Thursday, February 18, 2010

texts, tweets and a twit!

whoever would have thought??

ME...the techno challenged old lady is now texting & tweeting....

Some things never cease to amaze me...

Here's my dear brothers comment...
"welcome to this century!" LOVELY...

The tweeting also prompted a name change for me...

Rick has called me "blondie" for years...

it has to do with winning a blackjack tournament in Aruba...

but now he calls me a TWIT!

How sweet...or NOT!

I have my friend, Leandra to thank for that!


Ted called last night & BOOK #2 is shipping to me on FRIDAY...(and to stores too!)


we should have them here...
Tuesday-ish or for sure Wednesday & ready to ship out.

I will send a PayPal request to those who have asked to be put on a notify list.

You can now email me ( to order, and I will send you a PayPal request.

Please let me know if you live in the US or outside, for shipping purposes.

I'm happy to personalize the books for you too...
just let me know if you want your name on it, or if it is a gift for a friend, then I'll need their name.

This make me oh so happy...

The UPS notification...


Scheduled Delivery Date:
Shipped To:

Another YIPPEE!...
HEY...that's TODAY...
GIVEAWAY...get it? when? we'll see...
Now the answer to an email that made me laugh...
everyday I go to your blog, see that house header and wonder how in the %**# you got those houses to stand on the ruler. today I'm tell, please
Here's what I did...
I added an extra scrap of chipboard to the back of each Maya Road house to attach it firmly to the ruler.
* make the ruler stand, I added a wooden block.
The front looks good...
the back ...not so much... but it works!
I've used this idea several times.
It's SIMPLE, but effective.

This has me over the top EXCITED...
It should be out the end of MARCH...
I'm totally thrilled with the photography & layout!
it's back to arranging flights & other inky business for me.
Have a great day and...
make art!


  1. LOL - happy that your tweeting but don't tweet or text myself so won't really be able to enjoy it....on the other hand can't wait to read the book and the mag!!! Congrats on both - off to get inky...nonnie

  2. Woo Hoo! Tweeting, that is great!! Congrats on the magazine, that is totally awesome!!

  3. Congrats on being published again!

  4. Congrats on being a cover girl! Can't wait to get my copy and your new book! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for your stamps - woo hoo!

  5. I will be buying my first copy of "Stampers Sampler" magazine next month! Can't wait to read about you and see more ideas. I may have to start "tweeting" too! Marijane

  6. Will you be signing your book at For Keepsakes?

  7. Good morning Wendy - I know Tim won't be coming to the RSC in Carson next month, but will YOU?????

  8. Oooooh duuuuh, I just looked on your sidebar and see that you WILL be coming! Looking forward to seeing you again *smiles*

  9. Congrats....on the cover!!
    I love it!

    Hope to see you in Carson!

  10. Maybe you can give lessons on tweeting - I don't get it. I get facebook, texting, etc. and I am "computer literate" but just can't seem to get tweeting.

    Congratulations on making the cover! How exciting!


  11. Your art is premier! Just look at the Stamper's Sampler cover! Absolutely stunning Wendy! Waiting for my bird cage to arrive in the mail......ever so patiently....NOT!

  12. PS. Did you use the Sage distress ink on the cover project? Any other colors?

  13. Oh your cover won . . . yeah! Can not wait to see it in person.

    I love the back of the ruler you are a I can make it work kind of women and that is good.

    Placing a order for book two now I really do need to get some binders!

  14. Hey, we voted for your cover, from the EWV yahoo group, sooo glad it won! Congrats, can't wait to get my copy (ditto your book which is on pre-order here in the UK)

  15. Your book is almost in my hands! :o) And a number of your new stamps, so I'll be playing big time next week. Yea!!
    I've not bought Stamper's Sampler for year, but I will certainly be buying your edition. It's always such fun seeing your art everywhere - it's great seeing you get the recognition you very much deserve!

  16. TWIT!! How sweet...... Love the bird/cage... very pretty and so appealing.

    Have a great day.

