Thursday, November 15, 2012

I was supposed to be packing...

***edited with paste links below***

my demo supplies...
and all the make & take goodies...

but the embossing pastes were calling me yesterday...

I heard them loud & clear...

these are 2 quickie tags that use my pastes...

several people asked about "paste snow"...

so here you go...

is all decked out in white embossing paste
& the yummy...
and he has a textured black paste hat...

here's a little tutorial...

the base is a Ranger #8 kraft tag...

I used vermillion archival to stamp this holiday background over the tag...
then jet black archival to stamp the greeting and
 the polka dot border at the top of the tag...

to accent the tag edges...
and to randomly stamp the spatter stamp over the tag...

to create frosty...
I adhered a vintage dictionary page to a sheet of Clearly For Art, using Glue N Seal...
then die cut the snowman & the snowflake...

I used the palette knife to unevenly apply the white paste over the snowman, skipping his hat,
 then sprinkled the wet paste with 
the dry rock candy glitter...
and set it aside to dry...

I used a scrap of the same paper covered CFA 
to die cut a second hat, 
then applied an uneven layer of the black paste to the hat & set it aside to dry...

the snowflake was lightly inked with brushed pewter distress stain...
it adds just the right amount of shimmer...

***make sure to shake the stain well***

when the snowman was dry (about 25 minutes?), I used the blending tool with brushed corduroy to accent the edges...
then used the rusty hinge marker to color his nose...

to make him more dimensional, I heated the CFA to soften the material and shaped him, to make him more rounded...

I added tim's tinsel twine to the hat after I heated it a bit to shape it and I also used it to make a scarf...
oops and added tim's star before tying the scarf...
then I glued the extra hat in place, for a little extra dimension...

the snowflake was also heated so I could shape it too...

a tiny fat glue dot is under the snowflake, so it's raised...

I added 2 black lines with the 
Stabilo pencil and a bit of doodling...

then glued grunge scraps under the snowman, 
before adding him to the tag...

here's a look at how cute his textured hat is...

and here's a better look at the rock candy/paste snow...
it's vintage shimmery goodness...

***if you want to add rock candy glitter to dry embossing pastes,
 just brush on a thin layer of Glue N Seal (matte) & sprinkle away!***

I think these snowmen would be adorable without the tag as package toppers or as ornaments for the tree...
and because they are on Clearly for Art, 
they'll be easy to pack away for next year & they won't get squished...

this would be a fun children's project too...

 I couldn't leave the studio until
 I used some more of the black paste...

this is a #5 manila tag...
I think I'll add it to the Thanksgiving hostess gift...
with a gingham bow...
you didn't think I was cooking did you? lol...

I used the palette knife to add a THIN layer of black paste, 
NOT covering the whole tag...
then I misted this stamp with water...
and stamped into the wet paste...

***always mist your stamp 
before stamping into the wet paste***

I cleaned my stamp immediately & set the tag aside to dry....

the paste was applied much thinner, so the drying time was less...

you'll see that the black paste is much thinner than the white...
a tiny bit goes a VERY LONG way...

***make sure the paste is dry...
you don't want it on your distress stain dabber top***

once the paste was dry, I went over the whole tag with the wild honey stain and ended up with this...

were inked with peeled paint stain & stamped 
with jet black & this background...

the art parts flower was stained with rusty hinge & stamped with the polka dot background...

to alter the Blossom Bucket heart, I misted it heavily with heirloom gold Perfect Pearls mist & dried it with the heat tool...

magically, Perfect Pearls mist sticks 
to my Blossom Bucket resin pieces...

I chose my chit-chat words & lightly inked them with walnut stain on the blending tool...

everything got glued in place & I have a tag that was simple & FUN...
I love the #5 smaller tags to attach to gifts...

the pastes have shipped & I'm hearing from stores that they are jumping off the shelves...

cool! we'll have fun on the coming dreary winter days...

 check your LSS or they I heard they have arrived on line...

the white at ePaperie

the black... at ePaperie

I had several questions about the Madison convention...

am I doing classes???

