Tuesday, February 2, 2010

on the road, in the air, in the water...

on the bed...

the boys...
Ranger & Ringo...
Ringo was supposed to be the COVER CAT for the Studio's magazine...but...

After 2 hours and 50 photos...
he wouldn't cooperate...
and he bit me...

so Ranger got the job...
as the stand-in!

photo on the right sidebar!

They are best of buds...

on the road & in the air...

all 10 BRAND NEW hot off the press...

stamp sets have gone postal...

so...be watching...
hopefully you'll all have them for some weekend fun!

in the water...

So...you liked the fish. ME TOO!

It's not mine or tim's, but it is made by Stampers Anonymous...
I don't know who designed him...

Here's what the whole awesome stamp looks like...

the item # is P1-913...

Like I said, it's a great guy card stamp...

with lots of collage possibilities...

and the fish is fun, when made with grungepaper...



HUGE CONGRATS to Linda Elbourne!

Her art made the cover of this month's CRAFT STAMPER MAGAZINE!


I LOVE her choice of stamps!!

Here's a close-up...
I LOVE the bright spring-ish colors...

YIKES...she even cuts the antennae...

not me...no patience...

I chop it off and just stamp it!


Here's another tim idea-ology CHA project...
this was TOTAL fun...

Now if I could find 200 vintage (reasonably priced) spools...
this could be a fun


a partial update is on the right sidebar...
with more to come when the dates are finalized...

Now a few questions to answer...
1. PLEASE tell me you'll be back in Ohio at the scrap convention...

YES I WILL...That's a very fun one. Can't miss it!
Here's the info...http://www.memoriesexpo.com/

2. I ordered my book directly from you, are you doing that again for us so we can get them signed?

YOU BET! I'm hoping they'll arrive here in about 2 weeks-ish...they're being printed now!

3. where can i get the bird you use?

That was a one time purchase...
I have enough for one or 2 more classes...
then they're gone...and that class is retired...

BUT...I'm thinking to check in stores this time of the year...
in the garden section...
birds should be popular..I think...

Just make sure they are wood & NOT resin...
so they can be drilled...

4. can you explain when & why you use the archival ink. i know you say waterproof, is that the reason?

That's one reason, because they are waterproof.
That allows you to use any waterbased product over the stamped image & it won't bleed.

So, if the image is stamped with archival, distress inks or Perfect Pearls (mixed with water) can be used with no ill effects.

The archivals are perfect for stamping on metal...
just heat set...

on grungeboard or grungepaper...

and fabric... just heat set...

I LOVE the archivals for background stamping...
especially the coffee, sepia, cobalt and olive.

Look @ the example below...
if the background was stamped with jet black archival, the saying would be lost in the background...

Now, because I used olive, the scallop pops...
same for the saying...

Same thing here...
the olive appears to be in the background, with the black on top...

I did use jet black archival for my main image...
(polka dots) and the top...

the layers of color make it much more interesting...

That's it for today!! it's snowing...
but I'm NOT looking.
If I ignore it, maybe it will go away...
or...maybe NOT!
time to...
make art!


  1. Love Love Love that flower spooly vasey thingie ... scrumptious and all your other pieces are just so fabulously inspirational ... come and stay with me hun ... no snow here ... John can cook ... Rick can grocery shop ... and you and I can make art :0)
    Fingers crossed Rick's not picking random comments today *LOL*
    Thank you for your lovely comments about my tin ... your stamps are just sooooo special ... you make art easy X

  2. Love the new art. Big congrats to Linda for her art making the cover of the magazine! Way cool. Have to shovel before making art today. Yuck. I hate snow and winter about now.

  3. Wendy - that spool is awesome - maybe someone will see it and get you connected for more!

  4. You're coming to Ohio! You're coming to Ohio! YEA!!!! Party time!

    Congratulations, Linda, on being published! Love your tin - the colors are wonderful!

    Wendy, every day, you make it harder & harder for me to come to the office. You share samples & I want to go home immediately & try them! The colors, the composition - they are all wonderful!

  5. I can't stand how cute that shirt stamp is. And the the necklace... Loving!!!

  6. YEAH, congrats to Linda! I love the flower project in the wooden spool, don't I have one of those somewhere?.....

  7. Wendy-The spool is awesome and I know a fantastic place to get those. Hope the weather holds out so that I can get there because I am totally making it.

  8. I just happen to have a vintage spool. I am definitely going to have to use your piece as inspiration to create something. I absolutely love it. Where do you come up with this stuff. Outstanding!!!

    Your BFF Terry

  9. Wendy -

    Your boys are just so handsome! Gorgeous looking fellows - :o) Really love this shot of them also. And by the way, love, love, love the spool work of art. Just beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Elaine Allen

  10. I love your blog. Your art is beautiful. Enjoy the Q&As also, Thanks for sharing.
    Congratulations to Linda.
    Have a great day.

  11. Great fish stamp--I'll have to give it a new look. New to me: using alcohol inks over distress crackle paint. That's about the only thing I haven't used alcohol ink on (I love it on grungeboard)so I'll have to try it. I'm so excited because I just got the notice that my new Studio 490 stamps are on the way! I wish I could have gotten them all, but I settled for three sets.
    The vintage spools look great, but aren't we all about making things LOOK vintage when they're not?

