Monday, August 27, 2012

getting past the blank journal page...

I've had several requests for info on how to get started with 
art journaling...
where EXACTLY to start on the page...

here's a little something that helps me get past all that white space
if I'm stuck...

I've heard friends say...
just start...
put something down...

I'm OK with that, to a point...
but I need some general idea of where I'm headed...
even if the finished piece does not look anything like my initial vision...
which happens 99% of the time...
it doesn't matter...

this is a very simple way to start a page...

cut your journal page to fit your journal...
hmm..that's pretty obvious...probably didn't need to say that...

use it once & you'll be hooked!

I scribbled these distress stains right on my craft sheet...
rusty hinge, weathered wood & faded jeans next to each other...

then misted my page with water & 
used tim's wrinkle free distress technique...

 lay the page over the inks...
I run my hand over the back of the page to pick up the ink...
then dry...
lay the page over the remaining ink to add more layers...
make sure to dry between layers...

next, I traced my grid block with a waterproof pen...
then doodled an irregular line over the traced frame...

the frame really gave me an idea of where this was headed...
and created the focal point...

I stamped the saying with jet black archival & dried it...

the page looked like this...

next I used french ultramarine to ink my unmounted 

and stamped it randomly in 3 spots...

then I used venetian orange archival on the unmounted 
and stamped it randomly in 3 areas...

the page looked like this...

using faded jeans on the blending tool, 
to the top & bottom...

you can create any border width you need, by changing the placement of the stencil...

now it looks like this...

I painted my Blossom Bucket star with the black paint dabber, then used the sanding grip to take the paint off the raised spots...

once I test drove the placement of the star, I could see it needed more of the venetian orange stamping...
so I added more in the naked areas...

the tiny dots in the background are easy to add,
 with the detail water brush...
just pick up some of the faded jeans distress stain & tap the brush against your finger over the page...

this creates very tiny dots of ink...
& sometimes it just what's needed...

***if you don't have the detail water brush, you WILL want it***
I had a wonderful discovery over the weekend & there will be a special tutorial coming soon...
this made me say OMG out loud!
seriously simple with a WOW factor...

to finish it off...

I used the waterproof pen to add some lines to accent the striped borders & then some glaze pen dots...


here's another example...

I used the same technique here...
but different distress colors...
faded jeans, mustard seed & peeled paint stains...

I was brave & journaled around the frame...

this is a page I did on Saturday...

so that's my tip of the day, 
if you're stuck for a starting point...
trace a frame...
and go from there...

several people asked about the art parts mega shipment I showed the other day...

they are for upcoming workshops...
and these fun brand new classes...

the funky art angel...
the crayon box...
and the stained, stamped & stenciled art journal...

the next stops on the art adventure are listed on the right sidebar...

I'm headed to both
one is in Bloomington, Illinois
the other is Moline, Illinois...
both are an all day art parts extravaganga...
the links will show you all the info...
Amy includes lunch & a 25% off shopping spree for students...
she knows that everyone LOVES A SALE!

after that, I'm off to see THE QUEEN 
and her loyal royal subjects again
@ The Queen's Ink, in Savage Maryland...
for 3 FULL days of fun...

the last store visit for the year is back to Florida...
for the third time this year...
this time I'm headed to
details will be coming soon...

if you're in any of these areas, I hope you can join the fun...

 the winner of book #7 is...
congrats to...

Blogger Jane said...
I wish wish wish you would teach a class in Arizona. I love your art parts! and Stamps!, books, all of it.

August 25, 2012 2:24 PM

please send me an email with your address & we'll get this off to you...

that's it for today...

I hope you enjoyed the tip...

give it a try...
let me know how you do...

now it's time for me to...

make art!
wendy addition to the upcoming workshops...
I'm so looking forward to this...
it's 30 special days of stamping...


  1. I just love that you show us so much that it makes me want to get out my stuff and make art!

  2. Thanks so much for showing the process!

  3. I'll be signing up with THE QUEEN tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing you again - once a year is simply *not* enough.... I'm just sayin... Wish Hels could join us again, though. What fun we had. Love your journal pages!

  4. Excellent pages of course!
    Congrats to Jane for winning your book!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your process. Very helpful!

  6. I still not sure about the art journal. I'm having a hard time deciding what to do with it. Convince me!

  7. I was on face book and saw the pages..they just blew me away..they are so stunning..and yet so real to life every day. They are wonderful
    susan s.

  8. I love both your pages! Congrats to Jane!

  9. Love the color combos you gave for the journal pages. It can be difficult staring at a white space and not knowing where to start. A frame is a great idea - thank you! See you in Bton!

  10. Love both pages!!! Thanks so much for the tutorial........

  11. Love the journal pages, but I gotta say, I just don't get it--the journaling thing. You make these gorgeous pages, then what? You just hide them in a binder? And, with the Blossom Bucket pieces? Do you then add anything to the pages once they're all in a book?

  12. I'm ordering both those stamps tonight if they're available.The both spoke to me.You rock Wendy!

  13. love the softness in thesepages and great to see the layers build up! trace x

  14. Beautiful layers in lovely soft shades.... and I sooo need that honeycomb stamp, and the floral background stamp, and... you get the picture lol! xx

  15. I love your way to journal! It looks incredible, just beautiful!

  16. Congrats to the winner ! I love your journal pages .. I can't wait to get the stencils, I really love the stripe one you used on the border .. have a great day Wendy @

  17. Thanks for sharing your techniques for creating journal pages! I hope you will keep showing us your pages and giving insight into your creative processes. Lovely pages by-the-way!

  18. Thanks for the journaling tips! Love the color combos. Can't wait for the classes in Bloomington!

  19. That page is just gorgeous!!! Thanks for the tips, sometimes I sit and stare at my blank sheet with a blank mind LOL

  20. Wonderful page, and thanks for the tips on how to get started! It looks wonderful!

  21. Loved seeing the step-by-step pics!!! Both pages are fab!!!!!

  22. Thanks for the tutorial and tip, 'messing up'a blank white page can be very daunting to a bit of a neat freak so the idea of starting with a nice neat frame and taking it from there is a great step off. Loved the colour combinations too

  23. Love it, and it's wonderful! Thank you for all the help when we often get stumped!

  24. Your help on getting started is better tham Nikes' "Just Do It"...sometimes we need a guide! Thank you ~ : )
