Thursday, February 4, 2010

You WILL...

delight in the details of this book.
I promise!

My friend, Lisa Pace's new book was just released @ CHA!



I'm so very proud of you!

This book is totally awesome & so well worth the wait...
like 2 bloody years...
and you know ...I am NOT patient...

I read it cover to cover on the flight home...

I KNEW I'd be impressed because I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lisa & her style...

But I have to say...

It's even better than I expected.

40 techniques...

100 projects...

awesome step by step photos...

each page shows projects photographed with just the right props, which makes it even more inspiring...

here's the cover...

oh look...
a project using a studio 490 large butterfly stamp...

and another of my stamps...

the large leaf...

sure looks different when used with felt...

this project is probably my favorite...
for today @ least...

plain old white felt...
transformed by Lisa into this georgeous album...
it's totally amazing...

it was on display in the Maya Road booth & believe me...

You can get a signed/personalized copy from Lisa HERE.

Back to the Q & A tomorrow...

until then...

may you...

delight in the details...

and then...

make art!


  1. The white felt book looks wonderful :) Looks like lots of good stuff in the book :)
    Anne xx

  2. Lisa's book looks very inviting! I agree, it's just amazing how different an image can be when used on a variety of mediums. Can't wait for my new stamps to arrive!

  3. You know it seems like there was a period over the past year where there just weren't books out there I was interested in. . . and now there are 3. . . yours, tim's, and now Lisa's. They all look wonderful!!! Can't wait.

  4. Oh my word ... I have white felt somewhere ... if I can remember where I put it :0) Am off to peruse the details of Lisa's book now ... you are such a bad influence on me Wendy ... you know I am about as patient as you *LOL* Need everything like ... erm ... NOW :0)

  5. Thanks for sharing the art and he details of Lisa's book. Might have to get that one too.

  6. Lisa's book looks like a lot of fun. I will definitely have to check it out closely.


  7. Thank you for the link.I can't wait to receive my copy of her book. I am also looking forward to seeing you at Carson in March.

  8. Oh how fun and a Texas Girl too! Wooohoo...

    Thanks for sharing. All the new stuff looks fantabulous!

  9. I got to see it at CHA. It is a really, really good book. So many books published for scrapbookers, cardmakers, etc. are "out of style" in a year--Lisa's book is not like that. It is one that you will want to hang on to, and reference over and over again.

  10. I love Lisa's style too ... something else to add to my wish list!
    thanks for the review.

  11. The book looks FABULOUS! And I love how your stamps made it in there :)... multiple times :)

    Thanks for the preview!

  12. I have in on order and have been waiting and waiting for it to make it's way to my house!

  13. ooo thanks for sharing, this book looks fun!

  14. That looks like a great book. Thanks for sharing about it...

  15. On my way to order Lisa's book... thank you!!! The things you've shown are gorgeous as is the cover of the book. Are you taking pre-orders on your book??

  16. Thanks for sharing; one thing I so admire about you and Tim is your generosity in promoting the work of others. You don't see that a lot in this competitive society, and I appreciate it greatly.
    Now, I'm off to make art!
    Eileen in NYC

  17. cool book...I need to own that one ... can't wait to get my inky mitts on it...tis truly inspiring! xx

  18. thanks! I think u are right..she is awesome! xo cher

  19. I love Lisa's style and am anxious to get her book, along with yours and Tim's.

  20. It must be really exciting to see your creations brought to life by so many different people. I am so happy for you! Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  21. Congratulations Lisa on your new book! So how did you make the felt leaf using a stamp??

  22. Looks like another book to add to my list to buy!! Love the felt book and will have to investigate further. Oh...BTW, LOVED the spool flowers post, looks fantastic and I dig the colors. Can't wait to get my new distress inks!! Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell

  23. Glad to hear you liked the book! I just ordered it from Amazon before I read your endorsement. Can't wait for it to come!
    Aloha, Kate

  24. it looks like it must go on the list...looking forward to tomorrows question and answers...nonnie

  25. the felt flowers look so elegant. good idea to adapt for cardmaking.

  26. My copy came in the mail on Wednesday! I have had it on preorder at and cracked it open and have just had time to browse so far, but it's awesome!

  27. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments. I really appreciate it. And Wendy thanks so much for posting such a wonderful post about my book. You are just the best. I love you.

    Lisa P.

  28. Lisa's book looks loverly, LOVERLY!