  17. Hi Wendy -

    When Rick calls you Twit, is he wearing that "I only mean this in fun honey, I love you" look on his face? You know the look men wear when you know they are trying to get one over on you (and they think we don't know it) - LOL! Nah, probably not, Rick sound like a cool dude!
    How exciting to be in Stamper's Sampler, I'll have to make sure I pick up that issue. Great cover on it also!

    Elaine Allen

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Well, you're way ahead of me on the tech stuff. Don't tweet, Facebook, or text. Congrats on the cover issue! Must have been my vote that pushed it over the

  20. Can't wait to get the book. Congratulations on the cover art. We got to vote on that online. Your work was so much better. I'm not that biased am I? I knew that art was yours before I even read anything. The Cover- so cool!

  21. someday I will figure out the tweeter and tweeting, but right now too overwhelmed just keeping up with my blog reader and facebook. Glad however that you have figured out. We can't have the teens and 20's knowing everything. LOL

  22. You're full of lots of exciting news today!
    I'll be emailing you shortly to make sure i get a paypal invoice for your book ;)

  23. Wendy - you are a woman of many talents! Congratulations on the cover art- it is beautiful.

  24. Great cover art, I love the colors and I can't wait to read it. I hope your weather is warming a bit. Any word on your cabinet delivery?

  25. Love the magazine cover! Can't wait to see what you have inside! I think the way you "propped" up the houses with the extra chipboard and block of wood is genius!!!

  26. I'm dragging my heels on succumbing to Facebook and Twitter. Heck, I'm just getting the hang of blogging!
    Absolutely LOVE that mag cover. Definitely will be adding that to my collection.

  27. Congrats on joining this century, getting your book delivered and the magazine! Love how you hide your construction of your houses!

  28. Can't wait for my Stamper's Sampler to arrive!

  29. TWEET! Congrats on the magazine cover. Everyone at EWV voted for you. And don't tell anyone (don't know if it was legit) but I voted for you twice!

  30. Yay!!! Yay!!! Yay!!!! So excited for the book.. can't wait to get mine... woohoo!!! Yes, I'd like it personalized. Also can't wait for the magazine.. I'll have to bring it to the classes in Ankeny for autographing :-)) And a giveaway is always fun!!!!!!

  31. Did I mention, yesterday was new rubber day? My stamps arrived and they are thrilling. Currently getting ink all over my keyboard posting this comment, but hey...what's a little ink between friends, lol!
    Loving the stamps, can't wait for the new book!

  32. What an exciting day and congratulations your new book release,learning how to twitter,and being the star in the new magazine - I can feel the excitement jumping off the page


  33. How cool is that, I voted for your artwork to be the cover of that issue! Can't wait to see it IRL! Although I did not know it was yours when I voted for it! Congrats! Just bought three of your stamp sets too, can't wait for them to arrive.
    Aloha, Kate

  34. A huge *CONGRATS* on the magazine! Fabulous project, but then again, everything you do is fabulous ;) You and your art inspire me...thank you!!

  35. Can't get that magazine over here in Italy. Hmmm, should I order it and have it sent to my friend in Indy? There are already 5 packages of stuff waiting for me when I go over there in June.

    So now you're tweeting too, eh?
    I follow you... in theory...don't know actually what I'm doing.


  36. Congrats on Stampington! Cool idea for a ruler stand too!

  37. well I will look for your tweets! ty for the house info lol...and for me, the books are for ME! so write whatver you like...I just cant wait to get them...and I voted for that cover too! cant wait to get it...luvvvvv stampington mags! thanks! cher

  38. I Tweet a little, text alot. I have several projects like your houses, front - way cool, back not so much - but if nobody sees the back I can be as inventative as I can to make things stand and sit and not fall over! I am going to be buying that magazine for sure, I have never seen one before - hoping Borders or Barnes and Nobles carries it.

