogs and groups that said they were on the cruise, some even in my class group! that I didn't even meet. Yikes. Her work is fantastic. So, anyway that you can give a little heads up on what you'll be teaching in Rockford?

  12. Thanks for letting me know you'll possibly be at For Keeps Sake again .. I'll watch for that one. Have you or will you ever do a scrapfest at Mall of America ? I would love to take a workshop with you !!

  13. I love Kathy's art! Can't wait to get the new stamps and inks!

  14. Turning the heat up and the sun . . . but I am glad you are not coming today rainy and cold here!

  15. I love the art Kathy made with your new stamps. I have some on pre-order her in the Uk, getting very impatient, in the meantime I have some grungepaper flowers of yours cut out ready to ink tonight, am going to... MAKE ART!

  16. Trying here turn up the sun in California, but more rain today. Looking forward to the weekend to create.

  17. are the dates on the sidebar correct for 2010?? had to as because it shows you will be back at my LSS this year! had a blast making flowers last year...can't wait to see what we will be doing this year!

  18. ok as long as you answer goes:
    I ordered your stamps but not the the binders look differnt year to year? And...will you ever even get near MI? its VERY pretty here in the summer...and a golf mecca *nudge* I found some birds...they are there someplace to look for a tutorial on how you did the birds....and what do you know about a cruise this year? I doubt I could afford it but ...know someone who wait to get the stamps tho! xox Cher

  19. Yes, you need to come to North Dakota!!!!! Ordered 3 sets of your stamps, can't wait to get them!!!

  20. honest to God...makes me want to start stamping again!
    Mwah !

  21. I love the Q&A sessions- . I think this has been the 3rd time in a row that I have been comment #20- must be my lucky number. I noticed that you are coming to SC in August-I will be there, I am sooo excited! I will be the crazy fan up front- :)
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in Sc

  22. Thanks for the colors. You are right I need all of them.

  23. Thank you for sharing so much. Have a great weekend. Going to go make art!

  24. I am sooo excited you are coming to Memory Bound in ANkeny, Ia. That is my LSS. I drove 5 hours to take a class from you in Madison, WI last November - it will be fantastic to only have to drive 15 minutes! See you in May....I'm so happy.

  25. You are so sweet to take time and answer everyones questions! Be sure to make time to create your beautiful work!!

  26. I really DO need all the new Distress Ink colors... and I need your new stamps ... and I need a JOB!

  27. wow! Amazing how many different shades of green there can be! You are right I will need them all!

  28. I really want an autographed copy of your new book and I guess that means ordering through you. How do I do that? I don't want to miss out!
