Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Simon Says...shoes and a bikini...

Here's the shoes...
we have tracked down enough for 2 classes...

The idea has been brewing for months...
but I wanted real vintage shoe lasts...

we now have enough for 2 limited edition classes...

The first will be @ For Keeps Sake in St. Louis, Saturday April 24th.
The class limit is 30, because that's all I have...

the second has been offered to a store...we'll see.

I have the sample done........
let me just say...

FUN to the MAX!!

And how does BIKINI fit in with shoes?
Get ready for this...

Susan had a birthday recently and a group member, HELENE HUBER sent her a card.

Susan thought I'd like to see a VERY CUTE...
VERY UNIQUE use for some studio 490 stamps.

Is this not THE CUTEST???
GREAT job of thinking outside the box Helene...

I think this is the perfect invite for a swim party...
or a little girls birthday invite, and obviously a fun card.

Thanks for sharing this cool idea...

Moving on...
THANK YOU FOR 94 comments!!

Since we got lots...

I have a goodie package for...

Elaine A said...
Wendy -I love those tags and I am really starting to fall in love with that scallop stamp. I love that you can change colors to make the stitching look different, I love that you can cut out the scallop, its just awesome. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Elaine Allen


Please send your mailing info (wbv1213@hughes.net)
& we'll get a package off to you...

And speaking of giveaways...
my friends @ Simon Says Stamp are giving away a BRAND NEW set of my stamps...

a favorite...
ok...I LOVE them all...

It's the ...


Here's the scoop...
gotta enter to have a chance to win...

That's it for today...

The Ranger box isn't here yet...
no #2 books yet either...but I'll call Ted & check on a date...
still waiting for my Maya Road order to start making kits...

good thing I'm patient...

Pop over to Simon Says...

make art!


  1. OOOO Cool shoes! Perhaps with flowers?? LOL!

  2. Oh I so want to see a shoe now. . . you are not the only one who is not patient!

    Very cute bikini what a fun idea.

  3. Great bathing suit Helene! I hope warmer weather comes to all of us soon.

  4. Oh my gosh, I love that card!!!! Hope to hear about your book soon! Can't wait to get a copy. Signed, sealed and delivered!

  5. Love the shoes. The bikini was a great idea. No chance of putting one on in Illinois, way too cold!!!

  6. The shoe class sounds like fun! That card is too cute! Way to go Helene! and congrats to Elaine!

  7. That bikini is fab and I can't wait to see what you are doing with the shoes ... no seriously ... I can't wait :0)

  8. Very curios to see how you altered those shoes! Hmmm stamps, ink, grunge, ideaology... shoes....

  9. Oh man, I wish I was closer to take the shoe class - I even have my own shoes - like yours - I think I have 2 of them - rats, how fun - I need to travel more in the direction of your class.

  10. I have shoes! Whatcha gonna do with yours? Can't wait to see what cool ideas you have to share!

  11. Love that card to!! ;)
    and about the shoes... OMG, CANT WAIT to see!!

  12. Hi Wendy! I know that you aren't a big techie, but it would sure would be nice if your teaching schedule linked to the stores/events. I'm addicted enough that I'd be willing to take road trips, & I know I've met others who traveled to take classes I've been at. Enable our addiction, PLEASE! XF [I'm so not techie that I can't even figure out how to get this thing to credit me]

  13. Those shoes look interesting & that card is too cute. I sure wish that you'd come to my neck of the woods.

  14. Love the shoes! Cute! Can't wait to see your ideas with the shoes!!

  15. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for the shoe lasts!! Also can't wait for your new products to arrive at my LSS!

  16. I just love that shoe and can't wait to see what you do with it! I second the motion for a class using it in Illinois...please? Your "Love to Make Art" stamp is the perfect combination of graphics and sentiments! Marijane

  17. Altered shoes? Can't wait to see that. Soon, please.... I'm not patient either!

  18. Love the bikini card! What an ingenious idea using flower stamps for a bikini top! Wow! Clever!

  19. I can't wait to see what you do with the shoes!!!
    The bikini card is fab, so clever.

  20. OMGosh! I have arrived in the art world, thanks to Susan (and Dawn). Congrats, Elaine. I'm headed over to SS to try for some Wendy stamps. You know, Wendy, I've turned almost totally vintage (both in age and in art)... meaning I need that shoe workshop...and since the date is very special to me...I think that means "if the shoe fits.....make art!"

  21. I am also interested to see what you will be doing with the shoe lasts.......we have a couple of boxes of those in our shed. Our son sold some on ebay a few years back, but we have quite a few left. I believe they're from Lowell, MA, and some are pretty old!