SORRY, no...
but I'll be demoing all day Saturday & all day Sunday too...

will we have the new distress stains available?
YOU BET we will!

will the pastes be available?
YES for sure!

and remember...
if you tell me you are a blog friend, 
I'll have a little something for you!

belong to my group?
let me know & you'll get a little gift too!

let's celebrate with a giveaway...

 if you would like a chance to win some of my embossing pastes...

just leave a comment & 
I'll choose a winner or 2 or maybe even 3
 on Monday @ 7am Chicago time...

I may not post until Tuesday...
I'm not quite sure, so don't think I forgot you!

now I best get packing...

but I'd really rather...

make art!


  1. That paste makes great snow.... and the hat too! You are so clever, and so are Dreamweaver! Now, go pack!!

  2. The embossing pastes are really intriquing, must try some. Thanks for a chance to win.

  3. I love the texture you achieve with the pastes. Awesome!

  4. Oh that snowman looks adorable! Such a clever, clever project and far more exciting to make than packing ever is! Have a wonderful weekend x

  5. That snow man is so cool .. I hope I can get me some to use for my Christmas cards, how cute would that be !!! Wish I was coming to Madison .. but I'm not :( Have fun and drive safe !! Be nice to those Packer fans and remember you might not want to tell them you are a Bears fan :) LOL Have a good one Wendy !

  6. The snowman is fab and love the sparkle too....
    They are fab and another thing to add to The wish list...
    Love playing with texture and these look scrum my! Trace x

  7. LOVE it! Can't wait to make art! I love that you can bend it and NO flaking or cracked pieces so awesome! How it picks up color is so beautiful and if you change your mind of a color, spray with water and wipe it off. Totally amazing! Thanks Wendy!

  8. Love the tags and the snowman! I lovet he way the black paste looks like wet cement to me. LOVE. I am smiling as the snowman just reminded me of JACK FROST the movie, and how much I love it. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Wow totally love the versatility you did a fantastic job of showing them off and also of making them go pretty high on my product wishlist. My mind is already ticking over with ideas for uses for these great pastes. Have a wonderful trip and safe travels.

  10. AHHHH...These projects are AMAZING Wendy! Seriously, so excited to try these out for myself! Thank you for the great tutorials! XXOO

  11. Wow! These are very cool. Can't wait to try this.

    Thanks so much for the give-away.

  12. Looks like a lot of fun!! Thanks for the great tutorials! :)

  13. So excited to get my hands on some of these embossing pastes. I'm obsessed with dimension right now!

  14. Well I for one and am glad you took time to MAKE ART as I love your samples of what the embossing pastes can do!
    I LOVE the black one with the stamping!TFS!

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Your tags are fabulous and the pastes really transform the dies into a texture heaven! I have to have them!!! Love the tag topper as well! Brilliant makes!!!!

  16. I had asked about seeing the snow and I LOVE it! I have the die so can't wait to get this paste! I may have to take December off work so I can make art!!! See you Saturday at ten am!

  17. Your snowman is sooo cute!!! This is a great idea for gift tags!!
    Hope to see you in Madison...caution...

  18. this stuff looks so cool. can't wait to get my hands on this. such possibilities!!!!!

  19. ooooh yes! would love a chance at winning some of the new pastes! the tags you've done are just FABulous. I especially love the snowman with both the black AND the white, covered with rock candy dry glitter - completely gorgeous! I wanna play! (fingers crossed!!!)

    Ellen x

  20. WOW! That paste looks like it has a world of possibilities! Snow, of course, this season, but sooo many other ideas....

  21. I need to get a palette knife - the texture on your snowman and tag are so is so yummy. Happy Travels and conventioning!

