Thursday, April 23, 2015

even more Q & A's...

it seems like every time I do a Q & A post, the questions start coming again...

keep in mind that if there isn't an email associated with your blog comment, I can't answer...
so those questions get put in a file until I do another Q & A post...

if you need a quick answer, email is best...

here's more Q's...

#1...On your recommendationI bought jet black. it fits my needs well. thanks. I'll see you in Akron on Saturday & I'm hoping you won't be bombarded with people. I'd like you to have time to help me  and suggest 6 colors of your archival that go together and I could use them a lot.  I'd like them all, but I need to start with 6 inks and maybe 3-4 embossing powders.

ok...this is a very common question that I get mostly at conventions...'s how I tell people to approach it...

I'll put an * by the ones that have a coordinating embossing powder...
that might be helpful when deciding on your colors...

there are 2 greens...choose 1...

there are 2 reds...choose 1... 

there are 3 blues...choose 1...

there are 2 yellows...choose 1...

here's the neutrals...choose 1...

choose your favorite one from this group...

the green is great for leaves/flowers & Christmas, as is the red choice...
 starting with 6 gives you lots of color combos to choose from for all year round...

once you choose your colors, the coordinating embossing powders will be easy...
or maybe they will help you choose the ink colors
happy shopping!
see you Saturday!

#2. I enjoyed & learned a ton from your post about the different inks. I have referenced it multiple times. You said that distress inks keep their original color when wet. When I clean my craft sheet with a paper towel and water, I see unique colors that are definitely not distress colors. Any idea why?'s my thought on this...
I'm not a chemist, but I'm thinking that paper towels must have some chemical or maybe bleach in them that interacts with the inks & changes the color...
 again...just my guess...
adding water to distress 
(or any water based product) 
to your art will not alter the distress ink colors...
they stay true...

#3. what a great tag. where did you find the ticking stamp?

this was a question about an old post...
all the way back to 2010...

the ticking background stamp is on this set...
LCS040 titled art fit for a queen...
your local store or fav on-line store can order any older sets for you...just ask!

which reminds me...

did you know that
the Stampers Anonymous web site has had a MAJOR re*do?

it's a great resource for hunting down older stamps...
the search feature is really nice now!

since our stamps are made in Cleveland, 
Ted & his crew can make us any of the oldies...
they never need to be discontinued...

#4. I'm hoping that you'll come up with paints to match your ink colors. PLEASE???
And I hope you'll keep the beautiful archival colors coming! plans for paints...
more archival inks?
never enough inks!

#5. I wanted to say thanks for getting us 
Glue & Seal back. 
Combined with your clearly for art 
and newsprint I've found my mojo again.
Do you use the clear more than the black & white with newsprint?

COOL!!! that make me HAPPY!
I think I do use the clear more with newsprint, but the black or white will work the exact same, if that's what you have...

the white clearly for art is
really awesome with alcohol inks...

the blackout is awesome with 
the silver or gold metallic embossing pastes...
the translucent paste is cool too...

here's an example of the difference between using newsprint & vintage dictionary text on clearly for art...

here's the coneflower SiSi
with the vintage dictionary page...
and the cute mat mini flower pot...

same coneflower with my plain newsprint...
I like that the polka dots I stamped
 don't get lost in the text...

#6. My friend said you showed a tip to keep glossy accents from plugging up. 

I have had EXCELLENT results using 
I'm using it on the mini glossy accents bottles and on the mini multi medium bottles too...

I've been using them since I got them...
maybe a month or 6 weeks ago?
just pull the tip off & toss it & add the fine tip applicator...


that's it for today...
time to pack demo stuff & sandals for 
this weekend in Akron, Ohio...
click the colored link to get the show scoop...
hours, location etc...

hope to see you there!

if you're coming, 
TELL ME that you're a BLOG FRIEND
I'll have a little something for YOU!

our Stampers Anonymous booth will be 
LOADED with tons of COOL SUPPLIES to...

make art!
ps...NEW inks & embossing powders start shipping this coming MONDAY!


  1. Thank you for all your wonderful information!

  2. I love reading your Q & A posts, so I'm glad some people didn't leave an email. Well, I guess that is sorta selfish on my part. They just seem to come up with great questions.

  3. Thanks for the link to SA. I found one of your older stamps sets with the 'fly' butterfly that I have been looking for! Great blog posts by the way.

  4. Hope you're planning on Novi, MI this next month. Can't wait to see you again.


  5. I'll see you in Novi!! Can't wait!

  6. I am a big fan of your inks, stamps, stencils and thanks for turning me into a Glue N Seal fan, as well!

  7. Can't make it this weekend-any plans to come to the Chicago area again?

  8. You know I will be pulling up a chair and learning and being inspired! I am so excited! I have my list made of things I want!

  9. Thanks for all these great tips Wendy, have a great weekend. I'm so looking forward to joining you in London in August....counting down! x

  10. I can't get the new fine applicator tips to fit the small glossy accents bottle or the small multi-medium bottle-how are you managing it????

  11. So full of info ... I should have had my coffee... Thank you for all the cool tips and great blog !!

  12. Your blog is always a bright spot in the busy days at work. Thank you for the information.

  13. great to hear the new colors are shipping soon. Cannot wait to play with them. Also, fantabulastic idea using the tips with the glossy accents. Love the stuff but have to fight with it every time I want to use it. I am sure you know what I am talking about. Any plans to come back to Maryland soon? Miss you. Sue

  14. Hey Wendy! Thanks for all the info!!
    Have a great time in Ohio!!

  15. I can't wait for the new inks and powders too! AGAIN...wonderful answers to the questions! I always learn something!

  16. Thank you for all the information!

  17. Thank you for all the great information. These tags are stunning.

  18. Thanks Wendy, it's great of you to take the time to answer questions. Just got a pack of the fine tips and I know exactly where one of them is going! Have a lovely weekend x

  19. Always great to watch you demoing Wendy!!!! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!!! You inspired me to come home and make art!!!!

  20. Great questions and great answers, I always learn something I didn't know before! Thank you Wendy. Anne x
