Thursday, May 6, 2010

and the winners are...

THANKS to everyone for the comments...

My blog friends are THE BEST...

the winners are...

pixiedust61 said...
Sounds like a really fun weekend! Hope you had a great cinco de mayo. I ate way too much ! But it was so good, especially the homemade guacamole!Carol from southern Maryland
May 6, 2010 5:42 AM

Linda R said...
Glad you had so much fun Wendy. I'm feeling pretty lucky as I'm taking the classes in Greenwood and am so excited. Looking forward to blending some Vecchi into my system! 10 days to making ART, yippee.
May 5, 2010 8:45 PM

Rachel said...
What fun! When are you coming to New York? I really want to take your classes.
May 5, 2010 7:30 PM

Hey's the dates...
Sept 17-19th @ Buffalo Stamps & Stuff Amherst NY
I was there last year...I LOVED IT!

carpediem said...
happy cinco de mayo!!! wow, sounds like you had a fabulous weekend and another one coming up!!!lucky gals in iowa and indiana!
May 5, 2010 10:33 AM

lillianchild said...
How fun to walk into that fabulous store and see yourself as the center attraction - and so well deserved, Wendy. Your art ROCKS! And I totally agree with you - if the t.v. fits the space - buy it. If I dragged my hubby to a craft store for his "input" into my purchases, I think he might find a padded room for me to craft in. HA!
May 5, 2010 9:33 AM

CONGRATS to the winners...
please email me ( & we'll send a little package of art stuff your way.

Our email isn't working...
so I'll be calling Hughesnet...AGAIN...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
my least favorite thing to do...besides ironing...
But I will receive messages on my no worry.

TV report...

Yes...Rick is happy...
he got what he wanted & they will be delivered today...
They ALL looked the same to me...

but what do I know???

The satellite guy will be here Friday for the upgrade on the dish...
I'm SURE we NEEDED that???
Probably as much as I NEEDED that bracelet from St. Louis! ha!

time to stamp LOTS of grunge...
make kits & get the shipping containers loaded
for Fed-Ex.
We need to ship tomorrow for guaranteed delivery to Sharon's Crop Studio.

Have a good spring day...

Take time...
make art!


  1. Congrats to the winners! I totally forgot to leave a comment. Been busy with daughter's school events, softball, volleyball, ect.

  2. Congrats to the winners! You'll love the new TV - newer technology means better quality pictures when you do have the time and inclination to watch something. Have fun in IN!

  3. No you probably do need the upgrade for the TV. Our dish was very old when we got our new TV last year and we needed the new dish to get HD tv. It does make a differende. Trust me. Now where do I hear that from? Have a great time when you go and teach again.

  4. ooo your shipping! I can't wait for next weekend . . . Daisy flies in Friday and we are headed north! So excited!!

  5. ROFLOl they are all black to me too. . . I put my foot down it had to fit in my entertainment center so that helped with stopping it from getting to big.

    Congratulations to the winners. . . now to get caught up again!

  6. hmmm, when are you coming to the tri-state area ....

  7. Is Rick going to be watching more TV now?

  8. Congrats winners. I'm not jealous, honest! (not!!!) Have a great weekend - I am going to try and make art - got 2 new sets of your stamps in the post today (UK supplier) - can't wait...

  9. off u go! happy Moms's day to you too...congrads winners! out the door myself...xox cher

  10. Congrats to the winners! Do I envy you? Yep, sure do! lol Enjoy your new treasures!
    Hugs, Pat Smith

  11. Congrats winners! I must admit that I'm jealous! Enjoy your new toys.

    Wendy, does the new tv mean that Rick will be watching more tv and you will be making more art?

  12. i noticed that you won't be at orlando stampfest. so many of us are very sad.

  13. Congrats to the winners! And a very happy Spring day to you!

  14. Didn't see any Wendy Vecchi classes on the StampFest Website. Does that mean you will not be there at all??

  15. Holy moly! I won and Wendy's coming to New York! How cool is that?

    Thank you so much, Wendy: for the constant inspiration as well as the goodies!

    Have fun.

  16. WOW, my first time winning anything. Plus I get the real deal live in person (weekend after next). I already started drooling when she wrote "containers loaded for Fed-Ex" - music to my ears. Going to get VERY inky and make art, the Wendy way. Thanks Wendy!!

  17. Congrats to the winners!!! Hmmm... you get a bracelet and he gets a tv, lolol.

  18. Hiya Wendy!

    I am just so happy right now. I went yesterday to the Mega Meet in Novi Mi and got to visit with Ted, Tim and Mario. I was able to FINALLY get your newest line of stamps. OMG I'm in heaven. I also got both of your idea books. Yippee!!!! Now, I need to find some time to "Make Art!" I just thought Id say hi. :) Miss ya!!! Hugs!

    Dawn "inn" Michigan

  19. Congratulations to the winners, Happy Shopping to all.

  20. Wendy, my goodie box arrived in the mail yesterday. Thank you so much for the blog candy. Now, I'm off to create!
    Carol from southern MD
