Friday, June 22, 2012

from this to THIS...

it's the weekend!

and only 3 weeks 'til I leave for CHA...


I thought I'd show you some quick ways to alter some of my Blossom Bucket resin pieces 
with some of my most favorite 
tim & Ranger products...

here's the cute little Blossom Bucket bouquet, right from the package...

in the photo below, I used the dried marigold marker & the rusty hinge marker to color in each flower...
and I used the forest moss marker over the raised areas on the stem...

then accented the flower centers with 

2 minutes = total transformation...

make sure to dry these with the heat-it tool...

leave them on your craft sheet to heat them...
they do get a bit warm...

let them cool before taking them off the chart sheet...

you may need to dry them several times...

now it looks like this...

for this next example 
to create a multi colored bouquet...

stop the press...
a whole peek???

what happens on the blog...
stays on the blog!

I showed you the bird before...

again...he was colored with the distress markers...

the tiny dots are vermillion archival...

this piece is fun to alter too...

but a little different ink was used here...
& applied it with the craft nib...

the flourishes were inked with lettuce PIGMENT ink...

you'll see it creates a much more chalky effect...
whereas the distress inks are translucent...
the pigments are much more opaque...

I randomly stamped on the raised areas with jet black archival...
and accented the flower center 

and now it looks like this...

 back to the distress markers...

I use stormy sky on the petals, and peeled paint on the flourishes...

you'll see the flourishes are a bit darker...

that's because I added a bit of rock candy distress stickles...

when I did that, the stickles activated the distress marker & made the color darker...and rewet it...
pretty cool in person...

this fun piece is glued to the small art parts pocket watch...
which I inked with pumice stone distress stain...

and there's a hint of a word stamp below...
which was colored in with the bundled sage marker...

other altering possibilities???

I didn't have time to make samples of them...
but you can also alter these with alcohol inks...
and archival inks...

use the refillable pen with the alcohol inks & a craft nib tapped onto the archival pads to add color...
now with the expansion of the archival colors...
we have LOTS of fun choices...

so the moral of today's post 
is that you have to look at the possibilities...

how can I easily make this coordinate with my project?

altering is FUN...

and speaking of FUN...

I hope you'll take 3 minutes & click on the link 
to see a very cool video...

it was created by Michele Hamilton, one of the owners of 
in Twin Falls, Idaho...

I'll be there in August & the video is their invitation to attend the event...

have I seen such a cool invite...

sure made my day!

with the attention to EVERY detail in this video...
I AM CERTAIN that this will be a very fun weekend...

I had a sneak peek of what's planned & I LIKE IT!

I hope you can join us...

ok...time to head into the studio...

gotta make (LOTS of) art!
ps...the Blossom Bucket prize package, from the previous post,
 is still here...
if I don't hear from the winner by Monday @ 7am...
I'll ask Cindy to draw another winner...
stay tuned!


  1. My goodness...the possibilities!!!

  2. How absolutely fabulous Wendy. Pity I'm so far away to attend any classes. Never mind, I know you'll keep us posted and thats the main thing. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  3. Fun times coming up in ID for some lucky artistis! Cool ideas to transform the BB parts!

  4. Shame I am too far away to experience the classes but lve the inspiration here! Hugs trace x

  5. Hi Wendy these BB parts are amazing and thanks for sharing your techniques. Have fun in Idaho and CHA x

  6. Love your ideas to alter BB pieces. Wish I could go to Idaho but will be there in Bloomington in the fall!!

  7. How beautiful are these ideas!?!?!?!?!?! Time to go play I think!!

  8. The flowers are lovely in the 'nude' but love them coloured too and made up on the little frame they are gorgeous. Have a fun weekend! A x

  9. I'm hoping to get some distress markers soon, and can't wait to use them on the Blossom Bucket things - just too cute! Have a great weekend.

  10. Thanks for sharing...your blog is always so full of inspiration.

  11. Fabulous altering! Happy art-ing to you!

  12. Love the way your colouring really brings each one to life. Love 'em. Hugs, Buttons x

  13. I love how you colored the flowers and that bird *swoon*!!! I wish I could take classes from you, any chance you'll be in southeast Arkansas teaching ? :-)

  14. These are all so cute! I can't wait to see them in person. Thanks for the sneaky peeks!

  15. That video is too cool!!!! Everyone knows it's Wendy!!! lol... I've always liked that song!!

  16. Sooooooooo cool! Thanks for sharing, Wendy!!

  17. OK, that video made me cry--it was so cute! Can't wait to see all your new stamps and stuff!

  18. Ooh, I'm hoping the winner contacts you so she can get her awesome prize, but I'm kinda hopin' she doesn't too! (I have an angel & devil on my shoulders!) Love the peeks! Can't wait to see the new stuff from CHA!

  19. Love all the inspiration! Now to check out the video.
