Monday, June 21, 2010

here's the punch I used...

sorry for no updates from Ranger U. We were up @ 5am...hit the sack @ midnight & had not a second to spare.

it was100% total fun. Huge thanks to Justin, Alain, Suze, Claudine, Patti and of course...TIM.
it was wonderful.

back with normal programming soon.

sitting @ the airport...hoping that my flight won't be cancelled...the one before mine to O Hare is...

got my fingers it's not possible to...

make art.


  1. color me jealous!

  2. Glad you had a great time. Hope you get home safely. Weather in Chicago today is stormy.

  3. I have my fingers crossed for you too. Found the punch, it is in black too, 5/16", from EK papershaper. And McGill shows a 5/16" hand punch but they are hard to find in stock.

  4. Looks great fun from Twitter! Safe journey home - then looking forward to you - making art!

  5. Have safe travel, looking forward to the regularly scheduled program!

  6. I've been following Ranger U on Linda's blog, and Mario's tweets. Looks like you all learned a ton and had a blast. Hope to get there some day.
    Thanks for the picture of the punch...not so easy to find.
    Eileen in NYC

  7. Hope you can get home .. fingers are crossed. Have a safe trip, look forward to more about Ranger U after you return and recharge :)

  8. Good luck with the flight home hunny and hoping you aren't too tired out with all that chattering you and Linda were doing... wish I coulda been there :O)) *wanders off to think about NOT being part of Ranger U this time ROFL* xx

  9. Safe travels.
    I'll have to keep an eye out for that punch. I've never seen anything so small.

  10. Have a safe flight home and take a some time to relax - say 15 minutes or so ... and THEN we want to hear ALL about Ranger U!!!

  11. Bet something you'll see while waiting will spark your interest to 'make art' when you get home! Can't wait to hear more about RangerU.

  12. Glad that you had a great time! Hope you post the things that you created!

  13. excuses, got that brand new MAC and NO updates??? I saw updates somewhere else from Ranger U....come on Wendy!!!! I hope your next update is super duper long. I can't wait to read it!!!

  14. So glad you're back, bet hubby is too! Thank goodness for twitter, it held off the withdrawal LOL. I'm so glad CHA is almost here - I'm anxious for your new stamps and book so I can "make art" (more art). Enjoy the weekend.

  15. Thanks for the punch picture!

    I so totally understand the no time thing I am glad you had a great time being with friends and getting inky is always good in my book!

    Crossing my fingers for you I am sure you are ready for home and heart moments.

  16. Do you ever take vacations or a break? Take care.

  17. Hope you had safe travels home! Please tell Mister Rick HELLO! It was an honor and delight to sit across from you ;)

    Off to the Apple store.....

  18. Thank you to Kathy for giving us the size of 5/16" and thank you Wendy for the picture with the ruler and we are excited to have you back in the blog world.

  19. Guess I need to go back and figure out what the punch is for. . . glad you had a great time, I'm soooooo jealous!
