Tuesday, June 28, 2011

nope...not a vase...

I fooled you...
I agree...the peek did look like a vase but...

it's a lamp!
a 2 piece art parts cutie...
to make it very dimensional...

the lamp base is colored with weathered wood distress stain & the "NEW background" was stamped with Ranger's cobalt archival...

the extra art parts lamp shade is covered with tim's"crowded attic" paper & inked & stamped with bundled sage distress ink...
as is the ruffled trimmings...

and you turn the lamp on with the chain tassel...
ok...it doesn't really turn on...it's just there for effect!

any comments now?

as always...

make art!
ps...as the saying goes...
you ain't seen nothin' yet!


  1. You say 'lamp base', I say 'vase'. LOL Hey, we all know how versatile your art pieces can be so let's stretch the imagination as see what else this could be. How about a hot air balloon? The lamp shade is also the flower pot? Or a stand on which to place the foot of Wendy's man reaching upwards. Yup, gonna be a creative day...at least inside my gray matter! lol

  2. I love it even more now .. how stinking cute is that .. a lamp !!! I have so many bright ideas for that one .. LOL :) Have a great day Wendy, can't wait to see more.

  3. You are getting me so excited to see more and more of your "stuff"!!!! I LOVE this lamp!!! It is too cute!!!!!! Can't wait to see what's next!

  4. I saw that was a lampshade, but certainly could be a vase, and very likely some other things. And I really do LOVE that tapestry background!

  5. whatever you say Lady Wendy. but what i say is: let's get over with the CHA, so we too can have some fun with these! ;)

    ps: i feel like a child who has to make an effort being good... waiting for Santa.

  6. It is a very cute lamp base,but could be a vase...in true Wendy style....and the lamp shade could be a pot for your beautiful flowers too. I am more in love with your new tapestry background than ever...so glad you kept it!!!

  7. whatever it is I like it, awesome details, you are so creative, TFS

  8. WOW... a lamp? Even better, I say!!! It's darling! What other wonderful surprises do you have in store for us? Bring 'em on!

  9. I say both . . . you trickster you! Love the 13 that is a new one right?

  10. I love this lamp-it would be great shine light on a 12x12 layout too. Thank you for sharing your creativity....can't wait to see what is up next. KSH

  11. Totally bril! (liant!) Lots of possibilities for those shapes, too.... aaah... let the waiting begin... I hate this part... :)

  12. This is fabulous - I can't wait until the new Art Parts are out and I can play, too!

  13. I didn't see a lamp yesterday, I thought it was a mannequine shape at first and then knew it wasn't. I agree though it can be alot of things!! =) Making this release a MUST HAVE ALREADY and we have only seen 2 pieces out of 50????? =)
    Anyway, LOVE it and I can't wait to play!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS DAY!! =) Looking forward to seeing more!! =)

  14. OOooooooOooooOoooooooo!!!!! that is me, making that racket you know... I am getting all excited again in anticipation of the new AP's... can't wait to get my inky mitts on them... that ickle flower is super cute, love the lamp and shade and did I spy a key on yesterday's post? Oooooooh, I am rubbish at waiting... is it CHA yet? LOL Congrats on making MORE amazing... ART! xx

  15. Vase or lamp - it's gorgeous! You won't stop at 2 uses for it I'm sure. Looking forward to more peaks....

  16. Fabulous love the lamp, great dimensional piece. You fooled us good and proper. Love the added chain, very clever. Looking forward to their release. Tracy x

  17. Kristina M. AndersonJune 28, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    I love the lamp! I cannot wait until it comes out. Very sneaky of you to only show the bottom. I wondered what was on top and about the tassle, but I couldn't but it together (I spent too long creating)! Your artwork is so cute and I cannot wait to see more. Thanks.

  18. How cute and clever is that! Keep 'em coming!

  19. CUTE! Love this idea! Can't wait for these to be available!

  20. Completely adorable Wendy...just like you! Karen :)

  21. Love that lamp and I bet you could find a mini light bulb and do a niche back there. The chain tassle and ruffle are darling!

  22. How cool is that? I do love the background stamp you used on the wall too. Wow!

  23. Neat Wendy ... a lamp, so cool, endless possibilities though I think!

  24. Wendy...your piece is just so much fun! LOVE everything about it...from the colors to the tassel pull chain! Your pieces are so creative and fun! <3 Candy

  25. Wow! I was fooled and I thought it was a goblet or a vase but not a lamp and shade. Very cute! Love the lamp!!

  26. How very chic! Love the lamp and the entire piece. Thanks for making art!

  27. Oh, wow!!! this is so cool!!! Can's wait to get my hands on this new stuff. . . I know, I said last time I would be in hock until July, but it looks like I'll have to extend it. . .

  28. Very cool!! I wanna see more!!

  29. Well I was half right. I bet you could the base for a vase. Very cute.

  30. Cute, cute, cute Wendy! Love it!

    Elaine Allen

  31. Wendy - you just keep coming up with the cutest ideas! Who would think to use the tassel for a lamp switch? Love your art!!

  32. Wow! I didn't even notice the "vase" really a lamp... I thought it was the way the background was and not something dimensional. Way, way cool!!!! I still need to know if you now have art parts with white paper???

  33. I guess a lamp last night, thanks Wendy, I love the lamp. but what is that on the other side of the flower pot. I love the Tim's crown on it!

  34. You got me! Love the lamp! The pull chain is very clever! I can't wait to see your new stuff out.

  35. Oh, my gosh - Wendy, AWESOME!!!