  12. Seeing the fish stamp in its entirety makes me like it even more, have to try and find that one.

  13. Beautiful art! I love your handsome Boys and also enjoyed the Q&A!

    ~Molly Martin

  14. ranger and ringo are adorable....the art is beautiful...congrats to Linda and congrats to you...i just got my feb/march issue of Stamper's Sampler and it says you are are going to be the featured artist in the april/may issue....can't wait to see it!!! nonnie

  15. I love the flowers in the spool, what sets or die cuts did you use for the flowers .. I only ask because I'm going to have to try to copy it .. LOL I love it sooooo much !! Love the kittys .. too cute.

  16. I have seen that fish stamp at my fovorite stamp store. For Keep Sakes, in St. Louis. I will have to see it they still have it. By the way when are you coming back?

  17. Great picture of the boys. Beautiful projects. I am sooo in love with the olive archival ink...use it almost as much as the black.
    Congratulations to Linda on being published.
    Maybe if we ALL wish winter away it will listen.
    Eileen in NYC

  18. great pics! ty Wendy...so bummed bout the birds...I so would love to find one somewhere..funny to think of me...with a drill lol...but..I try anything once! cats are sweet...will look hard on your updates,but betting I wont see MI there...*sigh* one day maybe..no one here can afford a cruise...happy day to you, cher

  19. Awesome inspiration in all your projects.

  20. I love, love, love the dress stamp- I cant wait to get it! THank you so much for the ideas.
    Dawn in SC

  21. I love what you did with that spool.
    Not to make you feel bad, but we've had the mildist winter this year. No snow & it's nice & sunny today.

  22. thanks for sharing your art Wendy - love the inspiration!

  23. Well, I can see now that I have to go junkin this summer and find me some vintage spools cuz I just have to have some of those flowery displays! Fabulous! I want to buy one of your books from this site also, signed of course!

  24. Love the spool project! Thanks for the explanation on archival ink. Now I have to go out and buy other colors. All I have is black.

  25. Love reading your blog, Wendy! It's so entertaining as well as informing!
    It was so fun to see you at CHA! The Ranger booth is always a highlight....such great demo people!

  26. oh your bucket with the butterflies is soo cute... we decorate large food cans for the school teachers for their birthday and then their bucket gets filled with goodies for their special day. Love the details in all you do.

  27. Congratulations Linda! Did you use grungepaper or something else to stamp on? How did you get such brilliant shiny colors? Lovely work!
    Love the vintage spool used as a flower vase and yes that would be a fun class.

  28. I love the antique spool with the flowers.

  29. oh todays entry is like eye candy for the soul, love the projects you did here, and really enjoyed the kitties, I lost my 13 year old a week ago and still miss her. Thanks

  30. Congratulations to Linda. . . I love that spool it is so dang cute!

  31. the flowers in the spool are a winner. what did you use for the center of the large blue flower?

  32. How fun it must be to see your stamps make THE COVER!
    As a cat lover, the boys "on the bed" was my favorite prepositional phrase photo of the day! So sweet.
    If I find a load of big spools, they are yours if I get to take your class...

  33. Loving the art!! Now those cats are sooooo cute!! My cat is colored like your black and white--can't live without her--my constant companion--had to crochet a blanket for her to sleep on my craft table. NOT SPOILED OR ANYTHING!!!! :)

    Penny in Missouri

  34. Hiya Wendy. I wanted to suggest to you that as far as Tim's large spool project goes, you could probably find a substitute for the spool instead of actually buying a wooden, oversized (expensive) spool. I got some large, oversized magic mesh and it was on a very similar looking spool. Also I'm quite sure that you could find some large ribbon (or trim) that comes on something very similar to that. Maybe get in touch with a ribbon company to see. Just suggesting.... However, knowing you you'll come up with some amazing alternative.

    Did I tell you lately that I love, love, love your artwork, stamps and your many inspirational projects?

    Coming to Arizona any time soon to teach? I've never, ever taken a class from anyone and I want to take a class from you. You could see Tim and then I could see you. No snow here in AZ, we might get some rain but yesterday was sunny and 73 degrees. Lots warmer than Illinois.

    Happy February. Can we all believe we are already in February? It's going to be the
    4th of July tomorrow it seems.

  35. That flower spool thing is awesome ... leave it to the master! And, you're right, that cover art project is fabulous! The colors are just beautiful! And, thanks for all the samples and the tips on archival inks. Gonna email you now to order my signed book!--Stephanie

  36. I love every picture in your post today!!!

  37. LOVE the spool!! How big is it? Congrats to Linda!!! The can is fabulous!! When you do samples for CHA, do you get them back?

  38. I have some spools like that - cool idea! Cats are funny like that! TFS!

  39. Congrats to Linda on making the cover...I mean...what excellent taste in stamps she has LOL...loving the spool art...that is soooooo cool! Hugs x

  40. thanks...I deserately need to get your books cuz your posts are just not long enuf! lol...I asked about the binders and now I am very glad I did! I could not tell from the pics but after you splained it...luvvvvvv! I can do this! xox Cher
