Friday, December 16, 2011

faux crazed porcelaine...

a few weeks ago,
I showed how Ranger's Glue N Seal
could be used with tim's
to create this cool vintage look on glass...

the post is here...

here's another fun & EASY effect, using the same products...
this time it creates a faux vintage porcelain surface...

I started with this metal plaquette, which was too stark for the art I'm working on...

so...I applied a medium coat of matte Glue N Seal ...
then let that dry...

then I painted on a medium/heavy coat of rock candy crackle paint & let that dry...

when the paint had completely dried & cracked,
I rubbed the coffee archival ink pad right over the paint to accent the cracks...
they are barely visible until you add the coffee ink...

I just wiped off the excess with a paper towel & dried it with the heat tool to set the ink...

and the finished plaquette now looks like this...

it's very vintage...
with those little crazes resembling vintage porcelain...

it will be added to a CHA project...

you'll see it in January...

and speaking of CHA...

I'm expecting my new line of Blossom Bucket embellishments to arrive today or tomorrow...


so if you hear about an earthquake in Illinois...
don't be alarmed...
it's just me jumping up & down...

I contemplated sitting out on the driveway to wait...
but it's mighty cold out there...

all the projects are finished for book #6 & the instructions are completed too...
check that off the to-do list...

the projects will all be sent today so that the photographs can be taken for the book & the insert that's included in each stamp set...

and last but not least...

from the bottom of my heart...

for all the birthday tweets, Facebook posts, cards, gifts & emails...
you made my day!

I hope you know that

happy holidays everyone...
I hope you have a great weekend...

the LAST before Christmas...

ok...back to the studio...


make (more CHA ) ART!


  1. What a great idea! I'm going to make a note of this right now so I can try it out later. Can't wait to see what's arriving..and for CHA!

  2. Fab idea! Will definitely try that one! Happy, happy Christmas and New Year to you too!

  3. How cool is that ! I love the look it gives. I've never used the glue n seal, I'll have to get some of that .. Happy Friday Wendy !

  4. Great tip, it looks fab. Glad you had a fantastic birthday.

  5. Thanks for the tip. I did the bottle one for a Christmas bottle exchange we had this Tuesday. It turned out perty cool. Merry Christmas

  6. That is an awesome technique! Thanks for sharing. Hope to be able to make some art over the weekend. Christmas is coming up way too fast and am not even close to being ready for it.

  7. oooh cor blimey and thrice, love love love love love love love love love love... erm... love this idea! Thank you for sharing your incredible ideas wendy.... have a grand weekend xx

  8. This looks AWESOME! I love love love love love love love it!!!!

  9. Fabulous!!!! And thanks for the reminder on the glass... so many ideas... so little time... bad memory.... I need all the help I can get :-))

  10. Love this idea! Gives it a totally vintage look! And belated Happy Birthday!

  11. Another great technique! TFS I'm looking forward to your CHA newbees!

  12. Wow...oh Wow...oh Wow!!! LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing this really cool technique! <3 Candy

  13. Love the look of this! Thanks for the tip!
    Merry Christmas!!

  14. Happy Be-lated Birthday Wendy! Very cool technique.

  15. Merry Christmas to you Wendy! Love the projects and can't wait for your Book #6 and the CHA projects coming.

  16. son has found me old Listerine glass bottles in the oil fields I will try this in January uuummm might try sweet ideas with this.

    hugs and merry christmas

    susan s.

  17. Thank you SO much for telling us how to achieve that effect ... just the sort of tips I need to help me produce the sort of results I am after. Will certainly be playing in the new year! Merry Christmas to you form Debbie xXx

  18. The cracked porcelain look on your plaquette is hardly faux!!! It must be real. I'm wowed.

  19. This is so cool! I came up with a technique I call Faux Crazed Porcelain a few months ago - totally different in that it uses Picket Fence crackle paint. Can't wait to try yours!!
