Wednesday, February 3, 2010

answers and art...

Ok...looks like I left out lots of important detail about the bouquet yesterday...

The questions were...
1. i love the vase art...what ink colors did you use?

These are the new distress ink colors...
the blue is tumbled glass...
the green is bundled sage and...
the orange-ish is rusty hinge.

#2. I love the flowers in the spool, what sets or die cuts did you use for the flowers .. I only ask because I'm going to have to try to copy it

The large blue flower is a new flower from this set...
the others are from tim's new Sizzix die...
it's FATE how they fit together so well...

any flowers will work!

3. what did you use for the center of the large blue flower?

ahhh...Another perfect fit...
I used one of tim's new
timepieces with 2 foliage flowers and a brad...

again, you'll see that I used olive archival ink for the stamping...

I'm in LOVE with it...
especially when combined with the tumbled glass...or the bundled sage...

the medium sized rusty hinge flower has the crown from his "adornments" charm set and a foliage flower, that I altered with the gold paint dabber...

it's stamped with my spatter stamp & coffee archival ink...

the smallest blue has a tim "accoutrements"...
for us common folk...a BUTTON!

I LOVED how this fit too...
my large butterfly stamp, embellished with tim's new "locket key"
I added just a tiny bit of gold again, with the gold paint dabber...

and here's my mini butterfly...
I used the back of it for a different look and added another of tim's charms (adornments)

and a reminder...
to change the look of stamps...
like the large flower, which has writing on it...
stamp it on the canvas side of the grungepaper...
cut it out and then stamp the front with any background stamp...
it's like having LOTS more new stamps!
So...the flower easily can be plaid...
polka dot...anything!
One last thing...
REMEMBER to keep your eyes OPEN...
Art is everywhere and obviously...

I thought this was awesome...
airport art...
spotted in California...
junky old boxes...
made to look like...

Sorry for the glare, but I think you'll get the idea...

it really looked cool!
That's it for today...
more Q&A tomorrow...
gotta go...
make art!


  1. I love those flowers, and the new Timmie things are just awesome!

  2. Thanks for all the details. And thanks for the inspiring boxes. How cool is that?

  3. Love your art and thanks for all the close ups and explanations. Hope my mail isn't lost in one of those parcels!!!

  4. I love all of the flowers and details on that piece. I may have to drive to an antique store I know of and see if I can find one of those spools. Really neat. Thanks for sharing how you created that piece.

  5. Thanks for the deets !! I can't wait to find something like the spool that will work. I just did a major renovation of my craft room and it would be an awesome addition to my new work table !! Thanks .. have a great day !

  6. You are right, Art is everywhere. This morning, the heavy fog left tiny crystall-looking spikes on the trees, etc. Those winter-drab trees took on a sparkle of their own--it was great art!

    Love your splatter stamp. Somehow I have missed seeing that one.

  7. Hi Wendy -

    Really appreciate another, close up look at this piece of art. I loved it the first go round, love it even more now than I can see all the detail. And boy, have you added detail, this is just wonderful.

    Thank you,

    Elaine Allen

  8. Thanks for all of the details. I really like how the leaf had a polka dot side & a leaf looking side.

  9. Love the Flore-de-le butterfly. I ask everyday are they here yet.

  10. Thanks for the close-up pictures! This bouquet is so nice, and includes so many new products that I can't wait to have!

  11. Love seeing all the small details on that flower vase! It's the details that really make the project extra special!!!

  12. It is all in the details...and you are the master of putting details together. Just an awesome bouquet of flowers! Thanks for sharing the details of your art with us...very inspiring! I just love how all of the new "stuff" fits together.

  13. Great Art! I will be scouring my area for something that resembles the wooden spools for my inspiration. Not many spools in Southern California. I can't wait for my orders of ink and stamp to come. ( and some dies) I have told my family that when it comes I may be unavailable for days.

  14. I seriously doubt I could make the pile of cardboard boxes in my garage look anywhere near like a work of art! Love the closeups of the flower arrangement. So glad I picked up Olive and Sepia pads and reinkers yesterday at Prairie Art Stamps; I couldn't log onto my computer so this was ESP? Whatever, I love it!

  15. A splatter stamp! How cool is that! And thank you for the reminder on ways to get mileage out of stamps.

  16. those flowers are awesome!! The way you make them YOURS, beautiful, beautiful!!

    Waiting to get my lil hands on the new Distress Inks!!

  17. Thanks for all the details! It's just shows great minds think alike. (The great minds would be your's and Tim's and the folks over at Maya Road for all your pieces working so well together!) Thanks for sharing!


  18. I want to add my thanks for the info. I can't believe I missed that big flower with the writing on it. Going on my wish list right now, that's for sure!

  19. I am loving those new distress ink colors! Thanks for all the close ups.

  20. Thanks for all the details of this wonderful project. Now my shopping list is so much longer :-))

  21. The boxes are cool!! Love getting all the deets and close-ups of the flowers, etc. Thank you!!!!

  22. Thanks for all the info, Wendy. Just making me hunger for all the new stuff.
    I love how your stamps work so beautifully with Tim's embellishments.
    Eileen in NYC

  23. Love love love the close ups ... totally awesome as always X

  24. So loving that spool. . . Thanks for the close ups!

  25. Thanks Wendy for the close ups and detailed descriptions. It makes it a lot easier and understandable when we look at the piece a little at a time. I love it! I am off to make my own art!
    Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  26. Love the close up details. Thanks for showing off your beautiful artwork.

  27. Mmm.... loooove this the point that if you ever decide to rehome it I know a really really really lovely place for it in the UK...called my Room of Stash ROFL...loving those boxes too...coooooolio!

    Hugs hun x

  28. Tahnk you for posting all the details on your Grunge Bouquet.

    The box art on the wall made me think of Mario, Mr. Shipping himself! Your Sweetie gets his share of "shipping" too, doesn't he?

  29. Awesome inspiration! I love how you used all the different embellishments on the flowers.

  30. Gee, I thought I had clutter ... I think I'll decorate a few of my boxes and it will be ART!!

    Love the new stamps and Tim's embellishments ... can't wait to get the new distressed colours.

    Thanks for sharing.

  31. wow...luv how u spained it all! cannot wait for my sets to arrive!so much fun ahead...and hey...I think I found a bird! geeked! its resin..but...same I think I can play with it! great day! cher

  32. thanks for the close ups of the flowers and butterflies - I love the fleur de lis butterfly - such fabulous imagination and creativity. You certainly had a lot of fun stuff to play with!

  33. Thanks for the deets on the flowers

  34. the close-ups are great. the new colors are so nice and bright.

  35. thanks for the details
    i love the flowers.
    they remind me that spring is coming.

  36. Did like this piece , and it was so good to meet you :) Thank you for the tag too