  22. OMG, I can hear them calling me too!! Love your tags! I can't wait to make some 'snow'! Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Eh, you have to be a pro at packing by now..just make art to share with us. Can't the kitties pack for you? Or Rick? He cooks and cleans, surely he packs? lol Gotta get some paste NOW!!!!!!!! That black is the cat's meow!

  24. Wendy -

    Love the snowman, how stinkin' cute is he? I can see them as ornaments for the tree and packages. I also love your second tag. Is it terrible to say that looking at your black embossing paste reminds me of making mud pies as a kid? There is something just so earthy about it that makes me feel good. Does that make me a dirty girl? LOL!!

    Elaine Allen

  25. Your blog is always a joy to visit. Love both tags and thanks for telling us how you did everything.


  26. Wendy I'm sure the pastes will be a big hit! Sure would love to be a lucky winner. Congrats on your new products!


  27. You are so creative! You embossing paste is so versatile. Your sparkly snowman is sweet but I am fascinated with the black paste background on the second tag. Love that texture!

  28. The paste is awesome. I sure need it!! Love what you creating with it. Thank you so much for the tutorial.

  29. Oh these embossing pastes look amazing!!! I love how it just makes the snowman come to life! Thank you for making these available to us and I cant wait for my LSS store to get these pastes in stock! Thank you Wendy!!!

  30. These pastes are super cool! I love -love - love them! Please pick me - I am dying to play with them! Thanks for the chance, Wendi!

  31. Love the chunky texture the EP adds to the snowman. I'm intrigued by the use of the C4A as a base....

    The pastes are a great way to add texture to your artwork.

  32. I am already thinking about my snowman die and how it will look with the paste on it.

  33. Oh man I am in love with that snowman. . . he is beyond cute. I need this product now. . . looks like so much fun to create art with!

  34. Your snowman is fantastic! I want the pastes in my stash! Have a blast in Madison.

  35. I'm loving what you've been showing us using the pastes. I'd love to win some, but probably won't wait til Monday to find out. As soon as I find a vendor, I'm buying, LOL!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Wow that white embossing paste and dry Rock Candy Glitter makes amazing snow! Have a great weekend xx

  38. These are awesome samples of your paste Wendy!! I love the idea of using it on the snowman along with the dry glitter. Very cool!!

  39. I love the snowman all embossed in his best white paste and the tag with the black embossing paste, AWESOME! I love how the letters are stamped into the tag.

    I will be hunting this down ASAP!

  40. Yes! I would love to win some embossing plates! There are unlimited possibilities of art making using paste and plates!

  41. There is so much potential fun to be had with those pastes. So many projects flying round in my head.

  42. Packing is soooo last week lol, I can see how you were distracted though! Wow what FAB results, the snowman is so dimensional, love love love him. I love the rough texture effect from the black paste on the 2nd tag. These atr definitely a MUST. Have a great weekend in Madison. x

  43. What a LOVELY new product; can't wait to get my hands on it and would really be thrilled to get it from YOU! I would be ever so Thankful!!
    Have a wonderful time in my home town.

  44. ah Wendy the new products are just awesome. I can just visualize my Gothic art with them:) I have to get them can you just see my cemetery with the black...oh to cool all my buds will be asking did you do that susan s. :)...:)...:)<..>
    maga hugs
    susan s.

  45. I love the texture that these pastes add! I can't wait to get my hands on some!!!

  46. Wow, what a wonderful paste. I hope it will be soon available in The Netherlands.
    Thank you for giving the chance to win it.

  47. Still hoping to sneak away to Madison over the week-end but it's looking doubtful. Can't wait to try out both colors!

  48. Embossing pastes sound interesting and fun! I'd love to experiment with them. Thanks for the chance.


  49. Adorable snowman, I'd love a chance to be able to make a similar one!

  50. This sounds like some really cool stuff, so count me in! Love both of your projects, but that snowman really is so cool! Have fun in Madison!