  22. Awesome shoes...can you show us a peek of your fun finished project??? pleeeezzzz!!!

  23. I have shoe lasts - not vintage ones, modern ones. If I could see your finished project, maybe...

  24. yipee - that's me trying to be dignified cause I just found out you are sending me goodies Wendy and I'm in the office. Oh the heck with it, dignified is too overrated. YIPEE!!! YEAH!! I WON! THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Aahh, now I feel better - LOL! Thank you so much Wendy, you are such a sweetie. I'll send you my home address info from work (too long to wait until I get home).

    I wish I lived near St. Louis, I'm in New York near West Point, getting lots of snow today, would love to take a class. BUT, I do have an old (child size) shoe last I picked up a few years ago at a show. I bought it cause something about it just drew me to it. But I've yet to do anything with it, have not found anything to do it justice. It sits in my studio on the stamp cabinet.
    And your bikini heading had me thinking that you were going to show us photos of you modeling a bikini. You know, one you made with fabric you stamped with your stamps? I'm still holding out hopes for that!

    Thank you again Wendy!

  25. Can't wait to see the shoe project. I think Memory Bound in Ankeny, IA would be a good place to have a shoe class....haha. Love the bikini card, great idea.

  26. That shoe project has sooo much potential to be Vecchified (new word-I swear)I really hope you will share your class sample. Looking forward to warmer days. Congrats to Elaine-lucky!

    currently buried under a cozy(not) 8" blanket of snow in upstate NY.


  27. I SOOO wish I could attend one of the "shoe" classes - I'm intrigued... AND, I just received my very first order of STUDIO 490 STAMPS!! I got 4 sets from the new collection. If it's possible, I love them even MORE in person! I'm so excited to start experimenting!!

  28. Oooh, what a great item to alter! Good idea, Wendy.

  29. Wish I still lived in St. Louis (except for the wintry weather) so I could take the class w/ the shoe lasts at For Keeps Sake. I visit the store whenever I get back there to see family, great LSS!

  30. Congrats to Elaine....hugs xx

    Wendy...all those lasts...CANNOT wait to see what you make....now, I have a last...it is a three "shoed" one...and is cast iron and is a doorstop at the moment...but...I am eyeing it up now...and considering the possibilities..better check with Grim that it isn't an heirloom before I alter it .... hugs xx

  31. Those shoes are intriguing!!!!
    Why can't I take a class from you? I'd love to see the look on my hubby's face when I come home with one decorated shoe:)))

  32. That is a cool bathing suit.Thanks for sharing.

  33. Oh, those shoe lasts ... I'm sure you have something AWESOME planned for them! Can't wait to see!

    The bikini's too cute!

    Off to SSS' site ... need to finish my order. ;o)

  34. The shoe forms...interesting...
    No book yet...sad...

  35. How fun to create with the shoe forms. The bikini card is amazing.

  36. ohhhhhhhhh I hope the other store is in MICHIGAN! HINT HINT (BEG BEG!) not sure where you found those shoes but those lil buggers are pricey!!!!! please do it here! the shoes I mean ! lol...cher

  37. I can't imagine what you'll be doing with those shoe thingys. Please post a photo when the class is done. I heard that 2 of my new stamps sets shipped today from Croppinsville. Can't wait to get 'em!

  38. Fun flower bikini top! I love to see what people come up with... so much creativity!
    Gotta get to SS and get my chance at your stamp set in... wish me luck!

  39. sorry i will be missing the shoe event in st. louis. but will be in orlando again with all my florida friends.

  40. What a fun bikini card. I love the bb jewel!

  41. I have one of those shoes so I will be interested to see what you create. Off to visit Simon Says......

  42. Oh that card is so cute.

    Can't wait to see what you do with those shoes.... I am sure it will be spectacular!

  43. OMG! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with those shoe molds. Come back and teach at Scrapaganza!

  44. Came home from work to find that the postal services had FINALY delivered my new Wendy stamps. YEAHHHHH!!! Now to go make some new Wendy inspired art!!

  45. I just saw the post at For Keep Sake. I will be signing up as soon as I get back in town.

  46. You amaze me Wendy! Wooden shoes????? Can't wait to see yur ART with this as a base! Glad to know that you are as patient as I am!

  47. are you saving the other shoes for orlando? i can't believe i will not be in town to get new shoes!

  48. What a precious bikini card! Very clever use of your stamps. I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the vintage shoe lasts - I'm sure it will be fabulous.

  49. I love the bikini card! Really cute!
