Monday, February 28, 2011

papered...clearly for art...

Happy Monday & last day of February...
I HOPE spring is right around the corner...

today I wanted to share a fun project, using clearly for art, patterned paper & Ranger's new Glue N Seal...

I LOVE the look of patterned paper flowers, but since my art is shipped all over the country, I want it to be as strong & durable as possible...

squished flowers do not make me happy...

now it's simple to create lightweight sturdy embellishments...

the 3 patterned paper flowers on the piece below were made
combining paper with clearly for art...

ok...ignore the paper on the flower below...
I made quite a few flowers, but haven't used these just yet...

if you want to play...
grab some clearly for art...
Ranger's new Glue N Seal and some patterned paper...
I chose some from tim's lost & found paper stash...

this is a good time to use up small scraps of both clearly for art & patterned paper...
the smallest flower from
tim's tattered florals die is perfect for mini scraps...

start with a piece of clearly for art,
large enough for the flower you are making...

paint a thin coat of Glue N Seal onto the clearly for art
& then cover it with the patterned paper...

I like to use a brayer to make sure
it's stuck down really well...

lay the paper covered clearly for art (aka CFA)
on your craft sheet & heat to dry...
I heat it a bit on both sides...

for the large flower on the project I stamped this flower onto the paper side, using jet black archival & cut it out...

by cutting both layers @ once, the edges are perfect...

for the back of the flowers
I stamped text, using jet black...

the Glue N Seal dries nice & clear...
here's plan b...

I could use the back side & ink it with alcohol inks...
but that's a project for another day...
keep that option in mind...

sorry about the glare from the window...
but it helps to show that the back is CFA...

below is the finished piece with a different scrap of lost & found paper over the CFA...

the base is the base from the rectangle art parts frame...
it's inked with weathered wood distress stain & then the edges were inked with walnut stain distress ink, using the blending tool...

the background was stamped with coffee archival...

the insert from the rectangle art parts frame was covered with paper from tim's lost & found pad...
and stamped with this background,
again using coffee archival...

the art parts scroll/leaf piece was inked with meadow color wash & stamped with jet black archival &

the large flower was stamped with
the polka dot background & coffee archival...

the saying is stamped in jet black & POPS when stamped over the coffee background...
I rarely use black for background stamping...
I save it for my main images...

the mini house was stamped on grungeboard 2 times...
I cut out one full image & parts of the second one to layer...

the house is rusty hinge distress ink & the accents are stormy sky distress ink...

the large art parts scallop was inked with
stamped with black & this text stamp...

the extra trim strip is a straight flower stem,
trimmed to fit & inked with rusty hinge...
it's stamped with jet black & the polka dot border...

and the buttons are threaded...
I HATE naked buttons...

if you've been in a class of mine...
you certainly know that...

and since I was having a blast
making CFA patterned paper flowers...
I made this red one...

the stain is applied to a scrap of a dictionary page...
which was glued to a piece of CFA...

the new art part bookplate makes a cute easy hanging piece...
great for a quickie gift...

I layered it over an art parts ATC...

the ATC was misted with denim color wash...

I embossed polka dots over the book plate with clear UTEE,
then the bookplate got inked with peeled paint distress stain...
because I embossed over the naked art part,
which is kraft colored, the embossing looks brown...

a vintage button over a sprocket gear makes the flower center...

add a couple leaves...

and a saying...

can you see how color washes, distress inks & the new distress stains all work together so well?

think that was planned??

to answer a few questions about the Glue N Seal...
I'm using the matte finish for my projects above...

it comes in the same size bottle as tim's crackle paints...
it has the same brush, which makes for NO messy cleanup!

you can refill the little jar with this larger size (NO brush)...

it's thinner than Claudine's multi medium...

I use the multi medium
when I want to glue a small piece
& I know the brush would be too large...

the mini multi medium bottle is perfect for detail pieces...
because the tip is fine...

both products hold even the heaviest of embellishments...

both are waterproof, when dry...

so keep that in mind if you get it on your clothes...
it's waterproof...

you can clean it off your hands
when it's wet with soap & water...
but if it dries on your hands...
you'll need to peel it off...

it's waterproof...

if you need to seal an alcohol inked project ...
something that will get handled lots...
brush over the alcohol ink with Glue N Seal...

talking about these cool products
make me want to run to the studio to...

make art!
ps...making papered clearly for art embellishments is fun...
wait till you see what's coming next for CFA...
a whole different look when combined with some Ranger goodies...
I discovered this yesterday...


