Friday, June 25, 2010

TGIF! **NEWS FLASH " @ end of post!

sorry for the lack of updates...

YIKES...pre-CHA is a very busy time...

I've been typing book #3 instructions for 2 full days.
Finalizing projects...
doing book updates...

Creating the projects is so much fun...
writing instructions & supply lists...not so much...

The finished projects are now @ Stampers Anonymous...
and are being photographed by Matt...the genius...

I'm thrilled with the new stamps & projects I designed....
This is my favorite release so far...just sayin'

It won't be long now, as CHA is only a month away...

BUT, here's some REALLY GOOD NEWS...

my new stamps will be released @ the Carson, Ca convention on July 10th & 11th...

hey...that's only 2 WEEKS from today!!!

which means that I'll be able to share them here, before that!!

so...SOON!!! less than 2 weeks!!!


And...I have an announcement coming early July...

this has been in the works for quite a while...
and has me totally over the top EXCITED!!!

Here's a little hint...
it parts!

Can't post without a photo or here's one quickie peek...

I LOVE tim's curio knobs...
seriously LOVE them...

that's the back part of a hitch fastener peeking thru...

and this one shows 2 NEW studio 490 stamps...

Hmmm...could that be a swivel clasp?
I think so...

One more thing before I get back to work...

I know lots of you LOVE tim's snaps...
which sadly got discontinued...

But the good news...

Heidi (I sat with her @ Ranger U) told me that she was lucky to purchase a hidden stash of snaps & has them available.

Once they're gone...
they're REALLY gone...
so...if you've been hunting them down...

here's your chance to SCORE some snaps!

That's it...
enjoy your weekend...

make art!

WOOHOO...I just got notified that Heidi also located some of the awesome discontinued alcohol ink storage tins that tim had specially made (by Cropper Hopper) to store his alcohol inks, blending solution, tool & felt.

I have one to store stickles too. It holds 28 in the slots & LOTS more in the large compartment. PERFECTION!

Another...when it's's GONE!

and one more...she also scored a few of the discontinued embossing powder tins.
This is GREAT for storing other things too...
like the alcohol ink refillable mine in one!
I use one for my tools too...scissors, adhesives, craft pick etc...

It holds tim's distress crackle paint too...

Just thought you'd like to know...discontinued FINDS = FUN!
don't tell your hubby where you got the scoop...don't want anyone mad @ me...


  1. Wendy - So glad your back! Sounds like Ranger U was amazing. Can't wait to see your new stamps!!!! ( Sorry for the exclaimation points -but it's THAT exciting)

  2. You know, really I don't consider those teeny, weeny, tiny pieces of pictures of your art a sneak peak :>)))) ... but hey if that is all you feel like you can share. . . can't wait to see (and buy :.) your new stamps.

  3. Teasing Time again! Love it! Looking forward to seeing all the new stamps, book and announcement! Exciting times!

  4. Love Tim's snaps - didn't know they were discontinued. Would love to have more..they're wonderful to use for flower centers, leaf accents and so much more! Can't wait to see all of your new projects!

  5. New projects! New stamps! New trinkets! And your stamps are being released really soon. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! So how soon can we purchase your stamps - I gotta know!!!! LOL

  6. I've been reading through your blog and you are so funny...not to mention talented and creatiave. Where do you come up with this is AWESOME. But, Wow...found me a new favorite place... I met you at CHA last year and your blog is so much different than you were in person...


  7. BTW~where can we get your books? I would love to have both of them and looking forward to the 3rd. Honestly, your stuff is so cool.


  8. I'm very excited about the phrase "art parts." Could this mean some Wendy-designed embellishments for our art? Be still my heart!
    Thanks for the sneak peeks...such as they were. Sneaky, yes. A peek, not so much. Love ya anyway.
    Eileen in NYC

  9. Oh flipping flip and the flippers...wondering if I can get Grim to agree to allow me across the Pond to see you at Carson... me thinks that will be a no though *sad face* Wendy, I CANNOT wait to see the new designs, the art you have made and THE NEW BOOK!!! I am seriously excited for you... in actual fact, that wasn't just an earth tremor you felt, it was me, doing a happy dance ROFL Have a goodly weekend hun xx

  10. Hels, what a scream she is..did you finally get someone to make you that white chipboard/grungeboard you've been looking for that Tim said couldn't be done? lol Love the sneak peeks, yikes, two weeks? Oh, my wallet.....

  11. Cannot wait ... seriously I cannot wait ... we wanna see them ... now X

  12. Can't wait for that next book and new stamps! With all the summer re-runs on TV, I have been spending summer nights recreating some of the projects from your first 2 books at night! What fun - even better than TV!!! I am getting first hand practice using the techniques and my imagination when I don't have all the ingredients. Thanks for the motivation! Marijane

  13. So excited! Found your site by blog hopping. Your in my favs now! Love the lil stick pin tutorial, gonna have to try that. Thanks for the heads up on the discontinued items!

  14. Where have the last 6 months gone!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it's time for new stamps already and I'm totally excited to find out about these "art parts"!!!!!

  15. Can't wait to see your line of "art parts"! Take care!

  16. You've been one busy lady! Can't wait to see all the new things.

  17. Hi Wendy, am looking forward to the announcement in July :-)
    Anne xx

  18. How fun will that be! And, young lady, you are a tease! WAhhhh I wanna see something more!
    Hugs, Pat Smmith

  19. You call that a peek? of what? I need to see now! lol, thanks for the scoop and the enabling today. Can't wait to see it all.

  20. I am with Eileen on this one....sneaky yes, peek, not so much. Come on...two weeks is so soon that maybe we could have better peak! LOL - have a good Monday!

  21. Wendy,
    So glad you are back! I thought you forgot about us!(Just kiddin). Can't wait to see your new stamps.Thanks for the sneak peeks! Any new techniques coming soon???

    Karen S. Ohio
