Friday, June 24, 2011


Happy Weekend my friends!

Sorry to have been AWOL...
there's still LOTS that needs to be done in just 3 short weeks...
now it's really CHA crunch time...


BUT...don't feel sorry for me...
I'm having a total BLAST...

I'm creating with new art parts...
and playing with my new stamps...

this stamp almost didn't make the cut...
but I'm glad I changed my mind & added it...
I'm flippin IN LOVE with this guy...

here, it's stamped with olive archival over weathered wood distress stain & a little brushed corduroy...

I've tried it with all the new archival colors...

Now for the LOL...

Lori Hassler has been featured here before...
she's the group mom over @ this group...

she posts fun challenges there...
it's a great group of talent...
and they are very NICE too...

not only does Lori make great art,
but she is one HILARIOUS chick...

here's a GREAT example of thinking outside the box...
or in this case...
outside the body...

Lori took this stamp & changed it up to fit her need...

the idea is simply...


and here's what made me LOL...

she has him doing STUNTS!

so...if you want to see more...
pop over to her blog...

I guarantee you will LOL!


since you have been so patient, I thought I'd start a few peeks...

there's that stamp again...

stamped on a new art part...
and there are a few more art parts too if you inspect the photo...

and this is a brand new art part...

I CAN NOT wait to reveal this in full...
oh...and part of a new stamp too...

that BEAUTIFUL color is Tim's butterscotch color wash on the art parts...

color washes & distress stains are perfect for art parts...
especially large art parts...

5 art part peeks here...
and I ***see*** 2 new stamps too...

hmmm...what else?

my part of book #5 is DONE...yippee!
there are 12 brand new projects with supply lists, instructions & step out photos...

I'll just need to do the final editing, after Matt has the formatting done...

the cover project was so much fun...
and I ***think*** that will be the first full project I show you...

the NEW art parts are divided, named & the packages are done...
just as soon as I get the files from Matt, I start showing them here...

so, still on the TO*DO list...
LOTS of projects for Ranger, using their NEW products...

LOTS of art to make for Ranger, for my portion of their booth...
since Ranger now sells my products,
I get a little display area for them...***YIPPEE***

and I still need to make lots more samples for my section of the Stampers Anonymous booth...



ok...gotta hit it...

I hope you enjoyed the mini peeks and as always...
make art!

ps...full reveals start in a week...or less! stay tuned!


  1. I love the guy on the motorcycle, that is brilliant and funny !! I just love the peeks we get, I can't wait to see what all you have coming out so I can make my list and SHOP !! Happy Friday Wendy

  2. With the weather being cooler and wetter it's so much easier to be spending time inside doing what you love...making art! Everything looks marvy and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that new stamp - a 'gotta' have! Yup, Lori's a great list mom and does super duper work...her humor can be contagious so watch out!

  3. Man on motorcycle... hilarious! Now I have to get out my man stamp and see what I can make him do... I already have some ideas. Love the little "peeks" at your new releases. Can't wait till next week!

  4. Glad you are having so much fun with all the new "stuff", however...WAAAA...I'll be away when you start the reveal! but on a brighter note...I'll get to see more at once when I get back!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Looking Good! Can't wait to see it all!! Have fun playing (working)!!

  6. Ooh, ooh, getting excited!! Please sneak some more - it's my birthday on Sunday and it would be a great present, lol!!

  7. That motorcycle due is hysterical! Lori's amazing! And oooooh... the new stamps you showed are delish! Waiting patiently for sneak peaks to start. Have fun playing and making lots of samples! Can't believe it's almost CHA time again - seems like we just did this!

  8. Very cool...Can't wait for the reveal! I am hoping to "make art" tonight for my girlfriend's b-day... I like to make the card and the giftwrap and or giftbag..It makes it fun..I use your "She just likes to make art" stamp as my signature stamp on back of my cards now...Love it.

  9. The motorcycle dude is amazing!!
    Looking forward to your new stuff!!

  10. WOW!! LOVE the stunt guy LORI!! THAANKS for sharing!! I SO CAN"T WAIT to see all of the NEW RELEASES!! I also can't wait to see what you have created!! =) YIPPEE I look forward to next week!! =)
    HAVE a FABULOUS WEEKEND, you were missed, but the results of you being AWOL will SO BE WORTH THE WAIT!! =) LOL!! =)

  11. Can't wait for the full peeks, looks very intriguing. Enjoy your journey over the next three weeks, making art. Tracy x

  12. Ooo, I see a new flower art part, COOL! Thanks for the mention and the feature, so kind of you, and I'm glad I can make people laugh when I make art! lol! Can't wait to see the peeks!

  13. Thanks for the peeks. I love that stamp. I'm glad that it made the cut ;)

  14. Love,love,love the stamp that almost wasn't...and, do I see a new flower art part peeking at me? I have always been a huge fan of your flowers!!!

  15. So good to see you posting....if not for your tweets I'd a thunk you were abducted by aliens.
    Yes, Lori is funny, talented, and in case I didn't mention it this week, I am the one who convinced her to start a blog.
    Well, enough about me. I can't wait to see more than these tantalizing little sneak peeks. Everything looks fab. Oh, and it is all your fault. What, you may ask? Well, the fact that I've dropped a bundle on the new archival inks. And yes, they are beyond wonderful.
    Broke, but happy,
    Eileen in NYC

  16. Oh, fab peeks! I can't wait to see more. I love Lori's card. Have a great weekend.

  17. Lori rocks!!! Love the motorbike! Oooo and those snippets of all things I NEED!! Exciting times thanks wendy for sharing .....roll on July!!


  18. Tease, tease, cant wait for the real reveal! That Lori is so talented and sooooo funny! Love her stuff.

  19. Thank god...I'm suffering from withdrawal!!! It's all I can do but to run to the iPad as soon as I get home and check all the blogs... I cant do it from the car anymore-- it's too dangerous me myself and others! I must see all these new items-- I must own all these new items-- does this mean I have a problem??? Do I need help??

  20. I was hoping it was FUN keeping you from your blog!!! Love the little peeks.... love the stamp... love, love that diamond background on the flower. Hey I have a question about the new Archival Ink pads that I'm getting ready to order :-)) Yay... I have the old grape and mustard colors and am wondering if there are new colors that replace them? Or if none are the same?? I already know that Sienna replaced Russet, right? Thanks so much!!! I have an email into Ranger asking but I'm sure they must be crazy busy too.

    Also we haven't had an update on your brother... is he doing ok?

  21. Absolutely holding my breath waiting for your reveals! I'm wishing it were August and we could start getting all the goodies you'll release at CHA! Keep having ARTful fun!

  22. Love that new stamp! Need to work on my collection of new archival colors too. Truly wish there were rubber stamp stores around again so they would be easier to find. Love the reveals too. Yes Lori is a great artist and a comic to boot! She is a great list mom too!!!

  23. What a tease! LOL Will be checking nexted week to see what fun art you have made.

  24. Looking forward to when WE can play with your stamps and art parts, too! Thanks for sharing - looking forward to more. :)

  25. oh my word! u know I was seriously wondering about you! No time for tweets lately, but glad u are back! well...sorta of anyway..cute sneak peeks for sure..doing the math...already broke with your new releases...need more art fuN! and Yes..Lori is fun and oh so nice..her work is always gorgy, glad o be one of her *kids*... now hurry up and show us the goods woman! xo cher

  26. Wendy,
    Thanks for the peeks!!! Looking forward to all the new releases!!!

    Karen S. Ohio
