Friday, April 17, 2015

more Q & A's...

hello & HAPPY weekend!
it's a bright beautiful sunny day here!

I have a few Q & A's to catch up on, 
so let's get started...

#1.  Yes, 9 embossing powder colors are grand...but when do we get the original 6 colors?!? :) happy you want more!
 I do too!
hey...we just got 3 new ones!
did I answer your question?

#2. What a great idea! Your jeans look fantastic! This might be a dumb question, but, was it Tim's round pouncer thing you used to apply the ink through the stencil? 

yes! I like the round mini blending tool best for stenciling...since it's smaller, it doesn't block your whole field of vision...this is especially helpful when stenciling small areas...
I use the round almost 100% of the time for stenciling...
and the original for creating blended backgrounds...

if stenciling or stamping on clothing, make sure you use archival ink, since it's a permanent ink...

#3. Ok, so I bought the round tool, what can I do with the old rectangle ones? Any ideas?
I don't want to toss them...

I still use the rectangle blending tool all the covers large areas quickly...
the mini takes much longer...

I think both are very useful...
and both have a purpose...

NEVER toss out a blending tool!
the art cops will get you!

#4. One question, Wendy. 
What the Hades did you do with your creative mind all those years you were a surgical nurse??! What was your outlet?? Ok, that's two questions actually...

somedays I think back & wonder how I survived without making art...
if several days go by,
I get crabby if I can't make something!
I feel like a big part of me is missing...
crabby? poor Rick...

because I was the nurse manager 
& "on call" 24/7, 
I had to sneak in small amounts of time to play...
and do things that I could drop in a second...

I did the cross stitch thing...
it was ok, but it didn't thrill me...

I did the crocheting thing...
again, fun, but I could live without it...

I did the pen/ink sketching thing...

when I discovered stamping, 
actually it was heat embossing
I knew immediately THAT
 was for me & it was
exactly what I was looking for...

so, I'd sneak in 15 minutes here & there...
to keep me relatively sane!

surgery is actually very creative, 
but in a whole different way...

#5. I got the new clear empty jars for storing embossing powders I mix  & I'd like to ask how you're marking them to identify them. Will Ranger post labels?

thanks for that question...
I forgot to mention this in previous posts...

you can add a sample of the actual embossing powder to the top of the fillable jars lid...

tap archival ink, in the coordinating color, 
onto the top of the lid, 
sprinkle on the powder &
 heat to melt the powder...

***make sure to use archival ink***
embossing ink or distress ink will not hold the powder securely to the lid...
***make sure to use archival ink***

here's the sky blue embossing powder lid and below that is my custom brick embossing powder mix...
super easy to spot the one you need...

the lids are pretty heavy plastic, so they work well & can be embossed without melting...

the jars are a great price & I really like them for storage of small things like mini die cuts, new mini star fasteners etc...

here's how to create
 the custom brick embossing powder mix...

one scoop of 
one scoop of 
2 scoops of 
and then mix in a small amount of 

you can vary how much red geranium & orange blossom you use...
so it's easy to customize it to the color you like...
it can be more orange-ish or more red-ish and you can darken it with a little more watering can...

keep in mind that you can mix 
frosted crystal embossing powder in equal amounts with colored embossing powder to create a more matte/textured finish...
and you get yummy frosted colors...

#6...I see that you covered tim's clock with embossing powders. My question is how many jars did that take for a large piece?
I want to do that.

I was actually quite surprised...
after I finished the clock & returned the powder to the jar, I'd say I used only about 1/10 of the jar... was still almost full...

I actually thought it would take lots more...
there must be 10 billion little powder bits in those jars...

go for it!
I found a photo of mine...

and since we're talking about embossing powders, here's some examples of the many surfaces you can use them on...

here's violet on 


magic mat board

and art parts...

here's pink peony on

clearly for art 

metal and


and here's tiger lily on 

Ranger's texture paste...
it works on my embossing pastes too...

used with a stencil

and over the mat mini vase...

if it can take the heat...
YOU CAN emboss it!

here's a quickie little art...
and another way to use the new tree stamp...

when you put the tree in a mat mini flower pot & cover up the tree trunk,
it looks like a plant...

I cut it from black magic mat board...

it has about 3 layers of embossing powder on it, because I couldn't make up my mind what color I wanted...

remnant rubs work well over embossing powders...
in case you were wondering...

I'm addicted to the
LOVE it with orange blossom on 

those mini punched embossing powder flowers are the new violet embossing powder...

that's it for today...
I don't want to be crabby
so I think I'll go

make art!


  1. Love your stuff. Looking forward to the new colors. Thank you. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog post. Thanks for taking the time to answer questions. Those are great tips. Johanne Lacombe

  3. Love the faux graniteware! That's just an awesome tech. Cool stuff!

  4. I always learn something I didn't know I needed to know, when you answer questions!

  5. Great Q and A and I am really looking forward to getting the new colours even more now - thank you! Anne x

  6. You are so amazing! Thanks for all the info and art!

  7. great questions and answers - I didn't know Ranger had those little clear bottles for DIY embossing mixes! thanks for your brick recipe too!

  8. Great Q&A's.. hope you have a great weekend, making art!!

  9. LOVE all of your answers! You amaze me! The tree is perfect for this potted plant too!!!

  10. Thank you for all the answers and ideas!!!
    Wishing you a great weekend full of art!!

  11. Thanks for the awesome Q&A!! As always, your projects are amazing!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  12. Thanks for doing these Q&As, they're so helpful. I love your latest artwork.

  13. That tree does look like a plant... wow!!!! I agree with someone... we need your other colors of embossing powders!!!!! In fact, I forgot there weren't powders for all of your colors and I was looking for hydrangea today and thought, how could I not have it and was going to go find it to order :( I guess I can't!!

  14. Love the embossing jar ideas and the recipes!!!

  15. Great tips. I keep forgetting that you can emboss on other than paper.

  16. I love that tree stamp, and it looks fantastic has a potted plant!

  17. You know what Wendy Vecchi, I think you are just the bomb!!! LOL I love all of your fabulous colors and wish I had each and every one of them.....but alas, I do not! Like many of the others here, I love that tree stamp and the versatility of it! Thanks for your Q & A's and of course, your fabulous creativity and inspiration!:) Blessings

  18. Es realmente fantástico :)
    Un blog muy lindo.