  51. The black paste would make a great tombstone!! Can't wait to see you in Madison Wendy!

  52. Oh (snowman)I cant wait to make one of you!

  53. I love your pates, especially the black paste!! Beautiful examples, love the different ways you used them!

  54. That snowman makes me melt! And, how cool does the black paste look just schmeared and stamped into? Gotta try it!

  55. This looks SO fun to use - thanks again for the inspiration!!!

  56. Your tag with that background is awesome! I love that black paste. Stunning as usual. I am dreaming up some great ideas so here's hoping I win!!

  57. This is the 3rd time I am trying to leave a comment! I love the tutorial on the snowman and can't wait to get some from Sharon @BSS> YIPEE!

  58. This looks really cool..can't wait to try it! Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. This embossing paste is super cool stuff. I love the art tag with the snowman and stamping on this new stuff is super cute!! Everytime I think you've gone over the top you come out with something amazing...I've got to get me some of this paste. Good Luck everyone!! Thanks Wendy

  60. Would love a chance to win some of your embossing play and play around with it! Thanks for the chance!!!

  61. thanks for this great chance to win! Your examples are fabulous!

  62. Lisa and Connie told me so much about this paste!! I can't wait to get my hands on it!!

  63. WOW! how neat is this?
    Thanks for the inspiration Wendy ... glad the embossing paste was calling!
    Sandra ltb

  64. I use that snowman die every year and this year he will be spectacular with some of your pastes!! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  65. oooh what fun! Great to know the paste sticks to CFA, that opens up so many possibilities. Thanks for conceiving both products for making art.

  66. Enjoy the journey! Thank you for change to win these goodies :)

  67. Your darling snowman is stunning! I love the paste and Rock Candy together, genius!
    Gail in Oklahoma

  68. Oh I sooooo love the snowman. It is fantastic!!!! Wendy you have the best techniques and I soooo appreciate your sharing them with all of us. Have a good time in Madison.

  69. These are fabulous and I can't wait to get some paste and try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the snowman!!! And what a cool background the black makes on that tag!!!

  70. Mmm, I know the white is fab, can't wait to try the black! These are awesome tags, LOVE the snowman! Have fun this weekend!

  71. Great projects! The white paste would also be cool on the edges of trees with the glitter to create that snowy effect! Cannot wait to have some free time to create. You could come to my house for Thanksgiving as I do have to cook.

  72. Ohhh that snowman is beyond adorable!!! I love how you made the snow twinkle! I think it's awesome that your paste comes in both black and white, KUDOS!!!

  73. Hi Wendy, you will likely have packed, gone and come back by now! I love what you did with the white paste but that black paste is amazing - need it and need it now! A x

  74. Saw all your classy artful pieces at the have been very busy creating WONDERFUL treasures!!

    Thanks for sharing! You are truely inspiring!!

    Roseanne Ricke - Iowa City, IA

  75. Love these tags Wendy. You have inspired me to get going with the paste.

  76. Because of the tag you made with your flower stencil and stencil paste, I bought both. Now I will have to try your paste. And I also really need that snowman die. Thanks.

  77. So cute! Thanks for the tutorial. And definitely more fun than packing, or doing laundry before packing, which is what I should be doing!

  78. So cute! Thanks for the tutorial. And definitely more fun than packing, or doing laundry before packing, which is what I should be doing!

  79. I love snowmen and would really love to win your embossing paste so I can paste all the little snowmen I have - stamps, dies, etc!!! Thanks, Wendy - great tutorial. :-)

  80. Love the texture of these. This creates lovely snow with the added sparkle over the white embossing paste. I love that you can create extra texture in it with stamps too. Thanks Wendy.

  81. Love the look of texture the paste provides...will need some of this for sure! Thanks for a chance to win some...what fun!!

  82. I just love that snowman, Wendy! He's so stinkin' cute! (Can you hear me squealing?!) Can't wait to get my hands on some paste.

  83. We need to see this kind of thing more often maybe, you can get an smartphone and we can share content around there, you can download whats up
