Thursday, January 22, 2015

CHA projects for idea-ology...


I thought that today I'd share 3 of the projects that I made for tim's idea-ology booth and show a few of my MOST FAV things from his new release...

I LOVE the new correspondence papers which were the inspiration for this piece...
you'll see them on 
also the base it's sitting on...

I LOVE the heart hanging from 

I also LOVE the new ephemera package (emporium) that coordinates perfectly with the papers...

under that collage is a piece of the 

 the cute girl is from the new 
that is one lovely box full of goodies...
I'm addicted...
as you'll see...
I used them on all 3 of today's projects...

the new heirloom rose she's wearing was altered with one drop of alcohol ink...

the alpha parts framed (everyday & adventure) were lightly covered with gold embossing paste to change them from black to a textured vintage gold...

 my art parts film strip frame is the base for this piece...
I'll be sharing the faux gilded technique that I used to alter it soon...
make sure you have 

or...if you're impatient like me...
you'll find the how-to scoop on 
there's still 7 days to enter!
I hope you can join us...
psst...there will be PRIZES!

here's a side shot to show the dimension...

they are both stamped on newsprint, that I added to my clearly for art (CFA), with glue n seal...
the CFA allows for dimensional layered stamped images that are very strong & sturdy...
so fun...

this photo shows that little red heart charm, embossed with red geranium and a little remnant rub inside...

next up...
this project started on a vintage tray that we found at an antique store...
I'd say it's about 6 x 8 inches...

it starts with a small black book, layered with a vintage doily and then the fun stuff was collaged on top...

once again...I chose a Photo Booth girl...
when I like something... 
I REALLY like something
can't quit using it...

I toned down the shiny silver with a tiny bit of silver & gold embossing pastes...
I  just finger painted a very thin layer on & let it dry...

I used lots of stuff from 

the little sprigs are the AWESOME deco sheets applied to CFA, then die cut...

there's a new flash card (elementary) stuck into the pages of the book...

a pair of vintage glasses were the finishing touch...
this was a blast to create!

here's another fun piece...
this uses the new foundry frames...
I WILL be ordering 100 just for me...
I will never run out of them...
they are AWESOME!

and inside the frame?
she's tinted with archival inks...

the base paper is the new correspondence, added to a 6 x 6 canvas with...
you got it...

the paper was stenciled with tree branch archival & the polka dots stencil...
you'll see the new ruffles stamp along the bottom...

I hope the next photo shows how cool 
it's the perfect vintage shimmer that is NOT glitter, so it won't be popping off...
no mess...I like that!

I like that the deco sheets work with punches...
that's how I added the bling to 
 that make the flower centers...

I didn't take a photo of the finished piece after I put it into an 8 inch square  
black shadowbox frame...
I forgot...

what happens on the blog, stays on the blog...
I stole this from Paula's blog...
I guess the watermark is a clue...

and the new sentiment was a good fit...

ahhh...that was fun...
you should be able to click the photos to enlarge them...

now I'm off to work on a tutorial for a brand new F U N & E A S Y

stay tuned...

I hope these pieces inspire YOU to...

make art!
I just found a SALE PAGE...
it has stamps, SiSi's, and one of my most favorite tiny text stamps...
the sale ends tonight...


  1. Gorgeous products...DEFINITELY inspiring Wendy :D
    I love all the new stuff!! TFS

  2. OMG, OMG , OMG ... is there something wrong with me??? I'm so high on CHA Crafting projects ...I so love seeing the projects ( I was there ); then I come home and spend hours drooling over the stuff ... not to mention the new product ( I was already GIDDY about those ... now you got me wanting even MORE...) my list is so looooooong!!
    ANYWAY back to YOU ... these are absolutely gorgeous... FULL of inspiration ... WOW ...

  3. Wow there is so much new stuff this CHA. It's all most over whelming. I love all your projects and I get so many ideas from you. Thank you for always sharing with all of us.

  4. Oh my gosh, these are all stunning!! Wow!! I love, love them!! You inspire me so much!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Fabulous art projects using new Idea-ology bits and pieces as well as your own products (gold embossing paste, stamps...)! Can't wait to see what you're up to! Off to work on my Make Art challenge piece!

  6. You never cease to amaze!! All of the projects you created are absolutely jaw-dropping gorgeous!

  7. What fabulous projects, I love them. Looking forward to all the new products reaching the stores...

  8. Very beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing, Johanne Lacombe

  9. Beautiful projects. I love that filigree stamp almost as much as Megan. And that embossed heart makes me swoon. Thank you for the inspiration and great products.

  10. Absolutely stunning samples Wendy! I love, love the embossed heart and like you I want at least 100 of those gorgeous little frames. I was not sure about the trophies, but you may have convinced me otherwise..... wonderfully inspiring projects! Anne xx

  11. LOVE these projects! All full of Wendyawesomeness!! Yep, it's a word.

  12. Not telling. . . I promise!

    Wow, you never stop amazing me with your art! Thanks for sharing!

  13. They are all great, but the last one is my favorite!

  14. There are just no words to describe how wonderful your projects are. I want to be just like you when I grow up!! :o) thanks for the neverending inspiration.

  15. these are awesome projects wow, stunning. tons of great stuff

  16. Gorgeous pieces Wendy , I adore he heart, almost looks like China and the co,ours are divine. I love that little frame too on the last piece, need some of those soon lol. Gorgeous pieces. Tracy x

  17. WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE!! That's about all I can get out!! Simply stunning CHA creations, Wendy!! Just WOW!! I love every single detail on every single piece--Just WOW!! See, that's all I can get out!! I want everything!!

  18. I absolutely love all three pieces, you amaze me. Thanks for being so darn good.

  19. I so want at least one of all the new products!! Your projects are, without exception, GORGEOUS.

  20. Stunning projects, Wendy. I don't know which one I like best!

  21. Wendy: I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything you showed us today!!! WOW. Your projects are fantastic!

  22. All fabulous!!! I especially like the last one!!!

  23. OMGOSH!!! I LOVE these!!! So fabulous, and love how you just designed them and put them in the! The one with all the layered ephemera is fabulous! LOVE them all! I need to get involved in the Make Art FB group too...soon!

  24. Your work is so inspiring. I've always wanted to own your supplies of 3-d making pieces. Now all your inks and stuff are all perfect colors for the themes and pieces that you come up with for us to decorate. Thanks
