Monday, April 6, 2015

punched embossing powder...


here's another fun...
 super simple way

choose an embossing powder color and the coordinating ink...

I'm using orange blossom archival ink for this sample...

ink a scrap of manila cardstock 
with the archival ink, 
sprinkle on the embossing powder
heat to melt...

then use a mini punch to make custom embellishments...
that punch is an oldie...
I have several...
I think $1.00?...
but any mini flower punch will do for this tag...

add the mini embossing powder flowers 
to change up the tree stamp...

just in time for spring...
we have a flowering tree!

like I said...
super quick...

almost free, 
since we're using up scraps...

and it changes up the tree stamp...

I like to use the black sakura glaze pen to add a dot to accent the tiny flowers...

that little heart is this new tim Sizzix die...

these minis are a great way to use up tiny scraps of  magic mat board...

have a GREAT Monday!

it's a perfect day to...

make art!


  1. This really is a great project. I especially like your Magic Mat Board. TFS :-)

  2. Justification for hanging onto scraps! Hurray!!! I really like that sentiment on there as well. So many people need to hear that type of encouragement.

  3. Cute idea ... love it ! I punch my scraps and save them in embroidery floss plastic container... then throw the remain scraps away. Large scraps go in an accordion file smaller scraps are punched ( I try to do this after projects when I'm clearing my table). Now BEFORE I started following blogs and I had more time I'd make cards right away with left over scraps and file them in a box ... ready for when I needed a card :)

  4. That's perfect, I love the saying. I have way more to do today than I can get done, so I will just keep telling myself this and be happy with what gets done.

  5. I'm baking for our church's rummage sale bake table today, but if I get to create something other than cookies....I'm going to create some of these little embellishments. Butterflies would be fabulous, too! AND I have a ton of scraps needing to be used. Thanks for a great idea.

  6. Love the tree and it feels like spring! I must find that saying dang! :0)

  7. What a way to use of scraps! LOVE the tree and the cool and just the perfect amount of punch! HEHEHEHEH!!!!

  8. So fun Wendy! I'll be doing this for sure!

  9. Fantastic idea. I'll be borrowing it quite often. Thank you.

  10. great idea!! I never thought of it before!!!!

  11. WOW WOW WOW wonderful tag and fantastic idea, I love the little flowers.

  12. A great idea & I love the tag.