  1. Love how that red flower pops!! The Glue N Seal sounds interesting, I wonder if there are any other uses for it (hint hint) we can leave it too your crafty little head to find out.

  2. Very cool! I learn SO MUCH each time I read your blog...and ALWAYS LEAVE INSPIRED!


  3. Beautiful Art Pieces and that Glue is Fab! ... Can't wait for it to arrive in the UK

  4. Beautiful projects and I will be buying some of this glue!

  5. So many more new products I must get.... love these flowers indeed, you are so right! I am intrigued at what you have to show us next - don't keep us waiting too long, please?!

  6. i so wish CFA was available in Belgium... looks so much fun to play with! totally agree on the squished flowers!

  7. OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh....Wendy is a big TEASE!

  8. I picked up some of this at the LSS on Friday!!! I been waiting for today to play can't wait to start!!!

  9. Loving the CFA and paper idea...can't wait for even MORE INSPIRATION!!!!!

  10. Now I need some of that new adhesive. Love learning new techniques from you!

  11. oooh, ahhh, ooooh, you answered my Q hun, wondering if paper could go onto CFA... hurrah!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your pieces today, gorgeous!!! x

  12. wonderful Wendy - when I read your blog entries, I always want to go and 'Make Art!'
    thanks for all the tips!
    Sandra ltb

  13. Wow, so gorgeous!! Thank you for all the hints & tips. I remember Tim telling us about multi medium on Friday. I got it on my hands - typical! - but got it off before it dried. :)

  14. Wowsomeness! Does your mind ever stop making art? Seriously, you can wear a girl out! I gotta get some of your new stuff cuz I wanna play too!

  15. Beautiful Wendy! Love all the tips you post, They really help. Your ART is amazing.
    Gail in Oklahoma

  16. This IS awesome. I have a hard time finding new Ranger products at retailers. I love ALL of your flowers. Thanks, Sheila B

  17. Enjoyed the post and the wonderful "happily ever after" project!

  18. Well leave it to you to figure this new fun addiction out! You KNOW how much I love my designer paper paired with grunge . . . my oh my BADness! EXCELLENT Wendy, absolutely EXCELLENT!

  19. Lovely, Wendy! Is Glue N Seal something like acrylic gel medium? I have this in various thicknesses and finishes, and it's awesome stuff. I don't think we can get Clearly for Art here in the UK yet... grrr... I really want to try it! I'm also looking forward to trying the new distress stains. So many lovely products these days!

  20. So much to try and so little tim!!! Need to make time to make art! Love your inspirations, ideas and intro to new products. Keep 'em coming!

  21. Your projects are just fabulous. I love when you use the little houses it always gives me a warm feeling. That red flower really pops and stands out so nicely. I learned something today of using the clearly for arts parts for the backing of paper. You always show and tell us how and that always puts a smile on my face. TFS!!! Wendy, :-D

  22. Wow that is way cool. More way to use CFA who would of thought.

  23. Fantastic projects! I'm waiting for my stains. Thanks for your great inspiration.

  24. Loving all these new ways to use products together, fantastic!

  25. ooh, ooh, ooh, can't wait to see what's next! Love the flowers!

  26. Interesting new product. I had seen the Glue N Seal in Ranger's catalog and thought it was new but had heard no one talk about it until now. TFS!
    Aloha, Kate

  27. Can't believe you're teasing us already with CHA summer product! Love all the new artwork and can't wait to get some CFA.

  28. teaseeeeeeeeeeee! lol..but I can wait..gotta put a dent in this stash of mine...grrrrr! luv these today tho...

  29. I learn something new every time I read your blog. Thanks so much for the constant inspiration!

  30. Love it!! I wondered if you could use paper on CFA, thank you for clearing that up for me! You are such an inspiration!!

  31. Gorgeous!!! It is good to know we can glue these with the glue and seal and still use heat on it. The button over the sprocket gear for a flower center... genius!!!! I sat here thinking.. why didn't I think of that... duh!!! It's perfect!!!! I'm still smacking myself :-))

  32. Thanks again for the info, luv the flowers, esp the red, certainly need that product too!

  33. oh so need to get my hands on some of that!!!! must talk to my dealer!!!

  34. Amazing inspiration and great tips!

  35. Can't wait to see what you come up with next! Love your little projects. The details are so rich and really make it amazing. I no longer have naked buttons either - thanks to your class. :) Now I have to go order some CFA.....

  36. Well shoot! I was just at Micheals & saw some glue & seal but didn't put it in my cart :( Now you made me want some lol.
    Thanks for sharing your great projects & techniques.
