Monday, December 12, 2011

do you see what I see?

I popped into JoAnn's yesterday to pick up some different colors of thread for my sewing machine...

I ALWAYS use black...
why I *thought* I NEEDED other colors is beyond me...
but now I have them...
just in case...

some days I wonder about me...
no doubt Rick does too...


while quickly zipping thru the store...
a few things caught my eye...

$1.00 paper mache cone
$1.00 mini (like 3 inch) kraft colored book
$1.00 mini child wood hanger
wrought iron holder with glass $2.99
shiny metal mini colander (Christmas ornament)
$3.99 @ 60%off = $1.60
shiny metal mini pitcher (Christmas ornament)
$4.99 @ 60% off = $2.00

TOTAL...less than $10.00



if you have a JoAnn's in your area...
I thought I'd pass this *scoop* along...
so you can be ready...
& get the goods before they're gone...

the Christmas stuff was really picked over...

stay tuned...

I'll be using these things to...

make art!
ps...what do YOU see in these items???


  1. I see that I'm waiting expectantly to see your
    has-to-be-fabulous creation using/inspired by this group of items!! LOL

  2. Can't wait to see what you see in your purchases! Our JoAnn's is very poor in any department but will be moving to a larger location soon so I hope I'll be able to snag similar goodies so that you can tell me what I need to do with them! lol

  3. Fun stuff! I see some starting points to spark imagination - can't wait to see what you do with them.

  4. I'm sure I don't see what you see, but I do see some very tempting items to be altered. I'm thinking tissue paper, stamps, tinsel, ribbons, flowers. I guess I'm still seeing Christmas decorations!

  5. Your eye is a heck
    of a lot better then mine but I do something!!!
    Looking forward to your creations!

  6. I see a Christmas tree in the cone - umm that is about it!
    our Joann's is not really craft oriented - more fabric - you are lucky!
    Sandra lt

  7. Happy Birthday! I am waiting for you to dazzle me. I'm not good at the vision thing. Do better at seeing what other people do then making my own.

  8. Oooo, lots of cool things! The hanger would be awesome as a .... ahem... hanger for a hanging... that would include the mini book and maybe even the colander. As for the cone, well, you could go nuts making grungepaper flowers and attach them with Maya Road pins or other pins. Or maybe fill it with the new Blossom Bucket embellies? lol. Lots of ideas, damn this work thing...

  9. Oh I can't wait to see what you do especially with the cone. I just picked up three of them from the Amana Woolen Mill.

  10. Cool finds. Right now my mind is mush so I can't wait to see what you create! PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  11. Thanks for the tip! Can't wait to see how you use your bargain finds!

  12. I wonder what you will make with your bargain finds? Such suspense!
    Karen :)
