Wednesday, June 20, 2012

more peeks & the Blossom Bucket winner...

it's Wednesday...
and time for more peeks...

you'll see the photos are getting better...

and larger...
and clearer...
it won't be long now...

this one is so stinkin'  CUTE...
even better than I expected & like I have been saying...
they all have AMAZING details...

this next one is exactly what I planned...
but when it arrived & I got to test drive it over some art parts...
it has several different uses,
which delights me to no end, 
since it was totally UNPLANNED...
one is down right hilarious...

this is NOT what you think it is...

these are in the top 3 all time FAVORITES...

I LOVE you so much
 item #51556...

and this is our dining table, which is now CHA central...
it's loaded with all the new art parts & Blossom Bucket goodies...
all brand new things for CHA...

I also put my finished samples here, divided up by which booth they are for...
and book samples sit there too, until they get sent to be photographed...

look hard...I bet you can see a few things...

I've had several ask about my gift item release with Blossom Bucket...

several asked what times I would be in the booth in Atlanta...
would I be signing the art???

I won't be going because the gift show starts on July 11, 
just 2 days before I need to be at CHA...

I thought seriously about going & believe me...
but at best, I would have been there for only 12 hours...

and the final days before CHA are really crunch time, getting last minute details finalized...

Cindy is there now setting up the displays...
she emailed me this morning & said the display looks great & she'll have pictures for me when she gets back...

see...I torture you with peeks...
and I get paid back by Cindy...

I'm counting the hours...
'til I see them displayed...

keep in mind that I started designing the art 

so this is pure torture for someone with zero patience...

I can post the photos on the 11th, the day the show opens,
and show you what the figurines?? look like...

ok...moving on...

now for the winner that Cindy chose this morning...


Blogger kate blue said...

when something is your "baby," picky is good! I love all of the ones I have seen (and used myself) so far and can't wait for the next reveal!!!
June 18, 2012 1:57 PM

please email me with your shipping info (
and the head of shipping & receiving...aka Rick...
will get the box off to you...

for the awesome prize package...

you can bet I'll be sucking up big time @ CHA to get some samples of the new trinkets to share here...

and for sure I'll suck up to Ted to get some stamps to giveaway too...

now it's time to head back to the studio...
I gotta...

make art!


  1. Whatever in the world is it? I can't wait to find out!! Oh to sit at your kitchen table. ;)
    Congratulations Kate!!

  2. I am getting so excited to see these new embellies!!! I am guessing there's an umbrella this time.....

  3. Ooh! I reckon I know what 2 of them are! Looking forward to being proved very wrong!!! Exciting sneaky peeks Missus! Thank you! Oh! Congrats Kate - how exciting!

  4. Congrats to the lucky winner!!
    I am so waiting to see more!

  5. Congrats to Kate! One of those peeks looks like a car and the other an umbrella?? Who knows. Can't believe CHA is coming up so soon! But that is a good thing-like an early Christmas present! Thanks for the peeks-can't wait to see them for real.

  6. Big congrats to Kate! What an awesome giveaway! I see an umbrella??? Maybe? lol.

  7. congrats Katie Blue! Can hardly wait for better pictures Wendy (picture a lot of foot tapping here!) But I know they will be awesome, so will try to be patient.

  8. Wow Wendy it all looks so exciting....... cannot wait until the 11th.

  9. Congrats to your winner! Still hopeful that one day I'll be lucky, lol!! Your new BB embellies look fab - cannot wait to see them properly, but they sure look fun so far...

  10. Whooo Hooo Kate. Have fun with all the new goodies.

    The 11th will be a fun day to see what the "ITEM" is!!

  11. I hate to wish away days but CHA can't come fast enough! I keep trying to enlarge your pics to see if I can figure out what you're up to but to no avail. lol

  12. Man an Umbrella I am so there and a cool new car I love those and I can not make out the others but I am sure they will be cool too!

  13. Congrats to Kate!
    I think I see a cool vintage car and an awning...maybe a big leaf? So exciting!

  14. Love the peeks Wendy! Congratulations kate .. enjoy your goodies!

  15. Your sneaks make my eyes (and mouth water)! Congrats to Kate!

  16. boom, boom, boom, boooometty-boom.... that's my heart getting all over excited seeing those sneaky peeks... just like everyone else, I CANNOT WAIT... please can it be CHA today? THank you for sharing again... you know how much I LOVE 490... tis the best xx

  17. Congrats Cindy, lucky you. Wendy have fun at CHA.

  18. Congratulations Kate!! Loving these sneak peaks! I was thinking I knew what one was but you said it's not what we're thinking so I'm excited to see what it actually is. Hard to believe CHA is almost here!

  19. Thank you! I'm here!!! I was traveling last week (my dad has shady internet) and I was very ill so it's taken me 3 days to catch up! Will email the addy in 2 minutes :) woop woop!