  39. Oh I love the cover of the mag!!! and I'm sending my email for my book!!! and I can't believe someone looked at the top of your blog that close, geez I'm unobservant!!! and don't let him get by with calling you a "twit", shame on him . . . just start calling him a "dingleberry"! (You know what that is right??? were you raised on a farm???, just tell him you'd rather be a twit than a dingleberry and laugh quietly to yourself!

  40. In your words .. Yip Yip Yipee you'll be tweeting .. how cool is that !! I can follow you with Tim and Mario. I love the house idea too, you are too sweet for sharing your little secerts and tricks for making things work. Have a great inky day :) LOL

  41. I voted for you for magazine cover - cool!

  42. Love that piece on the magazine cover, will definitely be getting a copy!

  43. Wendy,
    Congrats on the Cover!!!! I voted for ya maybe once, or twice, or three times, oh heck I voted a whole bunch!!!! Of course cause yours was THE BEST!!!!LOVE the bird/bridcage!!!Can't wait til the issue comes out and we get to see what's inside!!!Karen S Ohio

  44. Love that cover!!! Congratulations, Wendy! Can't wait to get your new book and I want all of your new stamps, too! Will have to choose which ones I can't live without. :(

  45. Congratulations on your cover! Just so you know I had a little something to do with that. (Might be a slight exaggeration and possibly a "few" others were involved as well)I voted for your cover, there was no contest. Can't wait to see it in person!

  46. Thanks for the tip, Wendy, it's funny how some of our best tips are usually 'Just make it work!"

  47. Congratulations on the magazine cover and being guest artist. I really like that magazine and buy it quite often. Will surly look for this issue. Shirley Smith

  48. I saw the new book at Ted's booth on Saturday. I cant wait to get it. but I want my own autographed copy! Hugs from the beach!
    Dawn in SC

  49. so happy you won the cover of Stampers Sampler! (voted for you!) and can't wait to see the rest of the article.
    kathy m

  50. Tweeting is a big step!!! :) So glad that your cover won!!!!! I can't wait to get it!

  51. I am so happy to see that you won! We were pulling for you!

    It looks fabulous - Congratulations on a spectacular cover. I hope there are some left when I get to the States to pick one up. They don't sell them here in Ontario anymore and they often sell out in the border towns. poopie.

  52. glad to see the cover many of us voted for won. even though most of us were biased before we saw the choices, it truly was the best of the two. hopefully, by the time it comes out the number of snowstorms per week will be declining so i can easily traverse the 25 mi to the nearest store that sells them.

  53. I am for sure a "techno twit". I joined twitter and didn't have enough time to follow it. But, I wonder...why the heck are people following me on twitter? Thanks for making me laugh...and sharing your art. Wish I was at your house to help unpack the Ranger goodies...I wonder how many boxes would come up "short"? Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell

  54. Hi Wendy - You continue to amaze me! Your creativity is always on fast forward with the most amazing, amazing results. I have been out of the artistic loop for a while. Your new stamp line could not have come at a better time. I love the magazine cover and was wondering if you would share where to purchase the bird cage. I want you to know that you are truly an inspiration to me and I look forward to seeing you at Buffalo Stamps in September. Linda

  55. Congrats on the Stamper's Sampler issue and congrats on continuing to MAKE ART.

  56. what a lovely cover for Stamper's Sampler! so excited for you! looking forward to seeing the article!

    sending you happy thoughts!:0)

  57. Stamper's Sampler are hard to get here, I hope I'll be able to find this one! I love what you did on the cover page.

  58. Hi Wendy,

    Can't wait for the Stamper's Sampler to hit the stores. The cover is gorgeous. You should be very pleased. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  59. Love the ruler trick. And congrats on Stamper's Sampler. How cool is that?

  60. I recognize that cover... They send out vote on the cover and I selected your cover!!! I said it was way more interesting and loved the artwork!

  61. Congrats on making the cover of SS! I'm so glad I'm a subscriber, so I won't miss the issue. Love, love, love the cover art you made!

  62. Stampers Sampler is one of my FAVORITE magazines! Congrats on making the cover. I can't wait to see the things you created for the upcoming issue.
